Maryland Fans turning into WVU Fans | Page 4 |

Maryland Fans turning into WVU Fans

The threat of loss motivates as well.

UNC and VA must know that Clemson and FSU have flirted with the SEC. Some people say that MD exit fees questions is the only thing keeping them.

That would leave Miami and Va Tech leading the charge in football???

Does UNC and VA and GA Tech want to be in a crippled conference?

If that happened, the ACC would be more like the old BE than the ACC.

Think about it.

BCU, SU, Pitt, UofL, Miami, Va Tech, ND and Miami from the OBE VS. Duke, NC State and Wake from the New ACC.

Add in maybe UCONN and Cincy and all Swafford would have accomplished is changing the name of the BE to the ACC.
B10's first option is to get unc and UVA and moving to 16. I don't think they can get it.
The second option is to get unc,UVA,gt,and duke. Still don't think it can get it.
The big x factors are sec and nd. I don't think sec will stay still watching b10 moving into va.
As for uconn, I think it eventually will land somewhere.
Well, you also thought it would be 25 years before UCONN beat SU in football, and that prediction didn't work out so well.

I'm impressed you don't see UCONN as a rival, seeing that we had the better of you for the past two decades in BB and the past decade in FB.

UofL was chosen to placate FSU and Clemson. It demonstrates that the ACC is a bit nervous about keeping those two happy, tradition and academics be damned.

If VA and UNC think that FSU and Clemson are solidly ACC, tradition might be enough to make them give up millions.

However, if they think its a matter of time before they leave, then its question of whether or not tradition is enough to keep them in a crippled football conference.

And as you see above. it's not their father's ACC anymore. Or not even their older brother's ACC.
who told you that Louisville was taken to appease FSU and Clemson. I'm sorry. that is just nonsense you guys tell yourself to make you feel better. The Ville was taken because they offer a lot more than UConn.
after march, i dont think we should allow any storz posters onto the site.

no newbies. and all currently here should be shown the door.

i dont care what posters from siena or wagner have to say. nor do i care what posters from old dominion and memphis have to say.

same with storz. buh bye.

Oh Lord
Besides the obvious (b12 being raided first), I think our hope should be that the b10 pursues the southern schools. And pursues them. And pursues them. And then they finally give up and invite SU and whoever. I think UNC will be pretty close to being the captain of their ship and wait until the last moment. But Virginia I'm not so sure about. But I still don't think we hear anything until the Maryland case is settled.

I don't get the UConn hate. We'd be super pissed, too, if we were in their shoes. They could realistically be in the b10 right now if they were AAU. You'd think people would have learned from making fun of Rutgers.

I was with you on the "making fun of Rutgers"-thingy, I also felt it was dumb to do so at the time, but UConn is a different animal.
All of sudden we've become public enemy number 1 to those guys, wherein they're all over the net touting their "superior" credentials to SU, and wondering why they're left out.
RU had no such record to speak of, but our rivalry with UConn was genuine...and respectful. But, in order to make themselves feel better, they now crouch in the weeds hoping for the worst, and Syracuse U is their designated target.
UConn is like the guy who gets a bad review at work, goes home, & verbally & emotionally abuses his family.
Just a toxic reaction bred of frustration, anger, helplessness, and insecurity.
Fcuk UConn. (n)
I laugh when UConn fans think they are the 2nd choice for B1G after UVA. I know they are assuming UNC won't leave the ACC, but I just checked their board out after this crap came out yesterday and it was honestly sad. The fanbase has gone off the deep end. Basically the only hope that UConn fans have is that North Carolina or Virginia decide to leave the ACC or else UConn is stuck in the Big East FOREVER unless the B1G could poach Missouri from the SEC.
If FSU and Clemson had SEC offers there is no chance they would stay in the ACC. But they aren't getting those offers because Florida doesn't want FSU and USC doesn't want Clemson. Keep dreaming.

The fact that he mentions Clemson/FSU as SEC possibilities, and wondered earlier in the thread who would be the B1G's next choice for the NY market would be, shows that he's paying almost no attention to expansion in the Conference TV Network era.

But again, if you're a UConn fan right now, you just keep throwing against the wall, and hoping/praying that it sticks.

At least he has held off on the ND full member scenario. Or maybe he's worried that Cincy's Xmas card means they'll be the balancing 16th team.
I live five miles from College Park in Kensington, MD and no one gives a about the University of Maryland.

That's crazy.

I know Kensington well. You need to get out and about more. That's a hotbed of Terp support. I know a number of large families in Kensington in which everybody went to Maryland.

