Opening 3rd down call was horrible. Get first downs, move the chains, get the ball to multiple players to get everyone engaged, scout their alignments and personnel, etc. that should be your first drive.
Dino can’t make that mistake. So he owned it, whoop-de-do.
He also can’t:
[1] fail to take time outs late in first half when LU was driving and D was gassed (he got bailed out by the fumble, but imagine if there was an extra minute on the clock at the time of the fumble, could have had a chance at a field goal),
[2] onsides kick with nearly 9 minutes remaining,
[3] take last 2 time outs too early in 2nd half on D (approx 8:30 mark and 5:30 mark).
His in-game and time mgmt have always been lacking. I want him to have a couple more years, but he needs to “develop” just as badly as some of the players do.