Moyer | Page 4 |


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Dasher, you’re not having Dave Meggyesy flashbacks are you?
I am very thankful that Dave was right before my time. I'm old. Just not that old.
Moyer backed out on game morning, or the night before. The fotos were on facebook and he was sitting on the bench with a boot on. The reporters would have ferreted this out and JB wanted to be ahead of it. Smart. In any event, Moyer has a high ankle sprain which won't heal for a long time, so Bayer should play the rest of the seaon in those minuets. If he can hit a few three's, it will improve spacing for Tyus, Frank and OB to penetrate.
Yeah it was real smart. He could have said Moyer was in pain and couldn't play. Next question. But his answer was much better. Not many people were interested in why Moyer didn't play. We just won a big game. At least it was big for us.
Time to lock this thread.

As long as there are no insults being traded back and forth, this should remain open. The discourse is a lot more civil than it was on Sunday.

FYI, I don't like how the Daily Orange is stirring the drink by writing an article on this.
You don't follow football? Well, good for you over the last 15 years. I live and die with it. Not like hoop but close. And the issue to me has never been about the medical staff and it's call. It's about whether JB should have gone public with it or handled it all behind the scenes. I wouldn't care if JB lit the Moyers up for declaring their son unfit to go. I do care that jb went public with it. It serves no purpose and embarrasses the kid. And he didn't deserve that. Heck, he came back way early by everyone's account for the Ville game. I have also said that I don't believe that Jb would play any kid if he thought the kid could injure himself more. It never hurts to take the high road.
I follow football, just not as closely as basketball.
I follow football, just not as closely as basketball.
Congrats. It hasn't been all that much fun. And every Saturday I tell myself this week I'm going to the casino to play poker. And every Saturday, I don't. Every time I think I'm out, they drag me back in.
Out of bounds series?

"Out of Bounds" was an expose that the Syracuse newspapers published back in December of 1990. It's what led to Syracuse being investigated by the NCAA and ultimately leading to their 2 year probation in 1992. The paper's investigation also used the book "Raw Recruits" as a source as well.
That's true but Matt's parents are the epitome of class. They wouldn't say that even if that's how they felt.
So because they don't provide info backing your opinion, they are either hiding something or reluctent to speak out. Fake news.
But you back the medical staff, correct? And not being medical pros, we have no idea why the medical staff ruled him out. Only that they did. And to be consistent, we have to side with the medical staff and their judgment.
I'm not being inconsistent here. If they erred on the side of caution with Clark, so be it. If they cleared Moyer, so be it.
I'm not being inconsistent here. If they erred on the side of caution with Clark, so be it. If they cleared Moyer, so be it.
I didn't say or mean to imply that you were being inconsistent. I don't remember you posting anything about Clark. I had no problem with the Universities ruling on Clark and I don't have a problem with their ruling on Moyer. My problem has been keep it in house.
"Out of Bounds" was an expose that the Syracuse newspapers published back in December of 1990. It's what led to Syracuse being investigated by the NCAA and ultimately leading to their 2 year probation in 1992. The paper's investigation also used the book "Raw Recruits" as a source as well.
Ah, thanks for the info. I knew about the local papers driving the story, just didn't know that was the name of the expose.
Ah, thanks for the info. I knew about the local papers driving the story, just didn't know that was the name of the expose.
The series was written by two investigative reporters who didn't cover the team. Lighty and foster I believe their names were. In the book, Raw recruits, it was alleged that we used a street agent named Rob Johnson to help in our recruiting. That gave the Post standard the green light to look in to our program. There was a lot of chicken crap stuff found. It was portrayed in newspapers around the country that we were UNLV East.
Stop it. No parent should dictate what's going on with the team. Period. Boeheim made it loud and clear that no parent will undermine him and did so publicly, which was the right move. It's like this board has selective memory. Did y'all forget that he was snake bitten by a parent over the Summer who pulled her son out of school and enrolled him at another university the week before classes were to begin? Although the thread was locked, I was amazed it took 15 pages for someone to have some sense regarding the issue.

I spoke to my father about the issue and he agreed with Boeheim's take. It's one of the reasons he retired from coaching. The parents are more intrusive than ever and the kids aren't good enough to justify the drama. He personally would have sat him out the next game to drive home the message that it is his team. He's dealt with parents threatening to pull their kids from his program and he called their bluff on it. His teams never skipped a beat.

