Neil Nunn | Page 6 |

Neil Nunn

well there is one criminal defense attorney on here who said the charges should be dropped
Without knowing the whole story and not being there, it is hard to determine what the outcome will be. What I hate is that this talented young man may have thrown his career away because he made a really bad decision. He attempted to run away from the scene (which makes him appear guilty, whether he is or he is not). Too many young people are being killed because of stupid people with guns. Hang out with friends that will help prevent you from getting arrested, hurt or killed. I understand that can be more difficult depending on where you grew up, however these young men are becoming adults and are expected to start making adult decisions. The public sets you to a higher standard when you are a college athlete. I hope he makes better decisions from this point forward.
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Maybe a good time to drop this video and worth the watch. I feel like this situation is the EXACT situation Saban is talking about here

He’s right. The easy thing to do is to kick kids to the curb and wash your hands of them. Maybe Nunn has used up all his capital at SU, but I would hope if I was 19 and screwed up, someone would give me a second chance. It’s up to him to take advantage of it and make good choices moving forward.
I like Saben‘s video from the standpoint of offering 2nd chances. The world is filled with successful people who made mistakes and have overcome them to become upstanding citizens. Before the university comes down on his situation, I hope this young mans case is reviewed to determine if the university feels that a second chance is warranted.
I feel that Coach Barbers and staff could help him moving forward!
Maybe a good time to drop this video and worth the watch. I feel like this situation is the EXACT situation Saban is talking about here

Yes. According to this article, "As a student at Michigan State in 1993, he was pulled over by campus police for having a broken side mirror. A search found a loaded .38-caliber gun in the glove compartment."

I hope Nunn is not treated too harshly, gets another chance and takes full advantage of it, just as Muhsin Muhammad did.

BTW, the linked article also says that Muhammad was arrested again in 2002 for "weapon and drug charges after a traffic stop." He was given probation for the 2002 charges.
I think some people forget the bigger picture too and focus too much on punishment. Luckily nobody was harmed in this whole thing. So there’s really only two choices. Punish the kid, ruin his life and maybe turn him in to a worse person or allow the kid to redeem himself and learn from his mistake. Yeah, he shouldn’t be driving around with a gun but do we want him to be a successful human being or struggle the rest of his life with a record. Judges give college kid rapists second chances.

This is Florida though and the rules are VERY different.
In my opinion, Nunn should just get probation from this. No more incidents and this incident goes away. There's really nothing big here other than the fact that he ran from the police. I agree, he should not have been in the car and handling the gun, but any kid would ...just out of pure curiosity and interest.

In Nunn's defense, most of this is absolutely no big deal.

But for those saying the police shouldn't have engaged the car over a parking violation, seems like the cop's instinct was right. He found something further was going on inside the vehicle

Police know their business. They deal with people all the time. They saw something suspicious and made an approach. It turned out to be something. Context is always key.
I think a lot of you people are nuts. The kid was handling a loaded gun. Not only loaded but one in the chamber. Once the safe is off it becomes ready to shoot (and presumably kill). And you think running was the worst thing he did? Not to mention the assumption he was just a curious kid. Why was the gun out to begin with? If he was from a bad area, I'm relatively sure he has seen and handled guns before. He should be presumed innocent but to not think there could have been less innocent motives in this is naïve.

Getting caught only because of illegal parking sort of misses the mark, too. What you are saying is that he would have gotten away with a crime if only they would have parked properly. I wonder how many of you would feel the same if the young adults were parked outside your house with a loaded gun and no apparent reason to have it out.
Either the cop is lying :rolleyes: or he has X-ray vision. Able to observe the butt upon approach, yet it was "completely concealed from ordinary sight". Either it wasn't concealed, which is how he saw it, or it was concealed and it was an illegal search. Judge should dismiss on motion.
What defines ordinary sight? Could that mean the entire gun must be in view?

If someone carries a gun under a jacket, but the jacket opens, allowing someone to see it, isn't that still concealed? Could it be the same as that?
I think a lot of you people are nuts. The kid was handling a loaded gun. Not only loaded but one in the chamber. Once the safe is off it becomes ready to shoot (and presumably kill). And you think running was the worst thing he did? Not to mention the assumption he was just a curious kid. Why was the gun out to begin with? If he was from a bad area, I'm relatively sure he has seen and handled guns before. He should be presumed innocent but to not think there could have been less innocent motives in this is naïve.

Getting caught only because of illegal parking sort of misses the mark, too. What you are saying is that he would have gotten away with a crime if only they would have parked properly. I wonder how many of you would feel the same if the young adults were parked outside your house with a loaded gun and no apparent reason to have it out.
Woah. Slow down. No one is condoning what happened. You make judgments on the facts given. You can't make judgments on personal interpretations of intent.

