Marrone's tenure here... |

Marrone's tenure here...


Aug 16, 2011
I can't remember if i ever posted this before. if so, sorry for the repeat.

My honest to God interpretation of his tenure here is the following...and it may turn the stomachs of some.

i honestly think he saw his alma mater struggling and stepped up to the plate to rescue it. i think he was rolling merrily along on a career path to get a shot at an nfl job, and took a 4 year detour here to rescue the program The cynic would say he used us to get hc experience and parlayed that into the Bills gig.

i actually think HE beleived he was getting one anyway, and took a noble risk (what if he failed?). We as fans interpreted his move here as a more permanent stop. i don't think that was ever his plan...which was to bring it to respectability, and then turn it over to someone else.

i bet that binder of his also had his escape plan in it.

Last year about this time, he said something at one of the pj dorsey's luncheons that didn't make sense at the time, but did later on. It was after one of the losses.

He said "maybe the program needs another bump". When one of those in the audience asked him what he meant he said 'maybe someone else is needed to take this to another level.' That was a hint that he was bailing...which he did.
Watching Shafer coach so far has given me better appreciation for Marrone the coach. The recruiter? That is another story.
I can't remember if i ever posted this before. if so, sorry for the repeat.

My honest to God interpretation of his tenure here is the following...and it may turn the stomachs of some.

i honestly think he saw his alma mater struggling and stepped up to the plate to rescue it. i think he was rolling merrily along on a career path to get a shot at an nfl job, and took a 4 year detour here to rescue the program The cynic would say he used us to get hc experience and parlayed that into the Bills gig.

i actually think HE beleived he was getting one anyway, and took a noble risk (what if he failed?). We as fans interpreted his move here as a more permanent stop. i don't think that was ever his plan...which was to bring it to respectability, and then turn it over to someone else.

i bet that binder of his also had his escape plan in it.

Last year about this time, he said something at one of the pj dorsey's luncheons that didn't make sense at the time, but did later on. It was after one of the losses.

He said "maybe the program needs another bump". When one of those in the audience asked him what he meant he said 'maybe someone else is needed to take this to another level.' That was a hint that he was bailing...which he did.
What point are you trying to make by this? Maybe I'm a little slow.
I can't remember if i ever posted this before. if so, sorry for the repeat.

My honest to God interpretation of his tenure here is the following...and it may turn the stomachs of some.

i honestly think he saw his alma mater struggling and stepped up to the plate to rescue it. i think he was rolling merrily along on a career path to get a shot at an nfl job, and took a 4 year detour here to rescue the program The cynic would say he used us to get hc experience and parlayed that into the Bills gig.

i actually think HE beleived he was getting one anyway, and took a noble risk (what if he failed?). We as fans interpreted his move here as a more permanent stop. i don't think that was ever his plan...which was to bring it to respectability, and then turn it over to someone else.

i bet that binder of his also had his escape plan in it.

Last year about this time, he said something at one of the pj dorsey's luncheons that didn't make sense at the time, but did later on. It was after one of the losses.

He said "maybe the program needs another bump". When one of those in the audience asked him what he meant he said 'maybe someone else is needed to take this to another level.' That was a hint that he was bailing...which he did.

I respectfully don't see it the same way.

You don't utter "dream job" when taking a detour to do the noble thing.

I think he realized as much as a good deal of his career was spent in college and he genuinely loved Syracuse University, but found out along the way he wasn't built for recruiting nor for the uphill climb of being an off-the-field CEO to get $ and facilities done.

My take is that he knew before the beginning of the year that he would try for the big league thereafter. And, hey, he couldn't have accomplished that without the helluva season we had, especially from October on.
I a
I respectfully don't see it the same way.

You don't utter "dream job" when taking a detour to do the noble thing.

I think he realized as much as a good deal of his career was spent in college and he genuinely loved Syracuse University, but found out along the way he wasn't built for recruiting nor for the uphill climb of being an off-the-field CEO to get $ and facilities done.