I'm sure this will have been said already, but good for your dad. And welcome to 2018.
You mean other than going against the medical staff and convincing their son to sit out?

I really dislike the way you say "going against the medical staff" as though they told Moyer he actually should play as that would be therapeutic for his ankle.

Can we please stop with the conjecture? He was allegedly cleared to play by the med staff. I can agree to that. How they told him to return to play is a completely separate matter.
That happens all the time in college sports. Now, it is my opinion that JB would never play a kid if he thought there was a chance that the kid would injure himself more. I'm sure of that. But the Moyers are only concerned about their kid. And I don't blame them for that. Better that than for them to live with a lifetime of regrets.

Also please remember that parents (edit) sometimes know when their sons are being knuckleheads and not acting in their own best interests.

My 14-year old son threw up before his most recent freshman game and told no one. Because, like Matt, he wanted to play. He also threw up during the game and told me about it after the game ended. Had I known, I would have never let him play. But his coach said had he known, he would have worked with him to get him playing time without running him the whole game. And no (specifically to townie, not you dash), I AM NOT EQUATING MY SON'S FROSH TEAM COACH TO JB.
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I really dislike the way you say "going against the medical staff" as though they told Moyer he actually should play as that would be therapeutic for his ankle.

Can we please stop with the conjecture? He was allegedly cleared to play by the med staff. I can agree to that. How they told him to return to play is a completely separate matter.
Speaking of conjecture...

He was cleared to play. You can read into that however you want, but my interpretation is they said it was OK for him to play. Nothing more.
Also please remember that parents (edit) sometimes know when their sons are being knuckleheads and not acting in their own best interests.

My 14-year old son threw up before his most recent freshman game and told no one. Because, like Matt, he wanted to play. He also threw up during the game and told me about it after the game ended. Had I known, I would have never let him play. But his coach said had he known, he would have worked with him to get him playing time without running him the whole game. And no (specifically to townie, not you dash), I AM NOT EQUATING MY SON'S FROSH TEAM COACH TO JB.
Matt Moyer is 20 years old.
Speaking of conjecture...

He was cleared to play. You can read into that however you want, but my interpretation is they said it was OK for him to play. Nothing more.

You said he went against the advice of the medical staff. You're interpretation now does not match what you said previously. And it's not just you. I've asked a couple times if we heard what was actually said to Matt. No one seems to actually know.
Yeah, you have no clue what I'm talking about then.

Capt Tuttle put it best. That's the conjecture I'm going with...
Parents tend to be overprotective, myself included. Annette Moyer still sees the freshman in HS, perhaps even a little boy. He's not a little boy anymore, he's a grown man who would be prosecuted like a grown man if he ever got into serious trouble. He's a few months away from drinking legally. He committed to Syracuse basketball. He wants to play. His parents need to recognize that he's left the nest.

Capt. Tuttle has it wrong. Moyer wants to play. Even his mom acknowledged that.
You said he went against the advice of the medical staff. You're interpretation now does not match what you said previously. And it's not just you. I've asked a couple times if we heard what was actually said to Matt. No one seems to actually know.
What are you talking about? What did I say previously that doesn't match what I'm saying now?
When I covered high school football games, they told us that if you take a kid out of a game for any reasons (ie concussion was the big one) you take the kids helmet away. Because kids don’t gaf about they’re brains ankles or knees ten years from now. All they want to do is get back in the game.
What are you talking about? What did I say previously that doesn't match what I'm saying now?

Going against the medical staff. That's what you said. The implication being that the medical staff said you are perfectly fine and must play as you have signed a contract to play basketball here.

That's just not the way medical people work. Ever. I wish some of the docs would jump in here and explain it better.
So because they don't provide info backing your opinion, they are either hiding something or reluctent to speak out. Fake news.

You must be trolling or have serious reading comprehension issues. I never said the Moyer's were upset about JB's presser. I said he shouldn't have said what he did in public because it wouldn't do any good and could alienate or upset the player and his parents.

Only a moron would expect parents to admit they are upset. Again, I'm not saying the Moyer's are.
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