My Two Cents |

My Two Cents


Living Legend
Aug 27, 2011
As I posted in the game day thread, yesterday was beautiful. Central NY at its finest. Not a cloud in the sky, late summer warm and the Hill was awash in Orange. Dad and I ended up meeting some Clemson fans that I knew at the Sheraton, had a beer and a Gianelli and headed up to the Quad to meet our gang. Said Hi to Lincoln on the way, had one more beer, two taps on the left shoe and we hit our seats about 40 minutes before kickoff. So far, a perfect Saturday morning but all of that was about to end as the morning turned to afternoon.

The crowd was excellent, an announced 42k and the student section was packed. Each and every one of those in attendance did their best to make sure that the " loud house" lived up to its name. The fans showed up on a beautiful fall day and the students showed up for a noon start. Had this been a 330 or night game it might have been close to a full house.

I haven't watched the replay yet, so I don't have a definitive on the targeting call but it sure as heck looked like a cheap shot. Regardless that one play changed the outcome of this game as much as any other play. Had Shrader kept the ball, had targeting been confirmed I truly believe we would have scored, and the trajectory of the entire contest would have been completely different. Why our head coach didn't lose his Ohana over that is beyond me. But more about him later.

Again, as I stated in the game day thread Clemson has the better team. Top to bottom they are a deep and talented bunch. Extremely well coached and prepared. This is a program that has and will continue to be at the top of the college food chain and for any team to beat them they need to play their best and play clean. Neither of which we did yesterday.

I'm not sure if the hit that Shrader took is the cause of his poor showing or if he was just off. To his defense i thought that Clemson had the perfect plan to negate his strength which is his running ability and force him and Syracuse to beat them through the air which is not and never will be Shrader's strong suit. Our QB is a warrior for sure, but he isn't a good passer. He is a thrower who has an adequate arm, average accuracy, and unfortunately tunnel vision. Couple that with the pressure that Clemson was able to apply and a full game spy on him and we were up against it.

LA had another strong game and Dan proved what many of us knew and that is that he is a talent. Not sure if he got hurt but if not, why didn't he get more targets?

The D was on the field all game long and played their arses off. We have a great D. Not world class but really good. Good enough to get this team ranked if we only had an O. Great job by the players BUT AND YES THIS IS IN CAPS.
Rocky didn't call a good game. Time and time again he dropped into coverage vs pressure on third and longs. I have no idea why. Huge mistake on his part and it definitely cost us yesterday.

Now let's talk about our head coach. I probably have posted this about him more times than carter has pills, but it is as plain as day that Dino is a very poor game day coach. He doesn't have a feel for the game, doesn't defend his team when there are bad calls, doesn't manage the clock well, and doesn't seem to have the ability to work the refs like his opponents do. In addition, penalties are on the head coach, and we are one of the worst in all of college football in that department. I don't want to go into specifics as they have already been discussed but on Game Day, I wish he would stay home with a bowl of Ramen and watch the game on his big screen. In short, he is a liability on game days. Has been since he set foot on campus and always will be.

Still, I want him to remain as our head coach. Why? Because he runs a solid program, truly cares about the kids, and I believe his personality and integrity based on faith is going to pay major dividends in the retention of our key players and in the acquisition of portal players. Dino did a great job this off season filling the coaching voids and also did an excellent job in keeping key players in Syracuse and attracting others to come. As we continue to make bowl games and yes, we will make a bowl game this year he will continue to excel in these two very important areas.

In addition, Dino hasn't been afforded the facilities and support that other ACC programs have had. We have been the worst supported program in the league for years and that matters. Going forward that is about to change and in a big way. Once completed our facilities will compete with almost every other program in the league. I feel good about the NIL that has been put together and it's about to get better. At this point I believe we need to stay the course. His 8 years are in the past. SU needs to focus on the future. Complete the build out, keep building NIL, retain this coaching staff which is finally able to compete in NJ and our other core recruiting areas and continue to make bowl games.

Yesterday was extremely frustrating but it wasn't all on Dino. Long and Beck, Shrader and our WR corps all needed to do better, and the Refs screwed us on more than one call. Next week and of course FSU are going to be tough. Let's keep positive, Keep moving forward. Take care of the teams we can beat, and it will all work out. We are a few years away. Let's stay the course and continue to support the team.

