Bills vs Cuse | Page 5 |

Bills vs Cuse

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it goes against the geographical argument you are making ... not that hard to figure out is it ... and again if you are going to use a team as an example don't you think you would use one that is not in a relatively weak division sporting a sub .500 record ... did I spell out clearly enough what my point was or do I need to put it down in crayon?
I really hate being involved in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent, no challenge...
I really hated being involved in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent, no challenge...

Ok don't address my point and look like a bigger jackass ... your call.
Oh, so you are saying if we had been ranked in the last few years, then there would be 2 or 3 Cuse players on Bills roster too?

The odds would certainly increase, statistically speaking. Do the math...

Ranked CFB teams are more talented than unranked teams

Talented CFB teams have more players drafted and signed to NFL teams than untalented CFB teams

More players available from Syracuse increases the odds of those players being drafted and/or signed to one of the 32 NFL this case, the Buffalo Bills.

Not complicated...
The odds would certainly increase, statistically speaking. Do the math...

Ranked CFB teams are more talented than unranked teams

Talented CFB teams have more players drafted and signed to NFL teams than untalented CFB teams

More players available from Syracuse increases the odds of those players being drafted and/or signed to one of the 32 NFL this case, the Buffalo Bills.

Not complicated...
By your argument ON, how do you expain the last 30yrs?
During my four years at SU, we never left the Top25...
it goes against the geographical argument you are making ... not that hard to figure out is it ... and again if you are going to use a team as an example don't you think you would use one that is not in a relatively weak division sporting a sub .500 record ... did I spell out clearly enough what my point was or do I need to put it down in crayon?


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By your argument ON, how do you expain the last 30yrs?
During my four years at SU, we never left the Top25...

Nor did they during mine ... has no bearing on this staff or this idiotic argument now does it?
Ok so putting a guy who contributes in the place of another guy who might contribute the same effort or output makes everything all better ... you are delusional and can't stand the fact your assertion is flat out ridiculous.
There's nothing ridiculous about claiming that Buffalo hasn't had an SU kid for 30 years. Someone needed to call them out. Buffalo can do what it wants, but I'm not interested until they take an SU kid.

And I'm really not all that concerned about those pretending this isn't a disappointment or problem. SU fans know what I'm talking about.
Former Syracuse players should be thanking the Bills for not drafting them, it gives them a chance to succeed.
That's an interesting point. Drafting is difficult, and teams have to take the best player. I understand all that, notwithstanding the hissy fit here over my opinion.

On the other hand, we all know that over 30 years, Buffalo could have made an effort where SU is concerned. Other more successful franchises have been fine with SU. Why Buffalo fans think this is ridiculous ... I'm not sure. Maybe they've inhaled too many fumes from the piles of garbage burning in the buffalo parking lots.

91's examples are excellent. Thank you.
There's nothing ridiculous about claiming that Buffalo hasn't had an SU kid for 30 years. Someone needed to call them out. Buffalo can do what it wants, but I'm not interested until they take an SU kid.

And I'm really not all that concerned about those pretending this isn't a disappointment or problem. SU fans know what I'm talking about.

No what is ridiculous is inferring their on the field performance based on whether or not they had one ... actually it is idiotic. I don't care who you "call out" ... whether or not an SU fan knows what you are talking about its apparent you have no idea what you are talking about ...
Nor did they during mine ... has no bearing on this staff or this idiotic argument now does it?
You have a lot of lip on you, buddy. This is a form where ppl get to express opinions. If you can't accept that without retaliating with insulting and pejorative comments, go somewhere else (with all due respect).
No what is ridiculous is inferring their on the field performance based on whether or not they had one ... actually it is idiotic. I don't care who you "call out" ... whether or not an SU fan knows what you are talking about its apparent you have no idea what you are talking about ...
Buffalo sucks. Period. And you're close behind, if you can't accept the fact that Will Allen could have played for the Bills or any other team, and so could Dwight Freeney, and a bunch of other guys.

You're entitled to your opinion, as am I. So step off my a**.
Buffalo sucks. Period. And you're close behind, if you can't accept the fact that Will Allen could have played for the Bills or any other team, and so could Dwight Freeney, and a bunch of other guys.

You're entitled to your opinion, as am I. So step off my a**.