My take is that he knew before the beginning of the year that he would try for the big league thereafter. And, hey, he couldn't have accomplished that without the helluva season we had, especially from October on.
I agree with this. Doug didn't like recruiting and it shows.
I can't remember if i ever posted this before. if so, sorry for the repeat.

My honest to God interpretation of his tenure here is the following...and it may turn the stomachs of some.

i honestly think he saw his alma mater struggling and stepped up to the plate to rescue it. i think he was rolling merrily along on a career path to get a shot at an nfl job, and took a 4 year detour here to rescue the program The cynic would say he used us to get hc experience and parlayed that into the Bills gig.

i actually think HE beleived he was getting one anyway, and took a noble risk (what if he failed?). We as fans interpreted his move here as a more permanent stop. i don't think that was ever his plan...which was to bring it to respectability, and then turn it over to someone else.

i bet that binder of his also had his escape plan in it.

Last year about this time, he said something at one of the pj dorsey's luncheons that didn't make sense at the time, but did later on. It was after one of the losses.

He said "maybe the program needs another bump". When one of those in the audience asked him what he meant he said 'maybe someone else is needed to take this to another level.' That was a hint that he was bailing...which he did.

Regardless of why he came or why he left, my take is that the program is indebted to him for what he was able to accomplish in his time here. And every time I see a picture of, or read about Greg Robinson, I whisper "thank you, Doug."
I respectfully don't see it the same way.

You don't utter "dream job" when taking a detour to do the noble thing.

I think he realized as much as a good deal of his career was spent in college and he genuinely loved Syracuse University, but found out along the way he wasn't built for recruiting nor for the uphill climb of being an off-the-field CEO to get $ and facilities done.

My take is that he knew before the beginning of the year that he would try for the big league thereafter. And, hey, he couldn't have accomplished that without the helluva season we had, especially from October on.

I'm in this camp. Walking in, not quite sure he understood how much of a rebuild was needed and how much work it would take to get the fan base back on board. When he won moderately in 2010, I think he probably thought fans would be flooding back into the Dome. When it didn't happen in 2011, I think that was the last straw. And you just get the feeling that he never really loved the whole recruiting thing.

You could almost feel his demeanor change during his pressers through the years (And from what people have said about the Monday lunches the same holds). Seems like he really became frustrated over the years and just decided college wasn't really the place for him
I understand your view and do not want to be disrespectful of it but I have a more practical view. The only thing Marrone lacked on his resume was a D-1 HC stint. There is not a single other D-1 HC job he could have gotten except SU. He barely got this one. He saw his chance and grabbed it.

He did a good job and we should be grateful. However, deification - not so much. He got as much as he gave. He got his launching pad into the NFL and we got our program restored. Fair trade all around.

IMO Shafer will make us forget Marrone. Just give him the four years that Doug got and he will be better than .500. Shafer understands that it is all about recruiting which is why he hired McDonald. This class is going to be the best we had had in a decade. THAT is what it is all about

Doug belongs in the NFL.
I can't remember if i ever posted this before. if so, sorry for the repeat.

My honest to God interpretation of his tenure here is the following...and it may turn the stomachs of some.

i honestly think he saw his alma mater struggling and stepped up to the plate to rescue it. i think he was rolling merrily along on a career path to get a shot at an nfl job, and took a 4 year detour here to rescue the program The cynic would say he used us to get hc experience and parlayed that into the Bills gig.

i actually think HE beleived he was getting one anyway, and took a noble risk (what if he failed?). We as fans interpreted his move here as a more permanent stop. i don't think that was ever his plan...which was to bring it to respectability, and then turn it over to someone else.

i bet that binder of his also had his escape plan in it.

Last year about this time, he said something at one of the pj dorsey's luncheons that didn't make sense at the time, but did later on. It was after one of the losses.

He said "maybe the program needs another bump". When one of those in the audience asked him what he meant he said 'maybe someone else is needed to take this to another level.' That was a hint that he was bailing...which he did.