Go Orange.
This summarizes how I feel well…

Rocky sitting back in coverage was a huge mistake… our dline isnt going to generate pressure only bringing three… they have a lot of grit and fight but they are undersized as a group and not adept at beating double teams.
As I posted in the game day thread, yesterday was beautiful. Central NY at its finest. Not a cloud in the sky, late summer warm and the Hill was awash in Orange. Dad and I ended up meeting some Clemson fans that I knew at the Sheraton, had a beer and a Gianelli and headed up to the Quad to meet our gang. Said Hi to Lincoln on the way, had one more beer, two taps on the left shoe and we hit our seats about 40 minutes before kickoff. So far, a perfect Saturday morning but all of that was about to end as the morning turned to afternoon.

The crowd was excellent, an announced 42k and the student section was packed. Each and every one of those in attendance did their best to make sure that the " loud house" lived up to its name. The fans showed up on a beautiful fall day and the students showed up for a noon start. Had this been a 330 or night game it might have been close to a full house.

I haven't watched the replay yet, so I don't have a definitive on the targeting call but it sure as heck looked like a cheap shot. Regardless that one play changed the outcome of this game as much as any other play. Had Shrader kept the ball, had targeting been confirmed I truly believe we would have scored, and the trajectory of the entire contest would have been completely different. Why our head coach didn't lose his Ohana over that is beyond me. But more about him later.

Again, as I stated in the game day thread Clemson has the better team. Top to bottom they are a deep and talented bunch. Extremely well coached and prepared. This is a program that has and will continue to be at the top of the college food chain and for any team to beat them they need to play their best and play clean. Neither of which we did yesterday.

I'm not sure if the hit that Shrader took is the cause of his poor showing or if he was just off. To his defense i thought that Clemson had the perfect plan to negate his strength which is his running ability and force him and Syracuse to beat them through the air which is not and never will be Shrader's strong suit. Our QB is a warrior for sure, but he isn't a good passer. He is a thrower who has an adequate arm, average accuracy, and unfortunately tunnel vision. Couple that with the pressure that Clemson was able to apply and a full game spy on him and we were up against it.

LA had another strong game and Dan proved what many of us knew and that is that he is a talent. Not sure if he got hurt but if not, why didn't he get more targets?

The D was on the field all game long and played their arses off. We have a great D. Not world class but really good. Good enough to get this team ranked if we only had an O. Great job by the players BUT AND YES THIS IS IN CAPS.
Rocky didn't call a good game. Time and time again he dropped into coverage vs pressure on third and longs. I have no idea why. Huge mistake on his part and it definitely cost us yesterday.

Now let's talk about our head coach. I probably have posted this about him more times than carter has pills, but it is as plain as day that Dino is a very poor game day coach. He doesn't have a feel for the game, doesn't defend his team when there are bad calls, doesn't manage the clock well, and doesn't seem to have the ability to work the refs like his opponents do. In addition, penalties are on the head coach, and we are one of the worst in all of college football in that department. I don't want to go into specifics as they have already been discussed but on Game Day, I wish he would stay home with a bowl of Ramen and watch the game on his big screen. In short, he is a liability on game days. Has been since he set foot on campus and always will be.

Still, I want him to remain as our head coach. Why? Because he runs a solid program, truly cares about the kids, and I believe his personality and integrity based on faith is going to pay major dividends in the retention of our key players and in the acquisition of portal players. Dino did a great job this off season filling the coaching voids and also did an excellent job in keeping key players in Syracuse and attracting others to come. As we continue to make bowl games and yes, we will make a bowl game this year he will continue to excel in these two very important areas.

In addition, Dino hasn't been afforded the facilities and support that other ACC programs have had. We have been the worst supported program in the league for years and that matters. Going forward that is about to change and in a big way. Once completed our facilities will compete with almost every other program in the league. I feel good about the NIL that has been put together and it's about to get better. At this point I believe we need to stay the course. His 8 years are in the past. SU needs to focus on the future. Complete the build out, keep building NIL, retain this coaching staff which is finally able to compete in NJ and our other core recruiting areas and continue to make bowl games.

Yesterday was extremely frustrating but it wasn't all on Dino. Long and Beck, Shrader and our WR corps all needed to do better, and the Refs screwed us on more than one call. Next week and of course FSU are going to be tough. Let's keep positive, Keep moving forward. Take care of the teams we can beat, and it will all work out. We are a few years away. Let's stay the course and continue to support the team.

