Here we go again | Page 5 |

Here we go again

Of the 35k, how many were "townies", how many were alumni? What would the dome look on national tv without these so called "townies"?
No where did I say anyone was a bad fan, I just will never understand the logic behind selling tickets to the most anticipated game of the season because you couldn't afford to buy the season tickets in the first place and needed to recoup money. But thanks for taking a "townie" shot at me just the same. Get over yourself
I have to admit I really dislike the derogatory "townie" quips too, it really is denigrating, insulting, condescending and undermines any credible point a person may be attempting to make. :(
Of the 35k, how many were "townies", how many were alumni? What would the dome look on national tv without these so called "townies"?
Most were (townies) locals. Without them the program would be dead.

I'm an alum. When I lived within driving distance I went to all of the football games and a couple of hoops games each year. I'm now well beyond driving range. I try to make it up for 1-4 games per year, along with 1-2 road games. It's the best I can do, and it doesn't always work out. And, yes, I do sell & donate my home game tickets. If that makes me a "bad fan" to some then I suggest that they broaden their viewpoint a bit... else we'll just agree to disagree.

Go Orange!
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I have to admit I really dislike the derogatory "townie" quips too, it really is denigrating, insulting, condescending and undermines any credible point a person may be attempting to make. :(
You know me Cherie... I don't mean to insult anyone. Which term would you like us to use for people within the Syracuse area that support SU's programs? I'll go with whichever term you prefer.

I'll start using "locals" until I hear of a better suggestion.
I sat behind a Duke couple that was making out the entire game.

It was disgusting.

They should feel bad, as should the season ticket holders who clearly gave them the ticks.
ok, i'm late to this one.

we revel in it when we take over other buildings. that happens, in part, by buying folks' tickets who are looking for a payday. by making this a moral issue, we sort of shoot our own actions in the foot.

because we have better fan bases than our opponents, it will always work out that we take more of theirs than they take of ours. nobody is losing here. no duke fan could possibly say (even if they won) "we took over that stadium!". you didn't see them on tv. you couldn't hear them on tv. who cares?
Although i am not a fan at all of selling tickets to the enemy. If the only way a die hard fan can afford to go to the dome and support the team instead of yelling at their tv all season is to sell a couple games, then at least they are doing more than a lot of people. However they may be hurting the team just as much if sell their tickets to our opponents.
You might want to re-consider this after you see how tightly controlled Cameron Indoor is. You can't squeeze a mouse into that garage unless it's got a Duke tee shirt. Georgetown ... same way. When they started the gray-out 2 years ago, they actually did "confront" SU fans in the arena to find out how they got in (stub hub traitors and alumni packages).

I don't blame anyone for selling their tickets if they can't attend a game. But taking money from a Dukie is selling out your team. All the people you sit next to have to listen to some blowhard screaming, "yay duke". You might as well spit in their faces, and flip off JB (and the rest of us) while you're at it.
Agreed. Which is why these "neighbors" need to be confronted -- perhaps by a group of surrounding real fans. Because the real SU fans who also paid dearly for those seasons had their day ruined by some Duke scumbag in their midst. Let's call it a "therapy session" for when the faux SU fan shows up. And yes, bring a lunch. Especially where there are CLEAR alternatives to sell to an SU fan who would pay handsomely.
I would kill to live close enough for seasons. The idea that a *** Gtown fan is sitting next to me in the lower bowl would be intolerable. There isn't enough security in the building for what would come next.
However they may be hurting the team just as much if sell their tickets to our opponents.
Please tell us how to guarantee a sale to an SU fan while obtaining near market value for those tickets. If you know of a way then it'd be a win-win-win solution.
Especially where there are CLEAR alternatives to sell to an SU fan who would pay handsomely.
OK... please share these alternatives.

You mean in addition to notices and direct messages via this board?
Did I keep someone from selling their tickets? Or maybe your talking about my freedom to say that a season ticket holder should sell to other SU fans.

Hey, I wasn't the one bad-mouthing good citizens and then exhorting your brown-shirt gang to write down the seat numbers to later "confront" them and ask that they "justify" their actions. All of that is none of your business or anyone else's, IMHO.