If I remember the for sale on his house correctly he seemed to have dumped a lot of money in that place. I think his intentions changed dramatically and found a golden parachute and took it.
i bet that binder of his also had his escape plan in it.
Ouch. I wouldn't even go that far.

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I'm not the only one who thought Marrone would take us back to a top 25 program am I? Maybe it's realizing the fact he's gone, but I had complete trust in his his ability to win games with less, and would do so consistently. I keep having this creepy feeling like he was the one who got away.
If he cared about the transition he wouldn't have taken the whole staff

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You can keep Rob Moore for offensive continuity doesn't scream I care so much about SU's transition to the next guy. And at least leave us Anselmo for NYC recruiting, unless Anselmo begged his way out of here because he hated it (who knows).

When he used the same dream job line for the Bills job, I started thinking of it as just that, a line.

I think he loves SU because he went here. I think it was painful for him to see what had happened here. So a chance to make 7 figures, put his stamp on this program, build his resume for the next step of coaching in the NFL. It was all win win win. As long as he could get SU to win win win. He played the lotto and won, with all the open NFL jobs just after his most successful season at SU.

Hope he keeps the Bills moving in the right direction. I've at least got that going for me. Which is nice.
I don't know why he left, but as another poster pointed out a few months ago, he better be rooting for Shafer.

If Shafer is successful and the program wins 6-10 games each year consistently, Marrone will be viewed as the guy who started the turnaround. If Shafer flops, he's the guy who by leaving moved the program backwards again after a couple of good years.
I don't know why he left, but as another poster pointed out a few months ago, he better be rooting for Shafer.

If Shafer is successful and the program wins 6-10 games each year consistently, Marrone will be viewed as the guy who started the turnaround. If Shafer flops, he's the guy who by leaving moved the program backwards again after a couple of good years.

100% disagree.

If Shafer fails, Marrone will be viewed as awesome, as the HC who did it himself between Grobissmalness and Shafer not cutting it (God forbid.)
I'm not the only one who thought Marrone would take us back to a top 25 program am I? Maybe it's realizing the fact he's gone, but I had complete trust in his his ability to win games with less, and would do so consistently. I keep having this creepy feeling like he was the one who got away.

You are not the only one...
I'm in this camp. Walking in, not quite sure he understood how much of a rebuild was needed and how much work it would take to get the fan base back on board. When he won moderately in 2010, I think he probably thought fans would be flooding back into the Dome. When it didn't happen in 2011, I think that was the last straw. And you just get the feeling that he never really loved the whole recruiting thing.

You could almost feel his demeanor change during his pressers through the years (And from what people have said about the Monday lunches the same holds). Seems like he really became frustrated over the years and just decided college wasn't really the place for him

Agree completely. Remember that he assembled a staff full of people he had planned for years to employ in this role. It wasn't a sudden decision to come here. he soured on the job while he was here. The events of the 2011 season had a lot to do with it. I think he actulaly emant it when he said it was a dream job. But he woke up.
Doug was on the fast track to an NFL HC gig without Syracuse. This was mentioned multiple times, not on this board, but by many NFL pundits.

Also, I know for fact Doug loathed recruiting, it particularly bothered him to have to kiss kids arsses to get them to consider Syracuse when he felt they should feel as if it was a privilege to play at Syracuse.

Doug Marrone is a great coach. We were in fact lucky to have him. Say whatever you want, this is my opinion. He will have success in Buffalo, maybe not as much as people feel "justifies" being a good coach, but success nonetheless. The playoff drought will end on his watch. And I'm a Giants fan.
When he interviewed and first got here he was all in - that was his style - and you could see it in his eyes that this was his dream job at first.

However, he never got the support he thought the football program needed to be competitive in recruiting. Facilities were a mess and basically hadn't changed since he left as a player. Assistant coaches salaries were sub par. Olympic sports had too much $ allocated to them at the expense of the football program. We had turned into a bball school that is played inside a football stadium how crazy is that? Did we build the Dome just to play basketball in it?