Go Orange.
Two taps on Ernie’s left foot caught my attention. This is our routine too.
As I posted in the game day thread, yesterday was beautiful. Central NY at its finest. Not a cloud in the sky, late summer warm and the Hill was awash in Orange. Dad and I ended up meeting some Clemson fans that I knew at the Sheraton, had a beer and a Gianelli and headed up to the Quad to meet our gang. Said Hi to Lincoln on the way, had one more beer, two taps on the left shoe and we hit our seats about 40 minutes before kickoff. So far, a perfect Saturday morning but all of that was about to end as the morning turned to afternoon.

The crowd was excellent, an announced 42k and the student section was packed. Each and every one of those in attendance did their best to make sure that the " loud house" lived up to its name. The fans showed up on a beautiful fall day and the students showed up for a noon start. Had this been a 330 or night game it might have been close to a full house.

I haven't watched the replay yet, so I don't have a definitive on the targeting call but it sure as heck looked like a cheap shot. Regardless that one play changed the outcome of this game as much as any other play. Had Shrader kept the ball, had targeting been confirmed I truly believe we would have scored, and the trajectory of the entire contest would have been completely different. Why our head coach didn't lose his Ohana over that is beyond me. But more about him later.

Again, as I stated in the game day thread Clemson has the better team. Top to bottom they are a deep and talented bunch. Extremely well coached and prepared. This is a program that has and will continue to be at the top of the college food chain and for any team to beat them they need to play their best and play clean. Neither of which we did yesterday.

I'm not sure if the hit that Shrader took is the cause of his poor showing or if he was just off. To his defense i thought that Clemson had the perfect plan to negate his strength which is his running ability and force him and Syracuse to beat them through the air which is not and never will be Shrader's strong suit. Our QB is a warrior for sure, but he isn't a good passer. He is a thrower who has an adequate arm, average accuracy, and unfortunately tunnel vision. Couple that with the pressure that Clemson was able to apply and a full game spy on him and we were up against it.

LA had another strong game and Dan proved what many of us knew and that is that he is a talent. Not sure if he got hurt but if not, why didn't he get more targets?

The D was on the field all game long and played their arses off. We have a great D. Not world class but really good. Good enough to get this team ranked if we only had an O. Great job by the players BUT AND YES THIS IS IN CAPS.
Rocky didn't call a good game. Time and time again he dropped into coverage vs pressure on third and longs. I have no idea why. Huge mistake on his part and it definitely cost us yesterday.

Now let's talk about our head coach. I probably have posted this about him more times than carter has pills, but it is as plain as day that Dino is a very poor game day coach. He doesn't have a feel for the game, doesn't defend his team when there are bad calls, doesn't manage the clock well, and doesn't seem to have the ability to work the refs like his opponents do. In addition, penalties are on the head coach, and we are one of the worst in all of college football in that department. I don't want to go into specifics as they have already been discussed but on Game Day, I wish he would stay home with a bowl of Ramen and watch the game on his big screen. In short, he is a liability on game days. Has been since he set foot on campus and always will be.

Still, I want him to remain as our head coach. Why? Because he runs a solid program, truly cares about the kids, and I believe his personality and integrity based on faith is going to pay major dividends in the retention of our key players and in the acquisition of portal players. Dino did a great job this off season filling the coaching voids and also did an excellent job in keeping key players in Syracuse and attracting others to come. As we continue to make bowl games and yes, we will make a bowl game this year he will continue to excel in these two very important areas.

In addition, Dino hasn't been afforded the facilities and support that other ACC programs have had. We have been the worst supported program in the league for years and that matters. Going forward that is about to change and in a big way. Once completed our facilities will compete with almost every other program in the league. I feel good about the NIL that has been put together and it's about to get better. At this point I believe we need to stay the course. His 8 years are in the past. SU needs to focus on the future. Complete the build out, keep building NIL, retain this coaching staff which is finally able to compete in NJ and our other core recruiting areas and continue to make bowl games.

Yesterday was extremely frustrating but it wasn't all on Dino. Long and Beck, Shrader and our WR corps all needed to do better, and the Refs screwed us on more than one call. Next week and of course FSU are going to be tough. Let's keep positive, Keep moving forward. Take care of the teams we can beat, and it will all work out. We are a few years away. Let's stay the course and continue to support the team.

Go Orange.
Solid 2 cents including a lot of common sense.
It was a tough game to watch. One bright side for me is that Villari finally broke out. I hope he’s put it all together now because he can be a real threat at TE for us if he has.

