We are really, really bad. | Page 6 | Syracusefan.com

We are really, really bad.


We look like a bag of parts out there. Lydon needs to want to shoot, too many guys passing up shots, except for White (yeesh he jacks them).

I want to see last year's Lydon. He needs to want it more, catch and shoot, they'll fall.

And collectively way to much pump faking dribbling into traffic. No bueno.

Robey had the worst drive maybe in the history of SU hoops, kid it totally lost and for whatever reason not bought into his role. Shame.

And again - scheduling these games is just stupid. Wisconsin we have to do, we have to make one NYC appearance I guess, but 3 jilted lovers in a 2 week stretch or whatever doesn't make a lot of sense considering we play in the ACC.

I'm over the Big East teams. It really hampers our schedule that we have to use up 3 OOC games for them. The schedule is getting very repetitive when we play the same OOC teams every year. Would love a home/home with a PAC 12 or even a Butler or Creighton. Just change it up.
He's very frustrating. He will make 4 great passes in a row but then just pulls a complete boneheaded play out that makes you wonder what he was thinking. He had a bunch of great passes tonight that our guys simply failed to convert. But he refuses to pass to Lydon when he's in perfect post position.

I actually liked him attacking the basket. At some point those will fall. But that attempted dunk was stupid. Simple lay-in and the foul would have been much better.
He reminds me of Silent G on the dunk attempts. Makes me laugh but we need the points just make a lay-up.
I'm over the Big East teams. It really hampers our schedule that we have to use up 3 OOC games for them. The schedule is getting very repetitive when we play the same OOC teams every year. Would love a home/home with a PAC 12 or even a Butler or Creighton. Just change it up.
I would love some new matchups as well, and wish we'd just do away with the cupcakes. These players need consistent competition to get better. It doesn't help to play against teams that just have no way to match up with our athletes. I love the schedules that Izzo puts together year after year. Also have you seen Creighton play? They would run us out of the gym!!
What NBA games have you been watching? I think you got the channel stuck to ESPN Classic.

We do run a ton of ball screens, which is basically NBA teams' entire offenses down the stretch of games, but we do it sooooooo poorly. And NBA teams usually have a lot of off-ball action going on even if it's just to serve as a distraction. We have nearly zero off-ball movement.
Youre embarrassing yourself

Cheap comments like that --- insults, devoid of any intelligence or analysis --- reflect more on you than me.

Almost 1,000 wins is shorthand for "He knows a lot about basketball and you don't" But you are frustrated and whining is what some people do when frustrated.
Cheap comments like that --- insults, devoid of any intelligence or analysis --- reflect more on you than me.

Almost 1,000 wins is shorthand for "He knows a lot about basketball and you don't" But you are frustrated and whining is what some people do when frustrated.

He knows alot, but it sure seems like he may be more of a historian at this point than an innovator in the field.

And the 1,000 wins crap you roll out after every loss is such a weak argument. If he knows so much, why can't he figure out how to get his guys to beat a team they should beat by 30?
I think it's unfair to suggest Boeheim is a poor coach; he's proven to be one of the best. I DO think it's fair to question his coaching so far this season though. It's been ugly, and I think he's really struggled to make proper adjustments during games this season.
Cheap comments like that --- insults, devoid of any intelligence or analysis --- reflect more on you than me.

Almost 1,000 wins is shorthand for "He knows a lot about basketball and you don't" But you are frustrated and whining is what some people do when frustrated.

Okay old timer. You win. Patiently awaiting your invaluable game insight (which we won't get).
You are going to be very busy this morning responding to all of these posts.

There are just a few chronic-Boehem complainers on here.

If you are not an alum, I don't understand why you just don't go to Dick's and get the T-shirt of another school with coaching that you think is better.
There are just a few chronic-Boehem complainers on here.

If you are not an alum, I don't understand why you just don't go to Dick's and get the T-shirt of another school with coaching that you think is better.

I am an alum. ESF '95. Also says SU on my diploma as I took classes there as well. So what'cha got now?
Okay old timer. You win. Patiently awaiting your invaluable game insight (which we won't get).