Do you even know who Tim Strachan is?
Well, you also thought it would be 25 years before UCONN beat SU in football, and that prediction didn't work out so well.

I'm impressed you don't see UCONN as a rival, seeing that we had the better of you for the past two decades in BB and the past decade in FB.

UofL was chosen to placate FSU and Clemson. It demonstrates that the ACC is a bit nervous about keeping those two happy, tradition and academics be damned.

If VA and UNC think that FSU and Clemson are solidly ACC, tradition might be enough to make them give up millions.

However, if they think its a matter of time before they leave, then its question of whether or not tradition is enough to keep them in a crippled football conference.

And as you see above. it's not their father's ACC anymore. Or not even their older brother's ACC.

Now that's the pro-UConn drivel I expected. All of it is unsupported fantasies about the motivations of others.

The reality is that Conference expansion has been going on for at least 10 years and UConn hasn't gotten so much as a sniff. Oh maybe a sniff ... which BC snuffed out. The fact that Louisville was selected by the ACC speaks volumes about the undesirability of UConn. Duke and UNC and Virginia anf WF had to be doing some major league nose squeezing to overlook the aroma coming from the academic shortcoming of U of L.

All of this imagined stuff --- like UL was chosen to keep FSU from jumping --- is part of the UConn-think" that leaves the boosters scratching their heads. Why not us? Or in your case, "It has to be us next".

You aren't going to get much comfort here. SU fans, by and large, don't care about UConn and aren't shedding any tears over probably not playing UConn in anything ever again.

You guys came from th Yankee Conference and I'd say there's a good likelihood that you'll be back there or in a conference like NNNBE, the second coming of C-USA.
That's crazy.

I know Kensington well. You need to get out and about more. That's a hotbed of Terp support. I know a number of large families in Kensington in which everybody went to Maryland.

Do you even know who Tim Strachan is?

Seriously? I get out plenty and I see more apparel for Syracuse and Michigan than I do Maryland. I'm sure there are plenty of alums here, but if you didn't see a sign on the beltway no one would even know UMd was there.
You obviously did NOT get the Delaney Memo. The memo contains the outline of WHEN you WILL accept as your cable or satellite overlord the BTN. There is no "if" or "but", just a "WHEN!" Oh, you'll LIKE it, too!

Quite similar to the LHN memo we in Texas received not long ago.

The Memo also indicated the good news regarding "a school north of UT and south of Kansas" is imminent, unless it doesn't happen.

I live in Chevy Chase, MD and I get the BTN as part of my FIOS programming. I have never watched it.

Maryland sold its soul for money. They had to do it because of Maryland law that says they can't use General Funds for Athletics. But besides the money, there wasn't a single reason for them to leave the ACC. That realization is starting to sink in.
Seriously? I get out plenty and I see more apparel for Syracuse and Michigan than I do Maryland. I'm sure there are plenty of alums here, but if you didn't see a sign on the beltway no one would even know UMd was there.

That's crazy. You are in the middle of Terp-land and report no sightings of Terp fans?

Try this ... Go to Caddy's in Bethesda on a Saturday and tell me what you see.

Ask any class at Holy Redeemer who they root for.

Look at where the graduating classes go to college from the Montgomery County high schools that serve Kensington.

I'm guessing that there's a lot of SU support in Liverpool, NY. Think of Kensington as Liverpool with less snow and more traffic.
I live in Chevy Chase, MD and I get the BTN as part of my FIOS programming. I have never watched it.

Maryland sold its soul for money. They had to do it because of Maryland law that says they can't use General Funds for Athletics. But besides the money, there wasn't a single reason for them to leave the ACC. That realization is starting to sink in.

Only thing advantageous to me is seeing Michigan come in (though losing seeing SU come in). Maryland and Rutgers are going to get curb stomped in the likely East-West division split with Michigan, Ohio State, and Penn State all in the East division.
Seriously this is crap...just the same old recycled crap from various bloggers. UVA will not want to be MidWest focused.
Wow seriously im do damn sick of all this realighnment junk. Seems like its inevitable that the acc is gonna break up and its sucks. Why cant the acc do somethin network or anything to avoid this!!!!
That's crazy. You are in the middle of Terp-land and report no sightings of Terp fans?

Try this ... Go to Caddy's in Bethesda on a Saturday and tell me what you see.

Ask any class at Holy Redeemer who they root for.

Look at where the graduating classes go to college from the Montgomery County high schools that serve Kensington.

