Just like last year | Page 7 | Syracusefan.com

Just like last year

You do not have to get it. It really is not any of your concern.
It most certainly is his concern. If you read his post, he's the one that got stuck getting jeered the whole game b/c some "fan" sold out to a Dukie for a few extra bucks. In case you noticed, this represents the dividing line in this thread -- between those thinking only of themselves and constantly citing their "right" to do as they please with their tickets regardless of the consequences to the Dome atmosphere or nearby SU fans; and those who want to attend games and support SU athletics and get stuck listening to some rival clown that picked up tickets from someone like Scalper-Shawn trying to score a buck.
It most certainly is his concern. If you read his post, he's the one that got stuck getting jeered the whole game b/c some "fan" sold out to a Dukie for a few extra bucks. In case you noticed, this represents the dividing line in this thread -- between those thinking only of themselves and constantly citing their "right" to do as they please with their tickets regardless of the consequences to the Dome atmosphere or nearby SU fans; and those who want to attend games and support SU athletics and get stuck listening to some rival clown that picked up tickets from someone like Scalper-Shawn trying to score a buck.
The fan's behavior is his concern; not the fan's rooting interests. All fans of any team should behave respectfully. Idiots are idiots; sitting next to an idiot Duke fan is no worse than sitting next to an idiot Syracuse fan.
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The fan's behavior is his concern; not the fan's rooting interests. All fans of any team should behave respectfully.
He was posting about an out-of-control rival fan -- and I (and many others) feel his pain. I rarely hear a complaint on here about an SU fan jeering nearby spectators, although anything's possible.

The poster you dissed has a legit. beef -- because the rival fan negatively affected his game experience and he paid to attend the game. I for one can tell you from first-hand experience how that feels -- having someone in a STH section (preferred no less) cop their ducats to a bunch of drunk-rival idiots. I would have expected more consideration from someone claiming to be a fan .. and I pay a lot of money for my seats too, including an extra donation so I can sit among other fans in a STH section. For scalpers like Shawn and those with no loyalty or courtesy to their seat-neighbors, then I agree there's nothing that can be done. But disloyalty and inconsideration still suck.
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I don't want to get much in to this whole thread, but this is what it really boils down to for me. I grew up in Syracuse and live in Rochester now. I cherish in the fact that I live 90 minutes away from a national powerhouse basketball program that isn't part of a large state school. I love that I can be across the country and tell someone I grew up in the little city of Syracuse and they'll know about Syracuse because of our sports. LOVE it. I just don't understand how you can live within a couple hour radius from Syracuse and NOT be an Orange fan.

I have season tickets in 306 and a guy behind me that I haven't seen all season was dressed in full Duke gear sitting with another guy in a UNC jersey of all things. The guy in the Duke gear was hating on Syracuse before tip-off and I finally turned around and asked him (politely) why he's a Duke fan. The guy was in his late 20's, grew up in Albany, still lives in Albany, doesn't know why but grew up rooting for Duke, and also grew up "hating" Syracuse. That's the kinda stuff that really puzzles me and honestly does bother me a little. I just don't get it. You live a few hours away from the mothership and you not only choose to support Duke, but you also develop some HATE for Syracuse? What is there to hate about Syracuse?

I was really hoping for a better result so this clown and his friend in a UNC jersey wouldn't get the last laugh, but it wasn't meant to be.

I saw them walking up the 306 aisle repeatedly. Lame. And less entertaining/menacing than the woman who was dressed like a hooker and her companion who was threatening to "knock out" the security guard who was escorting both of them out of our section.
I know/knew a guy who bought season tickets for anywhere between 30-50 seats. He donated so much money to the athletic department for these tickets that he had been on booster trips with the teams and all the other goodies they throw to the high rollers.

He sold just about every one of those tickets. Sure he and his wife would go to a few games and had their preferred seats, but the first rule was to make money on the resale. I knew him during the big east days, I'm not even sure he still sells tickets, but he would usually make enough on the resale of G'Town and UConn seats to buy the season ticket - anything else was profit.

