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jordoo = cusetown = en fuego!
Speaking of en fuego...
"Mexican police, huh."
That guy played such a great dirt bag.
"He was quoting the Bible, Revelations. "Behold the pale horse". The man who "sat on him was Death... and Hell followed with him"."
Johnny Ringo.
Loved that line.
It doesn't hurt that Dana Delaney is in that movie. I always found her very likable and attractive. She's aged very well to boot.
It doesn't hurt that Dana Delaney is in that movie. I always found her very likable and attractive. She's aged very well to boot.
Super hot, and you're right. Hot at any age it seems.
I'm thinking, from left to right:
Ennis as Doc. The Point Man.
Keita as Virgil. The Sage.
CJ as Wyatt. All World.
Grant as Morgan. Young Buck.
The dirt bag can be Cal
Cal wishes! Curly Bill is one of the best movie bad guys of all time.
May I suggest an alternative for Cal?
"Sheriff" Behan.

No he should be the actor dude and Crean can be Jason Priestly.
"Your friends might get me in a rush, but not before I make your head into a canoe, you understand me?"
"Drunk piano player...probably seeing double"
"I have two guns, one for each of ya".
"Your friends might get me in a rush, but not before I make your head into a canoe, you understand me?"
"Drunk piano player...probably seeing double"
"I have two guns, one for each of ya".

'You know, Fredrick F*cking Chopan."
Lots of trolls, bickering about which SU players sucked over the years, and so forth.
Let's fix that people. Be ready for another amazing run.

Love. :)

Keep bringing the peace, love and understanding, my friend.
Tee, Can I do Rak Christmas? :)

I wouldn't be surprised to see rak compete with Dajuans offense this year. Hes playing at a much higher speed level then last year. He has a second gear with the ball in his offhand that he didn't even have without the ball last year, that would make any syracuse pf/center jealous. And he has a isolation mentality which sets him ahead and will cause jb to push him harder. You can tell he wants it.

Outside of Grant who blew me away, he was the suprise of the offseason for me. Everyone was saying he needed to add post moves ,and mobility to his game. He did with a left handed dribble and a 3rd gear. That doesn't come without hard work. I have him mixed in with the likes of Senior Rick. Big strong physical post guys who wanted to pick up their mobility and make a huge leap to do so. This doesn't mean he is going to do good things, but his potential and ceiling is much higher then last year now.

I Just hope his layups 7 feet and in starts coming naturally easier for him, and he jumps into every scrum for rebounds in big games (like at pitt). I thought he had the best play in canada. It ended up as a charge but when he took the ball from just inside the three point line I was wowed. It was more explosive then anything any of our best scoring bigs could have ever brought even Warrick imo. It was SF slahingesque He had more explosivness then Wes, KJO, CJ, Grant going to the hole all in that one play (and I overemphasize that). Charge, no points or not that was easily my most notible wow of any canada play.

If he continues to work hard, and finds a soft and smooth swish touch on those 7-8 foot one hand releases. If he can confidently lay the ball up out of the high post before hitting the second defender right outside the circle.If he works on his right hand dribble blowby some with his head up the way he can do it with his left. If he can continue to dish to the open man off the dribble with his head out of a double team. Then, he will be special. He can accomplish these things this year, last year I would of said hes not ready yet.

He has the potential to put up nearly 15 ppg and be one of the solid passing bigs off the dribble(which is really hard to find), this year. He has created that ceiling which he couldn't compete for the last two years without his improve handle and speed. imo, He makes Paul Harris ceiling coming out of highschool look like a comedy right now.

Its all about his one hand release 8 and in now and working on a right hand dribble as solid as his left. He should shoot a million a day the next few weeks, and practice both hands shooting over 7 foot statues with outstretched arms.

Hop needs to pull one of these on him as the season is starting. Show this bigman the heart its going to take.
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Orangefan, love your enthusiasm and critique on Rak. Hope you are right in your predictions. I would be thrilled with 8-10 points and 4-5 rebounds a game. When I watch him play he looks mechanical in his attempts to make moves to the basket. If he plays as you predict he would have had to put in a ton of work over the summer.
Tee, Can I do Rak Christmas? :)
With you, bro. I am still hopeful he can dominate the paint. He has definitely shown moments on the defensive end. Even had a few nice moments offensively. I think the talent is more there than we have seen, and let's get it on a consistent basis.

Rak is one of our best athletes, and I can see him make big strides.
Hope you are right in your predictions. .

Not going to make a prediction just looking at his ceiling. Rak is a smooth one handed left/right release and a solid drive right with his head up from dominating offensively. He finds those he could be one of the best scoring bigs in the land.

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