NBA Playoffs | Page 51 |

NBA Playoffs

More like rocking back and forth like a lunatic. You're definitely entitled to rationalize, but you aren't entitled to your own set of facts. So let's review the tape, just to dispel this notion about how objective your read of the events was.

Watch and weep.

Lebron starts the exchange by delivering a forearm shot to Green's face, which knocks Green down. Probably because he got blasted in the face with a forearm. Green falls adjacent to Lebron, not under him--but for no reason Lebron chooses to step over him. Please note, since you apparently have questionable eyesight, that they aren't tangled up, and Green doesn't grab his legs or roll under him-. Green then lashes out after getting unnecessarily tea bagged by Lebron. Lebron responds by going chest to chest with him talking smack while Green works to get back in the play. When they both roll into the post after the shot is put up, Lebron hooks his arm, causing them to get tangled again, and then walks up on him after the play is whistled dead.

You want to argue that Green flopped on the initial hit, be my guest. Just don't condescend to pretend that Lebron didn't clothesline the guy--MMA style, your words--or that there was any reason for him to step over Green. Or that he wasn't the primary instigator of this entire near-altercation, from beginning to end. None of this would have happened / escalated if not for stuff he did.

There are lots of people laughing out loud at your goofy interpretation, but rest assured they are laughing at you, not with you.

The youtube video posted in the above didn't work on my computer. I get a playback error message, scout's honor. It may just be an issue with the desk top I'm on at work but it still made me laugh.

Nevertheless, I appreciate the breakdown you posted. Two quick things that jump out of note, I never said anything about Green rolling under him or grabbing his legs but I appreciate you addressing them nonethless. Second, are you sure Green lashed out in the clip you posted because I thought before you said he was calm and kept walking away?

I'll tell you what; I'll look for a video that works and in the meantime can you provide a similar film breakdown of the below?

Zapruder Film Slow Motion (HIGHER QUALITY)
I'm rooting for Golden State, but I don't hate Lebron. And while you are right about your Melo assumptions, literally no other player was ever declared the king of basketball the minute they entered the league. That's why he gets the criticism he gets, fair or not.

I don't get what the big deal is. All this talk is entertaining. Much better than the games have been. The Warriors are arrogant. I know it bothers some people, but they've brought some casual fans back to the league as ratings have showed.

The six finals in a row are great, but it's not like he had to defeat the same teams the Spurs/Mavs/Warriors did to get there. The East has mostly been in the gutter the minute MJ retired and Shaq signed with the Lakers.

As for Draymond. We've seen these kind of players before. Rodman. Rasheed Wallace. Heck Chris Paul, hit's players in the nuts all the time, yet you never hear about that.

Agreed, it might not make sense but I think both him making the Finals 6 times in a row and him being potentially 2-5 career in the Finals (depending on how this series goes) are both equally overstated. They both have a place when discussing his overall career but probably not as big a talking point as either side makes them out to be.
The youtube video posted in the above didn't work on my computer. I get a playback error message, scout's honor. It may just be an issue with the desk top I'm on at work but it still made me laugh.

Convenient. Ignorance is bliss.

Nevertheless, I appreciate the breakdown you posted. Two quick things that jump out of note, I never said anything about Green rolling under him or grabbing his legs but I appreciate you addressing them nonethless. Second, are you sure Green lashed out in the clip you posted because I thought before you said he was calm and kept walking away?

I mentioned those things to highlight how unnecessary it was for Lebron to step over Green, and to point out that there was no game-related reason for him to do so.

Second, just to clear up your confusion since [1] you claim to be unable to watch the clip and [2] possibly never watched it in the first place, given your wacky take on how the events unfolded--the only retaliatory thing Green did was when he tried to push Lebron off of him during the walk over, what I called lashing out. At the end of the entire exchange, Green turned and walked away while Lebron woofed at him and tried to keep the incident going while being restrained.

People can judge for themselves which of the two behaved more calmly in the heat of the moment after the play was blown dead.