The point is that the guy selling the ticket might not even be a fan of the team - even for the good seats.
I know/knew a guy who bought season tickets for anywhere between 30-50 seats. He donated so much money to the athletic department for these tickets that he had been on booster trips with the teams and all the other goodies they throw to the high rollers.

He sold just about every one of those tickets. Sure he and his wife would go to a few games and had their preferred seats, but the first rule was to make money on the resale. I knew him during the big east days, I'm not even sure he still sells tickets, but he would usually make enough on the resale of G'Town and UConn seats to buy the season ticket - anything else was profit.

The point is that the guy selling the ticket might not even be a fan of the team - even for the good seats.

This happens. A lot. And when I say a lot, I mean A LOT.

People in this thread are so worried about telling others what they should and should not be doing with their seats that they don't realize how rampant it is.

Also, I am curious to know how many people who are downright offended at this practice are actually season ticket holders.
I saw them walking up the 306 aisle repeatedly. Lame. And less entertaining/menacing than the woman who was dressed like a hooker and her companion who was threatening to "knock out" the security guard who was escorting both of them out of our section.

That sure was a sight to see. High five, 306 buddy.
This happens. A lot. And when I say a lot, I mean A LOT.

People in this thread are so worried about telling others what they should and should not be doing with their seats that they don't realize how rampant it is.

Also, I am curious to know how many people who are downright offended at this practice are actually season ticket holders.
As I have posted before, I am a season ticket holder who lives over two hours away so maybe my situation is different than people who live right in town and resell some of their tickets, which by the way is their prerogative. I am just having a hard time believing that people are offended that for whatever reason ticket holders are reselling their tickets.

One, it's not like Duke, and some other schools, where there is a waiting list for season ticket holders. There are plenty of season tickets available, even for basketball, at all levels (one, two and three). So theoretically, no one is going to be shut out.

Two, as others have mentioned, a lot of people want to support the program so they buy season tickets, knowing that they can't go to every game for whatever reason but they are still making their donation to the school.

Three, if there are 30,000+ at a game and 98% are Syracuse fans, the impact of the opposition fan base is miniscule.

Four, as others have mentioned, it's nice having some opposing fans there (think BET or NCAAT). It adds to the atmosphere. FYI, I had a couple Duke fans behind me who were very well behaved. They couldn't believe how negative some Cuse fans were regarding their own players. Jeez. Really!!!

Five, people really need to get a life. It's really no one's GD business what people do. Why would someone come on here and judge what someone else does with their personal property that they have paid their own money for. This is America. Land of the Free and Home of the Brave. Giddy up, Cowgirls!!!
I know/knew a guy who bought season tickets for anywhere between 30-50 seats. He donated so much money to the athletic department for these tickets that he had been on booster trips with the teams and all the other goodies they throw to the high rollers.

He sold just about every one of those tickets. Sure he and his wife would go to a few games and had their preferred seats, but the first rule was to make money on the resale. I knew him during the big east days, I'm not even sure he still sells tickets, but he would usually make enough on the resale of G'Town and UConn seats to buy the season ticket - anything else was profit.

The point is that the guy selling the ticket might not even be a fan of the team - even for the good seats.
What a maverick entrepreneur! Sounds like a real winner.
As I have posted before, I am a season ticket holder who lives over two hours away so maybe my situation is different than people who live right in town and resell some of their tickets, which by the way is their prerogative. I am just having a hard time believing that people are offended that for whatever reason ticket holders are reselling their tickets.

One, it's not like Duke, and some other schools, where there is a waiting list for season ticket holders. There are plenty of season tickets available, even for basketball, at all levels (one, two and three). So theoretically, no one is going to be shut out.

Two, as others have mentioned, a lot of people want to support the program so they buy season tickets, knowing that they can't go to every game for whatever reason but they are still making their donation to the school.

Three, if there are 30,000+ at a game and 98% are Syracuse fans, the impact of the opposition fan base is miniscule.

Four, as others have mentioned, it's nice having some opposing fans there (think BET or NCAAT). It adds to the atmosphere. FYI, I had a couple Duke fans behind me who were very well behaved. They couldn't believe how negative some Cuse fans were regarding their own players. Jeez. Really!!!