I'll tell you what stop making generalizations about franchises and fan bases about which you have no knowledge of and I'll be more than happy to leave you and your assertions alone ... you opened a can of worms and still can't explain to me how in the world the Bills went to 4 straight Super Bowls without an SU player in sight ... not once did I say they shouldn't have one ... and not once did I hypothesize what their on the field performance would be if they did take one and state it as fact ... again get a grip.
I'll tell you what stop making generalizations about franchises and fan bases about which you have no knowledge of and I'll be more than happy to leave you and your assertions alone ... you opened a can of worms and still can't explain to me how in the world the Bills went to 4 straight Super Bowls without an SU player in sight ... not once did I say they shouldn't have one ... and not once did I hypothesize what their on the field performance would be if they did take one and state it as fact ... again get a grip.
That was a long time ago. And there hasn't been an SU kid on a Buffalo roster since. You can twist and shout all you want, but no one that knows anything about the game is going to pretend that not a single SU player in (nearly) 3 decades couldn't have played for (contributed to) the Bills lineup. That's just obvious, and is a different assertion than saying that the Bills can't ever win without SU -- which is of course not true either.

Also, if you don't think an SU player or two from time to time (as it has with other franchises listed by 91) could have helped expand Buffalo's fan-base, then you don't understand marketing (imo).

I'm not going to call you names or claim you're idiotic. You have your opinion. I think it's way off. And I see no reason to follow Buffalo ... right now they might as well be San Diego.
That was a long time ago. And there hasn't been an SU kid on a Buffalo roster since. You can twist and shout all you want, but no one that knows anything about the game is going to pretend that not a single SU player in (nearly) 3 decades couldn't have played for (contributed to) the Bills lineup. That's just obvious.

And if you don't think an SU player or two from time to time (as it has with other franchises listed by 91) would helped expand Buffalo's fan-base, then you don't understand marketing either.

But I'm not going to call you names or claim you're idiotic. You have your opinion. I think it's way off. Nuf said.

Um in 91 they were in a Super Bowl ... as well as 92,93 and 94 ... and I never said they might not have helped however you can't infer one way or another that they would be absolutely better based on the fact that they had an SU guy on a roster, that is preposterous. For all you know they could have replaced someone or anyone that would have been more productive at that moment in time and cause a regression instead of a progression. You can't say one way or another is fact because YOU DON'T KNOW ... I don't understand why it is so hard to grasp this.

You keep citing specific players so fine lets play that game ... you insist Dwight Freeney could have helped ... I can think of 30 other franchises he would have helped however Buffalo had a Pro-Bowl DE in Schoebel and with John Fina moving on the tackle position was of a much larger need so they took a guy in Mike Williams of Texas who many considered a sure thing, man among boys ... the pick didn't work out but no one at that moment in time faulted them for it and based on projections the Williams pick made sense, no one was screaming that Buffalo ignored Freeney because he was an SU guy.

You can analyze each draft and look at who is taken when ... but in the end the average Buffalo fan doesn't see themselves as "too good" for SU and the franchise isn't a part of some magic conspiracy theory to avoid them ... it is about attrition, need and best available ... no more no less. In the last 30 years ... going back to 1982 the Bills have drafted 2 SU players ... would I like to see them draft more ... of course. But this theory of avoidance just isn't real.

Did you know the Jets have only drafted one SU player in the last 30 years? Since taking Joe Morris in 82 only 4 SU players were selected by the Giants prior to this season and its not like Coughlin has only been in NYC for 1 year ... why didn't they take more? You really have to sit back and analyze the entire set of facts leading into a selection instead of just the black and white nature of the school represented by the athlete.
"Crazy Eyes" has a little more respect from me, wow... Really showing some loyalty and brotherhood with RU connection... 8 Scarlet Knights involved with Bucs... Gotta say, if my life was on the line, I want a cat like that backing me up in that foxhole...
Buffalo sucks. Period. And you're close behind, if you can't accept the fact that Will Allen could have played for the Bills or any other team, and so could Dwight Freeney, and a bunch of other guys.

You're entitled to your opinion, as am I. So step off my a**.

