First game and a half |

First game and a half


Oct 29, 2015
Gonna be honest my first thoughts about this team and coaching:
Sloppy, undisciplined, unfocused, too much 1v1 on offense, defense leaves a lot to be desired and no energy.

We better fix a lot of this before Maui or we are gonna get smacked around. Judah is playing with no energy or hustle. It’s weird.

Much of the Defense our guys are just getting blown by and it doesn’t look like guys know where to be and where to slide.

Our offense there is no rhythm or flow. It’s just a lot of standing around, and 1v1.

Autry has a lot to work on with these guys. There’s a lot of talent here, he’s gotta put it together
Gonna be honest my first thoughts about this team and coaching:
Sloppy, undisciplined, unfocused, too much 1v1 on offense, defense leaves a lot to be desired and no energy.

We better fix a lot of this before Maui or we are gonna get smacked around. Judah is playing with no energy or hustle. It’s weird.

Much of the Defense our guys are just getting blown by and it doesn’t look like guys know where to be and where to slide.

Our offense there is no rhythm or flow. It’s just a lot of standing around, and 1v1.

Autry has a lot to work on with these guys. There’s a lot of talent here, he’s gotta put it together
its a bit weird

not promising

i think in this canisius game the players were told not play 1 on 1 hero ball...esp the guards...and it is taking them out of their games in a way...hard to play well when you are self-conscious

the guards do need to facilitate but not at the expense of scoring themselves...

theres a lot of slop out there...way too much, imo
The teams we’ve played, while clearly being of lesser talent, seem to be getting much easier shots against us than we’re getting against them. Teams with better talent will make the easy shots that these teams are missing. Starting to prepare myself for a .500 record or worse.
Don't take saying this lightly, but Judah is playing entitled so far this season. As the 'NBA guy' he's expecting to get every call, and letting it disrupt his play on defense when he doesn't. Red has got to light into him and bring him back down to earth, or I don't see a positive path forward for this team. The early product here is not good.
We're letting Canisius shut down the pick and roll with a simple hard hedge. This is what teams have done against us for years. Starling and Mintz are too good and dynamic to let this happen
The D has been horrid. Only two games in so I’m not going to overreact but it’s not surprising. I was surprised to see so many predict ncaas for this team in the Iggy’s.
The D has been horrid. Only two games in so I’m not going to overreact but it’s not surprising. I was surprised to see so many predict ncaas for this team in the Iggy’s.

D actually got much better in second half. This was a 25 pt win that was reduced by some nutty tough made 3s by Canisius. We saw the best stretch of play all year so far in the second half.
I thought the energy would be better with a new coach but it still stinks. The bench is dead. Not much emotion on the court.
D actually got much better in second half. This was a 25 pt win that was reduced by some nutty tough made 3s by Canisius. We saw the best stretch of play all year so far in the second half.
Completely agree about the tough threes..
I thought the energy would be better with a new coach but it still stinks. The bench is dead. Not much emotion on the court.

Did improve in that second half stretch. Dome seemed dead again too. Hopefully both start showing some more energy soon
D is not good, but I was more happy with the effort in the 2nd half than the first. I think this team is desperately missing a vocal leader. One who shows his emotions. During TOs they walk off the court like they don't even want to be there (my daughter's thoughts and words).
Gonna be honest my first thoughts about this team and coaching:
Sloppy, undisciplined, unfocused, too much 1v1 on offense, defense leaves a lot to be desired and no energy.

We better fix a lot of this before Maui or we are gonna get smacked around. Judah is playing with no energy or hustle. It’s weird.

Much of the Defense our guys are just getting blown by and it doesn’t look like guys know where to be and where to slide.

Our offense there is no rhythm or flow. It’s just a lot of standing around, and 1v1.

Autry has a lot to work on with these guys. There’s a lot of talent here, he’s gotta put it together

I don't like over analyzing social media but out side of the camps.. sure seemed Judah was busier living the NIL high life vs working on his game. All I saw from JJ and returning sophs was them sharing their summer work getting in as much as possible. He seemed to receive the halftime message tonight and hope that carries.
We have a Sybil team that needs to test a lot of players and then decide on a personality.

We play like Runnin’ Rebels for ten minutes and then like we‘re clueless and plodding through mud for the next 20.

I think Benny solidifies us, somehow, even though he’s not all-world or anything. We need him and a healthy Malik Brown.

