Maryland Fans turning into WVU Fans | Page 3 |

Maryland Fans turning into WVU Fans

FWIW, ESPN Insider quoted Ermann.
Outside of the DC suburbs and the mess that is Baltimore, there isn't a dime's worth of difference between most of Maryland and West Virginia. Take a trip to Hagerstown or Cumberland or all of Southern Maryland and the Eastern Shore.

I lived in Southern Md for 5 years. I liked it there.
Besides the obvious (b12 being raided first), I think our hope should be that the b10 pursues the southern schools. And pursues them. And pursues them. And then they finally give up and invite SU and whoever. I think UNC will be pretty close to being the captain of their ship and wait until the last moment. But Virginia I'm not so sure about. But I still don't think we hear anything until the Maryland case is settled.

I don't get the UConn hate. We'd be super pissed, too, if we were in their shoes. They could realistically be in the b10 right now if they were AAU. You'd think people would have learned from making fun of Rutgers.

I also wouldn't be surprised if this eventually ends up with two 24+ team leagues. Basically two old conferences under one umbrella. It's pretty clear that this is all about Slive and Delany, so there's no telling where this will eventually go.
I've said it before and I'll say it again...

How do you guys know so much about this stuff??? I love reading these threads/hate reading these threads because it is new to me and I find it interesting/F conference expansion.
They could realistically be in the b10 right now if they were AAU. You'd think people would have learned from making fun of Rutgers.

UCONN is on track to get into the AAU
we have a poster named arb here that is really keyed in. Instead of just guessing and hoping and praying, maybe listen to him.

No dispect to arb, one thing I've learned over the past 8 years or so, is that no one really know whats going to happen next and plenty of "insiders" get surprised.

Waldorf for the most part. Short time in an area called Bryans Road.

Sent using my Commodore 64
I lived in Southern Md for 5 years. I liked it there.

I like Southern Maryland too. I have a friends who have houses on the rivers neat Leonardstown that run out into the Potomac.

But, don't you agree that the population there has a lot in common with the West Virginians? Its not a bad place ... but it is really rural. At least the St. Mary's County piece is.

That part of Maryland was heavy-duty aligned with the CSA during the Civil War.
Doesn't mean am right, but the culture, makeup of the place is soooooooooooooo not B1G.

The threat of loss motivates as well.

UNC and VA must know that Clemson and FSU have flirted with the SEC. Some people say that MD exit fees questions is the only thing keeping them.

That would leave Miami and Va Tech leading the charge in football???

Does UNC and VA and GA Tech want to be in a crippled conference?

If that happened, the ACC would be more like the old BE than the ACC.

Think about it.

BCU, SU, Pitt, UofL, Miami, Va Tech, ND and Miami from the OBE VS. Duke, NC State and Wake from the New ACC.

Add in maybe UCONN and Cincy and all Swafford would have accomplished is changing the name of the BE to the ACC.
Waldorf for the most part. Short time in an area called Bryans Road.

Sent using my Commodore 64

Waldorf is pretty close to DC.

One of the great, great educational bargains is St Marys College of Maryland which is located way down in Southern MD. Its a public version of Hamilton College or Amherst for a fraction of the price.
The threat of loss motivates as well.

UNC and VA must know that Clemson and FSU have flirted with the SEC. Some people say that MD exit fees questions is the only thing keeping them.

That would leave Miami and Va Tech leading the charge in football???

Does UNC and VA and GA Tech want to be in a crippled conference?

If that happened, the ACC would be more like the old BE than the ACC.

Think about it.

BCU, SU, Pitt, UofL, Miami, Va Tech, ND and Miami from the OBE VS. Duke, NC State and Wake from the New ACC.

Add in maybe UCONN and Cincy and all Swafford would have accomplished is changing the name of the BE to the ACC.
I do believe. I do. I do. I do. I DO BELEIVE!
I do believe.jpg
I like Southern Maryland too. I have a friends who have houses on the rivers neat Leonardstown that run out into the Potomac.

But, don't you agree that the population there has a lot in common with the West Virginians? Its not a bad place ... but it is really rural. At least the St. Mary's County piece is.

That part of Maryland was heavy-duty aligned with the CSA during the Civil War.

