Anyone hear this new stadium rumor | Page 6 |

Anyone hear this new stadium rumor

It's amazing that NYS can help fund new stadiums in NYC and NJ and millions in updating bridges into the city, but can't help fund a potential economic bonanza in upstate NY. If this has legs, they need to do it right. The inner harbor, Destiny USA, regional transportation center and being near Franklin and Armory Square are the ideal locations to put a new stadium with the proper access to the University. If you have to put a new highway through the city, you might as well put the proper access roads to the stadium location. To revitalize Syracuse and Upstate people need to start thinking big and invest in making it happen. It's ironic that all of the other air supported stadiums are being replaced but everyone thinks the Carrier Dome can last forever. I'm glad someone is thinking about it. SU did nothing for 20 years in investing into the athletic programs. If you stand still, we'll fall by the wayside again. about CNY defeatist mentality. The number 1 reason the area is losing population is jobs. This has the ability to enhance the community and create jobs. Should CNY just give up and admit defeat or fight to keep the young here?

Agreed but other then the initial construction what does a new stadium do for CNY and the issue of decent paying jobs? As someone pointed out above the population is aging out and with it the money. To many of the residents left are struggling to make ends meet or honestly there on the State/Govt dole which is why many call NY the Welfare Capital of the US.
Yes but the Dome has never lived up to its potential to have 6-10 huge acts a year.

If I recall correctly it has something to do with the university having to pay taxes on ticket sales and concessions because technically concerts aren't related to educational programs and therefore not tax exempt.
Agreed but other then the initial construction what does a new stadium do for CNY and the issue of decent paying jobs? As someone pointed out above the population is aging out and with it the money. To many of the residents left are struggling to make ends meet or honestly there on the State/Govt dole which is why many call NY the Welfare Capital of the US.

NYC is the welfare capitol of the US, not Upstate. Not mentioning the $$$ spent on construction, a facility like this would most likely be a County/State run facility that would create hundreds of jobs to run and maintain along with the concessions personnel, etc.

Cuomo has a lot of great ideas with regard to lowering taxes and tax breaks for new businesses, the question I have is it too little too late.

A new facility would be a great step in the right direction in telling people that actually live here that the Governor of our state gives a stuff at all.
NYC is the welfare capitol of the US, not Upstate. Not mentioning the $$$ spent on construction, a facility like this would most likely be a County/State run facility that would create hundreds of jobs to run and maintain along with the concessions personnel, etc.

Cuomo has a lot of great ideas with regard to lowering taxes and tax breaks for new businesses, the question I have is it too little too late.

A new facility would be a great step in the right direction in telling people that actually live here that the Governor of our state gives a stuff at all.

I was referring to NY as a whole certainly not just upstate but I agree with your statement. I am certainly not against a new stadium but I think some people are so in love with the idea that there hoping for things that just dont seem realistic. Im sure the construction of the facility would be a huge boom to the local economy but that's only in the short term and really if your not in construction or a own a local business affected by the influx of workers ie restaurant, hotel etc how much is it really going to affect the average joe? Second once the facility is completed your going to need a few dozen people at best to run the place on a daily basis. Those hundreds of workers would only be needed when a team was playing and an even taking place, which might be what 45 -50 times a year?
I'll leave the University's growth stuff to people that know more than me. OttoMets seems really plugged in and he has low expectations. In the past 10 years, Newhouse has grown, Whitman has a new home, the College of Law will soon have a new home, the school Faulk spent millions on will have a new home, new housing was built, and several athletic facilities, including the Dome were upgraded. I'm not sure there is a need (or even ability) for the University to continue proliferating the way you suggest. Interest rates are rising and the cost of education is spiraling. Somethings got to give. Couple that with SUNY Upstate being a dumpster fire...

As Jeremy noted, NY, Onondaga and Syracuse are all broke (and hemorrhaging population). Destiny USA was a scam. Attendance at the State Fair is down. Apathy abounds about the Chiefs and Crunch (and maybe even SU football). Syracuse is not a destination. This is not a "build it and they will come" situation. Cuomo couldnt find Syracuse on a map, and he wouldnt care if he could. Read about ALbany's convention center debacle for some insight into public sector projects upstate, and that's in the State's Capital. I really like Syracuse and enjoyed my time there, but it is a non-starter in the Capital Region.

I'm sorry, but i feel very strongly this will never happen. You guys are talking about more than just brick and mortar. Retractable roof; light rail; relocating infrastructure and business; continued cleanup of inner harbor; TM mentioned a rack railway for Pete's Sake.