I'll tell you what; I'll look for a video that works and in the meantime can you provide a similar film breakdown of the below?

Zapruder Film Slow Motion (HIGHER QUALITY)

No thanks--countering your fanciful interpretation of reality with video evidence is more than enough sleuthing for one day.
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Agreed, it might not make sense but I think both him making the Finals 6 times in a row and him being potentially 2-5 career in the Finals (depending on how this series goes) are both equally overstated. They both have a place when discussing his overall career but probably not as big a talking point as either side makes them out to be.
Guy still has 2 rings. More than Barkley, Malone, Stockton combined.

He's also won several olympic gold medals to partially offset that 2-4 [soon to be 2-5, depending on how this series goes] finals record.
Convenient. Ignorance is bliss.

I mentioned those things to highlight how unnecessary it was for Lebron to step over Green, and to point out that there was no game-related reason for him to do so.

Second, just to clear up your confusion since [1] you claim to be unable to watch the clip and [2] possibly never watched it in the first place, given your wacky take on how the events unfolded--the only retaliatory thing Green did was when he tried to push Lebron off of him during the walk over, what I called lashing out. At the end of the entire exchange, Green turned and walked away while Lebron woofed at him and tried to keep the incident going while being restrained.

People can judge for themselves which of the two behaved more calmly in the heat of the moment after the play was blown dead.

No thanks--countering your fanciful interpretation of reality with video evidence is more than enough sleuthing for one day.

Lol, this is great. I swear the video didn't work but I knew that wouldn't be fair to the effort you put in to that breakdown so I pulled it up on my phone. I'm guessing your recap started at the 45 second mark?

I missed where LeBron is this lone mischevious actor which starts everything off by clotheslining Green. Do you have that video? Their arms get tangled and Green flops to the floor. That's how I see it but I guess that part is debatable. Both of these guys are incredibly strong but flop all the time.

Green is on the ground, LeBron steps over him probably trying to be a . Green retaliates and swipes at LeBron's nuts then as he's getting up makes another swing towards him. You point out LeBron goes chest to chest with him as if that's an odd reaction for someone who just had someone try to cheap shot their balls?

Then I guess you say LeBron hooks Green's arm when they're boxing out even though it's pretty obvious Green has LeBron's arm if you pause it at the 0:57 mark. I think that's nothing and happens every single trip down in the paint with guys going for rebounds. I'm just going to assume you got carried away in your story and will gloss over that one.

Again, I don't know why you're acting like it should surprise anyone that the party who had someone punch his balls and then kinda swing at him a second time is more annoyed than the one who had somebody step over them.

I'm done with this back and forth though. It was funny and good for some laughs but I'm getting tired of repeating some obvious facts of how a 6 second exchange unfolded.
I missed where LeBron is this lone mischevious actor which starts everything off by clotheslining Green. Do you have that video? Their arms get tangled and Green flops to the floor. That's how I see it but I guess that part is debatable. Both of these guys are incredibly strong but flop all the time..

DEBATEABLE??? That you can't even acknowledge Lebron hitting Green in the face with a swinging forearm at the beginning of the tussle is beyond incredible--it honestly is.

"Their arms got tangled" -- roflmao!!

The only "obvious fact" is that you've apparently lost touch with reality.
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DEBATEABLE??? That you can't even acknowledge Lebron "clotheslining" Green at the beginning of the tussle is beyond incredible--it honestly is.

"Their arms got tangled" -- what spin. Too damn funny.

I haven't seen anybody even suggest, yet alone acknolwedge, that it all started due to a LeBron clothesline but you.

You called my bluff and I caved after your most recent delusion. This really is my last response to you though on this.
I haven't seen anybody even suggest, yet alone acknolwedge, that it all started due to a LeBron clothesline but you.

You called my bluff and I caved after your most recent delusion. This really is my last response to you though on this.

That's good--because you've dug yourself quite a hole.

I'm not going to split hairs with you over whether it was a "clotheline," MMA, or whether this is what "started" their altercation vs. the chippiness starting earlier in the game--honestly, who the F cares?