Yea, St Marys county is kind of like that.

Sent using my Commodore 64
No dispect to arb, one thing I've learned over the past 8 years or so, is that no one really know whats going to happen next and plenty of "insiders" get surprised.

The UConn people remind me of the poor souls lost in the desert who are so desperate for water that they start seeing mirages of oasises and swimming pools and beer trucks.

If there is no news on realignment, this is identified as the calm before the storm. If there is any news anywhere from any source, it is seen as an indicator. Here they put me in mind of the Indians who interpreted anything --- a crow flying over --- as some sort of clue.

Could there desperation be attracting them to the SU board looking for verification of all the stuff that floats around? Because I don't think we know anything and I don't think most of us care. The only thing that raises an occasional eyebrow are the stories of the implosion of the ACC.
The UConn people remind me of the poor souls lost in the desert who are so desperate for water that they start seeing mirages of oasises and swimming pools and beer trucks.

If there is no news on realignment, this is identified as the calm before the storm. If there is any news anywhere from any source, it is seen as an indicator. Here they put me in mind of the Indians who interpreted anything --- a crow flying over --- as some sort of clue.

Could there desperation be attracting them to the SU board looking for verification of all the stuff that floats around? Because I don't think we know anything and I don't think most of us care. The only thing that raises an occasional eyebrow are the stories of the implosion of the ACC.


Funny post.

I really don't think we are heading into a period of conference stability. It seems very, very likely more moves are going to happen.
The threat of loss motivates as well.

UNC and VA must know that Clemson and FSU have flirted with the SEC. Some people say that MD exit fees questions is the only thing keeping them.

If FSU and Clemson had SEC offers there is no chance they would stay in the ACC. But they aren't getting those offers because Florida doesn't want FSU and USC doesn't want Clemson. Keep dreaming.

Funny post.

I really don't think we are heading into a period of conference stability. It seems very, very likely more moves are going to happen.

I really don't care a whit about UConn. To me, its a Yankee Conference school that's had some success playing up. But that's just me. I've never seen UConn as a rival in anything ... so I'm a true Indifferent observer.

But if I were a UConn fan, I'd be very concerned about the future.

1. Conference Expansion might happen and it might not happen and even if it does it might take years for there to be any changes. And time is not on UConn's side. It becomes less visible and less attractive over time.

2. Even if Conferences do expand, there's no guarantee that UConn will be picked. There are a lot of equally attractive choices. I was stunned when the ACC picked academic weakling Louisville. So I now see schools like Cincinnati being just as attractive. Or even a Memphis with Fred Smith bankrolling it.

3. Rutgers was chosen ONLY because of the number of cable subscribers in NJ. Absent that factor they are with UConn in the NNNBE. At least Maryland had a few other things going for it. But the B1G may have absorbed all the schools it doesn't really want but couldn't pass up because of the number of cable subscribers. Let the snake digest those two turds before it looks for anything else.

As I said, if you are relaxed and think this is a slam dunk, I'd rethink my position. I'm guessing its 50-50 that UConn goes back to being what it was.
Waldorf for the most part. Short time in an area called Bryans Road.

Sent using my Commodore 64
I would stay in california or the soloman islands for about two months at a time when working at calvert cliffs.

there use to be a big flea market on 235 near waldorf that I use to go to.I got the DVD movie" night at the museum" there about a month before it hit the theaters,then the was this great B.B.Q. a few miles west on the backside of california i think in leonardtown.

then the bridge jumpers...what a mess they create for traffic.
Outside of the DC suburbs and the mess that is Baltimore, there isn't a dime's worth of difference between most of Maryland and West Virginia. Take a trip to Hagerstown or Cumberland or all of Southern Maryland and the Eastern Shore.

I live five miles from College Park in Kensington, MD and no one gives a about the University of Maryland.
I like Southern Maryland too. I have a friends who have houses on the rivers neat Leonardstown that run out into the Potomac.

But, don't you agree that the population there has a lot in common with the West Virginians? Its not a bad place ... but it is really rural. At least the St. Mary's County piece is.

