1st annual Syracusefan.com Airing of Grievances | Syracusefan.com

1st annual Syracusefan.com Airing of Grievances

Non board related: any damn tv show or commercial that contains a phone vibrating sound. I think it's mine every single time.

Board related: any 103037 page thread about jimmy dykes when he announces one of our games. We get it. He sucks.
Anybody who chews or breathes loudly.

The Progressive Flo commercials.

Flo in general.

The Tostitos Cantina chips commercials where the douchebags think that a random apartment is a restaurant.

The successive commercials where the guys in the apartment pretend their apartment is a restaurant.

Commercials in general.

The Dallas Cowboys.

The Cowboy fans I encounter living in north Texas.

People who pull up to a stoplight on a two lane street in the right lane, when they are going straight and everyone behind them could easily do the right turn on red if they weren't in the way, when there is no one in the left lane.
People who do not use their turn signals when driving.

People who after checking out in the grocery store dont move up and stand there putting their money into their wallets/purses. Yes I hit you with my cart on purpose you stupid a$$. Move up 5 feet.

People who go to a drive through and order $25 worth of food.

The Dallas Cowboys

Telemarketers. I have caller ID. I win everytime
F forum runner
People who make no eye contact .
People who dont say thank you deserve a : )
People you let go ahead of you in traffic but dont wave thanks, too lol.
Standing in line at walmart and im the only one in line at the register and the 2 employees keep talking about nothing for a good 5 minutes until i walk away and then he says can i help you and i respond with no keep on talking. This happened last week.
F forum runner
People who make no eye contact .
People who dont say thank you deserve a : )
People you let go ahead of you in traffic but dont wave thanks, too lol.
Standing in line at walmart and im the only one in line at the register and the 2 employees keep talking about nothing for a good 5 minutes until i walk away and then he says can i help you and i respond with no keep on talking. This happened last week.
The no wave and 18 checkout lanes at Walmart with three open and two of the three are the ones where one is in front of the other.

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