If I was one of those season ticket holders, that would make me feel very uncomfortable, and I would consider that a loss of freedom, yes. Enough that I would ask who was asking me to continue the conversation outside.
You mean in addition to notices and direct messages via this board?
Yes. You stated:
CLEAR alternatives to sell to an SU fan who would pay handsomely.
Policy on this board is to sell at (or near) face value.

As you know, face value does not reflect actual cost, let alone approach "market value" nor qualify for "pay handsomely".
dude, any time you consider selling your ticket to an opposing fan, please advise and we'll work it out, notwithstanding the "policy". Always happy to help someone in need.
dude, any time you consider selling your ticket to an opposing fan, please advise and we'll work it out, notwithstanding the "policy". Always happy to help someone in need.
I'll try to keep that in mind... next year. I'm all sold out this year.
I'm a former "local" (grew up in Camillus) and bought my tickets on Stubhub way back in early October. They had been issued to some guy in California. This was section 336, way up in the nosebleeds. I guess he was an alum and bought extra tickets? (That was the deal SU offered, right?)

It was mostly SU fans around me, except for a row of six or seven Duke fans immediately behind us who had driven there from Massachusetts.
I choose to go to the games (all of them) and don't care what the other season ticket holders choose to do. It does piss me off, however, when Duke fans sitting in a sea of orange choose to stand up and cheer everytime duke has a nice play.
im4cuse said:
Agreed. Which is why these "neighbors" need to be confronted -- perhaps by a group of surrounding real fans. Because the real SU fans who also paid dearly for those seasons had their day ruined by some Duke scumbag in their midst. Let's call it a "therapy session" for when the faux SU fan shows up. And yes, bring a lunch. Especially where there are CLEAR alternatives to sell to an SU fan who would pay handsomely. I would kill to live close enough for seasons. The idea that a *** Gtown fan is sitting next to me in the lower bowl would be intolerable. There isn't enough security in the building for what would come next.
Duke scumbag? I mean has it really gotten to this point? Where we can't even be civil or sit next to people that like the opposing team?
Duke scumbag? I mean has it really gotten to this point? Where we can't even be civil or sit next to people that like the opposing team?

Really. These are human beings, with families. They may be doctors, veterans, members of your faith, or just lost a loved one. Good grief, sure it's nice to cheer for your team, but IT'S A GAME, PEOPLE! GET A LIFE !!!
Can't believe the number of SU season ticket holders who chose to support Duke by selling their fans their tickets. You're not real SU fans so stop pretending to be one.

Money's money.
I hate seeing opposing fans in the Dome.

Speaking solely as an official, I like it when the gym is packed and there's about a 50-50 split. For no matter what the call is, half like it, half don't, and they're all yelling so loud I can't hear a thing. :D
I enjoy when people say who is a real fan and who isnt

Agreed, it makes me SMFH. And now, after skimming through the rest of this thread, I'm going to stop following it.
I would never sell my tickets to a home game, I would give them away to friends. But if someone did and was confronted, the confronters should pack a lunch. They better be prepared for the consequences. IT'S NOT THEIR BUSINESS. This is not Russia. You have no right to tell your neighbor who he can sell his house to. STOP.

The original post by RRRlbs was not telling them what to do, but that they should not call themselves Orange fans after selling their tickets to Dukies.

Some of those Duke fans were actually local people who have SU season tickets, usually support SU, but are Duke alums. I would give them a pass. I sat near a few of those.
???? Please read my 1st sentence. I did listen to Kansas fans yapping at the 2003 FF, but I sure didn't confront them in regards to who sold them the tickets. It was none of my business and it's also a way to get a fat lip. BTW, there weren't many Duke fans in the dome. It sure wasn't like when the Orange nation invades. Some here are being hypocrites, it's okay for our fanbase to do it but a few hundred Duke fans come to town and it's selling out the team. Like I said, I wouldn't do it but they have an absolute right to give, sell or flush those tickets if they want. They paid for them not us.

I wouldn't do it either, and have no respect for anyone who sells out to Duke for a few dollars. Seems desparate and insulting. The fact that selling your seat to a Duke fan isn't illegal doesn't make it right.

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