All of your assertions are hyperbole. "Nobody has interest ...", "more people keep up with Ivy League football ...", "BC basketball delivers even less ...", "fact that no talent comes out of New England ..."
Sorry, that is just all just poppycock (aka southern fried drivel).
Painting with a broad brush.
Are there some recent (as in the last 15-20 years) negative/downward trends? Yes, there are. Could say similar things about Syracuse and CNY. But what is happening in, say, Arkansas that is so great? Higher concentrations of fans (yes). Well, the population of Massachusetts alone is 2.35x that of Arkansas. And that does not even include Connecticut, RI, and the others.
Don't make me defend BC athletics or BC football, please.
But to say it has to go away (which was the initial assertion)? The demise of CFB in the northeast is greatly exaggerated, most often with bunk like this.