Five, people really need to get a life. It's really no one's GD business what people do. Why would someone come on here and judge what someone else does with their personal property that they have paid their own money for. This is America. Land of the Free and Home of the Brave. Giddy up, Cowgirls!!!
Save your self-righteous Ronald Regan speeches for the OTB. This is not about politics. It's about responsible (SU) fan behavior and consideration for those that sit near you in the Dome. You're so preoccupied with your "rights" -- what YOU can and can't get away with -- you seem incapable of comprehending how it affects others. Did you even consider that other SU fans in your section paid for THEIR tickets too; that they might appreciate being able to watch the game amidst fellow SU fans, rather than the hoodlums you sold out to for profit? So be it. Next year when the pseudo fans near me sell out to Clemson or F-State ... and the drunks roll in -- you can stop by and wave your American Flag a few times and make a speech about individual freedom. Hopefully the drunks won't throw beer in your face like they did to the guy sitting next to me (and yes, there was a fight -- real fun time!!).
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I know/knew a guy who bought season tickets for anywhere between 30-50 seats. He donated so much money to the athletic department for these tickets that he had been on booster trips with the teams and all the other goodies they throw to the high rollers.

He sold just about every one of those tickets. Sure he and his wife would go to a few games and had their preferred seats, but the first rule was to make money on the resale. I knew him during the big east days, I'm not even sure he still sells tickets, but he would usually make enough on the resale of G'Town and UConn seats to buy the season ticket - anything else was profit.

The point is that the guy selling the ticket might not even be a fan of the team - even for the good seats.
That's pathetic.

What's his name?? I want to report him to the IRS.

Plus other donors, can't get an upgrade to his seats, because he's out trying to cover his nut???

What a Fn loser.
Marsh01 said:
Plus he got up at least 5 times to go buy beer which by the 5th time I almost threw him off the upper level.

Look at Marsh all high and mighty on his new sober train. What an loser!

But honestly, I wouldn't be able to go see Cuse play at Georgetown or some of the other away venues in decent seats if there weren't fans at the other schools doing the exact thing being discussed in this thread, so I have to take the good with the bad.

And Kaiser, try to stop jumping to such extremes when debating a point. I know it's what you do, but it just takes away from the effectiveness of your attempts.

Anyway, hope to see a bunch of you at the Louisville game, which luckily will not be played in NYC. Find me pre game in 311 for some drinks.
OrangeTown said:
Look at Marsh all high and mighty on his new sober train. What an loser! But honestly, I wouldn't be able to go see Cuse play at Georgetown or some of the other away venues in decent seats if there weren't fans at the other schools doing the exact thing being discussed in this thread, so I have to take the good with the bad. And Kaiser, try to stop jumping to such extremes when debating a point. I know it's what you do, but it just takes away from the effectiveness of your attempts. Anyway, hope to see a bunch of you at the Louisville game, which luckily will not be played in NYC. Find me pre game in 311 for some drinks.

Ha. I am a loser. Still boozing just trying to grind out the next 7 weeks of this damn diet. Once golf season starts its all downhill.

Guys (and girls) who constantly get up and down multiple times a half drives me bonkers. I get to my seat and dont leave it until the game is over. Then they give you the "sorry...last time i promise". Is it? Ass
I know/knew a guy who bought season tickets for anywhere between 30-50 seats. He donated so much money to the athletic department for these tickets that he had been on booster trips with the teams and all the other goodies they throw to the high rollers.

He sold just about every one of those tickets. Sure he and his wife would go to a few games and had their preferred seats, but the first rule was to make money on the resale. I knew him during the big east days, I'm not even sure he still sells tickets, but he would usually make enough on the resale of G'Town and UConn seats to buy the season ticket - anything else was profit.

The point is that the guy selling the ticket might not even be a fan of the team - even for the good seats.
30-50 seats per game? unless you name names I am calling BS. there is no way anyone smart would take that type of risk unless they didn't care about money. cmon man. or he just told a line of BS. the tickets can be worth 100 or 5, your story makes no sense
Well, this was the stupidest thread I've read since last year. Might as well shut her down.

