Well tomorrow is Senior Night at LM for BJ and the other 12 seniors (including managers). Seems like it was just a short time ago when he transferred to LM. Where does the time go? I guess that means I'm getting older.

It's been almost three complete years. Hopefully, we can end with a District and State CHIP. Anyway, it has been one helluva ride to this point. I think the parents enjoy following the team so we can get together a throw back a few. Well that how it been thus far. Very Proud of BJ and what he has accomplished to this point of his journey. Let's Go ACES!SUball[/
This is one of those "stop and smell the roses" moments for you in particular. Be proud of BJ, but reflect a little and be proud of what you have helped him to do. You said "it has been one helluva ride", well, as parents we start that drive. It's getting close to time to hand the keys over to BJ and have faith you have done what you need to do. I think I speak for others in saying it looks like he has had a great teacher. Now we can all enjoy his ride together! Cheers!