Anyone hear this new stadium rumor | Page 11 |

Anyone hear this new stadium rumor

Cramz said:
Beyoncé, Jay Z, Springsteen, One Direction, U2, Macklemore, Arcade Fire and then throw in some hot country acts and you've got a good stadium lineup
You forgot megadeth, iron maiden, and OZZY.
Agree. This sounds like total fantasy. It's going to be a 40K seat stadium that serves SU football and bball, an 8-11K Crunch hockey arena, a 10-15K-seat concert venue, and have a retractable roof? I don't see how it could serve all those different masters. How do you reorder the place to fit each purpose? What if there are conflicts? Who gets priority? If they built this, it would be the first of its kind in the nation and it would cost a fortune.

  • hockey, bball and concerts are done all the time. there may be 1 or 2 football games that will conflict.
  • lacrosse here too?
The next 2 lines I heard from a friend after the Nova game. Take them for what they are worth. but they certainly got a lot more interesting after yesterday:
  • FYI, the rumor that i had heard with the retractable roof was that it would add more seats when the roof was open, general admission.
  • i also heard bball would hold close to 40,000 - but could close of sections easily.
both of those were in a falcons stadium design.
Monster Jam
2-3 Country Acts
2-3 Rock Acts (Old Farts and New Bands)
1-2 Hip Hop Acts
1-2 UFC or WWE

If done right you can have acts for 25k and 45kseating configurations

a pro rodeo could have legs

the GA dome has monster jam, rodeo, and motorcross 3 straight weeks in the summer.

could also add a circus or cirque de soliel

I hate this. I love that the Dome is on campus. Downtown? You better make the old Dome a massive parking garage so more kids can have cars on campus so they can drive to the new stadium. You think student support is weak now? Good luck getting them to trek on public transport on a Centro bus to an Eastern Michigan football game at Noon on a cold Saturday.

The Dome being on campus is an incredibly unique and undervalued asset that connects this University to its athletic programs in a very unique way. I know it has its warts, and I know significant money upgrading may be cost ineffective, but I just think taking this stadium off campus is going to hurt in the long run.

Really don't like the potential move being discussed, but hey, just one man's opinion.
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Why does everyone keep saying this?? The dome is NOT OLD AT ALL. Not counting the two NFL stadiums, we are in by far the newest stadium.

ACC Stadium Openings...

Pitt, Heinz Field - 2001
Miami, Sun Life - 1987

Syracuse, Carrier Dome - 1980
Wake, BBT - 1968
NC State, Carter Finley - 1968
VaTech, Lane Stadium - 1965
BC, Alumni Stadium - 1957
Maryland, Byrd - 1950
FSU, Doake Campbell - 1950
Clemson, Memorial Stadium - 1942
Duke, Wallace Wade - 1929
UNC, Kenan Memorial - 1927
Georgia Tech, Bobby Dodd - 1913
UVA, Scott Stadium -1931

The DOme Sucks becuase it is too big for our fanbase and the sea of aluminum is AWFUL. The gray from the concrete is AWFUL. And the Lighting is terrible. If you simply changed the aluminum seats to Navy Blue or Orange ACTUAL SEATS, it would drastically improve the dome.

You want new Luxo suites, the gut the existing ones and start over. We have a unique venue for basketball. Playing in front of 34k is a big recruiting pitch. Lose that by moving to a new 20k basketball/hockey rink will impact us.

The dome just needs some sprucing up.

most of those stadiums were originally built in those years... but the only thing left standing is the foundation. most everything else is new.

the dome can only spruce things up. we were effectively maxed out from day 1.
I haven't posted on this topic yet because I think I am clearly in the minority regarding my opinion.

Is anyone else struggling with the idea of dropping seating capacity from 50k to 40k? This tells me that administrators feel the interest in the football program has declined since 1978. This to me is the real problem.

Look I get that we've struggled to average 40k and that the dome is unsightly when it is half empty. But I think it sends the wrong message to the fanbase and the ACC when you downsize your NEW stadium. Aren't most new arenas trending upwards in seating capacity?

A 50k seat stadium is perfect for this program. With some continued success and an actual marketing campaign, they will see attendance rise. Not to mention that a 50k stadium gives the University greater revenue opportunity versus a 40k arena. Have a little faith in your program that if you build it properly and support it (IPF, marketing, etc) sufficiently that you will see the returns in the form of ticket sales and revenue.

All we have heard are rumors played through a newspaper like a puppet. Things may have been said on purpose for negotiation tactics, things may have gotten lost in translation.

i highly doubt the max football attendance will be 40,000. just my 2 cents.

give it a few weeks/months to play out.
I love the Dome. I don't think it is obsolete yet. I'd give it 20 years. But I understand if there are other factors in play (main campus land, route 81, etc).