Wait ... Will Allen you say ... they selected Clements who was a Pro-Bowler and much better NFL player ... again argument holds no water ... did you even look at some of the drafts at all?
Wait ... Will Allen you say ... they selected Clements who was a Pro-Bowler and much better NFL player ... again argument holds no water ... did you even look at some of the drafts at all?
Clements was probably better, so that's not as good an example, although Will Allen was a good player. Freeney was (is) pretty good. Morlon Greenwood was pretty good. Keith Bullock was a pretty good linebacker. Donovan Darius was a pretty good safety for many years. Could he have helped the Bills (probably).

Again, you're getting in the weeds. I'm looking at almost 3 decades ... not a single SU guy. That's a long drought, however you want to parse every single Bills player choice.

And in fairness, drafting is really not my main gripe. it's very difficult to compete for the players you want against other teams, and still get guys who fit specific needs, the scheme, etc... So, although it's still a little weird that the Bills have passed over every single SU draftee over all this time, where are the SU UDFA's? I think David Bird got an invite. They didn't offer him. He was fast as hell, not sure what their issue was. Patterson, I think was in camp for a couple of weeks. That's it. Pretty slim pickins.

And the Bills havn't traded for any SU veterens. Zero. Is that (yet) another coincidence?

So... without speculating about what COULD have happened (with SU guys), maybe you can try to to see the trend I'm concerned/upset about here.
By your argument ON, how do you expain the last 30yrs?
During my four years at SU, we never left the Top25...

I have no idea. All I know is that right now under the current Bills front office there is no conspiracy theory against SU.
I have no idea. All I know is that right now under the current Bills front office there is no conspiracy theory against SU.
Maybe now it'll be better. I think the problem started when Polian left. Maybe Nix will retire soon.
Clements was probably better, so that's not as good an example, although Will Allen was a good player. Freeney was (is) pretty good. Morlon Greenwood was pretty good. Keith Bullock was a pretty good linebacker. Donovan Darius was a pretty good safety for many years. Could he have helped the Bills (probably).

Again, you're getting in the weeds. I'm looking at almost 3 decades ... not a single SU guy. That's a long drought, however you want to parse every single Bills player choice.

And in fairness, drafting is really not my main gripe. it's very difficult to compete for the players you want against other teams, and still get guys who fit specific needs, the scheme, etc... So, although it's still a little weird that the Bills have passed over every single SU draftee over all this time, where are the SU UDFA's? I think David Bird got an invite. They didn't offer him. He was fast as hell, not sure what their issue was. Patterson, I think was in camp for a couple of weeks. That's it. Pretty slim pickins.

And the Bills havn't traded for any SU veterens. Zero. Is that (yet) another coincidence?

So... without speculating about what COULD have happened (with SU guys), maybe you can try to to see the trend I'm concerned/upset about here.

Look you have to go back and analyze each circumstance ... you named SU players who are very good but who did Buffalo draft and why ... and as I stated earlier they have selected 2 SU players since 1982 ... my argument isn't that those guys weren't good players my argument is did they fit the need that Buffalo exhibited and who did they select in lieu of grabbing them. As for the free agent invites a lot of kids also have a choice as to where they end up and some like to go to warm weather climates or just look for a change of scenery ... players receive a lot of invites and not all are shared in public ... most of the time you only know where a guy wants to go camp because he selects that franchise ... lets face it Buffalo isn't a desired location if you have a choice of say Miami or Atlanta or well just about anywhere else.
“Coming from Miami, I was used to partying, going out, just having something to do every night. Restaurants, whatever. Going to Buffalo, it was like hitting a brick wall. Like, ‘Damn!’ Can’t go out, can’t do nothing. There’s an Applebee’s, a TGI Friday’s, and they just got a Dave & Busters. They got that, and I’m like, ‘What the?’ And, you know, the women …

“You see, when I was in college that’s what I used to thrive off of,” the 25-year-old says. “The better you do, the more fame you get. So you know, it was like, I was used to that. And then you get to Buffalo and no matter how you do, it’s the same. It’s no big city. You know what I did every day? I came home and played video games.”
- Willis McGahee
Maybe now it'll be better. I think the problem started when Polian left. Maybe Nix will retire soon.

Bad premise ... Polian was GM in Buffalo and selected only one SU player (Fred Riggi in the 7th round in 91 or 90 don't remember which) during the time when SU was in its football glory and winning bowl games and before it went down the toilet under Coach P ... again this theory holds no water.
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