This ought to do the trick:

Look at Marsh all high and mighty on his new sober train. What an loser!

But honestly, I wouldn't be able to go see Cuse play at Georgetown or some of the other away venues in decent seats if there weren't fans at the other schools doing the exact thing being discussed in this thread, so I have to take the good with the bad.

And Kaiser, try to stop jumping to such extremes when debating a point. I know it's what you do, but it just takes away from the effectiveness of your attempts.

Anyway, hope to see a bunch of you at the Louisville game, which luckily will not be played in NYC. Find me pre game in 311 for some drinks.
this is the hoop board.

95% of the people here are not smart enough to understand anything without the extreme being pointed out to them.

those that dont need it, just have to grin and bare it.
I don't want to get much in to this whole thread, but this is what it really boils down to for me. I grew up in Syracuse and live in Rochester now. I cherish in the fact that I live 90 minutes away from a national powerhouse basketball program that isn't part of a large state school. I love that I can be across the country and tell someone I grew up in the little city of Syracuse and they'll know about Syracuse because of our sports. LOVE it. I just don't understand how you can live within a couple hour radius from Syracuse and NOT be an Orange fan.

I have season tickets in 306 and a guy behind me that I haven't seen all season was dressed in full Duke gear sitting with another guy in a UNC jersey of all things. The guy in the Duke gear was hating on Syracuse before tip-off and I finally turned around and asked him (politely) why he's a Duke fan. The guy was in his late 20's, grew up in Albany, still lives in Albany, doesn't know why but grew up rooting for Duke, and also grew up "hating" Syracuse. That's the kinda stuff that really puzzles me and honestly does bother me a little. I just don't get it. You live a few hours away from the mothership and you not only choose to support Duke, but you also develop some HATE for Syracuse? What is there to hate about Syracuse?

I was really hoping for a better result so this clown and his friend in a UNC jersey wouldn't get the last laugh, but it wasn't meant to be.
Albany looks down its nose at Syracuse.
Save the Ronald Regan speeches for the OTB, please. This is only about responsible (SU) fan behavior and consideration for those that sit around you in the Dome when you sell your tickets -- not your F constitutional rights. You're so busy worrying about what YOU can and can't do you don't seem to give a hoot how it affects others. So be it. Next year when the pseudo fans near me sell out to Clemson or F-State ... and the drunks roll in -- you can stop by and wave your American Flag a few times. Hopefully they won't throw beer in your face like they did to the guy sitting next to me (and yes, there was a fight -- real fun time!!).
It doesn't impact others at all. That's kinda the point. Anyone you sit next to at a game can be an a$#, or just have a really bad day.
It doesn't impact others at all. That's kinda the point. Anyone you sit next to at a game can be an a$#, or just have a really bad day.
Give it a rest, Capt. If you don't think there's an impact, re-read my post above about the Clemson game -- not to mention that the more SU fans we pack in the Dome the greater our home court advantage. You free market guys are amazingly selfish and inconsiderate sometimes -- always concerned with YOUR rights and not the program you supposedly support and the unlucky SU fans that sit near you.
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Give it a rest, Capt. Re-read my post above about the Clemson game. You free market guys are amazingly selfish and inconsiderate sometimes -- always concerned with YOUR rights and not the program you supposedly support and the unlucky SU fans that sit near you.
If the fan is doing something he shouldn't be, by all means tell an usher and get them kicked. You shouldn't have to put up with having bee thrown in your face. But I don't think it's fair to blame the guy who sold the ticket.
If the fan is doing something he shouldn't be, by all means tell an usher and get them kicked. You shouldn't have to put up with having bee thrown in your face. But I don't think it's fair to blame the guy who sold the ticket.
I disagree. The seller has responsibility. It's not that hard to post tickets on here and at least make an effort to sell within the SU community. If that doesn't work, then I can see selling to someone responsible. This is not only about what's best for you and your wallet - there's also SU athletics to consider (IF you're a fan at all), as well as the game experiences of your seat neighbors.

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