JB called out Moyer in the PC | Page 7 | Syracusefan.com

JB called out Moyer in the PC

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Really strange. I've sprained my ankles more times than I'd like to admit. There are days you get out of bed and can barely walk on it but then after it loosens up you barely notice it.

You'd think when this kind of thing happens the kid at least gets taped up and gives it a go and if it still hurts too much after warm ups you tell the coaches/trainers that. But in this case it sounds like his mind was made up before even trying it out. I'm not saying JB pointing that out was right but can certainly understand why that would bother him.
Bizarre to call out a player like that over an injury. That's basically questioning Moyers heart, which for an athlete, is everything.

Sure seems like a power move to free up a scholly. If so, I have no problem with it but keep that in house.
Unless Moyer has no heart and coach knows it
Initially I thought it was in poor taste, now I've decided it's just something I wish he wouldn't have aired in public but I'm not that worked up by it.

If Nick Saban said this, nobody would care. ...and Nick Saban would probably handle it the same way JB did.

This isn't hopscotch.
Going to give my .02 on what is going on here.

Whether it's right or not, this is big boy division I revenue sport athletics... where quite frankly you are expected to play injured if called upon.

Frank, Bourama and Oshea all have injuries. I actually think frank and bouramas are pretty significant.

And in old school thinking...remember who our coach is...the decision on whether a kid plays is solely the discretion of the medical staff and to a degree the head coach.

So when Moyer tells him that he's been talking this over with his parents and "they've" decided that he needs to heal more before he plays..,,our old school coach is not going to take that very well. Especially after two consecutive days of practice and active play in previous games.

JB decided to go public with what probably should be a private matter. He's definitely in the wrong to rip the family in the presser, but it's his way of saying "it wasn't our decision to sit the kid...this was their decision." And he clearly wanted that on the record.

Annette Moyer did no one any favors with that Facebook post...most especially her son.

The difference in expectation level at d-1 revenue sports is muuuuuch higher than others. Fair or not...this should be known to athletes and their families.

I don't know if further play would cause a worsening of Matt's ankle. I honestly don't think the staff believes it would.

Bottom line - our coach took a serious burn to a kid and his parents making a decision he didn't think was theirs to make.
I think your analysis is pretty much spot-on. Especially the part about Moyer’s mom’s post... I can’t imagine how she ever thought that post was a good idea.

I think if I was a head coach, and a kid who had played in our last 3 games - and practiced the day before! - walked in and said he and his parents decided he should sit out, I would be pissed. Was Boeheim supposed to lie about this in his post-game press conference?
I think your analysis is pretty much spot-on. Especially the part about Moyer’s mom’s post... I can’t imagine how she ever thought that post was a good idea.

I think if I was a head coach, and a kid who had played in our last 3 games - and practiced the day before! - walked in and said he and his parents decided he should sit out, I would be pissed. Was Boeheim supposed to lie about this in his post-game press conference?
Yes, he was. Coaches lie all the time. I can't believe what I am seeing on tape. Colgate is going to be a real battle. You got something to say to the dad or the kid, I got no problems with that. Keep it in house.
It’s hard for me to question MM’s heart. He is always so amped up when he plays. He wants to play.

It sounds like the mom and dad don’t trust the medical staff for whatever reason so they spoke up for their child. Definitely odd to me that they would get involved.
Really. Those babies are custom tailored. It's not like he's buying them off the rack at Sears.
Funny you should say that. I have floor tickets at B.C. years ago. At the half, Dr Tom Davis, B.C. coach is standing next to me. I turn and look at him and say did you get that suit at Sears? I will always treasure the look he gave me. I wanted to do it again years later (didn't get the chance) so Davis would think, why do people think I get my suits at Sears?
17-8 is a "lost season"? A bunch of teams in the top 25 should shut it down too. Great idea.
Yeah we are totally contenders your right.
We are overachieving. This season has no expectations but yeah you got your cheap likes. Go defend JB for being a jerk.
I agree with everything you said except JB ripping his family. He stated a fact. He didn't rip anyone
We beg to differ. Maybe "rip" is overstating, but "purposefully mentioning their involvement" isn't.

If he came out and said "player x and player y got into a fight in the lockerroon pre-game and player y got injured that's why he didn't play." That would be merely stating a fact as well. Right?

But it certainly would obviously lead to more questions...and adds needless detail. That's why coaches NEVER go into such detail, because they don't want those types of details made public.

So you can assume when they DO go into that kind of detail it is purposeful and meant to deliver a message.

You can't be that naive to think he was merely stating a fact with no intent behind it. Right?

He could have easily said "his ankle was sore, we decided to sit him."
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Yeah we are totally contenders your right.
We are overachieving. This season has no expectations but yeah you got your cheap likes. Go defend JB for being a jerk.
I'm glad our coach and players don't think it's a lost season and have no expectations. Good thing they didn't think 2016 was a lost season and kept playing.

And please, no cheap likes for this post.
I love MM, but if the staff wants you to play, and you can play, you have to play. maybe boeheim should or shouldn't have said what he said, but he clearly thought moyer was playing until a gametime decision from the family that he wasn't. bad look from the moyers.
I'm glad our coach and players don't think it's a lost season and have no expectations. Good thing they didn't think 2016 was a lost season and kept playing.

And please, no cheap likes for this post.
There are no expectations this year.
We aren’t a contender. We are middle of the road ACC team for the 4th regular season in a row.
This year though middle of the road is overachieving.
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