You’re spot on thought about Dino and his game day behavior. That plus the regularity of a high number of penalties is always going to put us at a disadvantage.
Tom, great post!
That reversed targeting hit was targeting!
Clemson’s # 6 WR killed us all game, we had no answer for him.
Trying that long field goal was either foolish or an act of desperation; either way it was a terrible call! We should have punted?

Why in heavens name weren’t we using short passes to move the ball when the longer pass routes weren’t working?

Dan Villari should be used more in the passing game! He is a sizable target with decent hands and strength!

This is a game we lost due to: questionable coaching decisions, poor QB play, and playing a more talented team who out coached us. We can and should do better. Most of our season is ahead. These problems need to be fixed, along with getting better officials who are not biased to work our games!
Tom, great post!
That reversed targeting hit was targeting!
Clemson’s # 6 WR killed us all game, we had no answer for him.
Trying that long field goal was either foolish or an act of desperation; either way it was a terrible call! We should have punted?

Why in heavens name weren’t we using short passes to move the ball when the longer pass routes weren’t working?

Dan Villari should be used more in the passing game! He is a sizable target with decent hands and strength!

This is a game we lost due to: questionable coaching decisions, poor QB play, and playing a more talented team who out coached us. We can and should do better. Most of our season is ahead. These problems need to be fixed, along with getting better officials who are not biased to work our games!
Well and don’t forget too many penalties and too many turnovers :confused:
Tom, great post!
That reversed targeting hit was targeting!
Clemson’s # 6 WR killed us all game, we had no answer for him.
Trying that long field goal was either foolish or an act of desperation; either way it was a terrible call! We should have punted?

Why in heavens name weren’t we using short passes to move the ball when the longer pass routes weren’t working?

Dan Villari should be used more in the passing game! He is a sizable target with decent hands and strength!

This is a game we lost due to: questionable coaching decisions, poor QB play, and playing a more talented team who out coached us. We can and should do better. Most of our season is ahead. These problems need to be fixed, along with getting better officials who are not biased to work our games!
Im KC Tom is the GOAT of this board
In addition, penalties are on the head coach, and we are one of the worst in all of college football in that department.

I had a coach tell me once that he'd rather have a DB get flagged for a 15 yard pass interference than have the DB give up a long TD.

Another coach once told me that holding is better than getting your QB blindsided.
We are down our top three WRs. OG, IJ, Pena
Dan needs to be targeted as much as possible.
We have to pressure gun slingers.
Our PR kid is a disaster waiting to happen. He needs to be coached up big time.
Simmons is a liability we have better.
Bama needs more snaps.
As I posted in the game day thread, yesterday was beautiful. Central NY at its finest. Not a cloud in the sky, late summer warm and the Hill was awash in Orange. Dad and I ended up meeting some Clemson fans that I knew at the Sheraton, had a beer and a Gianelli and headed up to the Quad to meet our gang. Said Hi to Lincoln on the way, had one more beer, two taps on the left shoe and we hit our seats about 40 minutes before kickoff. So far, a perfect Saturday morning but all of that was about to end as the morning turned to afternoon.

The crowd was excellent, an announced 42k and the student section was packed. Each and every one of those in attendance did their best to make sure that the " loud house" lived up to its name. The fans showed up on a beautiful fall day and the students showed up for a noon start. Had this been a 330 or night game it might have been close to a full house.

I haven't watched the replay yet, so I don't have a definitive on the targeting call but it sure as heck looked like a cheap shot. Regardless that one play changed the outcome of this game as much as any other play. Had Shrader kept the ball, had targeting been confirmed I truly believe we would have scored, and the trajectory of the entire contest would have been completely different. Why our head coach didn't lose his Ohana over that is beyond me. But more about him later.

Again, as I stated in the game day thread Clemson has the better team. Top to bottom they are a deep and talented bunch. Extremely well coached and prepared. This is a program that has and will continue to be at the top of the college food chain and for any team to beat them they need to play their best and play clean. Neither of which we did yesterday.

I'm not sure if the hit that Shrader took is the cause of his poor showing or if he was just off. To his defense i thought that Clemson had the perfect plan to negate his strength which is his running ability and force him and Syracuse to beat them through the air which is not and never will be Shrader's strong suit. Our QB is a warrior for sure, but he isn't a good passer. He is a thrower who has an adequate arm, average accuracy, and unfortunately tunnel vision. Couple that with the pressure that Clemson was able to apply and a full game spy on him and we were up against it.