Thank goodness the Dome is perfectly suitable for everything SU needs.

the only thing i could see that could maybe reverse the trend is if fracking is approved. Injection of young labor, new corporations with gobs of money, jobs, economical development, etc. But i think that ship has sailed as well.

This type of attitude really fries me because obviously your only vested interest in Syracuse is Syracuse University and yet you talk like you know what's best for the area.

Let me clue you and lot of the folks in here - without a vibrant, healthy city core that by the way surrounds most of the campus, Syracuse University will not continue to attract the student body that it needs to fund your hallowed athletic department.

That's great you feel so strongly about your opinion. How about the next time you're in town you take a little bit of time to actually learn about the history of the city and connect with some folks who are working hard to make it a great place to live?
I was referring to NY as a whole certainly not just upstate but I agree with your statement. I am certainly not against a new stadium but I think some people are so in love with the idea that there hoping for things that just dont seem realistic. Im sure the construction of the facility would be a huge boom to the local economy but that's only in the short term and really if your not in construction or a own a local business affected by the influx of workers ie restaurant, hotel etc how much is it really going to affect the average joe? Second once the facility is completed your going to need a few dozen people at best to run the place on a daily basis. Those hundreds of workers would only be needed when a team was playing and an even taking place, which might be what 45 -50 times a year?

I would think that besides SU games (BBall, Football, Lax) that they could get more than 40-50 events in a new facility a year. Especially at an expense of $400-600 mil.
I'm a fan of the alliance bank stadium site. Bus and train station there for out of towners. Destiny mall right across the street. Parking lot for tailgating. There might even be enough room to build a 45k stadium for football/ lax/ soccer/ baseball. Also next to it a 25k seat arena for basketball.

Couldn't disagree more.
This type of attitude really fries me because obviously your only vested interest in Syracuse is Syracuse University and yet you talk like you know what's best for the area.

Let me clue you and lot of the folks in here - without a vibrant, healthy city core that by the way surrounds most of the campus, Syracuse University will not continue to attract the student body that it needs to fund your hallowed athletic department.

That's great you feel so strongly about your opinion. How about the next time you're in town you take a little bit of time to actually learn about the history of the city and connect with some folks who are working hard to make it a great place to live?

The issue is Syracuse desperately needs jobs and your right without a vibrant city, Syracuse the University will eventually begin feeling the affects as well. Which is why the State, County, and city should be doing all it can to get some jobs here and to stop companies from fleeing this area like its on fire. I have zero issue with NYS spending money to help build a new stadium for my favorite sports team and outside of my family favorite thing in the whole world Syracuse Athletics but we also have to keep this place a functioning city despite the weather, outrageous taxes, regulations, and new laws (safe act) that have already cost thousands of jobs and will likely make Illion a ghost town once the gun factory pulls out. NYS needs to work smarter for once instead of constantly shooting itself in the foot. Lets get the economy in a better place and 5 - 10 years down the road talk about this new stadium.
I would think that besides SU games (BBall, Football, Lax) that they could get more than 40-50 events in a new facility a year. Especially at an expense of $400-600 mil.

That seems high to me, I could see a dozen or so concerts but after that what events do you see that would match up? Theres no way in HELL Syracuse is allowing any sort of Taste of Syracuse or other festival like that on the field in the summer, no freaking way.
I don't see how a new multipurpose facility adjacent to the Destiny area could be anything but positive. I love the dome, but you have to keep moving forward. People hate change, I get it. But I learned a long time ago, if the state is on board, sounds as though it may be (?), then jump at the opportunity. Because if you don't, it will get spent somewhere else, on somebody else. The opportunity may never present itself ever again. Ever.
I don't see how a new multipurpose facility adjacent to the Destiny area could be anything but positive. I love the dome, but you have to keep moving forward. People hate change, I get it. But I learned a long time ago, if the state is on board, sounds as though it may be (?), then jump at the opportunity. Because if you don't, it will get spent somewhere else, on somebody else. The opportunity may never present itself ever again. Ever.

