Credit to Lemoyne for letting shots fly, and playing hard the whole game. Some of their shots were from good sets, and a few off pure adrenaline I'd imagine.
Our forwards seem to have a good mix of skills between them (finesse, bully, some athleticism). Eddie is a bit slow (expected) on defense but overall I think a net positive tonight.
JJ seemed to be sort of the same on defense as last year where it looks like he's really trying but still gives up some penetration. Carlos just got abused all night and it's hard to imagine every team not doing the same thing all year which is troubling. He's aggressive and in your face which I like, but he's just too small. Had a difficult time setting people up or getting into the lane as well.
So I'm unsure, tonight the team looked a little lackadaisical and disorganized which I'm sure can improve. Hoping our half court sets don't devolve into a quick pass for a Bell 3 or dump it down to Lampkin/Davis for a post up all year. Defense needs to improve a lot.