Keeping score: the posters who were wrong about Nassib |

Keeping score: the posters who were wrong about Nassib


Scout Team
Aug 29, 2011
KingOttoIII: "Nassib haters, is Nassib a top 50 quarterback? If your answer is no,
stop posting... You [a poster who thinks Nassib is not a top 50 QB] are a moron."

Dash-30-Dash: "[Nassib] is the best player on the team by far."

Cuseman78: "[Nassib] is 10-5 as a starter with a bowl victory. You sir, are a moron. By the way, this board is being overrun by idiots. You lead the parade. . . BJ Daniels over Nassib? That's laughable... another horrible post... Again, another terrible, terrible post."

Rrlbees: Nassib and the WRs are the least of our problems. . . the only QB in the BE I would
trade Nassib for is Smith.

Blackknight76: Nassib is a very good QB, and might end up being the best one in the conference... There is no way I'd ever trade Nassib for Daniels."

Bnoro: Honestly, would people rather have BJ Daniels? ... Nassib is a fantastic game manager. . . I'll take a guy like Nassib any day of the week . . . no where to go but up for him... [Nassib] can
make the big play when he needs to, that's the main thing.

wfschrec: You cannot be serious [about BJ Daniels being better than Nassib]. . .
did you hit your head?

jr2750: Nassib is easily one of the top 3 players we have.

SWC75: "Anybody who thinks [Nassib]'s the problem is nuts. . . Do you really want Loeb or Kinder in there? I can't believe we are really discussing this."

PhatOrange: If [Nassib] had Terrel Pryor's legs he'd be a heisman candidate.

Storang: Hate to be harsh, post [stating Nassib is not the answer] is stupid.

SUThrills: Nassib is a good QB who is not surrounded with talent... I suggest watching the games
instead or crunching numbers.

Orange79: [quoting Cuseman78:"this board is being overrun by idiots"] Completely agree,
can't wait for the implementation of a pay side.


When I first started posting that Nassib might very well be the problem holding back our offense, the above posters helped point out what an idiot I was for thinking such a nutty thought. I tried to make the argument with numbers, but that only led to a one day banning, and more helpful pointers about how I could avoid being such a moron.

For what it is worth, Nassib's quarterback rating against AQ's continues to be just a tick below Andrew Robinson's quarterback rating versus AQs. He has a 116 QB rating in tonight's loss.
Nassib played pretty good tonight. There must have been around 6 dropped passes, plus at least one non pass interference call. Pressure was coming at him all night long.
I may get frustrated with Nassib but there is no way you can fault him for this game. Between drop passes and shitty pass protection he never had a chance.
In the first half the coaches set him up to fail due to their play calling and demanding to run the game when USF was stuffing it thus forcing 3rd and longs.
Everyone picks on the quarterback as their issue due to the fact they don't know how to evaluate the other positions on the field and even the coach's play selections. I'm no genius but I don't think quarterback is a major issue for this team besides the lack of depth there right now.
I am quite upset myself, but if guys make the catches they should (let alone a couple they shouldn't), and the coaches actually let the kid throw from the get-go, Nassib would have had a very good game. This one isn't on him.
The offensive line cannot stop a beer keg (their defense) from rolling UP hill so what is Nassib supposed to do?

He now has happy feet as a result. Not like the first 7 games where he seemed in control.
KingOttoIII: "Nassib haters, is Nassib a top 50 quarterback? If your answer is no,
stop posting... You [a poster who thinks Nassib is not a top 50 QB] are a moron."

Dash-30-Dash: "[Nassib] is the best player on the team by far."

Cuseman78: "[Nassib] is 10-5 as a starter with a bowl victory. You sir, are a moron. By the way, this board is being overrun by idiots. You lead the parade. . . BJ Daniels over Nassib? That's laughable... another horrible post... Again, another terrible, terrible post."

Rrlbees: Nassib and the WRs are the least of our problems. . . the only QB in the BE I would
trade Nassib for is Smith.

Blackknight76: Nassib is a very good QB, and might end up being the best one in the conference... There is no way I'd ever trade Nassib for Daniels."

Bnoro: Honestly, would people rather have BJ Daniels? ... Nassib is a fantastic game manager. . . I'll take a guy like Nassib any day of the week . . . no where to go but up for him... [Nassib] can
make the big play when he needs to, that's the main thing.

wfschrec: You cannot be serious [about BJ Daniels being better than Nassib]. . .
did you hit your head?

jr2750: Nassib is easily one of the top 3 players we have.

SWC75: "Anybody who thinks [Nassib]'s the problem is nuts. . . Do you really want Loeb or Kinder in there? I can't believe we are really discussing this."

PhatOrange: If [Nassib] had Terrel Pryor's legs he'd be a heisman candidate.

Storang: Hate to be harsh, post [stating Nassib is not the answer] is stupid.

SUThrills: Nassib is a good QB who is not surrounded with talent... I suggest watching the games
instead or crunching numbers.

Orange79: [quoting Cuseman78:"this board is being overrun by idiots"] Completely agree,
can't wait for the implementation of a pay side.


When I first started posting that Nassib might very well be the problem holding back our offense, the above posters helped point out what an idiot I was for thinking such a nutty thought. I tried to make the argument with numbers, but that only led to a one day banning, and more helpful pointers about how I could avoid being such a moron.

For what it is worth, Nassib's quarterback rating against AQ's continues to be just a tick below Andrew Robinson's quarterback rating versus AQs. He has a 116 QB rating in tonight's loss.

