McCullough to the NBA | Page 9 |

McCullough to the NBA I knew prior to this year that CMac had every intention of going pro after 1 season here, but, after the injury, I bought in (almost) 100% to the notion that those plans had changed & he would be returning. In fact, when JB would talk about the future in his radio shows, he would talk of Chris' return as if it were a sure thing.

I allowed myself to begin getting excited to see him play next year & I began to drool over how he may have been one of the top 10ish most talented returning college bball players in entire country.

I even thought about how SU was "lucky" in a sense for the injury to CMac. How there was quite literally no other scenario in which he would come back to play for his Sophomore year at SU. And how good of a team that would make us.

I usually keep my guard up in these draft decisions...I don't often set myself up to be disappointed. But I gotta admit, I was fooled on this one. Really did not see it coming (until the article earlier this week).

And, I'd imagine JB is about ready to explode as well, considering how he would talk about Chris as if it was certain he'd be returning. I mean, all the work he & the staff put into recruiting a highly regarded prospect such as Chris. Any effort that went into making sure he was eligible. Any effort/support they provided to him in his rehab. And for what exactly? For 16 games. 16 games in a season where we didn't even play in the NCAA Tournament. How freaking frustrating. I almost don't know how JB continues to do this.

Sorry guys/gals, just venting here cause I'm frustrated. Allowed myself to believe CMac would be part of a damn good team next year - and got blindsided by this a bit. I'll get over it. But this one stings for me. Especially cause I feel like Chris showed big-time promise last year in those 16 games he played, and especially in those first 8 games. I was excited to see if Chris was more like how he played his first 8 games, or how he played his final 8 games. I guess I'll never get the answer, at least, not with Chris in a Syracuse uniform.

If there's any justice in this, it's the hope that Chris does so well in the NBA that sometime down the road he "reimburses" SU to the tune of a new "McCullough Center"...;)
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Gotta get Bryant on the hill now. That leaves dc2 diagne roberson lydon chino. We need a center now bad.
And, I'd imagine JB is about ready to explode as well, considering how he would talk about Chris as if it was certain he'd be returning. I mean, all the work he & the staff put into recruiting a highly regarded prospect such as Chris. Any effort that went into making sure he was eligible. Any effort/support they provided to him in his rehab. And for what exactly? For 16 games. 16 games in a season where we didn't even play in the NCAA Tournament. How freaking frustrating. I almost don't know how JB continues to do this.

Hopefully not TOO much effort lol

...too soon?
Gotta get Bryant on the hill now. That leaves dc2 diagne roberson lydon chino. We need a center now bad.
No room for him unless the NCAA changes their minds.
SU has been getting boned for about 4 years on stuff. We're not getting any 50/50 balls basically. NCAA has been looming for years and their penalties are way harsher than precedents, players with any sort of hope to get drafted leave immediately, players who are here get injured or suspended. It's been an extremely trying half decade and the curiosity of it all is that actually on the court, it has been one of our best stretches ever. It just seems like this program is doing wind sprints while tied to a mack truck driving in the other direction.
It really is getting tiresome.

Yep. I usually don't get too worked up about guys like Ennis or even Grant leaving, since they both contributed to successful season(s) here & both seemingly left at (arguably) close to their peak "NBA Draft values," IMO.

But this...this is just in a completely different category for me. This is the type of thing that really does leave me questioning why I follow/invest in this team/sport as fervently as I do.

Honestly, it's almost comical at this point. I know we like to complain/cry over this stuff & how it seems that Syracuse players are more prone to leave early than other schools...but this one may give that belief some legitimacy.

Aside from Noel, I can't think of one other player who fits this category - played 16 games overall, had major injury, was basically removed from all media NBA Draft boards, and yet still decided to leave...and not like he was arrested or kicked out of school or something either - and even Noel was still considered to be a high potential draft pick after his injury.

This one has to really bum the staff out. I wonder if it becomes the impetus for a change in recruiting strategy?
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Speaking of which...does this have any effect on our APR?
That's what I was referring to. If he bolts now and doesn't finish the semester (I make the assumption that means he did not leave in good academic standing), it will negatively effect the APR, for sure.
Maybe he knew Bryant was coming and he didn't want to be buried on the deph chart
If I'm Mike Hopkins, I'm going over to the football facility and having a nice long chat with Jamal Custis. Not that Custis would come in and be any sort of star...but why couldn't he provide depth and become a poor man's Tony Gonzalez (who averaged 6.8 ppg and 4.5 rpg at Cal)?
Wait, I thought he already had a kid.

Exactly how many of our players already have children? How many of our incoming recruits already have children or have them on the way?

Can't anyone just focus on basketball and school anymore?
You're asking young athletes who have had hot young women throwing themselves at them for years to refrain from having sex?
I hope folks will resist the urge to harbor resentment to one making a purely personal decision as to what is best for him and his family. But I am not naïve enough to think that all will be capable of such restraint.
Agreed -he has to do what he thinks ss best for him. I think it's the wrong decision but wish him luck
Unless he didn't think he'd be academically eligible, this makes zero sense. And I'm 99% always in the "Go when you can" group. But his stock will almost never be lower than it is right now and next year's draft is weaker than this year's. This is incredibly dumb if not for eligibility concerns.

Is it possible to be in a position academically at this point in your freshman year that you can't recover from? I mean second semester isn't over and you have the summer. Obviously we are going to require guys to actually do the work after the Fab Melo issue, but can't you basically take a mulligan on the first semester by putting in some time over the summer?
You're asking young athletes who have had hot young women throwing themselves at them for years to refrain from having s e x?

No, I'm not. I'm asking them to stop trying to have babies. This mentality is just stupid. That one decision (to not wear a condom) is the difference in MILLIONS of dollars for him. Honestly, it's not that hard a decision.
If I'm Mike Hopkins, I'm going over to the football facility and having a nice long chat with Jamal Custis. Not that Custis would come in and be any sort of star...but why couldn't he provide depth and become a poor man's Tony Gonzalez (who averaged 6.8 ppg and 4.5 rpg at Cal)?
Yeah, but if you're Custis, why do that unless you absolutely have to play hoops again. He's one of those big, athletic TE's that the NFL loves, so he should really concentrate on football and potentially a pro career there.
Is it possible to be in a position academically at this point in your freshman year that you can't recover from? I mean second semester isn't over and you have the summer. Obviously we are going to require guys to actually do the work after the Fab Melo issue, but can't you basically take a mulligan on the first semester by putting in some time over the summer?

And it's not like he's had too many basketball things get in his way the second semester. Didn't he get injured before the semester even started? Uggh.
You're asking young athletes who have had hot young women throwing themselves at them for years to refrain from having s e x?

You never heard of condoms?

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