That part of Maryland was heavy-duty aligned with the CSA during the Civil War.

isn't there an old civil war prisoner camp down in st.mary's?
I really don't care a whit about UConn. To me, its a Yankee Conference school that's had some success playing up. But that's just me. I've never seen UConn as a rival in anything ... so I'm a true Indifferent observer.

But if I were a UConn fan, I'd be very concerned about the future.

1. Conference Expansion might happen and it might not happen and even if it does it might take years for there to be any changes. And time is not on UConn's side. It becomes less visible and less attractive over time.

2. Even if Conferences do expand, there's no guarantee that UConn will be picked. There are a lot of equally attractive choices. I was stunned when the ACC picked academic weakling Louisville. So I now see schools like Cincinnati being just as attractive. Or even a Memphis with Fred Smith bankrolling it.

3. Rutgers was chosen ONLY because of the number of cable subscribers in NJ. Absent that factor they are with UConn in the NNNBE. At least Maryland had a few other things going for it. But the B1G may have absorbed all the schools it doesn't really want but couldn't pass up because of the number of cable subscribers. Let the snake digest those two turds before it looks for anything else.

As I said, if you are relaxed and think this is a slam dunk, I'd rethink my position. I'm guessing its 50-50 that UConn goes back to being what it was.

Well, you also thought it would be 25 years before UCONN beat SU in football, and that prediction didn't work out so well.

I'm impressed you don't see UCONN as a rival, seeing that we had the better of you for the past two decades in BB and the past decade in FB.

UofL was chosen to placate FSU and Clemson. It demonstrates that the ACC is a bit nervous about keeping those two happy, tradition and academics be damned.

If VA and UNC think that FSU and Clemson are solidly ACC, tradition might be enough to make them give up millions.

However, if they think its a matter of time before they leave, then its question of whether or not tradition is enough to keep them in a crippled football conference.

And as you see above. it's not their father's ACC anymore. Or not even their older brother's ACC.
Outside of the DC suburbs and the mess that is Baltimore, there isn't a dime's worth of difference between most of Maryland and West Virginia. Take a trip to Hagerstown or Cumberland or all of Southern Maryland and the Eastern Shore.

I resent that remark, as I live in the area that you are referring too. You are ill informed or live in the DC suburbs (which makes you ill informed to begin with), as that just isn't true. There is a clear difference, when you drive over the Potomac river. If you can't see it, you have either never taken the time to see it (most likely the case) or you are incapable of understanding the difference.

I live outside Hagerstown. I live in a rural area (I wouldn't have it any other way). But I assure you that I don't sit on my couch on the porch watching the cars go by or washing my clothes. I suggest you actually drive around WV a bit and reassess. We invented the WV jokes in this area...For a reason.

Rural areas are not inherently bad, but the Hagerstown metropolitan area consists of roughly 135-140k not much less than the City of Syracuse.
I live five miles from College Park in Kensington, MD and no one gives a about the University of Maryland.

You obviously did NOT get the Delaney Memo. The memo contains the outline of WHEN you WILL accept as your cable or satellite overlord the BTN. There is no "if" or "but", just a "WHEN!" Oh, you'll LIKE it, too!

Quite similar to the LHN memo we in Texas received not long ago.

The Memo also indicated the good news regarding "a school north of UT and south of Kansas" is imminent, unless it doesn't happen.
The threat of loss motivates as well.

UNC and VA must know that Clemson and FSU have flirted with the SEC. Some people say that MD exit fees questions is the only thing keeping them.

That would leave Miami and Va Tech leading the charge in football???

Does UNC and VA and GA Tech want to be in a crippled conference?

If that happened, the ACC would be more like the old BE than the ACC.

Think about it.

BCU, SU, Pitt, UofL, Miami, Va Tech, ND and Miami from the OBE VS. Duke, NC State and Wake from the New ACC.

Add in maybe UCONN and Cincy and all Swafford would have accomplished is changing the name of the BE to the ACC.
B10's first option is to get unc and UVA and moving to 16. I don't think they can get it.
The second option is to get unc,UVA,gt,and duke. Still don't think it can get it.
The big x factors are sec and nd. I don't think sec will stay still watching b10 moving into va.
As for uconn, I think it eventually will land somewhere.

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