No problem here. All fun
We are about to enter the more serious part of this ticket process. almost 1000 people have picked, the lower bowl filling out nicely as time goes by, and the 200-section starting to fill in and the 30-30s are doing well. By the 2nd of the next 2 weeks our next 1000+ will have picked and then the real movement will happen as people see less of move up a row or 3-4 or slide a section and get close to the same seat view.
Once we get to half way people will starting to have to make real decisons in some areas about where they want plan b-c-d to be.
Right now much of the non prime upper decks are empty. When does the top end zone upper deck compression start as people will be all over that in donor rankings
It would still be nice to see the tickets show up in my inventory though.