I'm curious to see how JB fixes this or if he can fix it.

I wouldn't deign to tell JB what he ought to be doing to fix it because I'm not qualified to do so. A fact that doesn't restrain the constant Boeheim critics/whiners on here.
There are just a few chronic-Boehem complainers on here.

If you are not an alum, I don't understand why you just don't go to Dick's and get the T-shirt of another school with coaching that you think is better.

Which isn't me. And yes I am an alum.
I'm curious to see how JB fixes this or if he can fix it.

I wouldn't deign to tell JB what he ought to be doing to fix it because I'm not qualified to do so. A fact that doesn't restrain the constant Boeheim critics/whiners on here.

Fair enough. What decade are you living in?
I am an alum. ESF '95. Also says SU on my diploma as I took classes there as well. So what'cha got now?

I didn't say you weren't. I said "if you were not". ("Stumpies" took English at SU, right?)
I didn't say you weren't. I said "if you were not". ("Stumpies" took English at SU, right?)

Nope. No english for me. I took technical writing at ESF though. I just choose not to use that skill here.
Cheap comments like that --- insults, devoid of any intelligence or analysis --- reflect more on you than me.

Almost 1,000 wins is shorthand for "He knows a lot about basketball and you don't" But you are frustrated and whining is what some people do when frustrated.

Boeheim having any number of wins has nothing to do with what anyone on here knows about basketball.

But I think you're aware of that.

In reality, "HOF" or "wins" is old board shorthand for "I can't bother to analyze the game, so I'll stoop to ad hominem cloaked in praise of the coach instead."
There are just a few chronic-Boehem complainers on here.

If you are not an alum, I don't understand why you just don't go to Dick's and get the T-shirt of another school with coaching that you think is better.

Let me take a crack at helping you with this part of your post because this is a common refrain from you.

There are many non-alumni in CNY who, through family ties, business and other relationships, have a very strong connection to SU and SUAD.

Many of these people are professionals who donate significant sums of money to SU and are diehard fans of SU sports.

These people have children who grow up rooting for SU sports because of their parents' interest & relationships. Many of these children choose not to attend SU to get away from home (or simply go to a better school).

Let this anecdotal example help you understand why non-alumni (edit) fans don't go to Dick's to buy a new t shirt or get a new team.

Many, not all, aren't the fair weather fans you proclaim. They're closer to the lifeblood of SU Athletics than you give credit.

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Let me take a crack at helping you with this part of your post because this is a common refrain from you.

There are many non-alumni in CNY who, through family ties, business and other relationships, have a very strong connection to SU and SUAD.

Many of these people are professionals who donate significant sums of money to SU and are diehard fans of SU sports.

These people have children who grow up rooting for SU sports because of their parents' interest & relationships. Many of these children choose not to attend SU to get away from home (or simply go to a better school).

Let this anecdotal example help you understand why non-alumni locals don't go to Dick's to buy a new t shirt or get a new team.

Many, not all, aren't the fair weather fans you proclaim. They're closer to the lifeblood of SU Athletics than you give credit.

Oh, I actually agree with you wholeheartedly.

I have many times said that if it weren't for the locals, SU wouldn't have an athletic program any different from Colgate's. The locals are the core of the fan support.


Based on what I read on here there appear to be alums and non-alums, who seem to like nothing about the program.

They dislike Boeheim and criticize for everything from how he handles the press to what he wears to how his teams play. When SU loses, they say, it's because JB was "outcoached".

The don't like SU's style of play or the defensive or offensive philosophies.

They are critical of the players, sometimes mercilessly (Look at the posts on here proclaiming the current players "stink".)

So, if you are not an alum or even if you are, don't like Boeheim, don't like our signature defense or how we play offense, and think the players "stink", than what is it that makes you think you are an SU fan?

It's sort of the opposite of "If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, ..."

These guys are rooting for a program that doesn't exist or one they wish existed.

IMO opinion, JB made SU basketball and for all intents an purposes, he IS SU basketball. Without him, SU is Seton Hall.

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