my two cents |

my two cents


Living Legend
Aug 27, 2011
Woke up yesterday and told my friend to bet the house on FSU as my weekly review of each starting player only showed us having an advantage at Punter. There were a few positions that were basically even but not one position on either side of the ball that SU had an obvious advantage.

We did play a much better game on D until they simply ran out of gas and most likely faith in their offensive teammates.

As to Dino he was himself. Multiple decisions that just don't make any sense to those watching the game and or the announcers calling the game. I'm not sure what his thought process is but it is flawed. I hope that it isn't playing to get out of dodge and that he actually believes his decisions provide the team with the best chance to win but that is a hard one to fathom.

I hope that the bye week is used to reset the season. Clean the plate and start new. If I'm Dino, I do everything possible to encourage and support the kids. Give them time to heal physically and mentally and when you come back be the very best Dino you can be. Full bore OHANA with lots of La Familia because this is his gift, and he needs to use every ounce of purchase that he has with his staff and players to turn the season around. I'm pulling for him and the kids to focus on the task in front of them and to completely wipe out the last three games. Simply put the story of this season is yet to be written. Play with as much heart and passion as possible and don't leave anything on the field.

Captains need to lead, Assistant coaches need to motivate, and above all Dino needs to work his magic.

I truly believe that the next two weeks of practice of time with his team and staff are going to define Dinos career at Syracuse. Pull it together, Finish strong. Win 7 and plays balls to the wall in every game and he and his staff are back and might just make a go of it. If not, he will be let go and basically 8 years of investment in him will have been for the most part wasted.

I'm not sure if he can do it and I will continue to point out all of his flaws. Still, I want him to succeed as I want Syracuse to succeed. Let's support the kids during this down time and hope that they rally around their head coach.

Go Orange!
I Really like this team and the players that bust it every week for our enjoyment. Agree with your use of the word “reset” because now that the gauntlet is over it is time to heal, refocus and finish strong. I hope Dino leads them there, and they win 3-4 more.
Everyone wants him to succeed

It’s just a question if he can do it
At this point there is no more help for him. No more excuses. The buyout isn't much of an issue. Covid is over. It's all on Dino at this point as there isn't one remaining game that we shouldn't win or at a minimum hang in for the entire game.
At this point there is no more help for him. No more excuses. The buyout isn't much of an issue. Covid is over. It's all on Dino at this point as there isn't one remaining game that we shouldn't win or at a minimum hang in for the entire game.
But, it's not all Dino. I have faith that Rocky can put the defense in the right place to give us a chance. I have much less faith in Beck. I hope he proves me wrong.
But, it's not all Dino. I have faith that Rocky can put the defense in the right place to give us a chance. I have much less faith in Beck. I hope he proves me wrong.
I tend to believe that our offensive scheme is severely limited due to personnel. Specifically our passing game is non-existent. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised even if Dino were to stay if Beck got the fudge out of here
I tend to believe that our offensive scheme is severely limited due to personnel. Specifically our passing game is non-existent. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised even if Dino were to stay if Beck got the fudge out of here
Shrader has had a terrible year. Even in the wins his passing was off. Sure his statistics were ok but if you watched him his throws were weak, he floated most balls, was inaccurate, held the ball too long and had tunnel vision. He has been really bad. Maybe its the surgery or more likely opposing coaches have him figured out. Shrader not being a good passer is less apparent against weaker teams so there is hope.
Shraders arm seems to have gotten worse as the season goes on. He cant get the ball 30 yds down field. That means the D has no deep throws to even worry about. As you said he floats everything.. Now thats great for catching usally but it also means you need to throw sooner.. He isnt Joe Montana thats for sure.
Shraders arm seems to have gotten worse as the season goes on. He cant get the ball 30 yds down field. That means the D has no deep throws to even worry about. As you said he floats everything.. Now thats great for catching usally but it also means you need to throw sooner.. He isnt Joe Montana thats for sure.
Agreed. His arm strength is really bad. I actually believe he doesn't pull the trigger on throws because he knows he cant get it there.
Everyone complains about Carlos but he has a rocket and can make all the throws. His problems are evident, still he has a very strong arm.
Shraders arm seems to have gotten worse as the season goes on. He cant get the ball 30 yds down field. That means the D has no deep throws to even worry about. As you said he floats everything.. Now thats great for catching usally but it also means you need to throw sooner.. He isnt Joe Montana thats for sure.
He had a throw Saturday from the end zone where he was flushed but set and it barely went 40 yards. His arm can't be healthy.
He had a throw Saturday from the end zone where he was flushed but set and it barely went 40 yards. His arm can't be healthy.
It’s pretty clear he’s not. He looks nothing like healthy Shrader from last year.

Which makes matters worse when you consider we don’t have a better alternative than a whatever % very limited Shrader this is.
Not sure about Shrader’s arm strength but I do see a big difference this year mostly due to Gadsden’s absence.

Teams spying Shrader are letting their MLB track Shrader’s eyes to break up or pick off passes over the middle. With no threat of Gadsden to distract a LB, they’re sitting on slants and inside routes.

