Gun to my head predictions... | Page 11 |

Gun to my head predictions...

Malachi returns: 10%
Yurtseven commits: 85%
Mystery situation evolves: 15%
T Thompson wears Orange: 75%
Q Green wears Orange: 75%
Diallo reclassifies: 1%
Diallo wears Orange: 30%
Hey, that's 291%. What?
We recruit a bunch of guys ranked 20-50. They aren't good enough to necessarily carry a team as freshman or sophomores, but they're good enough to be mid to late first rounders as freshman or sophomores. Our teams are good, but they are a tad below elite because we don't have matured talent or we don't have a program changing one and done guys. It's pretty much the same cycle we've been stuck in the last 5 years.

Yeah and the two best teams we've had in the last decade or so;

2010- For whatever reason we basically had none of the elite recruits, just a bunch of 3-4 year players. Plus we crushed it with the Wes transfer
2012- Dion and Fab were 2 pretty elite recruits who ended up sticking around for 2 years.
This is what sucks so bad about college hoops and why we harp on the 80s and 90s when guys stayed and the game and personalities were so much better.

The kid played in a zone and isn't even gonna get worked out in an NBA game situation.

He's smart and fortunate to be able to avoid that 5 on 5. He would get exposed on the defensive end.
Dion was a lottery pick though. Most lottery picks don't do the 5 on 5 they just do interviews and tests.

Malachi is acting like a lottery pick or person with a promise skipping the 5 on 5 workouts. As I said he needs to show he can be a man to man defender. He played out of position as a Freshman in a zone.
I hope the kid succeeds in the NBA to help himself and our NBA brand but I don't want my team the Celtics to waste a pick on him.
They just drafted somebody like RJ Hunter last year and I like Hunter better as a prospect.

Doesn't seem like a fit with Brad Stevens. At Butler he had lock-down defenders at the guard spot and seems to me to be a very defense oriented coach.
He's smart and fortunate to be able to avoid that 5 on 5. He would get exposed on the defensive end.
Could a bunch of teams hold that against him, and move him down their boards?

Or, does he really have a "promise"?
No, my point was people who don't understand the slot money always say "take the money" without recognizing the opportunity cost if one is drafted late in the first round or slips to the second round. When that happens, a player could make far less over three years even than a player who waits a year and improves their draft position could make in only two years. So staying and improving draft position even if it means temporarily foregoing money isn't always a bad strategy. Simple math, easy to calculate as a function of knowing what the slotted salaries all are.

Your response was that there is a percentage of variance that teams are able to negotiate above / below the salary slot.

My response was--so what? That's true of all teams across all the salary slots, so it is neither a significant advantage nor a disadvantage in terms of the numbers shifting.

Your follow up: "Duh."

Duh, indeed--seeing as how you mischaracterized my original position, if what's quoted above was your interpretation.

On the other hand by leaving now you're one year closer to your next contract and also theoretically can play one extra year of pro ball. That has to factor into the economics in one way or another. Plus of course you avoid the risk of injury and or falling draft status.
Could a bunch of teams hold that against him, and move him down their boards?

Or, does he really have a "promise"?

Only takes one, right? Crazy but who knows?
Dion was a lottery pick though. Most lottery picks don't do the 5 on 5 they just do interviews and tests.

Malachi is acting like a lottery pick or person with a promise skipping the 5 on 5 workouts. As I said he needs to show he can be a man to man defender. He played out of position as a Freshman in a zone.
I hope the kid succeeds in the NBA to help himself and our NBA brand but I don't want my team the Celtics to waste a pick on him.
They just drafted somebody like RJ Hunter last year and I like Hunter better as a prospect.

On this day back in 2012, Dion was projected as the #23 pick by DraftExpress. I do believe that the combine was much later back then though. Based on my Google skills, it looks like the Combine took place on 6/8, at which point Dion was projected at #17 on their mock.

Obviously that's still much better than Malachi's current standing on DraftExpress though. But I'm not even talking about Dion and the 5 on 5's. I'm talking about the fact that his refusal to take part in team workouts is what fueled all the speculation about him having a promise from a team around the lottery. As you can see here, Malachi's refusal to take part in the 5 on 5's is already starting to fuel speculation that he must have a 1st round promise/must be getting good reviews from NBA teams, and it's possible that as a result, it could have a similar effect for him; fuels intrigue in him as a prospect and gets NBA teams picking in the teens to look harder at him or something. It's a gamble, but it wouldn't be the first time that similar actions helped a prospect.
If the NBA is telling him he doesn't have to do 5 on 5, then it must be an NBA team giving him advice.

Lets hope thats not the case, Nba teams don't care about him, lets hope hes not listening to some Nba team saying, "Ya if your there at 23 we will def take you."
No, my point was people who don't understand the slot money always say "take the money" without recognizing the opportunity cost if one is drafted late in the first round or slips to the second round. When that happens, a player could make far less over three years even than a player who waits a year and improves their draft position could make in only two years. So staying and improving draft position even if it means temporarily foregoing money isn't always a bad strategy. Simple math, easy to calculate as a function of knowing what the slotted salaries all are.

Your response was that there is a percentage of variance that teams are able to negotiate above / below the salary slot.

My response was--so what? That's true of all teams across all the salary slots, so it is neither a significant advantage nor a disadvantage in terms of the numbers shifting.

Your follow up: "Duh."

Duh, indeed--seeing as how you mischaracterized my original position, if what's quoted above was your interpretation.