LA had another strong game and Dan proved what many of us knew and that is that he is a talent. Not sure if he got hurt but if not, why didn't he get more targets?

The D was on the field all game long and played their arses off. We have a great D. Not world class but really good. Good enough to get this team ranked if we only had an O. Great job by the players BUT AND YES THIS IS IN CAPS.
Rocky didn't call a good game. Time and time again he dropped into coverage vs pressure on third and longs. I have no idea why. Huge mistake on his part and it definitely cost us yesterday.

Now let's talk about our head coach. I probably have posted this about him more times than carter has pills, but it is as plain as day that Dino is a very poor game day coach. He doesn't have a feel for the game, doesn't defend his team when there are bad calls, doesn't manage the clock well, and doesn't seem to have the ability to work the refs like his opponents do. In addition, penalties are on the head coach, and we are one of the worst in all of college football in that department. I don't want to go into specifics as they have already been discussed but on Game Day, I wish he would stay home with a bowl of Ramen and watch the game on his big screen. In short, he is a liability on game days. Has been since he set foot on campus and always will be.

Still, I want him to remain as our head coach. Why? Because he runs a solid program, truly cares about the kids, and I believe his personality and integrity based on faith is going to pay major dividends in the retention of our key players and in the acquisition of portal players. Dino did a great job this off season filling the coaching voids and also did an excellent job in keeping key players in Syracuse and attracting others to come. As we continue to make bowl games and yes, we will make a bowl game this year he will continue to excel in these two very important areas.

In addition, Dino hasn't been afforded the facilities and support that other ACC programs have had. We have been the worst supported program in the league for years and that matters. Going forward that is about to change and in a big way. Once completed our facilities will compete with almost every other program in the league. I feel good about the NIL that has been put together and it's about to get better. At this point I believe we need to stay the course. His 8 years are in the past. SU needs to focus on the future. Complete the build out, keep building NIL, retain this coaching staff which is finally able to compete in NJ and our other core recruiting areas and continue to make bowl games.

Yesterday was extremely frustrating but it wasn't all on Dino. Long and Beck, Shrader and our WR corps all needed to do better, and the Refs screwed us on more than one call. Next week and of course FSU are going to be tough. Let's keep positive, Keep moving forward. Take care of the teams we can beat, and it will all work out. We are a few years away. Let's stay the course and continue to support the team.

Go Orange.
Great, accurate and interesting analysis, especially on Babers. Was trying in my own head to figure my thoughts on it, as long as we’re bowling the next few years I’m going to begrudgingly bite my tongue on Dino. Let’s see where it all shakes out with portal, nil, conference re-alignment(s) and then re-asses.

Thanks for taking the time with these as between you and Tom it’s must see/read reading for any Cuse fan.
Last edited:
Great, accurate and interesting analysis, especially on Babers. Was trying in my own head to figure my thoughts on it, as long as we’re bowling the next few years I’m going to begrudgingly bite my tongue on Dino. Let’s see where it all shakes out with portal, nil, conference re-alignment(s) and then re-asses.

Thanks for taking the time with these as between you and Tom it’s must see reading for any Cuse fan.
Dino’s self destruction at the end of halves and games continues to baffle me. I’ve never seen a HC of a team I follow consistently make head scratching calls at crunch time.
I think the big mistakes in the coaching staff’s game plan were overestimating our WRs ability to get open and underestimating Klubnick’s passing skills.

Also thought we should’ve tried more traditional runs w/ LQA early on, seemed to have success with that.
I think all of our warts came out.

Shrader running won't work against teams like Clemson and FSU. His passing isn't good enough for us to move the ball either. His biggest weakness is the sideline throws and we called those exclusively yesterday. Maybe because of the next item.

Our passing blocking has been good enough this year but we hadn't played a team like Clemson. We really could use a LT next year so we can move Cruz to RT. Ellis shouldn't be playing.

Our WRs aren't very good. Part of that is missing OG, IG, and Pena, who was really coming on last year. I think Brown has potential but he is a short to middle kind of guy. He really gets lost down the field. Alford is a nice 2.5 type of guy, who rotates with your #2. Unfortunately he is now our #1. I don't think Hatcher is good enough to be out there. Kinda crazy that we haven't had a good outside WR since Ish in 2017.

Caleb had his best game of the year, but we don't get enough pressure without bring a bunch of heat. Was an issue all year that really showed this game. Our pass rush is really weak.