I’m guessing Beck doesn’t call many slants or interior pass plays because of this.

Shrader locking his eyes on these routes makes it exponentially worse (ND last year).
It’s pretty clear he’s not. He looks nothing like healthy Shrader from last year.

Which makes matters worse when you consider we don’t have a better alternative than a whatever % very limited Shrader this is.
Was he healthy last year?
Was he healthy last year?

Definitely not.

I'm a huge Shrader fan. Defended him to death. But he's been playing poorly.

He's off. If we had a capable back up, he probably should be pulled.

The issue is that our OL, WRs and TEs are all not good as whole groups, which makes anyone playing QB, good or bad or somewhere in between, an uphill battle and it makes it very hard for an OC to call plays that can actually move the ball.

We just have a superstorm of bad stuff happening and I'm hoping that we can get some guys healthy, reset our strategy a bit and do more with what we do have against teams that aren't as good as the gauntlet we just went through.

But Damien Alford isn't turning into an NFL WR before the end of the year. Villari can be used in spots, but he has big gaps in his game. Our OL... I dunno man, maybe they can gel and punch above their weight class.

I'm very much assuming we're going huge on the portal next year, whether Dino is here or not.
Alford with a better QB would be a load. He makes some very contested catches, but the throws are seldom in the spots he can use to his advantage.

Hatcher/Brown are getting better making tougher catches. I think both would be good after the catch if they ever saw a ball in open space.

Jones played a bunch but not sure they even looked his way.

Does every team have 4 dbs more athletic than our WRs, Sure feels like it.

We dont block well enough when teams play zone and when they man up we seldom find the open guy.
Woke up yesterday and told my friend to bet the house on FSU as my weekly review of each starting player only showed us having an advantage at Punter. There were a few positions that were basically even but not one position on either side of the ball that SU had an obvious advantage.

We did play a much better game on D until they simply ran out of gas and most likely faith in their offensive teammates.

As to Dino he was himself. Multiple decisions that just don't make any sense to those watching the game and or the announcers calling the game. I'm not sure what his thought process is but it is flawed. I hope that it isn't playing to get out of dodge and that he actually believes his decisions provide the team with the best chance to win but that is a hard one to fathom.

I hope that the bye week is used to reset the season. Clean the plate and start new. If I'm Dino, I do everything possible to encourage and support the kids. Give them time to heal physically and mentally and when you come back be the very best Dino you can be. Full bore OHANA with lots of La Familia because this is his gift, and he needs to use every ounce of purchase that he has with his staff and players to turn the season around. I'm pulling for him and the kids to focus on the task in front of them and to completely wipe out the last three games. Simply put the story of this season is yet to be written. Play with as much heart and passion as possible and don't leave anything on the field.

Captains need to lead, Assistant coaches need to motivate, and above all Dino needs to work his magic.

I truly believe that the next two weeks of practice of time with his team and staff are going to define Dinos career at Syracuse. Pull it together, Finish strong. Win 7 and plays balls to the wall in every game and he and his staff are back and might just make a go of it. If not, he will be let go and basically 8 years of investment in him will have been for the most part wasted.

I'm not sure if he can do it and I will continue to point out all of his flaws. Still, I want him to succeed as I want Syracuse to succeed. Let's support the kids during this down time and hope that they rally around their head coach.

Go Orange!
Great recap as always. A few things in response to your points...

- Yep, I told my FSU buddy the morning before the game, no way I'd EVER bet against the cuse, but that line was ripe for the taking. No way did I see us covering.

- I don't know how anyone could blame the D. How many times do you expect them to go out against bigger and faster dudes and keep things respectable? That's 95% on the O (or lack of it).

- Agree about Dino needing to use the bye as a break both physically and mentally. We can still have a very solid season. Many more W's to be had.

- As for Dino working his magic, not sure he has any. I also don't think we need magic. Just get back to playing good football and I think we will be happy with the record (just not the way we lost our 3 games).

- I agree that if things go south over the next few weeks, he should be done. I also don't think that's going to happen.

- I think this year is about what to expect moving forward with Babers. 6-8 wins a season. That's not bad, but also not very exciting, especially when you see a team like Duke passing us by. You know how hard it was going to my in-laws last night for dinner? They're diehard Duke fans. It's one thing that they have basketball, but when they do well on the field as well, it makes me want to vomit, then cry. Over the last 10 years, we are significantly worse than dook. They have a 52% winning percentage, we have a 41%. They've been bowl eligible 6 times during this period to our 3. That just shouldn't be.
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Was he healthy last year?
He definitely was early in the year, after Clemson though not at all.

I think he wasn't healthy even earlier this year though, Purdue and Army games made sure of that.
Great recap as always. A few things in response to your points...

- Yep, I told my FSU buddy the morning before the game, no way I'd EVER bet against the cuse, but that line was ripe for the taking. No way did I see us covering.

- I don't know how anyone could blame the D. How many times do you expect them to go out against bigger and faster dudes and keep things respectable? That's 95% on the O (or lack of it).

- Agree about Dino needing to use the bye as a break both physically and mentally. We can still have a very solid season. Many more W's to be had.

