ACC Hate Continues | Page 5 |

ACC Hate Continues

But Lee was incapable of listening to Longstreet. The only one Lee would have considered listening to was Jackson, and he was dead by that time.
But Lee did not micro- manage and gave Commanders a general plan with lots of wiggle room, especially Longstreet.
Not trying to start a big controversy here, but do you think there is some southern, rebel "damned Yankees" mentality at play here? I lived outside of Charlotte about 5 years ago, and that attitude was still very much palpable. Frequently it was not very subtle either.


While we were traveling the East Coast looking for a retirement location, we stopped in a Carolina information stop on I95. During the conversation I explained we were looking to retire in the south. Without realizing how quickly and honestly it came out, the lady said "we like it when you come and leave your money, just be sure to leave". I let that hang in the air with a steady gaze on the lady. You should have seen the redness in her face come forth. She stumbled all over the place trying to retract the statement, but it was way to obvious she meant every word and it did have an edge to it. Heard the same thing from a horse and buggy driver in Charleston. He said he was still an outsider even after 28 years.

Same in Atlanta during the Ga. Tech football game. Sports program talk shows wanting nothing to do with the damn yankees. Not even trying to be subtle.

Very insecure and ignorant groups of people.

Thats why we settled on the Gulf Coast of Florida. Both Florida coasts are saturated with transplants and you are made to feel welcome. Just stay out of the interior or panhandle.
How about we not judge an entire region of the country by a few whacked out callers selected to talk by a whacked out host on a whacked out radio show that very few people really listen to?
I don't. But it is true.

How much experience do you have in the south? I would not try to defend something you obviously know little about. See my other post in this thread for just a few of my experiences.. It is far from one isolated person or show. Your judgment about the issue is nice but way off unfortunately.
A guy on this forum has a shirt that reads that. Yesterday he gave his tickets to another board mate to take his 9 year old son free of charge. How do you measure a man?

By the shirt he wears.

This place is lunacy.

Consider the source.

You're replying to Mr. Trevor "D-3" Cooney. The same guy who posted upthread "Why go out of your way to offend people. (sic)".

Again, consider the source.
I don't. But it is true.

How much experience do you have in the south? I would not try to defend something you obviously know little about. See my other post in this thread for just a few of my experiences.. It is far from one isolated person or show. Your judgment about the issue is nice but way off unfortunately.

I have to say the attitude you describe has been somewhat evident by the ACC broadcasters during our games, most notably the Wake Forest game.
But Lee did not micro- manage and gave Commanders a general plan with lots of wiggle room, especially Longstreet.

I agree. I'm trying to speak at the operational level, where Jackson was the only one who stood a chance of convincing him that the conditions they were facing at Gettysburg were not favorable to what they were trying to accomplish and they needed to leave.

Lee really should have known better. He wanted his troops to make a frontal assault uphill against troops in protected positions. When you stand under those trees and look across the mile of open farm fields you have to cross to get to the stone walls being used for the Union positions ...
maybe UVA broadcast crew will be mike tirico, jimmy dykes and ken burns.

Not Burns. Gary Gallagher, one of the historians in the series, is on our faculty.
The local AM sports talk radio in Charlotte is hating on us again. What's funny is that not one Syracuse fan has called in.

They acknowledge how bad it will look to the ACC if Syracuse comes in and wins out in our first season.

They are trying to unite the local UNC, Duke, NCST, and Wake fan base to actively root against us whenever we play a NC based team.

The early NCAA tourney exits are being highlighted.

They loathe that Seth Greenberg called SU- Duke a greater rivalry than UNC-Duke this year.

It's downright funny how much they dislike us.

Post the call in number for that show and we'll all do our part to crash the radio party.
I love this ... Only call it Boeheim's "March to the Sea." Wreaking devastation throughout the South.
You mean General James Arthur Sherman Boeheim's March to the Sea, right?
I don't. But it is true.

How much experience do you have in the south? I would not try to defend something you obviously know little about. See my other post in this thread for just a few of my experiences.. It is far from one isolated person or show. Your judgment about the issue is nice but way off unfortunately.

I've lived in Charlotte for 20 years and we love it here. The people are on balance much friendlier than up North.

You are basing your experience from being a tourist with a handful of interactions. If you were as ignorant to them as you were in your post here, I have little doubt they wanted you to leave your money, but to leave.

So who is the one among us who is "way off"? I can assure you with all certainty that it is not me.
This whole North/South, Yankees/Rebels, ACC/Big East stuff will pass. If you don't like it, don't add fuel to the fire. I'm a Duke alum who was born and raised in NC. UNC fans often talk about how Duke students are all from NJ as if that would be a terrible thing. Duke alums just roll their eyes. Just roll your eyes at the silliness coming from some idiot on the radio in Charlotte. Try to avoid doing the same in response. You're shouldn't act provincial just because some others do.
I don't. But it is true.

How much experience do you have in the south? I would not try to defend something you obviously know little about. See my other post in this thread for just a few of my experiences.. It is far from one isolated person or show. Your judgment about the issue is nice but way off unfortunately.

