NBA free agency/LeBronapalooza 2018 | Page 44 |

NBA free agency/LeBronapalooza 2018

It's starting to seem clear that Kawhi's kind of a headcase and that's been hidden really well so far by a combination of the Spurs organization and his introverted nature.

Apparently Kawhi wouldn't be available/present for a lot of the Jordan events. I know he did that China tour, but it sounds like he wasn't the gung ho endorser that a lot of these other guys are.

BTW - this is all fine. If you are introverted, don't like the spotlight, etc... all good. I get it. But then take the $20M + the super max from the Spurs and create the bubble to protect you from it all.

No shame in not wanting to be in front of a camera every two seconds, but then don't do the strategy you have now.
Yeah I was't trying to absolve basketball, but it's not as bad as baseball

They are a pretty heavy tax team, they may try and buy him out. Or they could stretch him, per Nate Duncan , if they stretch melo, they could save $100 million in tax payments. $100 million!!!

Yeah. That’s a lot of cash. Releasing him may be the best bet, financially for sure.
Yeah I was't trying to absolve basketball, but it's not as bad as baseball

They are a pretty heavy tax team, they may try and buy him out. Or they could stretch him, per Nate Duncan , if they stretch melo, they could save $100 million in tax payments. $100 million!!!
Yet Clay Bennett wouldn’t pay the luxury tax to keep Harden with Westbrook and Durant.
That organization had 3 of the top 10 players and traded Harden to avoid the luxury tax.

What a waste. Atleast LeBron delivered Cleveland one title.
Yet Clay Bennett wouldn’t pay the luxury tax to keep Harden with Westbrook and Durant.
That organization had 3 of the top 10 players and traded Harden to avoid the luxury tax.

What a waste. Atleast LeBron delivered Cleveland one title.

Yeah, they traded Harden and went into the tax a year or two later anyway?
Yes... still crazy OKC weren't smart enough to keep those 3 together a little longer.
kind of in disbelief that melo wants to stay in OKC. Yes its a ton of money... but come on man.
kind of in disbelief that melo wants to stay in OKC. Yes its a ton of money... but come on man.

He’s gonna have a hefty child support bill to two mommas and some alimony to pay soon.
Something looks so off about Steph in that photo. He looks like he has the shoulders of an offensive lineman

I can't not see that now. It's ridiculous. Did they put his face on Javale's body or something?
kind of in disbelief that melo wants to stay in OKC. Yes its a ton of money... but come on man.

It's all about the money. At best, OKC buys him out, he pockets the money and goes to LA with LeBron. At worst, he gets to continue playing for a pretty good team while getting paid a ton of money. Opting out would have cost him $20+ million.
kind of in disbelief that melo wants to stay in OKC. Yes its a ton of money... but come on man.
OKC has to want him give him enough money he will accept the buyout.
I wouldn’t leave more than 5 million on the table. Melo has earned that money.
Lonzo is lightyears better shooting the ball than Simmons. Simmons is at like an elementary school shooting level right now. Lonzo shot over 40% from 3 in college on a large volume.

Regarding the Vegas odds, it's just hype. LeBron makes any team he goes to at least a pseudo-contender and the fact that it's the Lakers amps that up even more, not to mention the speculation that they'll bring in other stars.

I do think as currently constructed, the Lakers will be a top 3 or 4 seed in the West, which is probably about on par with a 2 seed in the East.

Simmons is a poor shooter no doubt but he's 100x the player that Lonzo Ball is.
Simmons is a poor shooter no doubt but he's 100x the player that Lonzo Ball is.

This past year he was quite a bit better. These guys are so young that stuff like that is fluid. Simmons is a stud.

Lonzo has promise though. He had some struggles with shooting and injuries but to average 10 points, 7 rebounds, and 7 assists and only 2.6 turnovers as a 20 year old...that’s nothing to sneeze at.
For 27 million?

That is such a mind boggling amount of money that I can’t believe anyone could have a problem with him opting in.

Agreed. Notwithstanding the fact he brought us a championship, $27 million for Melo's services at this juncture borders on obscene. Because of this ridiculous ESPN contract some NBA players are making really stoopid $$$. Meanwhile ESPN is choking on that contract big time.
I am relatively pro Lonzo. He does a lot of the non shooting (passing, rebounding, defense, etc) stuff pretty well. And he was just a rookie. The shooting may put a cap on what he can be, but also, maybe he could improve.
This past year he was quite a bit better. These guys are so young that stuff like that is fluid. Simmons is a stud.

Lonzo has promise though. He had some struggles with shooting and injuries but to average 10 points, 7 rebounds, and 7 assists and only 2.6 turnovers as a 20 year old...that’s nothing to sneeze at.

Yeah I don't mean to write Lonzo off as he has some skills, just don't think he's in Simmons' league.
Simmons is a poor shooter no doubt but he's 100x the player that Lonzo Ball is.

I'm not saying that isn't the case, but they're leagues apart in terms of shooting ability. Simmons is still an incredible talent and definitely a better player right now by a significant margin.
I am relatively pro Lonzo. He does a lot of the non shooting (passing, rebounding, defense, etc) stuff pretty well. And he was just a rookie. The shooting may put a cap on what he can be, but also, maybe he could improve.

Lonzo's defense really impressed me. I thought he was going to be pretty much helpless as a 1 on 1 defender but would play passing lanes great. He was way better 1 on 1 than I expected.

I still think his ball-handling limits him moreso than his shooting does. He's not a good enough ball-handler/not quick enough to be the primary creator IMO. He really struggles to beat his own man which makes it difficult for him to really create; that's why I think he'll be so much better next to LeBron (if he isn't traded). If he's attacking closeouts instead of attacking his man straight up, he'll have a much easier time getting into the lane and then he can make magic happen.
I am relatively pro Lonzo. He does a lot of the non shooting (passing, rebounding, defense, etc) stuff pretty well. And he was just a rookie. The shooting may put a cap on what he can be, but also, maybe he could improve.

I still remember the “Ason Kidd because he has no J”, jokes. He became a respectable 3 point shooter.

Rookie Ball was a worse shooter and that form is ugly, but his other stats are similar to rookie Kidd’s and he potentially brings that court savvy to the position that few guys have...that court vision, unselfishness, and ability to get the ball to the right people at the right time.
I still remember the “Ason Kidd because he has no J”, jokes. He became a respectable 3 point shooter.

Rookie Ball was a worse shooter and that form is ugly, but his other stats are similar to rookie Kidd’s and he potentially brings that court savvy to the position that few guys have...that court vision, unselfishness, and ability to get the ball to the right people at the right time.

I know this is a lot because of the change in the game and 3PA, but Jason Kidd is now 9th all time in 3 pointers made. 9th!

This discussion also reminded me I had a dream last night that Ben Simmons made his first 3 pointer of his career and it was a huge deal.

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