Watched the atlas cannons game as well. Seemed like a horrendous coaching performance from Atlas. A goalie change was the least of their problems and not even necessary, even if it was nice to see Porter out there. Myles Jones has been struggling all season and was in a 1 for 1 trade with another struggling player, yet with the amount of times they let him initiate you would think he was their go-to star. He could not get any separation from his man and would often bull into traffic and lose it before even thinking about a pass. There was a time when he was one of the best passing middies in the country, but now he looks not even close to that.
Molloy, like Jones, is another once incredible but now struggling player. They looked almost identical off the dodge yesterday. No separation and the bull dodge accomplishing nothing. Putting him at attack was never going to be the answer.
Im obviously horribly biased, but was surprised they gave hardly any time to Curry who can still draw slides with his speed, even if his playmaking isn't on the level of some others. He is a heck of a lot faster than the current version of Jones and Costabile.
PLL is a totally different animal than college. The longer shot clock in college means you can wear down a defense and exploit errors late in the clock for a lot of your goals. The D has to survive a lot longer without any sort of mistake. PLL you need a slide/rotation NOW or the rest of the possession will be a rushed mess with nothing but a desperate buzzer-beater at the end. Either get a quick slide or get something quick off a pick play/two man game or youre screwed.
Then with the constant back and forth, short field (too short IMO), and minimal bench, it seems like the dodgers are often gassed. The organization has to be on point with the box as well. Delays getting your guys out there and suddenly you only have 20 second work with and you have not even tried anything yet. That killed Atlas a lot as well. Cannons did a far better job of quickly getting a dodge off with the offense organized. They have also wisely used two way middies, which seems almost required in this format.