Not if you watched the incident, it isn't.
Look--I get that you are an unabashed Lebron fan [and seeming more like an "apologist" with each new post]. I think that is clouding your judgement of what went down.
Honestly, I don't know what you were watching if you don't unequivocally recognize that Lebron "completely instigated and prolonged the incident" with Green "over the course of multiple possessions." I honestly can't believe I have to resort to "defending" Green -- a dirty player that I can't stand -- but he wasn't the one arm barring his opponent, dragging him down intentionally, stepping over him out of frustration, or smack talking Curry a few minutes later because he was so keyed up. Green was the one who level headedly walked away from the incident after being cheap shotted numerous times, while your hero tried to precipitate a fight--stemming largely from stuff that he was the root cause of to begin with.
And for the record, I don't "hate" Lebron. I think he gets a lot of undeserved guff from both the media and sports fans. I do, however, hate his whining and sense of entitlement that he often displays during games when he doesn't get every call. And I don't like that he essentially got away with escalating an altercation where one player attempted to walk away from Lebron, who chased him upcourt woofing. Green has nobody to blame for himself for his previous incidents, but he wasn't the one who triggered this absurdity--Lebron was.