NBA Playoffs | Page 50 |

NBA Playoffs

He also said, no one is stepping over me

Yeah, they both contributed to the situation. Green is suspended because of his actions all postseason that exceeded a widely known threshold of tolerance for that stuff. LeBron didn't have the accumulated points so the consequences were different. People are just grasping at low hanging fruit to fit their chosen narrative. Green only has himself to blame.
He also said, no one is stepping over me
Charles wasn't running around trying to hit everyone within a 3 block vicinity in the nuts. Ask him if he's okay with stepping over some dude that just tried hittingetting him in the he'd say he's okay with that.
Yeah, they both contributed to the situation. Green is suspended because of his actions all postseason that exceeded a widely known threshold of tolerance for that stuff. LeBron didn't have the accumulated points so the consequences were different. People are just grasping at low hanging fruit to fit their chosen narrative. Green only has himself to blame.

I agree. People making comments about the suspension without realizing that the suspension was just an outcome of the flagrant are dumb.
Charles wasn't running around trying to hit everyone within a 3 block vicinity in the nuts. Ask him if he's okay with stepping over some dude that just tried hittingetting him in the he'd say he's okay with that.

Except he hit him in the nuts, cause he was stepped over.
Except he hit him in the nuts, cause he was stepped over.

Agreed--not sure how that can be argued. Green lashed out when Lebron stepped over him, which was a BS move on Lebron's part. I don't believe that Green intended to hit him in the balls--but given what happened against OKC, Green doesn't receive the benefit of the doubt.
You seem really hung up on the Lebron as "soft" aspect, and yet seem to be completely overlooking that Lebron [1] completely instigated and prolonged the incident with Green, over the course of multiple possessions, and [2] committed another dirty play with that hip check on Thompson.

The reason those plays occurred seems [to me] to do with frustration--that's why players usually resort to cheap shots. Most people seem to recognize those dirty plays for what they were. Doesn't mean that Green isn't dirty, too, but this is bush league by the league. Double technical would have been the correct outcome.

I'm not really sure the crux of your point in the first paragraph. I'm hung up on LeBron being soft aspect because I made a post that responded to a collection of posts and the media stories of the Warriors calling him soft?

I've stated multiple times LeBron contributed to the situation plenty. Much more of an objective take than saying either one of the two "completely instigated and prolonged the incident...over the course of multiple possessions".

As for the bolded part, these are posts void of rationality because of your hatred for LeBron. Green swung at another player's nuts away from the ball. That is a no brainer flagrant foul 100% of the time. LeBron got tangled up with Green and stepped over him. That is a technical foul 100% of the time. The league made both rulings and nothing bush league about it. Green wasn't suspended for that play. He was suspended because he's made far too many similar plays since the playoffs started 2 months ago.
I'm not really sure the crux of your point in the first paragraph. I'm hung up on LeBron being soft aspect because I made a post that responded to a collection of posts and the media stories of the Warriors calling him soft?

I've stated multiple times LeBron contributed to the situation plenty. Much more of an objective take than saying either one of the two "completely instigated and prolonged the incident...over the course of multiple possessions".

As for the bolded part, these are posts void of rationality because of your hatred for LeBron. Green swung at another player's nuts away from the ball. That is a no brainer flagrant foul 100% of the time. LeBron got tangled up with Green and stepped over him. That is a technical foul 100% of the time. The league made both rulings and nothing bush league about it. Green wasn't suspended for that play. He was suspended because he's made far too many similar plays since the playoffs started 2 months ago.

Not if you watched the incident, it isn't.

Look--I get that you are an unabashed Lebron fan [and seeming more like an "apologist" with each new post]. I think that is clouding your judgement of what went down.

Honestly, I don't know what you were watching if you don't unequivocally recognize that Lebron "completely instigated and prolonged the incident" with Green "over the course of multiple possessions." I honestly can't believe I have to resort to "defending" Green -- a dirty player that I can't stand -- but he wasn't the one arm barring his opponent, dragging him down intentionally, stepping over him out of frustration, or smack talking Curry a few minutes later because he was so keyed up. Green was the one who level headedly walked away from the incident after being cheap shotted numerous times, while your hero tried to precipitate a fight--stemming largely from stuff that he was the root cause of to begin with.

And for the record, I don't "hate" Lebron. I think he gets a lot of undeserved guff from both the media and sports fans. I do, however, hate his whining and sense of entitlement that he often displays during games when he doesn't get every call. And I don't like that he essentially got away with escalating an altercation where one player attempted to walk away from Lebron, who chased him upcourt woofing. Green has nobody to blame for himself for his previous incidents, but he wasn't the one who triggered this absurdity--Lebron was.
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Except he hit him in the nuts, cause he was stepped over.

He stepped over him cuz he's a b*tch that hits ppl in the nuts. I also think Green grabbing at his leg and gripping his calf didn't help and that preceded the step over.
He stepped over him cuz he's a b*tch that hits ppl in the nuts. I also think Green grabbing at his leg and gripping his calf didn't help and that preceded the step over.