- As for Dino working his magic, not sure he has any. I also don't think we need magic. Just get back to playing good football and I think we will be happy with the record (just not the way we lost our 3 games).

- I agree that if things go south over the next few weeks, he should be done. I also don't think that's going to happen.

- I think this year is about what to expect moving forward with Babers. 6-8 wins a season. That's not bad, but also not very exciting, especially when you see teams like Duke and Kansas passing us by. You know how hard it was going to my in-laws last night for dinner? They're diehard Duke fans. It's one thing that they have basketball, but when they do well on the field as well, it makes me want to vomit, then cry.

IMO you are giving the D too much credit.

FSU had 17 points after their first 4 drives because the D missed a lot of plays that could have easily been made. Right after the O scored to make it 10-3 and we had some momentum, they gave up a long TD. At that point in the game IMO the D was the bigger reason why we trailed by 14. However...

After that they played well and were the reason why it was only 24-3 when Dino decided to go for a FG (even hesitated causing a delay of game). The O between 17-3 and the missed FG drive was horrendous.

What happened after that was garbage time.
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Not sure about Shrader’s arm strength but I do see a big difference this year mostly due to Gadsden’s absence.
Shrader's arm strength and accuracy IS an issue and it's even more pronounced this season. Not having OG's ability to get open and make contested catches magnifies GS's arm deficiencies, but it is not the primary cause.

I’m guessing Beck doesn’t call many slants or interior pass plays because of this.
I'm not sure this is the case. To run slant routes, the WRs need to gain inside leverage when pressed. Beck's playcalling is not the issue here, IMO. This hurts the offense - and maybe it's just me - because I think one of Shrader's strengths is throwing the quick slant. He can just let it "rip."
It’s pretty clear he’s not. He looks nothing like healthy Shrader from last year.

Which makes matters worse when you consider we don’t have a better alternative than a whatever % very limited Shrader this is.
Surprised nobody has asked if that off season arm surgery was a mistake.
Great recap as always. A few things in response to your points...

- Yep, I told my FSU buddy the morning before the game, no way I'd EVER bet against the cuse, but that line was ripe for the taking. No way did I see us covering.

- I don't know how anyone could blame the D. How many times do you expect them to go out against bigger and faster dudes and keep things respectable? That's 95% on the O (or lack of it).

- Agree about Dino needing to use the bye as a break both physically and mentally. We can still have a very solid season. Many more W's to be had.

- As for Dino working his magic, not sure he has any. I also don't think we need magic. Just get back to playing good football and I think we will be happy with the record (just not the way we lost our 3 games).

- I agree that if things go south over the next few weeks, he should be done. I also don't think that's going to happen.

- I think this year is about what to expect moving forward with Babers. 6-8 wins a season. That's not bad, but also not very exciting, especially when you see teams like Duke and Kansas passing us by. You know how hard it was going to my in-laws last night for dinner? They're diehard Duke fans. It's one thing that they have basketball, but when they do well on the field as well, it makes me want to vomit, then cry.
I dont think Duke/Kansas have gone anywhere.

They have better QBs right now

Clemson beats Duke and they lose to FSU and they are 4-3 just like us.. And they have a QB that people think will be elite . But they beat Duke. Good on them.

Kansas has an Elite QB as well who has been hurt.. They lose to Ok this week and they are 5-3

Now will both teams get high level QBs every 2-3 yrs then yes they will be better.. We need to break they cycle.
Shrader's arm strength and accuracy IS an issue and it's even more pronounced this season. Not having OG's ability to get open and make contested catches magnifies GS's arm deficiencies, but it is not the primary cause.

I'm not sure this is the case. To run slant routes, the WRs need to gain inside leverage when pressed. Beck's playcalling is not the issue here, IMO. This hurts the offense - and maybe it's just me - because I think one of Shrader's strengths is throwing the quick slant. He can just let it "rip."

Don’t think I blamed Beck’s play calling for the lack of success throwing/attacking the middle of the field.

I think teams spying Shrader, coupled with his tunnel vision, have made interior passes far more risky than earlier in his career.

I think Shrader’s vision and decision making has been more of a problem this year.

Whether that’s due to an injured throwing arm is anyone’s guess.
I tend to believe that our offensive scheme is severely limited due to personnel. Specifically our passing game is non-existent. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised even if Dino were to stay if Beck got the fudge out of here
Need to throw money at a good backup
I dont think Duke/Kansas have gone anywhere.
Yeah, brain lapse on my part including Kansas. Toss them aside... back to Duke. Look below... what record is more impressive over the last 10 seasons?

Team A (65-61)

Team B (50-72)

I don't know about you, but I'd rather have Team A's record. 52% winning percentage versus 41%, and twice the number of bowl eligible seasons (6 versus 3). Team A is Duke by the way while Team B is Cuse. Don't get me wrong, there is NOTHING I like about this - I loathe the blue devils, and it makes me sick that they're out performing us on the field, but they are. Facts don't lie.
So the last 5 yrs they have 27 wins and we have 28. They will perhaps blow by us this yr..

By this stat logic we should try to be Neb since the last 70 yrs they had great numbers.

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