Johnson can be beaten deep. Purdue came close a few times. Yesterday he really struggled. He had one play a Clemson WR ran right by him, but luckily Klubnik isn't a good passer. Wilson has been picked on all year. Will be interesting to see if there is a change.
We are down our top three WRs. OG, IJ, Pena
Dan needs to be targeted as much as possible.
We have to pressure gun slingers.
Our PR kid is a disaster waiting to happen. He needs to be coached up big time.
Simmons is a liability we have better.
Bama needs more snaps.

First, great write up. Again, pretty cool the history you and your dad have with the team.

I don’t think Pena is a good WR at all, but he’s a difference maker in the return game which matters a lot.

Losing OG has been killer. You can’t take your most talented offensive guy off the board and expect to keep rolling.

Agree re Simmons. Tried hard. But still not where we need him to be.

One thing about Shrader and his passing — he’s not a dime dropper. No one will say that. But there is a lot more to where I ball can be placed when your WRs are getting pushed off routs, getting knocked off timing and generally not great fundamental WRs.

I am not excusing GS, but it’s not as simple as him not dropping throws in a bucket.

I thought our guys on the DL showed a lot of heart yesterday with how much they were on the field.
I think the big mistakes in the coaching staff’s game plan were overestimating our WRs ability to get open and underestimating Klubnick’s passing skills.

Also thought we should’ve tried more traditional runs w/ LQA early on, seemed to have success with that.
I thought Klubnick was very pedestrian. I know he’s a sophomore and probably has a huge upside. But his passes into the flat were slow and telegraphed. We could have had two or three of those. We complain about GS getting the bell out there slow. I thoughts Klubnick’s throws there worse.

He had enough time to wait for a WR to come back to him after breaking off a route a few times. We didn’t have that same luxury.
I thought Klubnick was very pedestrian. I know he’s a sophomore and probably has a huge upside. But his passes into the flat were slow and telegraphed. We could have had two or three of those. We complain about GS getting the bell out there slow. I thoughts Klubnick’s throws there worse.

I thought he got away with a lot yesterday. There were 3-4 balls that could have been INTs. He also got bailed out a few times on those PIs. Our CBs were beat and had they turned, those are INTs or incomplete. Instead they got a PI with minimal contact. He also had all day to throw, which will make any QB look good.
We dropped 3 balls that were right there for pick 6s.. we had shots for 5 Ints and got none.

I dont know that the play call on 3rd and medium as first read is the deep sideline throw but SHrader completed 3 of them had the field been 2 ft wider.. For some reason that is where he chose to throw it.

On the flip side Clemson did much the same except the QW had more time, made better throws, and got bailed out by miltiple PI calls of which at least 2 were dubious..

The fumble by Allen putting us down 14 was the hole we never got back out of.

I have no problem with the Fg try, it was just short and if they dont see him kicking 60+ in practice I doubt they even try it.. Probbaly his best kick of the year though even if just short

the game was lost with the Clemson front 4 pass rush and the lack of and Dline we have that can really get home.

I think lost in all of this,. This is the first game in this Dino/Dabo set where Clemson didnt big boy us on the lines.. They just have a couple guys who can pass rush.. They couldnt run at all and that is big going forward as they are the best running team we will see the rest of the yr..

Shrader is a good QB when we have the ability to use his legs and mix up the calls. When that goes away his warts show up, But no other team on the schedule outside of FSU will do that. If we can keep him on hios feet after the next 2 the last 5 are all there for the taking.
This summarizes how I feel well…

Rocky sitting back in coverage was a huge mistake… our dline isnt going to generate pressure only bringing three… they have a lot of grit and fight but they are undersized as a group and not adept at beating double teams.
Could have been more aggressive on 3rd down. Overall defense was good, missed 3 pick opportunities, recovered from the offense giving up the ball inside our zone 3 times, and a missed FG Again giving good filed position. They were on the field all game long and O did not help them. Overall give the defense a B+
I have no problem with the Fg try, it was just short and if they dont see him kicking 60+ in practice I doubt they even try it.. Probbaly his best kick of the year though even if just short
I have 2 problems with the FG:

- Brady said in postgame he felt rushed because of the trickery. There was no rhyme or reason for that trickery!

- more importantly, Brady said he has a specific ball that he uses for kickoffs and long FGs. He said they had the wrong ball selected for that play.

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