Maryland Fans turning into WVU Fans | Page 2 |

Maryland Fans turning into WVU Fans

I think of the ACC as an undervalued bluechip with steady, growing income...the B1G as an overvalued bluechip subject to changing pricing models


In 2010 census, one US state had a negative population growth... that was Michigan.

The B1G looks great right now, but for a long term outlook, I would rather be aligned with the major east coast league that has the most eyeballs and wealth.

But if there alignments ever get to be about money over tradition, they might move.

Nothing would surprise me after seeing Colorado and A&M leave the Big 12 and then Maryland leave the ACC. But if it's not only about money then I don't see why UVA or UNC or even GT would want to leave their southern roots and southern conference.

If UNC has all the tobacco road power then leaving that doesn't make much sense. They go from top Conference dog to getting in line behind Ohio State, Michigan and Wisconsin. Same with UVA.

These schools are already in a superior academic conference and they wield a lot of power. And neither school is broke. So it doesn't make a lot of sense for them to leave.

I'd have to believe the smart people running those institutions wouldn't want to leave their alumni bases and figure for long term projections the ACC money will eventually catch up once the conference reinvents itself with tv deals and network creations. The Big 10 TV money might not be there in 20 years as people move to online TV and have more choices/options.
Nothing would surprise me after seeing Colorado and A&M leave the Big 12 and then Maryland leave the ACC. But if it's not only about money then I don't see why UVA or UNC or even GT would want to leave their southern roots and southern conference.

If UNC has all the tobacco road power then leaving that doesn't make much sense. They go from top Conference dog to getting in line behind Ohio State, Michigan and Wisconsin. Same with UVA.

These schools are already in a superior academic conference and they wield a lot of power. And neither school is broke. So it doesn't make a lot of sense for them to leave.

I'd have to believe the smart people running those institutions wouldn't want to leave their alumni bases and figure for long term projections the ACC money will eventually catch up once the conference reinvents itself with tv deals and network creations. The Big 10 TV money might not be there in 20 years as people move to online TV and have more choices/options.

Mant people forget that TAMU tried to escape the Texas shackles when the SWC fell apart. Colorado, UNL and Mizzou all wanted out from under Texas' thumb. Every other school in the Big 12 wanted out but had no soft landing. If the Big East had the money, they could have shattered the Big 12. The Big 12 is held together by Texas and a good payout, there is no loyalty, tradition, desire to stay together.

Contrast that with the ACC where there is some long history from the old line schools going back to the Southern Conference.
Jeff Ermann@insidemdsports
Big 10 talk buzzing again. #UVA being mentioned often as likely to join. Georgia Tech still in the mix. #UNC, the big domino, has an offer.

UVA is not being mentioned by anyone associated with UVA as interested in any other conference besides the ACC. I just listened to Craig Littlepage on the weekly Cavalier Call-in show last week raving about the ACC with the new additions of Syracuse and Notre Dame being a Men's Lacrosse league where the last place team will still be in the National top ten. He didn't sound anything like someone headed for the exit, and he doesn't normally bluff.

UVA might be mentioned a lot for the Big Ten, but not by anyone associated with UVA.
It is no secret that BiG wants UNC and UVA. But I don't think that they can get UNC and UVA and moves to 16. If UNC does move, it most likely means that BiG is going to at least 20, which can be bad news for us.
ill defer here You have some connections to UNC that most do not

Doesn't mean am right, but the culture, makeup of the place is soooooooooooooo not B1G.
It is no secret that BiG wants UNC and UVA. But I don't think that they can get UNC and UVA and moves to 16. If UNC does move, it most likely means that BiG is going to at least 20, which can be bad news for us.

If the B1G goes to 20, they would likely want FL, NC, VA, GA and need 2 more. NY is a very big fish (bigger than any two except FL) and they would still need one more, upstate alone matches any of teh other choices except FL. I think Syracuse gets an invite in the B1G goes to 20. However, I hope it never comes to this.
Doesn't mean am right, but the culture, makeup of the place is soooooooooooooo not B1G.
I'll repeat what I've stated since the WVU "ACC Jihadists" started spouting this nonsense months ago:
UNC is not going anywhere. I live in Charlotte and they'd be riots in the streets, an AD hung in effigy, and all-out revolt should that ever come to pass. Its NOT just about money down here- its about culture, tradition, and Southern pride as exemplified by the ACC. They simply couldn't stomach going from being the Big Dog, to a "Yankee" afterthought in another conference. I'd worry more about the SEC than the B1G, money or no.
There was a big difference in the Big 10's first 2 expansions, and this last one. Penn State addition was a well thought out business decision, bringing in a strong school with great football tradition. The next expansion followed the same pattern a well planned thought out business decision, Nebraska strong school with a great football tradition. The last expansion seems to be more of a reflexive action over the ACC making moves that caught them off guard. The ACC took Syracuse, Pittsburgh, Notre Dame schools which fit in their football footprint. They took 2 schools with no big tradition, and failing athletic departments that they are going to have to bolster.
How do you know that? We left to join a conference where our alumni, prospective students, and former regional residents live. We aren't drawing kids from Iowa and Central New Yorkers didn't migrate to Detroit.