Remember this? "I don't think some understand how the slotted NBA draft salaries work in terms of outcomes for the players." That's what you said, the inference being the way slot money is structured isn't widely understood, not exactly a novel conclusion I might add. Your point--taking the money and running may not stand up to a predetermined rookie salary structure depending on draft position--has been made ad nauseum. It's pretty much a duh. The real risk to Mali isn't that he drifts to late in the first round or later, it's that he won't get drafted at all, doesn't get a dime and has to wade his way through free agency or the D-league, making slot money considerations in that case, to use your word, irrelevant.
Remember this? "I don't think some understand how the slotted NBA draft salaries work in terms of outcomes for the players." That's what you said, the inference being the way slot money is structured isn't widely understood, not exactly a novel conclusion I might add. Your point--taking the money and running may not stand up to a predetermined rookie salary structure depending on draft position--has been made ad nauseum. It's pretty much a duh. The real risk to Mali isn't that he drifts to late in the first round or later, it's that he won't get drafted at all, doesn't get a dime and has to wade his way through free agency or the D-league, making slot money considerations in that case, to use your word, irrelevant.

Like I have said before, I have a bad feeling that this kid is either getting some bad advice, or not listening to the advice being given to him.
All this talk about MR is this: It's just time to sit back and watch what unfolds.
SoBeCuse said:
So why are these guys who aren't truly 'elite' talents or athletes leaving after one year here? Do they just stop going to class? Not liking the system here? Not digging the zone vis-a-vis their NBA prospects? Or just the closeness and lure of their dream is too strong? Ennis I believe was in a weak PG draft so there's that and potentially he and his camp not getting along with Boeheim? Grant was a soph but basically still a frosh, imo. I don't know why he bolted really but he's done alright. McCullough and Greene? Did they both have kids/baby mamas? Mali? Not sure what he's thinking. But, it has sucked for us when none of these guys were truly projected as one-and-done except for maybe CMac.
Read about the lives CMAC and Donte had growing up and tell me what you think millions of dollars means to them.
Read about the lives CMAC and Donte had growing up and tell me what you think millions of dollars means to them.

I forgot about those two guys' upbringing. Obviously that's a big factor. I forgot that they didn't grow up like Grant, Ennis, Mali, etc.
Lets hope thats not the case, Nba teams don't care about him, lets hope hes not listening to some Nba team saying, "Ya if your there at 23 we will def take you."

that's how it works. you'd prefer he listen to whom?
that's how it works. you'd prefer he listen to whom?

His advisors, people he trusts, Nba teams have probably given the whole we will take you if you are there line 50 times in the past couple of days.
Remember this? "I don't think some understand how the slotted NBA draft salaries work in terms of outcomes for the players." That's what you said, the inference being the way slot money is structured isn't widely understood, not exactly a novel conclusion I might add. Your point--taking the money and running may not stand up to a predetermined rookie salary structure depending on draft position--has been made ad nauseum. It's pretty much a duh. The real risk to Mali isn't that he drifts to late in the first round or later, it's that he won't get drafted at all, doesn't get a dime and has to wade his way through free agency or the D-league, making slot money considerations in that case, to use your word, irrelevant.

#1--yes I do remember it. It was a one sentence statement of fact, based upon observation from numerous past threads about NBA draft position. It wasn't intended to provide "novel conclusions." I didn't realize that having every post drip with insight and cosmic significance was a prerequisite.

#2--who appointed you arbiter of board content? Several posts into this dopey exchange--I have the same conclusion I had after reading your initial response: pointless. Unless, of course, your intent was to be smarmy and pedantic while trolling for an argument, in which case--mission accomplished.

Honestly I hope Malachi all the best he was a good player for us. A Final Four run is special and he got us to the Final Four.

He was our 2nd best player this year behind Michael Gbinije and I hope he makes it the NBA. I have doubts right now but with pro coaching who knows.

I wouldn't want him on my team right now as whatever team drafts him is going to have develop his game and that will take atleast 2 years IMO to be a capable NBA rotation player. Pro teams scout way better than college teams and he will need to develop more consistency. He can drive the ball which is a plus but his offensive game isn't fully developed and nobody has a clue how he will do defensively.

I am trying like crazy to come up with NBA comp for the guy. I hope he can develop like Rodney Hood. He went in the 20s 2 years as a Junior and had a good Sophomore NBA year this year with Utah.

If I am Malachi that would probably be best case scenario for him. Hood was older and more developed. I don't see the kid contributing more than Hood has.

The NBA draft is really becoming like the MLB draft. These kids aren't coming into the league ready to contribute to the teams that draft him. They are being picked for 2-3 years down the line to be players with upside.
#1--yes I do remember it. It was a one sentence statement of fact, based upon observation from numerous past threads about NBA draft position. It wasn't intended to provide "novel conclusions." I didn't realize that having every post drip with insight and cosmic significance was a prerequisite.

#2--who appointed you arbiter of board content? Several posts into this dopey exchange--I have the same conclusion I had after reading your initial response: pointless. Unless, of course, your intent was to be smarmy and pedantic while trolling for an argument, in which case--mission accomplished.

It always makes me a bit unsettled when you use the word pedantic.
#1--yes I do remember it. It was a one sentence statement of fact, based upon observation from numerous past threads about NBA draft position. It wasn't intended to provide "novel conclusions." I didn't realize that having every post drip with insight and cosmic significance was a prerequisite.

#2--who appointed you arbiter of board content? Several posts into this dopey exchange--I have the same conclusion I had after reading your initial response: pointless. Unless, of course, your intent was to be smarmy and pedantic while trolling for an argument, in which case--mission accomplished.


As I said, the point of NBA draft position had been made ad nauseum, which you apparently agree with--"numerous past threads about NBA draft position." I don't recall anything being said about board content arbiter, cosmic significance, insight drip, smarmy or pedantic. If you're going to defend your posts, then defend them. If you can't, then don't.

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