Yeah, I probably overestimated our NCAA chances. When I take even five minutes to watch other teams’ games, I am disappointed in us even more by comparison. It’s early in Red’s career, but reasons why I wished we had gone outside of our family are more and more prevalent—attention to detail, IQ, fundamental play… still missing from the last era through to this one. Luckily, we have some physical talent and we have some time, but if we don’t surprise some teams early, we may have too deep of a hole to dig out of Later.
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83 and 89 points in first two games and the complaining is off the charts lol. This team cracked 80 once the first 10 games last year and Lost 4 of the first 6. No one is ever happy lol
I was going to mention that there is a lot of room for improvement in many areas but we are seeing point totals that haven't been common in recent years.
83 and 89 points in first two games and the complaining is off the charts lol. This team cracked 80 once the first 10 games last year and Lost 4 of the first 6. No one is ever happy lol
Bulldog, do you expect us to play full court once the level of competition goes up? I’m surprised we haven’t seen any yet with how deep we are. Even if we give up points, we play better going up and down and not having to execute in the half court.
The upside is that a team is playing avg type ball on offense and finding a way to score.. Its not like we got 20 from easy FB play.

We cut down on the just plain awful shot selection, which in turn slowed the pace down a bit..

We still dont shoot very well on the open stuff.
We have a Sybil team that needs to test a lot of players and then decide on a personality.

We play like Runnin’ Rebels for ten minutes and then like we‘re clueless and plodding through mud for the next 20.

I think Benny solidifies us, somehow, even though he’s not all-world or anything. We need him and a healthy Malik Brown.

Yeah, I probably overestimated our NCAA chances. When I take even five minutes to watch other teams’ games, I am disappointed in us even more by comparison. It’s early in Red’s career, but reasons why I wished we had gone outside of our family are more and more prevspent—attention to detail, IQ, fundamental play… still missing from the last era through to this one. Luckily, we have some physical talent and we have some time, but if we don’t surprise some teams early, we may have too deep of a hole to dig out of Later.
Our interior just isn’t all that great idk what else to say. Shooting was a bit better today but I feel like we are giving up a lot of easy buckets, our guards should be dominating. I wish we were Sampson Houston team but I think it’s a personal thing. We need better overall talent
We have a Sybil team that needs to test a lot of players and then decide on a personality.

We play like Runnin’ Rebels for ten minutes and then like we‘re clueless and plodding through mud for the next 20.

I think Benny solidifies us, somehow, even though he’s not all-world or anything. We need him and a healthy Malik Brown.

Yeah, I probably overestimated our NCAA chances. When I take even five minutes to watch other teams’ games, I am disappointed in us even more by comparison. It’s early in Red’s career, but reasons why I wished we had gone outside of our family are more and more prevspent—attention to detail, IQ, fundamental play… still missing from the last era through to this one. Luckily, we have some physical talent and we have some time, but if we don’t surprise some teams early, we may have too deep of a hole to dig out of Later.

Tonight's game showcased some things we can do a lot more of against better teams in the second half paired with McLeod showing he can be a presence for longer stretches.

The good news is the ability is there and it's on tape. Bad news is they've got to do it for 40 mins not 15-20
83 and 89 points in first two games and the complaining is off the charts lol. This team cracked 80 once the first 10 games last year and Lost 4 of the first 6. No one is ever happy lol
If we’re going to nit picky based on purely points - this team has allowed over 75pts in back to back games; last year we didn’t do that until mid February when we played Duke and Clemson.
If we’re going to nit picky based on purely points - this team has allowed over 75pts in back to back games; last year we didn’t do that until mid February when we played Duke and Clemson.

Yeah but what's our tempo/# of possessions vs last year?

Also 12 to 15 tonight was just on well defended deep 3s with a bank for good measure.
Gonna be honest my first thoughts about this team and coaching:
Sloppy, undisciplined, unfocused, too much 1v1 on offense, defense leaves a lot to be desired and no energy.

We better fix a lot of this before Maui or we are gonna get smacked around. Judah is playing with no energy or hustle. It’s weird.

Much of the Defense our guys are just getting blown by and it doesn’t look like guys know where to be and where to slide.

Our offense there is no rhythm or flow. It’s just a lot of standing around, and 1v1.

Autry has a lot to work on with these guys. There’s a lot of talent here, he’s gotta put it together
I have no doubt we’re gonna get beat in Maui. At least for the first two games. Maybe we can win the third consolation game against UCLA or whoever else gets beat. The defense is a work in progress. At times they look dialed in and keep their man in front of them, other times they look lackadaisical or lost. Red and Griff really need to work on the nitty gritty details of positioning and help defense and switching with these kids. We need to do a lot better job stopping dribble penetration into the lane and also need to defend the 3 point line better. Hopefully we’ll be a lot better on defense in another month or two. We also need more movement on offense.

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