I don't think this was about "stealing" content. It was more about Dean, for lack of a better word, being embarrassed that people who confided things in him thought he was out spouting the info to anybody. I can see where his contacts could get that impression when things are showing up on this board, but at least in this case, I don't think that is what happened.
The QG stuff came through a completely different path, but maybe even the innocuous statement about "that might have been what that pod was alluding to" could give someone the wrong impression about what was actually in the pod, which was essentially nothing in my opinion. But over time, I'm sure there is no way to avoid these types of misunderstandings with your sources if you are doing a semi-regular podcast.
Combine that with the fact that I do think it is true that Dean has been sensitive in the past to a few things, which included people not always fully believing him, people being negative, and people not agreeing with him. That isn't a ding on him. I think it is just that if that is your personality, being in the spotlight due to the special information you have is going to wear you down big time. All of us have felt it here. People can be crazy negative, crazy judgmental, crazy uninformed. If you are taking personal risks with your relationships to share insider information and then are met with that kind of response over and over, you don't have to be super-sensitive to say the heck with this.