I'm guessing that there's a lot of SU support in Liverpool, NY. Think of Kensington as Liverpool with less snow and more traffic.

I guess they just don't root that hard. It strikes me that plenty of kids attend Maryland, there's just a pretty piss poor fanbase. What makes it worse is that this is a major state school in a highly populated area where alumni tend to stay more local than SU.



And that's not exactly a big stadium.
I resent that remark, as I live in the area that you are referring too. You are ill informed or live in the DC suburbs (which makes you ill informed to begin with), as that just isn't true. There is a clear difference, when you drive over the Potomac river. If you can't see it, you have either never taken the time to see it (most likely the case) or you are incapable of understanding the difference.

I live outside Hagerstown. I live in a rural area (I wouldn't have it any other way). But I assure you that I don't sit on my couch on the porch watching the cars go by or washing my clothes. I suggest you actually drive around WV a bit and reassess. We invented the WV jokes in this area...For a reason.

Rural areas are not inherently bad, but the Hagerstown metropolitan area consists of roughly 135-140k not much less than the City of Syracuse.

Not so sure about that. That part of Maryland looks like WV to me. But then I do live in the close in DC suburbs.

I was in Hagerstown a few months ago for a lunch at a German place downtown. The town looked depressed. Lots of signs of unemployment and little economic growth. Plenty of government housing. It certainly wasn't Bethesda.

I'll stick with my observation. That part of Maryland seem indistinguishable from Charles Town, WV.
I guess they just don't root that hard. It strikes me that plenty of kids attend Maryland, there's just a pretty piss poor fanbase. What makes it worse is that this is a major state school in a highly populated area where alumni tend to stay more local than SU.



And that's not exactly a big stadium.

Now you are changing your story to "there are lots of Terp fans, alumni, students in the area ... but there isn't a lot of excitement over football". I can buy that.

But Terp football has been on a downswing the last few years. When Fridgen came in, Byrd was full. When they are good, people go to the games. When they are not good, they don't. There's a lot of other stuff to do in Washington.

I watch a lot of WCAC (Gonzaga, DeMatha, Good Counsel) and even Georgetown Prep football. These games take 2 hrs to watch and are easy to get to. Go to a Gonzaga vs. Georgetown Prep game. Prep is about 5 minutes from Kensington.

I'd also recommend a Georgetownn Prep vs. Gonzaga or Landon lacrosse game.

This is not a huge college football area. The Redskins sap up just about all the football interest there is. Basketball is inherently a bigger deal. Try to get a ticket to a Terp basketball game. It's not easy to do.
Only thing advantageous to me is seeing Michigan come in (though losing seeing SU come in). Maryland and Rutgers are going to get curb stomped in the likely East-West division split with Michigan, Ohio State, and Penn State all in the East division.

Penn State will draw a big crowd at Maryland. They always have. There's a lot of interest in PSU in DC and there's a lot of Terp fans that see PSU as a rival. (The last Maryland QB to beat PSU was Dick Shiner in the early 1960's.) Penn State has always recruited this area well.

Michigan and Ohio State will also draw well as there will be local interest and there are a lot of Big 10 alumni in DC. But those crowds will shrink.

The ONLY reason the B1G selected those schools was because of the number of cable customers in their geographic area. Both the Rutgers and UMD Athletic departments were bleeding millions of dollars. They were vulnerable.

For this money both schools signed on top be permanent punching bags for the powers in the Big Ten.
Now you are changing your story to "there are lots of Terp fans, alumni, students in the area ... but there isn't a lot of excitement over football". I can buy that.

But Terp football has been on a downswing the last few years. When Fridgen came in, Byrd was full. When they are good, people go to the games. When they are not good, they don't. There's a lot of other stuff to do in Washington.

I watch a lot of WCAC (Gonzaga, DeMatha, Good Counsel) and even Georgetown Prep football. These games take 2 hrs to watch and are easy to get to. Go to a Gonzaga vs. Georgetown Prep game. Prep is about 5 minutes from Kensington.

I'd also recommend a Georgetownn Prep vs. Gonzaga or Landon lacrosse game.

This is not a huge college football area. The Redskins sap up just about all the football interest there is. Basketball is inherently a bigger deal. Try to get a ticket to a Terp basketball game. It's not easy to do.