I think you should speak for yourself (see my other post in this thread). Besides living in Charlotte over two decades, we own beach property in Pawley's Island, SC as well and have had no such encounters you speak of. By your own admission, you haven't lived in the South, so it's a bit interesting that you would draw a somewhat obtuse conclusion. All of us certainly have different life experiences, based upon the circles we travel in. Therefore, Harrison's judgment isn't anymore off than your own.
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Since this thread is full of generalizations I will throw another into the mix. As a Yankee I have found the people of the south to be generally friendly and respectful. What they don't like is people who move here and try to change things.

If you want to come here and fit in then great. If you want to come here and tell them how great it was up north and how to do things your way then spend your money and go home.

Generally speaking if everyone your run into down here is an a$$hole they aren't the problem.
I think you should speak for yourself (see my other post in this thread). Besides living in Charlotte over two decades, we own beach property in Pauley's Island, SC as well and have had no such encounters you speak of. By your own admission, you haven't lived in the South, so it's a bit interesting that you would draw a somewhat obtuse conclusion. All of us certainly have different life experiences, based upon the circles we travel in. Therefore, Harrison's judgment isn't anymore off than your own.

The wife and I have a condo just north of Pawley's in Litchfield. The area has boomed too much for my liking but we still love the area. We are headed down for Easter with the family. Love the SC coast in the spring.
I've lived in Charlotte for 20 years and we love it here. The people are on balance much friendlier than up North.

You are basing your experience from being a tourist with a handful of interactions. If you were as ignorant to them as you were in your post here, I have little doubt they wanted you to leave your money, but to leave.

So who is the one among us who is "way off"? I can assure you with all certainty that it is not me.

I have been nothing but nice, unlike you. Is that the northerner in you or the southerner or is it just you?

We talked with a lot of real estate agents who steered us away from anything but new developments due to the southern dislike for yankee transplants and ostracizing them. Now why would a southern real estate agent say that? hmmm…. You know so little and speak so loudly and you have no idea how many interactions we have had.

Glad you love Charlotte. But if you have to qualify it with "on balance" you know what I posted holds water.

If southerners call others ignorant like you because they get a counterpoint presented, then my point is made.

And I actually had given you credit for being nice. My mistake.
Haven't seen much hate for Syracuse down here. Most reasonable fans understand that the best way to stop the 'Cuse talk is to beat Syracuse. So far no one has been able to do that. Hard to hate on you all for winning.

Someone mentioned NC State fans giving hell to UNC fans about the UNC/Duke rivalry. I actually did laugh at that. NC State is a team without a rival. I'm hoping Syracuse will step in and fill that void. They need one bad.

The SU/Duke and SU/UNC rivalries that will emerge will be great, but UNC/Duke will always be king in this league as far as rivalries go.
As far as the regionalism goes, having lived in New York and North Carolina, I can't really understand all the south bashing that happens on here and Yankee-bashing that happens elsewhere. Both regions are beautiful. I prefer living in the South but that doesn't mean I have anything against people who feel otherwise.
I think you should speak for yourself (see my other post in this thread). Besides living in Charlotte over two decades, we own beach property in Pauley's Island, SC as well and have had no such encounters you speak of. By your own admission, you haven't lived in the South, so it's a bit interesting that you would draw a somewhat obtuse conclusion. All of us certainly have different life experiences, based upon the circles we travel in. Therefore, Harrison's judgment isn't anymore off than your own.
Obtuse conclusion? See my reply to Harrison.

It isn't just a tiny little bitty idea of my own. It is prevalent whether you like it or not or want to admit it or not. . I don't travel just in your elite circles apparently. My bad for looking at the whole picture and seeing substantial parts that aren't pretty. Doesn't mean there are not a lot that are nice and actually likable. I talked with many who did live in the south. Some were friends and others I just engaged in casual conversation. Many were real estate agents. Its called research, investigation, vetting. Now why would they tell me about this trait of so many southerners? Makes no sense if it weren't true.

Again they are not all like this. Hell, I was one of the first to sing the praises of Clemson for football games as being the nicest fans ever.
As far as the regionalism goes, having lived in New York and North Carolina, I can't really understand all the south bashing that happens on here and Yankee-bashing that happens elsewhere. Both regions are beautiful. I prefer living in the South but that doesn't mean I have anything against people who feel otherwise.
A very reasoned approach. Nowhere are all the people good or all the people bad. One would have to have their head in the sand to think so. Most of the bashing is good natured some is not.
I've been in Atlanta ( North Georgia-Alpharetta) for almost a year from Long Island and the North/South stuff is real.

It's not a big deal but its there.
Had a friend that moved to Alabama, his neighbor -upon finding out he was from New York, launched into a diatribe about GD Yankees moving down south and expressed his hatred and contempt for northerners. My friend asked why so bitter, and the neighbor said Yankees would hate a southerner like him, too.

When my buddy told him nobody would care where he was from if he moved to New York, and he'd be able to fit right in, the neighbor got even more upset. If he was going to invest this much emotional energy in hating northerners, the least they could do would be to return the favor and hate him, too.

Most folks he's run into are nothing like that ( public)...but there are some very weird folks running around doing their best to make the local southerners look like nut jobs.

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