The footage that everyone else has seen 1000 times since Friday's game clearly shows Lebron bashing Green in the face with a swinging forearm and then willfully choosing to step over him when it was unnecessary to do so, with the rest of the incident unfolding from there. You'd have to be blind not to see it; what's your excuse?
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A lot of national media isn't happy with the suspension of Draymond at all. They view it as the NBA trying to extend the series. Kornheiser, Stephen A, Wilbon, Reggie Miller, Barkley...
I think GS rolls tonight, in large part due to this attempt by the NBA to keep the series going.
I feel like a lot of the posts here on this topic are just bizarro world. I know people hate LeBron and anything he does people love to make a bigger deal than it is or if someone comes at him people immediately gas it up but even these I'm just like huh?

Green swings at LeBron's nuts from behind and calls him a b!tch or p*ssy. LeBron steps to the guy who did that and that means he's soft? I guess a lot of people on here are pretty ok with someone telling them they're a b!tch or p*ssy? Without trying to sound like a hardass I've played with guys who are in the league now, would go play pickup with guys on the team at SU, been around guys who were NFL draft picks and just friends with people who aren't cornballs and am incredulous at the idea that people think if you were to walk up to any of them and test them with that they would just shrug their shoulders and be like welp ok.

Klay Thompson is causing some to need to change their shorts because he said LeBron's feelings got hurt and "it's a man's game". A) This is the same guy whining about Cavs setting hard screens a few days ago, right? B) I have a feeling Klay is much more bold when speaking to a room full of reporters in implying LeBron is soft than say if it was just he and LeBron at a gym during team USA practice.

Ayesha Curry subtweets LeBron. I've never heard anyone describe her as anything but some annoying try hard. But again, as long as LeBron is the target of the shade it becomes the funniest thing ever.

It's really easy for GSW to spout off and say stuff about LeBron because they know they're the better team and because they know people dislike LeBron and will gas up anything they do that slights him. It's really not that bold or ballsy.

Lotta real men posting on here who would shrug it off and laugh if they were on the playground and some guy grabbed their junk after talking smack to them and beating up on them for the last week.

I really like Draymond, think he's the Warriors' mvp, but he's a loose cannon. He's nuts for guys's nuts. That kick to Stephen Adams' most tender of spots looked like Ray Guy following through on a 65-yard punt. With his playoff rap sheet, he was an idiot, irresponsible and a bad teammate.

BTW, the next tweet I see from LeBron's wife will be the first. And, like the Currys, the King and Queen have a little girl, too. Ever seen her at press conferences, in YouTube videos because her parents are using her like a little prop to prop up their lovely little Leave It To Beaver dream world.
A few thoughts...

The LeBron hate on here is laughable. Guy is going to finish as a top five player of all time, but that's not good enough for people here.

LeBron has been to SIX straight Finals. You know when you'll see that again in your lifetime? Probably never. Legit, you will probably be dead before that happens again.

And for those that love that Ayesha Curry tweet, just keep in mind she is selling herself as an entertainer and on-air personality. She is co-opting this situation to make herself more high profile. That's all it is - branding.

So enjoy the ride. If Melo had accomplished 50% of what Bron has accomplished people would be calling for a 100-foot statue of him next to the Dome.

Draymond Green should already have been suspended back in the OKC series, but the NBA didn't. It took a blatant nut shot for him to get suspended. Guy is a dirty player that is the, arguably, third best player on a team with two all-time shooters. You put him on Detroit and see how much of this crap he gets away with.
Drop the mic, bro, you own this thread.
Lotta real men posting on here who would shrug it off and laugh if they were on the playground and some guy grabbed their junk after talking smack to them and beating up on them for the last week.

I really like Draymond, think he's the Warriors' mvp, but he's a loose cannon. He's nuts for guys's nuts. That kick to Stephen Adams' most tender of spots looked like Ray Guy following through on a 65-yard punt. With his playoff rap sheet, he was an idiot, irresponsible and a bad teammate.