My story is consistent as 'no one cares about Maryland' and if not for signs on the beltway, people that didn't actually attend the school wouldn't even know the campus exists. And the people that actually did go to the school, don't really care about Maryland sports. And this expansion isn't exactly primarily about academics.
Penn State will draw a big crowd at Maryland. They always have. There's a lot of interest in PSU in DC and there's a lot of Terp fans that see PSU as a rival. (The last Maryland QB to beat PSU was Dick Shiner in the early 1960's.) Penn State has always recruited this area well.

Michigan and Ohio State will also draw well as there will be local interest and there are a lot of Big 10 alumni in DC. But those crowds will shrink.

The ONLY reason the B1G selected those schools was because of the number of cable customers in their geographic area. Both the Rutgers and UMD Athletic departments were bleeding millions of dollars. They were vulnerable.

For this money both schools signed on top be permanent punching bags for the powers in the Big Ten.

Agree on all points.

Maryland has become the new Northwestern of the Big Ten. This is what Ryan Field looks like when Michigan comes in - I've seen it.

My story is consistent as 'no one cares about Maryland' and if not for signs on the beltway, people that didn't actually attend the school wouldn't even know the campus exists. And the people that actually did go to the school, don't really care about Maryland sports. And this expansion isn't exactly primarily about academics.

I don't know how long you have lived in the area. But if the Terps show any life in football, you'll see the breadth and depth of the fan base.

Just look at the Washington Post coverage. And there is no one that is better tuned into the sentiments of the population than the Washington Post. Their coverage reflects what people want to read about. And its Maryland-heavy.
Agree on all points.

Maryland has become the new Northwestern of the Big Ten. This is what Ryan Field looks like when Michigan comes in - I've seen it.

Maryland in the B1G is another Indiana. Poor football and good basketball.

But there's a threat there. Every Maryland basketball recruit I ever heard interviewed said that "playing in the ACC" was the principle reason they came to Maryland. I never heard anyone say that playing in the Big 10 was their dream ... except for the slow, big white guys I see playing for Wisconsin.
I don't know how long you have lived in the area. But if the Terps show any life in football, you'll see the breadth and depth of the fan base.

Just look at the Washington Post coverage. And there is no one that is better tuned into the sentiments of the population than the Washington Post. Their coverage reflects what people want to read about. And its Maryland-heavy.

I've been in the area since 2004. I maintain there are more fans for a number of schools than Maryland.

What's the Post's sports section supposed to cover instead, Virginia Tech?

Maryland was brought in as a means to access to the DC area for the rest of the Big Ten, not because they actually add anything.
Penn State will draw a big crowd at Maryland. They always have. There's a lot of interest in PSU in DC and there's a lot of Terp fans that see PSU as a rival. (The last Maryland QB to beat PSU was Dick Shiner in the early 1960's.) Penn State has always recruited this area well.

Michigan and Ohio State will also draw well as there will be local interest and there are a lot of Big 10 alumni in DC. But those crowds will shrink.

The ONLY reason the B1G selected those schools was because of the number of cable customers in their geographic area. Both the Rutgers and UMD Athletic departments were bleeding millions of dollars. They were vulnerable.

For this money both schools signed on top be permanent punching bags for the powers in the Big Ten.

So the guy who for the last few years had declared that the B1G had zero interest in Rutgers and that the mighty Terrapin Club would never allow Maryland to leave the ACC, is still acting like an authority on the subject.

For the record, what is you stance on UVA?
I've been in the area since 2004. I maintain there are more fans for a number of schools than Maryland.

What's the Post's sports section supposed to cover instead, Virginia Tech?

Maryland was brought in as a means to access to the DC area for the rest of the Big Ten, not because they actually add anything.

Well, if the Post thought there was a lot of VT support in DC, there would be a lot more articles about VT. This sin't about teams being "newsworthy". This is about what the audience is predisposed to want to read about.

Here's the secret. They aren't leading the duck as far as coverage goes. They are pandering to the interest they feel is out there and the research they do. Listen to DC sport talk radio ... it's all about the Redskins twelve months a year. That's because that's where the interest is.

Look at what they are doing with baseball. They are pumping up the Nats ... but they know there is still a lot of Orioles interest here. So look at the coverage. Lots on the Nats, but some on the Orioles (actually they have increased their Orioles coverage).

They will cover other teams even if there isn't a lot of local interest. Georgetown is an example of that. GU has almost no local fans ... but the Post covers GU sports for some non-rational reasons.
So from one of the tweets that started all this comes this today:

RE: UNC/B10 rumor
Jeff Ermann @insidemdsports 4h

Seems to be some confusion. So it's clear, I've reported nothing to the effect that UNC is Big 10-bound; just that Big 10 wants the Heels...

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