More like rocking back and forth like a lunatic. You're definitely entitled to rationalize, but you aren't entitled to your own set of facts. So let's review the tape, just to dispel this notion about how objective your read of the events was.
Watch and weep.
Lebron starts the exchange by delivering a forearm shot to Green's face, which knocks Green down. Probably because he got blasted in the face with a forearm. Green falls adjacent to Lebron, not under him--but for no reason Lebron chooses to step over him. Please note, since you apparently have questionable eyesight, that they aren't tangled up, and Green doesn't grab his legs or roll under him-. Green then lashes out after getting unnecessarily tea bagged by Lebron. Lebron responds by going chest to chest with him talking smack while Green works to get back in the play. When they both roll into the post after the shot is put up, Lebron hooks his arm, causing them to get tangled again, and then walks up on him after the play is whistled dead.
You want to argue that Green flopped on the initial hit, be my guest. Just don't condescend to pretend that Lebron didn't clothesline the guy--MMA style, your words--or that there was any reason for him to step over Green. Or that he wasn't the primary instigator of this entire near-altercation, from beginning to end. None of this would have happened / escalated if not for stuff he did.
There are lots of people laughing out loud at your goofy interpretation, but rest assured they are laughing at you, not with you.
The youtube video posted in the above didn't work on my computer. I get a playback error message, scout's honor. It may just be an issue with the desk top I'm on at work but it still made me laugh.
Nevertheless, I appreciate the breakdown you posted. Two quick things that jump out of note, I never said anything about Green rolling under him or grabbing his legs but I appreciate you addressing them nonethless. Second, are you sure Green lashed out in the clip you posted because I thought before you said he was calm and kept walking away?
I'll tell you what; I'll look for a video that works and in the meantime can you provide a similar film breakdown of the below?
Zapruder Film Slow Motion (HIGHER QUALITY)