The football program had sunk to 119 out of 120 when he took over - I once told him early on that the SU football program should be shut down if he couldn't turn it around. At first he took it on as a challenge to fix the program, facilities, fan support & simply to bring the program back to the old glory days.

He did come to understand that the landscape where facilities and fan attendance was used against him in recruiting battles. We did lose some really close battles here in NY - much closer than you all know going all the way back to D Easley. However, the battles off the field were what really changed his dream job into a nightmare.

He fought huge battles to get monies allocated to simply upgrade football facilities. He couldn't understand why their was no support - he knew on the national scene football drives the bus - and he knew SU wanted to join either the BiG or ACC and those leagues understand that football drives the bus. He thought many here were short sided because they didn't understand the changing landscape. He did finally come to realize how far the BE conference had slid so low on the national scene because it didn't value football as much as it did basketball. And that SU had become blinded by the success of the basketball program just like the BE conference.

Because he clearly understood the national landscape that football drives the bus but couldn't convince anyone here - ergo - the IPF has been on the table for 3-4 years but no support from the Board to even consider building it - they told Doug go find the money yourself and you can build your IPF.

By the way, he felt like the AD was nowhere to be found on this sore subject as Doug thought his job was to Coach football, not be a fundraiser for an IPF. In Dr Gross's defense, there was no money to be had either being stuck in the BE conference that focused its success on basketball (which if you remember turned down a lucrative ESPN contract). It's just how it's done here at SU at least until he left where it became ironic in what happened next.

That was the politics behind the scenes - no real support from above - but their was no money - a real catch 22 - and no vision existed for the football program when Doug made the decision to leave. That's how he got to the point where, as Jake said, someone else will need to take it to the next level.

Now to the most ironic thing that occurred when Doug decided it was time to move on and left - we joined the ACC, football became king again and a light bulb went on from above - and magically funds were found to build the IPF. Imagine that - where did we find these funds all of a sudden I ask all of you?

In a way, Doug finally got what he wanted - the IPF for recruiting purposes - but he had to leave the program to get it.
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And the staff people hammer on him for taking, was the staff he assembled, get the flick over it, those were his guys. It wasn't a slight to Syracuse to take them, it was a promotion to the guys who did well for him. PS- Moore was offered a position as well as Brotzki, some guys like CUSE better.
i'm exhausted of people acting like marrone did something here. his best record was 8-5 with pinstripe bowl wins with the other coaches recruits at qb, ol, and wr. he left us with nothing. in my own mind I've taken to calling him doug baloney marroney because that is exactly what he is full of. he came here full of piss and vinegar and left here no better than we were before. as a program, and as fans, we owe this guy nothing.
i'm exhausted of people acting like marrone did something here. his best record was 8-5 with pinstripe bowl wins with the other coaches recruits at qb, ol, and wr. he left us with nothing. in my own mind I've taken to calling him doug baloney marroney because that is exactly what he is full of. he came here full of piss and vinegar and left here no better than we were before. as a program, and as fans, we owe this guy nothing.

No better than we were before? Sure thing.
i'm exhausted of people acting like marrone did something here. his best record was 8-5 with pinstripe bowl wins with the other coaches recruits at qb, ol, and wr. he left us with nothing. in my own mind I've taken to calling him doug baloney marroney because that is exactly what he is full of. he came here full of piss and vinegar and left here no better than we were before. as a program, and as fans, we owe this guy nothing.

You don't get it do you. The program sank to 119 out of 120 when he took over. You like many don't really know what he was up against.

Bro - he work a miracle here - plain and simple - and at least those who fully understand his value hired him to go to the next level - the NFL! You sound like a Board member I know that had the same short sided viewpoint as you - another reason on why he left but that is another story.

Anyway - I will take the NFL's value of him over your view of him anytime anywhere. You lost this argument.

But he did like baloney I'll grant you that.
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