Lol. Not sure how you can have that take. I did see the calf grab. I think still think LBJ steps over him no matter what though.
Lol. Not sure how you can have that take. I did see the calf grab. I think still think LBJ steps over him no matter what though.
Eh, and I'm okay with it for that reason. Go grab someone's calf and give it a squeeze, they'll prolly kick you. Green got what he desrved...disses.
Not if you watched the incident, it isn't.

Look--I get that you are an unabashed Lebron fan [and seeming more like an "apologist" with each new post]. I think that is clouding your judgement of what went down.

Honestly, I don't know what you were watching if you don't unequivocally recognize that Lebron "completely instigated and prolonged the incident" with Green "over the course of multiple possessions." I honestly can't believe I have to resort to "defending" Green -- a dirty player that I can't stand -- but he wasn't the one arm barring his opponent, dragging him down intentionally, stepping over him out of frustration, or smack talking Curry a few minutes later because he was so keyed up. Green was the one who level headedly walked away from the incident after being cheap shotted numerous times, while your hero tried to precipitate a fight--stemming largely from stuff that he was the root cause of to begin with.

And for the record, I don't "hate" Lebron. I think he gets a lot of undeserved guff from both the media and sports fans. I do, however, hate his whining and sense of entitlement that he often displays during games when he doesn't get every call. And I don't like that he essentially got away with escalating an altercation where one player attempted to walk away from Lebron, who chased him upcourt woofing. Green has nobody to blame for himself for his previous incidents, but he wasn't the one who triggered this absurdity--Lebron was.

Lol, a lot going on in that post.

I had a feeling you would pull the infamous "LeBron apologist" card - which is an impressive level of irony to claim I'm letting my judgement get clouded by emotions and then follow it up with your next paragraph.

If that's how you saw it go down that's how you saw it go down. Haven't seen anyone else have even a remotely similar take, but then again I would be hard pressed to find anyone ever state anything with as much conviction as you have in laying out your scorching hot take.
Lol, a lot going on in that post.

I had a feeling you would pull the infamous "LeBron apologist" card - which is an impressive level of irony to claim I'm letting my judgement get clouded by emotions and then follow it up with your next paragraph.

If that's how you saw it go down that's how you saw it go down. Haven't seen anyone else have even a remotely similar take, but then again I would be hard pressed to find anyone ever state anything with as much conviction as you have in laying out your scorching hot take.

Really? Than you haven't been paying much attention to this thread. Seems to me that the majority of commentary about this incident is in the same ball park as my opinion about Lebron being the initiator / instigator. You excluded, of course.

Hot take my a$$.
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Really? Than you haven't been paying much attention to this thread. Seems to me that the majority of commentary about this incident is in the same ball park as my opinion about Lebron being the initiator / instigator. You excluded, of course.

Hot take my a$$.

Saying LeBron played a role in it and instigated Green to swipe at his balls by stepping over him is one thing. Something I have posted also and is something that is pretty much common sense to anyone who saw it.

Your comical rehashment of LeBron being the unequivocal sole contributor, breaking out MMA arm bars and dragging Green to the floor, peppering guys with cheap shots, chasing players down on the court like a wild dog off a leash and getting in everyone's face, while Draymond Green of all people in this series was calmly and level headed walking away (which he somehow was able to simultaneously do while batting at LeBrons sack and then swiping at him again while getting up and walking towards him) is something that is very much exclusive to you.

I was honestly laughing out loud as I scrolled back and forth from your tale in post #1232 and retyped it above.
Saying LeBron played a role in it and instigated Green to swipe at his balls by stepping over him is one thing. Something I have posted also and is something that is pretty much common sense to anyone who saw it.

Your comical rehashment of LeBron being the unequivocal sole contributor, breaking out MMA arm bars and dragging Green to the floor, peppering guys with cheap shots, chasing players down on the court like a wild dog off a leash and getting in everyone's face, while Draymond Green of all people in this series was calmly and level headed walking away (which he somehow was able to simultaneously do while batting at LeBrons sack and then swiping at him again while getting up and walking towards him) is something that is very much exclusive to you.

I was honestly laughing out loud as I scrolled back and forth from your tale in post #1232 and retyped it above.

More like rocking back and forth like a lunatic. You're definitely entitled to rationalize, but you aren't entitled to your own set of facts. So let's review the tape, just to dispel this notion about how objective your read of the events was.

Watch and weep.

Lebron starts the exchange by delivering a forearm shot to Green's face, which knocks Green down. Probably because he got blasted in the face with a forearm. Green falls adjacent to Lebron, not under him--but for no reason Lebron chooses to step over him. Please note, since you apparently have questionable eyesight, that they aren't tangled up, and Green doesn't grab his legs or roll under him-. Green then lashes out after getting unnecessarily tea bagged by Lebron. Lebron responds by going chest to chest with him talking smack while Green works to get back in the play. When they both roll into the post after the shot is put up, Lebron hooks his arm, causing them to get tangled again, and then walks up on him after the play is whistled dead. At which point, Green walks away to avoid getting T'd up or goaded into a fight.

