How Frarrell has screwed up Brad Ziegler's usage just kills me. They guy has a sub 2 ERA and Farrell never lets him start the 8th inning. He is lucky that Uehara has come back okay. The bullpen should be Barnes 6th inning, Ziegler 7th inning, Uehara 8th inning, Kimbrel 9th. Ross Jr. the lefty specialist.
However, he will screw it up. Girardi and his binder actually knows how to manage a bullpen. Anyone follows baseball knows last night was a fluke because Bettances was on fumes being overused. Girardi beat the Red Sox with his bullpen management 2 times in August. He actually knows what he is doing.
The Yankees have a franchise player in Sanchez, and good pitching staff. However, because of the all debt from building their new stadium the Steinbrenner sons haven't invested in payroll until these Texiera/A-Rod/Sabathia contracts expire.
Sox should be the favorites in the AL because Pedoria/Ortiz/Betts monster leading the lineup , 2 stud pitchers, and a legit closer. However their manager really hurts their chances. I am convinced he will blow atleast 1 playoff game. If the Sox had Girardi I think we would see a Cubs-Red Sox World Series.