I dont think people questioning the idea are against it they just dont see all the funding and everything coming together to make it happen. I dont know many people who when push came to shove wouldn't want to take SU athletics in to the 21st century and near the top of the facilities arms race. The Question is in this environment and financial situation is what they are proposing doable or like most things NYS does is it a disaster waiting to happen.
I dont think people questioning the idea are against it they just dont see all the funding and everything coming together to make it happen. I dont know many people who when push came to shove wouldn't want to take SU athletics in to the 21st century and near the top of the facilities arms race. The Question is in this environment and financial situation is what they are proposing doable or like most things NYS does is it a disaster waiting to happen.
Sounds as though the state is backing it. If so, one can't say no. Just the way the state works, and has always worked, whether they have the money or not.. Cuomo is talking about a 2 billion dollar budget surplus and tax breaks. And isn't it an election year? Time to hand out he candy
What is the point of building a smaller dome away from the campus?
SU must want the dome location, or;
The city/county wants.need a venue for other events, or;
Too many public events have been bumped from the Dome because of University events and uses. Like track & field, for instance. And when was the last time a big concert was held there?

Right, but why would anyone from Albany, Buffalo or NYC care? Without SU involved I just don't see the political support. If Cuomo is going to spend a billion he wants everyone in the boat I should think.
Sounds as though the state is backing it. If so, one can't say no. Just the way the state works, and has always worked, whether they have the money or not.. Cuomo is talking about a 2 billion dollar budget surplus and tax breaks. And isn't it an election year? Time to hand out he candy

If hes handing it out you take it period, but I will believe it when I see it.
That seems high to me, I could see a dozen or so concerts but after that what events do you see that would match up? Theres no way in HELL Syracuse is allowing any sort of Taste of Syracuse or other festival like that on the field in the summer, no freaking way.

If the taxpayers are funding it, it wouldn't be an SU owned facility. They would be renters and most likely not have a choice.
45k would be good. But why the hell would we get rid of the dome.
If the taxpayers are funding it, it wouldn't be an SU owned facility. They would be renters and most likely not have a choice.
But the Dome was built with a significant amount of state funding, no? About half, IIRC. The state doesn't own half of the Dome.
If the taxpayers are funding it, it wouldn't be an SU owned facility. They would be renters and most likely not have a choice.

The taxpayers funded most of the Carrier Dome and I can tell you they have absolutely zero say in what happens there. One thing I know for sure, Gross and Syracuse isn't going to go into this if there going to be considered a "renter", there going to have considerable say in what does and doesn't happen there.
What happened to the idea of having it where the War Memorial is?

That's the perfect place. Right between SU and Armory and right in the heart of downtown. Let the 2 areas help each other. The city would get all kinds of revenue from people walking to dinner or drinks before/after the game/concert.
But the Dome was built with a significant amount of state funding, no? About half, IIRC. The state doesn't own half of the Dome.

Exactly, call Darryl Gross on Monday and tell him your from the City of Syracuse and that you have decided to hold this years Taste of Syracuse, Irish Fest, Juneteenth, and Italian fest at the dome this year. The laughter from his end of the line would be epic.
What happened to the idea of having it where the War Memorial is?

That's the perfect place. Right between SU and Armory and right in the heart of downtown. Let the 2 areas help each other. The city would get all kinds of revenue from people walking to dinner or drinks before/after the game/concert.

Zero Parking and literally zero tailgating space, would never work.
What is the point of building a smaller dome away from the campus?
SU must want the dome location, or;
The city/county wants.need a venue for other events, or;

Right, but why would anyone from Albany, Buffalo or NYC care? Without SU involved I just don't see the political support. If Cuomo is going to spend a billion he wants everyone in the boat I should think.
In the last year or so Cuomo has been focussing on Upstate development like never before. He knows we need help. In his state-of-the-state address he even mentioned he wanted to push the "Rooftop Expressway" a fourlane interstate from Watertown to Plattsburgh area. Something the politicos have been begging for over a decade. It would be huge concerning economic impact up here. Now he's talking about it. The push is on. And I'm sure people in Buffalo, Albany and NYC could give a rats a$$ about that as well. Not to mention the four casinos he is going to spread around upstate somewhere.
But the Dome was built with a significant amount of state funding, no? About half, IIRC. The state doesn't own half of the Dome.

For what it is worth:

"The Carrier Dome was constructed between April 1979 and September 1980. The total construction cost was $26.85 million, including a $2.75 million naming gift from theCarrier Corporation.[11] Huber, Hunt and Nichols, Inc. was the general contractor.

It was speculated at the time that political considerations helped this project advance. The State of New York provided a $15 million grant in 1978 for the Dome's construction. Democratic incumbent Governor Hugh Carey was thought to have trouble in his re-election campaign with upstate voters. He visited the site of the old Archbold stadium and was convinced by local officials and SU administrators on the utility of a Dome.[12] Carey won re-election to a second term following the approval of state funds, although the extent to which it helped him may never be known."​

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