You want to argue that Green flopped on the initial hit, be my guest. Just don't condescend to pretend that Lebron didn't clothesline the guy--MMA style, your words--or that there was any reason for him to step over Green. Or that he wasn't the primary instigator of this entire near-altercation, from beginning to end. None of this would have happened / escalated if not for stuff he did.

There are lots of people laughing out loud at your goofy interpretation, but rest assured they are laughing at you, not with you.
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Golden State rallies around Draymond Green, the mad Warrior

This is a great read on what the Warriors believe right now.
I guess the weird part for me is just that they act like it's just Dray being Dray, you touch his head, it's on. But dude plays like he's disrespecting everyone and then smiles and says he has no control over what his hands and legs do. At some point, ur just hypocrites.

They talk about MJ, but MJ's reaction, nor anyone over age 10s reaction to being disrespected is to immediately punch them in the balls. I mean, what kind of idiot...
A few thoughts...

The LeBron hate on here is laughable. Guy is going to finish as a top five player of all time, but that's not good enough for people here.

LeBron has been to SIX straight Finals. You know when you'll see that again in your lifetime? Probably never. Legit, you will probably be dead before that happens again.

And for those that love that Ayesha Curry tweet, just keep in mind she is selling herself as an entertainer and on-air personality. She is co-opting this situation to make herself more high profile. That's all it is - branding.

So enjoy the ride. If Melo had accomplished 50% of what Bron has accomplished people would be calling for a 100-foot statue of him next to the Dome.

Draymond Green should already have been suspended back in the OKC series, but the NBA didn't. It took a blatant nut shot for him to get suspended. Guy is a dirty player that is the, arguably, third best player on a team with two all-time shooters. You put him on Detroit and see how much of this crap he gets away with.
A few thoughts...

The LeBron hate on here is laughable. Guy is going to finish as a top five player of all time, but that's not good enough for people here.

LeBron has been to SIX straight Finals. You know when you'll see that again in your lifetime? Probably never. Legit, you will probably be dead before that happens again.

And for those that love that Ayesha Curry tweet, just keep in mind she is selling herself as an entertainer and on-air personality. She is co-opting this situation to make herself more high profile. That's all it is - branding.

So enjoy the ride. If Melo had accomplished 50% of what Bron has accomplished people would be calling for a 100-foot statue of him next to the Dome.

Draymond Green should already have been suspended back in the OKC series, but the NBA didn't. It took a blatant nut shot for him to get suspended. Guy is a dirty player that is the, arguably, third best player on a team with two all-time shooters. You put him on Detroit and see how much of this crap he gets away with.
I don't deny the talent one bit. Huge defender of him with regards to that.

Everything else, guy is just so much drama.
A few thoughts...

The LeBron hate on here is laughable. Guy is going to finish as a top five player of all time, but that's not good enough for people here.

LeBron has been to SIX straight Finals. You know when you'll see that again in your lifetime? Probably never. Legit, you will probably be dead before that happens again.

And for those that love that Ayesha Curry tweet, just keep in mind she is selling herself as an entertainer and on-air personality. She is co-opting this situation to make herself more high profile. That's all it is - branding.

So enjoy the ride. If Melo had accomplished 50% of what Bron has accomplished people would be calling for a 100-foot statue of him next to the Dome.

Draymond Green should already have been suspended back in the OKC series, but the NBA didn't. It took a blatant nut shot for him to get suspended. Guy is a dirty player that is the, arguably, third best player on a team with two all-time shooters. You put him on Detroit and see how much of this crap he gets away with.

I'm rooting for Golden State, but I don't hate Lebron. And while you are right about your Melo assumptions, literally no other player was ever declared the king of basketball the minute they entered the league. That's why he gets the criticism he gets, fair or not.

I don't get what the big deal is. All this talk is entertaining. Much better than the games have been. The Warriors are arrogant. I know it bothers some people, but they've brought some casual fans back to the league as ratings have showed.

The six finals in a row are great, but it's not like he had to defeat the same teams the Spurs/Mavs/Warriors did to get there. The East has mostly been in the gutter the minute MJ retired and Shaq signed with the Lakers.

As for Draymond. We've seen these kind of players before. Rodman. Rasheed Wallace. Heck Chris Paul, hit's players in the nuts all the time, yet you never hear about that.
I don't deny the talent one bit. Huge defender of him with regards to that.

Everything else, guy is just so much drama.

The guy's biggest problem is his want to control personnel and coaching. This was the deal with Magic, MJ, Kobe, etc.

The organization lets him get away with it.

But besides that - what drama is there? He's a great teammate, outgoing, available. He never was accused of rape, never was a sociopath that hit his teammates... what is the drama?
The irony of the Draymond vs Lebron feud is that of all of the players in the NBA, they actually might have the most similar games to each other as you can find.
The guy's biggest problem is his want to control personnel and coaching. This was the deal with Magic, MJ, Kobe, etc.

The organization lets him get away with it.

But besides that - what drama is there? He's a great teammate, outgoing, available. He never was accused of rape, never was a sociopath that hit his teammates... what is the drama?

Drama is a poor choice of word.
Agree with everything you say- the fact he is otherwise a model citizen makes this entire thing even more amazing

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