1) you're a huge loser keeping a database of what people say
2) tonight is not the night for nassib stuff. least of their problems tonight. and i'm saying that as the guy who wanted him on the bench at the beginning of the year
The QB is not the problem. The problem is the O-Line and the Guy who calls the plays. Both stink !
Nassib played pretty good tonight. There must have been around 6 dropped passes, plus at least one non pass interference call. Pressure was coming at him all night long.

Yup, that is what I am learning. All of Nassib's 116 quarterback rating games were actually good, because he is obviously the best player on the team.

Our offensive impotence can't be blamed on our QB, it's everyone else's fault: dropped passes, poor O-Lineman, poor scheming, poor play calling, lack of playmakers, etc. If I can't see that, I must be a moron who didn't watch the game.
1) you're a huge loser keeping a database of what people say
2) tonight is not the night for nassib stuff. least of their problems tonight. and i'm saying that as the guy who wanted him on the bench at the beginning of the year
1-on your point one if the guys want to keep a database of what people say fine with me-remember this is a FREE country especially on Veterans Day.
2-I-in MHO think you are wrong if you wanted to bench him before the season and the numbers have shown that. If the offensive line was not so bad, if receivers didn't drop passes in their hands-Nassib's numbers would even be better.

Not trying to pick and argument-just sayin'.
Yup, that is what I am learning. All of Nassib's 116 quarterback rating games were actually good, because he is obviously the best player on the team.

Our offensive impotence can't be blamed on our QB, it's everyone else's fault: dropped passes, poor O-Lineman, poor scheming, poor play calling, lack of playmakers, etc. If I can't see that, I must be a moron who didn't watch the game.

How is that any different than the opposite extreme, which is where you sit, in which case a superior QB all of a sudden fixes all of those things? Believe me, I respect Ryan as a QB, but I am ready for a QB with great legs who has a knack for the deep ball... even if his completion percentage takes a hit in comparison to Ryan. But right now he is our best option, and he isn't a bad one, just not the type of guy who is going to put the team on his shoulders and be that great equalizer.
Nassib is average at best, bad pocket awareness, strong arm but no real touch and horrible on the long passes.
1-on your point one if the guys want to keep a database of what people say fine with me-remember this is a FREE country especially on Veterans Day.
2-I-in MHO think you are wrong if you wanted to bench him before the season and the numbers have shown that. If the offensive line was not so bad, if receivers didn't drop passes in their hands-Nassib's numbers would even be better.

Not trying to pick and argument-just sayin'.

1- You are right, he does have the right to keep a database... and because it's a free country, Millhouse also has the right to express his opinion..... especially given the fact it's pretty clear cut

2- I agree with you, but there is no reason not to get other guys out there too.
Nassib is average at best, bad pocket awareness, strong arm but no real touch and horrible on the long passes.

I agree with you there. (especially on the long passes) But, right now we're lucky to have Nassib. Maybe Broyld or Hunt can give him some competition on the spring.
Even after this loss, I want Marrone to lead us. Some will still say that I'm "drinking the kool-aid" but the OP just shed light on some completely blind fans. How could anyone say that Nassib is the best qb in the conference? that they wouldn't trade him for any other QB in the league?

Wow, just wow.
1- You are right, he does have the right to keep a database... and because it's a free country, Millhouse also has the right to express his opinion..... especially given the fact it's pretty clear cut

2- I agree with you, but there is no reason not to get other guys out there too.
1-I NEVER said Millhouse didn't have the right to express his opinion!
2-not sure what your are referring to-unless your saying try another QB. If so who would you bring in???? Only to get buried because of a weak offensive line.
I tried to make the argument with numbers, but that only led to a one day banning, and more helpful pointers about how I could avoid being such a moron.

Might want to go back and read those tips b/c you still sound like a moron. Nassib not only played OK tonight, he played well and was arguably the lone bright spot on the whole night, IMO. But, regardless, comparing his career rating to the 8-game sample of Andrew Robinson is statistically irrelevant.
Nassib played pretty good tonight. There must have been around 6 dropped passes, plus at least one non pass interference call. Pressure was coming at him all night long.

The dropped ball the bugged me the most tonight was the 2nd and 3 call and the pass hit Wales right in the chest and he dropped it. Granted we didn't make the 3rd and 3 play but that drop was big. It killed that drive.
I can't believe I didn't appear on that list.
The dropped ball the bugged me the most tonight was the 2nd and 3 call and the pass hit Wales right in the chest and he dropped it. Granted we didn't make the 3rd and 3 play but that drop was big. It killed that drive.

I think they were all infuriating b/c, other than one that may or may not have been credited to west late in the game (final drive?), all the drops were really on very well thrown balls. Wales, Lemon, Provo 2x, Graham 2x ... disappointing.
I think they were all infuriating b/c, other than one that may or may not have been credited to west late in the game (final drive?), all the drops were really on very well thrown balls. Wales, Lemon, Provo 2x, Graham 2x ... disappointing.
. T
Agree. Provo's at the didn't mean anything though. Graham should've made the first catch when he got hammered by the linebacker ( I mean safety) and then his second drop he was scared. Steven's TD throw should've been made to but I didn't think it was routine - Nassib threw it 90mph from 8 yards away. Lemon should've made his TD catch to but that wasn't routine either as he was fully extended at the height of his jump and getting hit in the back. No matter, the drops all hurt tonight and some were definitely infuriating.
LOL a take on the entire Board thread...

You want to bash Nassib fine but how many of those balls were on target and dropped? He isn't perfect but we got much bigger problems.
Can you at least be intelligent enough to pull out this post when he played poorly? Actually I don't give you enough credit. I knew this was coming. By the way, do you still think Nick Foles is better than Kellen Moore?

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