Nighty night, O's.
Put the game on PVR, went to Mass, got home, switched it on, and started prepping the appies in the kitchen. Cracked the wine & sat down, and it was already 5-0. Yikes! But then I backed it up. It was magnificent!It's just into the third and I'm putting the salmon on the BBQ. Most HR's in the first 58 games in Yankee history. Life is good.
Peaches are wonderful this time of year. Was the kale to your liking?
I keed. I keed.
They are pummeling everyone. Since losing to Boston Tuesday, they have won 8-0, 9-1, 8-2, 16-3. And now this.Good grief, already 5-0 after 1 inning. Yikes. Is Baltimore's pitching really all this bad?
That's one way to improve your starting rotation I guess.They are pummeling everyone. Since losing to Boston Tuesday, they have won 8-0, 9-1, 8-2, 16-3. And now this.
Ok, but seriously, what exactly are we seeing here with Judge?