BTW, the next tweet I see from LeBron's wife will be the first. And, like the Currys, the King and Queen have a little girl, too. Ever seen her at press conferences, in YouTube videos because her parents are using her like a little prop to prop up their lovely little Leave It To Beaver dream world.

Because Lebron takes the high road.

It's good to be king, if just for awhile. To be there in velvet, yeah to give them a smile.
Lotta real men posting on here who would shrug it off and laugh if they were on the playground and some guy grabbed their junk after talking smack to them and beating up on them for the last week.

I really like Draymond, think he's the Warriors' mvp, but he's a loose cannon. He's nuts for guys's nuts. That kick to Stephen Adams' most tender of spots looked like Ray Guy following through on a 65-yard punt. With his playoff rap sheet, he was an idiot, irresponsible and a bad teammate.

BTW, the next tweet I see from LeBron's wife will be the first. And, like the Currys, the King and Queen have a little girl, too. Ever seen her at press conferences, in YouTube videos because her parents are using her like a little prop to prop up their lovely little Leave It To Beaver dream world.

Now he grabbed bronbron's nuts? That's a very different video than the one I saw.

LeBron fans are super funny. But man is their eyesight awful.
Lotta real men posting on here who would shrug it off and laugh if they were on the playground and some guy grabbed their junk after talking smack to them and beating up on them for the last week.

I really like Draymond, think he's the Warriors' mvp, but he's a loose cannon. He's nuts for guys's nuts. That kick to Stephen Adams' most tender of spots looked like Ray Guy following through on a 65-yard punt. With his playoff rap sheet, he was an idiot, irresponsible and a bad teammate.

BTW, the next tweet I see from LeBron's wife will be the first. And, like the Currys, the King and Queen have a little girl, too. Ever seen her at press conferences, in YouTube videos because her parents are using her like a little prop to prop up their lovely little Leave It To Beaver dream world.

Richie, I think you bring up an interesting point. Lots of former players who post on the board, and I'd bet every one of them has gotten hot at some point and lost their cool out there on the court. When that happens, players do dumb things out of frustration--how many times do you see a player commit a dumb turnover and compound it by fouling trying to get the ball back? That's exactly what Lebron resorted to. He lost his cool and he did a bunch of stuff that could have all been fouls / technicals but went uncalled in a sequence of events that led to this near-altercation.

Yes, Green is a cheap shot artist. Yes, the Curry's are attention seeking d-bags. But none of that changes Lebron's actions / conduct, when he temporarily lost his cool and did a bunch of stuff that wasn't Lebron-like in terms of how he usually plays.

Pointing that out doesn't make people "haters." And frankly, dismissing it is goofy, given what the video shows. BTW, I'm guessing that if anyone else in the league had hit Lebron in the mouth with a flailing forearm the way he did to Green, they might have gotten tossed from the game. :noidea:

Also BTW, I completely acknowledge that the video shows Green hitting Lebron's junk as the King steps over him. I can't judge intent from a video, but it looked more accidental to me than intentional -- not saying that Green didn't take a shot at Lebron there, but that it was more like he was lashing out / trying to push the guy off of him and hit him in the dingaling only because Lebron was unnecessarily walking over him. Doesn't excuse what Green did, but Lebron did two ish things prior to that occurring--it is not as if that was the triggering incident like you are implying, let's be honest.

Lebron absolutely has a right to get indignant and stand up for himself after getting hit in the junk, but let's not pretend that none of this would have happened if Lebron hadn't walked over the guy after knocking him down with a blow to the face beforehand.
Because Lebron takes the high road.

It's good to be king, if just for awhile. To be there in velvet, yeah to give them a smile.

Not sure you're taking the high road, if you mention twice that you're taking the high road...
A few thoughts...

The LeBron hate on here is laughable. Guy is going to finish as a top five player of all time, but that's not good enough for people here.

LeBron has been to SIX straight Finals. You know when you'll see that again in your lifetime? Probably never. Legit, you will probably be dead before that happens again.