I am opposed to the public footing the bill for NFL stadiums. Likewise, I would be opposed to the state paying for a new stadium for SU. However, if there is a push for a more "community based" stadium, I guess that would be fine. But I always think college football should be played on campus. I guess something would have to give.

I think we would need a stadium with at least 44,000. And frankly, I've always though 50k was the perfect number for us. And I love that us has the distinction of the largest on campus basketball venue,a nd I don't want to give that up. Again something may have to give.

I also wish we had a decent stadium to host outdoor professional soccer.

Lots of wants there.
FYI, the rumor that i had heard with the retractable roof was that it would add more seats when the roof was open, general admission.

How exactly would this work? Suppose they sold 2,000 GA seats in advance, and suppose it rained the day of the game forcing the roof to be closed. Would all the GA ticket holders be turned away at the gate?

Is there another retractable roof stadium open today that only sells GA seating when the roof is open?

I'm not sure if this is feasable.
How exactly would this work? Suppose they sold 2,000 GA seats in advance, and suppose it rained the day of the game forcing the roof to be closed. Would all the GA ticket holders be turned away at the gate?

Is there another retractable roof stadium open today that only sells GA seating when the roof is open?

I'm not sure if this is feasable.

all above my pay grade.

didnt seem feasable to me when i heard it... wouldnt have passed it along, unless this story came out 2 weeks later.

I do know something of the like was in the plans for 1 of the new falcons stadium designs though.
  • hockey, bball and concerts are done all the time. there may be 1 or 2 football games that will conflict.
  • lacrosse here too?
The next 2 lines I heard from a friend after the Nova game. Take them for what they are worth. but they certainly got a lot more interesting after yesterday:
  • FYI, the rumor that i had heard with the retractable roof was that it would add more seats when the roof was open, general admission.
  • i also heard bball would hold close to 40,000 - but could close of sections easily.
both of those were in a falcons stadium design.

Here are a couple of videos showing the Atlanta Stadium in a couple of different configurations. With the newest technology, I think you could conceivably set things up to host a football game with 45K, a basketball game with 25K, a hockey game with 12K or even say a softball game.

It is pretty cool what can be done these days.


My feelings on this remain the same. This isn't a question of if the Dome will be replaced, it is a question of when, and now, apparently where.

I think the need for parking/tailgating space for football games is going to make it really hard to fit the new facility anywhere downtown but if the state is willing to make a major contribution to make it happen now, it would behoove the University to look at different locations and pulled in timelines.

In the end, I think it is going to be build at Drumlins. Drumlins is an ideal location for the facility in many ways. It is close to 2 interstates, you can make access to the interstates happen without affecting neighborhoods nearby, the university already owns the land, there is plenty of space for additional structures that will help make the project more cost effective (hotel, mall, office, etc). And it is on campus.

It is good though to see that the state is interested in helping on this.

I hate this. I love that the Dome is on campus. Downtown? You better make the old Dome a massive parking garage so more kids can have cars on campus so they can drive to the new stadium. You think student support is weak now? Good luck getting them to trek on public transport on a Centro bus to an Eastern Michigan football game at Noon on a cold Saturday.

The Dome being on campus is an incredibly unique and undervalued asset that connects this University to its athletic programs in a very unique way. I know it has its warts, and I know significant money upgrading may be cost ineffective, but I just think taking this stadium off campus is going to hurt in the long run.

Really don't like the potential move being discussed, but hey, just one man's opinion.

I don't have strong opinions on this one way or another, but getting students to come to the game is a relative non-issue for me. As others have said, if they want to come to the games, they will find a way to get there. We couldn't get 100 students to roll outta their bed and stumble into the Carrier Dome, on campus, for a game against Eastern Michigan at noon on a cold Saturday, so who cares if we can't get the students to do the same thing to get to a game a mile off campus?
In the end, I think it is going to be build at Drumlins. Drumlins is an ideal location for the facility in many ways. It is close to 2 interstates, you can make access to the interstates happen without affecting neighborhoods nearby, the university already owns the land, there is plenty of space for additional structures that will help make the project more cost effective (hotel, mall, office, etc). And it is on campus.

Good luck getting the approval of a project like that so close to a very wealthy neighborhood. It will never happen.
Good luck getting the approval of a project like that so close to a very wealthy neighborhood. It will never happen.
What wealthy neighborhood? Behind sky top and drumlins is Jamesville quarry. I would imagine the west course would be leveled but the east course would be saved.
What wealthy neighborhood? Behind sky top and drumlins is Jamesville quarry. I would imagine the west course would be leveled but the east course would be saved.

Across Nottingham Road.
Across Nottingham Road.

