Research what? What you are repeating is, in effect, the Big Ten pipe dream. The Big Ten always acts, and always significantly in the dark, to stifle competition so it looks better and 'wins.' The Big Ten now, with the Rose Bowl reduced to just another 'big' bowl, wants to make itself central once agin, a permanent central, by killing the P5, and thereby forcing many current P5 members into an AAC-status.
So the Big Ten has had a horde of posters, many pretending to be SEC or Texas or OU posters, for years claiming that the networks are demanding that the P5 be broken up in some major way, perhaps with as few as 48 'Major' schools/programs left. All 14 Big Ten members usually make the cut, as do all 14 SEC members. The most brazen assume that all 12 Pac members make the cut, along with Texas, OU, maybe half the ACC, perhaps KU, Texas Tech, etc.
It is a fantasy of megalomaniacs.