And for those that love that Ayesha Curry tweet, just keep in mind she is selling herself as an entertainer and on-air personality. She is co-opting this situation to make herself more high profile. That's all it is - branding.

So enjoy the ride. If Melo had accomplished 50% of what Bron has accomplished people would be calling for a 100-foot statue of him next to the Dome.

Draymond Green should already have been suspended back in the OKC series, but the NBA didn't. It took a blatant nut shot for him to get suspended. Guy is a dirty player that is the, arguably, third best player on a team with two all-time shooters. You put him on Detroit and see how much of this crap he gets away with.
Getting to 6 finals out of the East is like the Zags getting to 6 straight NCAAs.
More like rocking back and forth like a lunatic. You're definitely entitled to rationalize, but you aren't entitled to your own set of facts. So let's review the tape, just to dispel this notion about how objective your read of the events was.

Watch and weep.

Lebron starts the exchange by delivering a forearm shot to Green's face, which knocks Green down. Probably because he got blasted in the face with a forearm. Green falls adjacent to Lebron, not under him--but for no reason Lebron chooses to step over him. Please note, since you apparently have questionable eyesight, that they aren't tangled up, and Green doesn't grab his legs or roll under him-. Green then lashes out after getting unnecessarily tea bagged by Lebron. Lebron responds by going chest to chest with him talking smack while Green works to get back in the play. When they both roll into the post after the shot is put up, Lebron hooks his arm, causing them to get tangled again, and then walks up on him after the play is whistled dead. At which point, Green walks away to avoid getting T'd up or goaded into a fight.

You want to argue that Green flopped on the initial hit, be my guest. Just don't condescend to pretend that Lebron didn't clothesline the guy--MMA style, your words--or that there was any reason for him to step over Green. Or that he wasn't the primary instigator of this entire near-altercation, from beginning to end. None of this would have happened / escalated if not for stuff he did.

There are lots of people laughing out loud at your goofy interpretation, but rest assured they are laughing at you, not with you.

It's so funny how we all interpret this video so differently! :) Like you, I don't care for either one (I think you said that), but possibly less for Green. Which again, seems strange, because as of last year, I really liked Green.

I think Green starts the exchange by going high with the elbow to LeBron's head as he comes in VERY aggressively - LeBron then discards him a tad excessively (as you mention). Green then (if you ask me) flops like a b*tch pretending that LeBron's touch to his right foot dislodged him like he weighs 58 pounds soaking wet.

LeBron is standing over him, doesn't immediately try to go over him, Green, because he's clearly psychotic, is grabbing at his sock initially, then grabs his calf and LeBron takes off over him with the offending "step over." If someone grabbed my sock, calf while they're laying on the floor, I'd probably kick them in the face fwiw. Why you even doin' that?

Then Green, because he's psychotic like most ex-Michigan State rapey players, goes after him with a nut shot.

Then they tangle in the lane as you describe. LeBron steps to him, Green fumbles around the back court yelling whatever it is he yells to people.

I'm not sure LeBron instigated anything. :)

Every action I see is LeBron reacting to something more flagrant. That's why I don't get (for me) why we're going to get upset that he dissed him by stepping over him? Stepping over someone isn't even a foul - and why would you care if you disrespect a dude that hits people in the nuts? He ain't playing "tough" ala the old school Pistons, or Barkely, he's hitting people with nut shots and pretending like he has ZERO control over his limbs in interviews.

Again, all I want is JR Smith to tie or untie some people's shoes tonight!
It's so funny how we all interpret this video so differently! :) Like you, I don't care for either one (I think you said that), but possibly less for Green. Which again, seems strange, because as of last year, I really liked Green.

I think Green starts the exchange by going high with the elbow to LeBron's head as he comes in VERY aggressively - LeBron then discards him a tad excessively (as you mention). Green then (if you ask me) flops like a b*tch pretending that LeBron's touch to his right foot dislodged him like he weighs 58 pounds soaking wet.