Yep, there are million dollar homes on the other side of Nottingham road, across from Drumlins. I know they could build a stadium that would be out of view of these homes, but the noise factor would not be tolerated. Won't happen there.
I don't have strong opinions on this one way or another, but getting students to come to the game is a relative non-issue for me. As others have said, if they want to come to the games, they will find a way to get there. We couldn't get 100 students to roll outta their bed and stumble into the Carrier Dome, on campus, for a game against Eastern Michigan at noon on a cold Saturday, so who cares if we can't get the students to do the same thing to get to a game a mile off campus?

Students are not a deciding factor at all. That said, let's not be surprised when this move is the nail in the coffin for a far too apathetic student body.

But...if we FILL the building and it is the loud house again, 40K is perfectly fine for me, and I dont care how many of them are students. I just dont think this fills the building. I think we are going to do more harm than good.
Engineering wise a stadium in the inner harbor would likely be much more expensive. There is very weak soil in that area and piles would need to be driven 100-200 ft down to rock to support the foundations as they were at Destiny. The Fayette site has much better soil conditions building may be able to be supported on simple spread and mat foundations on soil or excavated to rock or much shorter piles to rock. Just another note why this may be the site they are pushing.

There use to farm land down along Erie Blvd. many years ago and it was considered muck land. I knew some people who use to farm land down not to far from there along Erie the 80's and the family still runs stands at the farmers market.I remember when they built the jail downtown back in the early 90's they went into the ground really deep and filled it in with a lot of stone.I spent 17 months on that project.

On the first phase of the mall they built it on about 20 feet of stryofoam, destiny they used pilings. They are more worried for the mall popping out of the ground than sinking.I didn't work on the carrier when it was built,but after I did, but I was told they used pilings up there and some were put in for future expansions.
New Retractable Roof Stadium built in Stockholm for $425M opened in 2012. Very surprised at that cost.

50K seating.
In the end, I think it is going to be build at Drumlins. Drumlins is an ideal location for the facility in many ways. It is close to 2 interstates, you can make access to the interstates happen without affecting neighborhoods nearby, the university already owns the land, there is plenty of space for additional structures that will help make the project more cost effective (hotel, mall, office, etc). And it is on campus.

Drumlins make a lot of sense for a location.
  • hockey, bball and concerts are done all the time. there may be 1 or 2 football games that will conflict.
  • lacrosse here too?
The next 2 lines I heard from a friend after the Nova game. Take them for what they are worth. but they certainly got a lot more interesting after yesterday:
  • FYI, the rumor that i had heard with the retractable roof was that it would add more seats when the roof was open, general admission.
  • i also heard bball would hold close to 40,000 - but could close of sections easily.
both of those were in a falcons stadium design.

what would happen to the fans if thunderstorms were a problem the morning of the game and was forecast for the rest of the day.? do you close the roof and play the game on time or do you say sorry for the fans who bought those tickets and came in from out of town.

Every now and then there has been a storm during the game
who's going to want to sit outside in stadium with a slight north west wind with a sewage treatment next door?
The stadium trend is to built it in modular fashion so it's easier to move and change things around based on events. London's Olympic Stadium was built in this fashion. Held 80,000 during the games but will be re-configured to hold around 54K.

The next big thing is to make it easier to convert the facility from football to basketball. Right now the Dome system is time consuming and labor intensive. Their are easier methods but I suspect the Dome can't afford those at the moment.

I'm very interested to see how this develops.
Tight fit but doable, I think, up between East Genesee and Erie Boulevard. Plenty of room for a stadium/sports arena in the large rectangular block formed by East Fayette, South Crouse, East Water and Forman Avenue. This, I take it, is the Kennedy Square location? I haven't lived in Syracuse for more than 30 years so some of these place names no longer ring a bell.

Two smaller blocks -- bordered by Almond, East Washington, Forman and East Fayette AND Forman, East Fayette, Wellington Place and Irving Ave respectively -- appear to provide the best options for large parking garages. These could be supplemented by multiple small surface lots that look like they could accommodate a few hundred cars. You'd still be hauling the majority of fans in from remote parking sites by shuttle. Students could also be shuttled to games on a continuous loop running down South Crouse and up University Avenue. There's always walking, too, although I realize that for many Syracusans and SU students it is unthinkable to have to walk more than a couple blocks to anything.

Not optimum, but I'm not too fond of the Drumlins/South Campus option or Inner Harbor either. Absolutely hated the State Fairgrounds and Carrier Circle ideas tossed around years ago for the Dome.

Lots of understandable arguments pro and con whatever location is proposed. I hope this "rumor" has legs.
New Retractable Roof Stadium built in Stockholm for $425M opened in 2012. Very surprised at that cost.

50K seating.

I love the Dome, but I'd take this sitting at Skytop any day.



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