It's actually funny picturing some Jersey douche with a Pauly D blowout sitting in a corn field in Iowa. Have fun Rutgers misfits.
Jumping in...have shared emails with my source and also Teel has jumped in as well as Sporting News...
INSOFAR as we know today, there is nothing in the works that hasnt been there for many months...that is B1G has discussed with several teams in the ACC but none have bitten at this point and that is why Maryland was taken(an easy mark because of financial situation). Of course that could change once we know more about ESPN renegotiation, the ACC network and the Maryland suit...don't hold your breath in horror yet...ACC isnt done and may just be getting stronger! Go 'Cuse!
If the B1G goes to 20, they would likely want FL, NC, VA, GA and need 2 more. NY is a very big fish (bigger than any two except FL) and they would still need one more, upstate alone matches any of teh other choices except FL. I think Syracuse gets an invite in the B1G goes to 20. However, I hope it never comes to this.

You misspelled Oklahoma somewhere in there.
Thing that worries me a bit is that it isn't the dude or Swaim. I know Jeff and he's a straight shooter. If I can find his number, I should give him a call.

Sent using my Commodore 64
You misspelled Oklahoma somewhere in there.

Oklahoma is simply "understood" to be going to the B1G. Not sure if there is scientific term of facts known but which have not yet occurred but if you know of one, please advise.
I think this is inevitable. The B1G has the money and UVA & UNC has the eyeballs.

Could the ACC be turning into BE Part Deux?
we have a poster named arb here that is really keyed in. Instead of just guessing and hoping and praying, maybe listen to him.
Jumping in...have shared emails with my source and also Teel has jumped in as well as sporting news...
INSOFAR as we know today, there is nothing in the works that hasnt been there for many months...that is B1G has discussed with several teams in the ACC but none have bitten at this poin and that is why Maryland was taken--an easy mark because of financial situation). Of course that could change once we know more about ESPN renegotiation, the ACC network and the Maryland suit...don't hold your breath in horror yet...ACC isnt done and may just be getting stronger! Go 'Cuse!

The ACC announced today the expansion of the ACC Digital Network to a slew of additional partners. I'm not sure what all of this means, but I wonder if the floating of the Big Ten rumors is meant to distract somewhat.

Here's the ACC announcement:
As I see it, anything is certainly possible.

The big difference between this report and the last one about Maryland and Rutgers was that few were seriously talking Maryland and Rutgers when it happened, so it appeared to have happened out of the blue - although both institutions were on the radar when the BiG expanded with Nebraska only.

As a matter of fact, while few were discussing Maryland and Rutgers at that moment in time, there was a lot of talk of UVa, GT, UNC, and Duke as possibly going as a foursome. And the most recent rumors had UVa supposedly being announced the last week in January.

At this juncture, I'm tired of it. All this talk helped lessen the football season and now it's doing the same for basketball season.

I long for the days when conference realignment was from mid-April through the dog days of summer.

Guess those days are gone. Oh Lord

Our future relies on North Carolina and Virginia not caring about having the maximum amount of money they could have. I am a little nervous, but confident North Carolina won't leave comfort just for more money from the B1G. The SEC is staying quiet which is good. but I am nervous about the B1G and its obvious if UVA and UNC can hold the line against the B1G then the ACC willl be fine.
Our future relies on North Carolina and Virginia not caring about having the maximum amount of money they could have. I am a little nervous, but confident North Carolina won't leave comfort just for more money from the B1G. The SEC is staying quiet which is good. but I am nervous about the B1G and its obvious if UVA and UNC can hold the line against the B1G then the ACC willl be fine.

UNC and UVA are not Maryland.

Maryland was broke. They were in a financial hole from which they had no escape plan. The red ink was going to keep coming and coming. So they had to go, even though every other thing lobbied against their leaving the ACC. The recent MD basketball win over Duke and the crowd and the excitement has got people's head spinning. They can't really believe they are leaving the ACC. And everyone now knows it was only for the money.

More people are going to have to pay the piper for this decision. The Maryland people are going to hate it ... They already do.

Rutgers had to go too ... for the money and because they were in a failing league and they have a putrid athletic history.

None of the reasons why Maryland and Rutgers were so easy for the B1G to pick off exist for UNC and UVA. They aren't broke. And they like the Conference they are in.
I thought you were going to mention the WVU style rioting after MD beat Duke.

I guess in that way, they've always been like WVU fans. They should have their own league. Where everyone sucks.

B1G really went slumming. TV sets, baby.

Outside of the DC suburbs and the mess that is Baltimore, there isn't a dime's worth of difference between most of Maryland and West Virginia. Take a trip to Hagerstown or Cumberland or all of Southern Maryland and the Eastern Shore.

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