LeBron is standing over him, doesn't immediately try to go over him, Green, because he's clearly psychotic, is grabbing at his sock initially, then grabs his calf and LeBron takes off over him with the offending "step over." If someone grabbed my sock, calf while they're laying on the floor, I'd probably kick them in the face fwiw. Why you even doin' that?

Then Green, because he's psychotic like most ex-Michigan State rapey players, goes after him with a nut shot.

Then they tangle in the lane as you describe. LeBron steps to him, Green fumbles around the back court yelling whatever it is he yells to people.

I'm not sure LeBron instigated anything. :)

Every action I see is LeBron reacting to something more flagrant. That's why I don't get (for me) why we're going to get upset that he dissed him by stepping over him? Stepping over someone isn't even a foul - and why would you care if you disrespect a dude that hits people in the nuts? He ain't playing "tough" ala the old school Pistons, or Barkely, he's hitting people with nut shots and pretending like he has ZERO control over his limbs in interviews.

Again, all I want is JR Smith to tie or untie some people's shoes tonight!

This is fan board gold. Not only do you translate the situation perfectly, you do. what I've aimed to do as a writer since I was an intern for Gutenberg, close with a winner. I love JR. I wanna smoke some herbs, purely medicinal, with Swish.

This was a classic move.

Richie, I think you bring up an interesting point. Lots of former players who post on the board, and I'd bet every one of them has gotten hot at some point and lost their cool out there on the court. When that happens, players do dumb things out of frustration--how many times do you see a player commit a dumb turnover and compound it by fouling trying to get the ball back? That's exactly what Lebron resorted to. He lost his cool and he did a bunch of stuff that could have all been fouls / technicals but went uncalled in a sequence of events that led to this near-altercation.

Yes, Green is a cheap shot artist. Yes, the Curry's are attention seeking d-bags. But none of that changes Lebron's actions / conduct, when he temporarily lost his cool and did a bunch of stuff that wasn't Lebron-like in terms of how he usually plays.

Pointing that out doesn't make people "haters." And frankly, dismissing it is goofy, given what the video shows. BTW, I'm guessing that if anyone else in the league had hit Lebron in the mouth with a flailing forearm the way he did to Green, they might have gotten tossed from the game. :noidea:

Also BTW, I completely acknowledge that the video shows Green hitting Lebron's junk as the King steps over him. I can't judge intent from a video, but it looked more accidental to me than intentional -- not saying that Green didn't take a shot at Lebron there, but that it was more like he was lashing out / trying to push the guy off of him and hit him in the dingaling only because Lebron was unnecessarily walking over him. Doesn't excuse what Green did, but Lebron did two . . . . . ish things prior to that occurring--it is not as if that was the triggering incident like you are implying, let's be honest.

Lebron absolutely has a right to get indignant and stand up for himself after getting hit in the junk, but let's not pretend that none of this would have happened if Lebron hadn't walked over the guy after knocking him down with a blow to the face beforehand.

Long and short of it, bro: I've watched LeBron play since high school, I maybe have seen him lose his cool, get up in someone's face, maybe a handful of times, if that.

I'm amazed how consistently well he keeps it so together, particularly considering how physical the game gets and how much he's beat up going to the basket and how much smack he hears ad nauseum from other players and outright vitriol that drunk jamokes sitting courtside hurl at him, his mother, the whole shebang.

So he stepped over an annoying, tough competitor with a long record of being difficult to handle as a coach (ask Tom Izzo) and probably, at times, as a teammate. I love Draymond, I truly think he's the straw that stirs the drink, but if he played for the Cavs, y'all would have him on death row, and I'm not talkin' the record label.

He kicks and grabs guys' nuts. Long record, hence, he's an idiot, an irresponsible employee and teammate, he knew he was playing with house money, he got away with the Chuck Norris kick to Stephen Adams private parts, he knew he was on the precipice, all he had to do was stay away from other guys' schmeckles. And he apparently can't, particularly when it's the 4-time MVPeePee staring him in the face.

I hope the King whips out his scepter tonight and runs over to Curry's annoying wife and dubs her a Dame.

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