He had a gun. No one said it was fired or that it was going to be used to harm anyone. Could it be the case that they were looking to make trouble or shoot someone with the weapon? Sure. But how do you judge that? You can't. You go by the report. He had a gun that wasn't his, he admitted to handling it, and he ran from the police. Those are facts. Nothing in the report about firing the gun or planning an intended use for it. If it comes out that he was gang-banging and looking for trouble, fine. Then you punish based on those facts. But that's not in the report
State statues are obviously all written differently and I dont care enough to read through FLs right now but ones im familiar with, it being on the passenger side, him attempting to flee, and then admitting to handling (possessing) it is deffinietly enough to hook him on scene for possession of it. I dont think he could legally open carry in this case anyways.

Honestly your dead right. If you have a felony screw up and get caught in the process, comply but shut up. While on scene trying to talk your way out of something you did isnt usually going to work. Will typically do the opposite.
I think a lot of you people are nuts. The kid was handling a loaded gun. Not only loaded but one in the chamber. Once the safe is off it becomes ready to shoot (and presumably kill). And you think running was the worst thing he did? Not to mention the assumption he was just a curious kid. Why was the gun out to begin with? If he was from a bad area, I'm relatively sure he has seen and handled guns before. He should be presumed innocent but to not think there could have been less innocent motives in this is naïve.

Getting caught only because of illegal parking sort of misses the mark, too. What you are saying is that he would have gotten away with a crime if only they would have parked properly. I wonder how many of you would feel the same if the young adults were parked outside your house with a loaded gun and no apparent reason to have it out.
Or worse, one of your family members was shot by Mr. Nunn while he was just being a curious young man wanting to see what it’s like to hold a gun. Like I stated earlier, I hope he gets punished, but has the chance to redeem himself either at SU or somewhere else.
Woah. Slow down. No one is condoning what happened. You make judgments on the facts given. You can't make judgments on personal interpretations of intent.

He had a gun. No one said it was fired or that it was going to be used to harm anyone. Could it be the case that they were looking to make trouble or shoot someone with the weapon? Sure. But how do you judge that? You can't. You go by the report. He had a gun that wasn't his, he admitted to handling it, and he ran from the police. Those are facts. Nothing in the report about firing the gun or planning an intended use for it. If it comes out that he was gang-banging and looking for trouble, fine. Then you punish based on those facts. But that's not in the report
Obviously you need to comprehend better. I never presumed anything. I said he broke the law in a very serious and potentially dangerous way. Many here said he was perhaps just curious about the weapon, which I find unlikely given where he was raised. I didn't judge him at all. I said he was likely guilty with what he was charged with and made no assumptions about his motives for handling the weapon. I never said he should go to jail but he needs to know rule of law, which can be followed and still be with compassion. Many here say that it should just go away and I don't agree. If I get pulled over for an inspection violation and I have my pistol with me under illegal conditions, I fully deserve the penalty I will get. Period.
Obviously you need to comprehend better. I never presumed anything. I said he broke the law in a very serious and potentially dangerous way. Many here said he was perhaps just curious about the weapon, which I find unlikely given where he was raised. I didn't judge him at all. I said he was likely guilty with what he was charged with and made no assumptions about his motives for handling the weapon. I never said he should go to jail but he needs to know rule of law, which can be followed and still be with compassion. Many here say that it should just go away and I don't agree. If I get pulled over for an inspection violation and I have my pistol with me under illegal conditions, I fully deserve the penalty I will get. Period.
I mean you did lmao
Obviously you need to comprehend better. I never presumed anything. I said he broke the law in a very serious and potentially dangerous way. Many here said he was perhaps just curious about the weapon, which I find unlikely given where he was raised. I didn't judge him at all. I said he was likely guilty with what he was charged with and made no assumptions about his motives for handling the weapon. I never said he should go to jail but he needs to know rule of law, which can be followed and still be with compassion. Many here say that it should just go away and I don't agree. If I get pulled over for an inspection violation and I have my pistol with me under illegal conditions, I fully deserve the penalty I will get. Period.
The insult is not necessary

Actually, I was the one who said he was probably curious about the weapon, and I said that he should be on probation and the incident goes away. Maybe others said kind of the same thing, but my post is literally the most recent one saying those things. It sounds a lot like you were responding to what I said. I am responding to your response.
I think some people forget the bigger picture too and focus too much on punishment. Luckily nobody was harmed in this whole thing. So there’s really only two choices. Punish the kid, ruin his life and maybe turn him in to a worse person or allow the kid to redeem himself and learn from his mistake. Yeah, he shouldn’t be driving around with a gun but do we want him to be a successful human being or struggle the rest of his life with a record. Judges give college kid rapists second chances.

This is Florida though and the rules are VERY different.
Yeah, I don’t get the “shouldn’t have been driving around with a gun”. Why?

Shouldn’t the only thought be “don’t use the gun against others, and as long as that doesn’t happen, we’re good”.

Everything else is just statist control.
Yeah, I don’t get the “shouldn’t have been driving around with a gun”. Why?

Shouldn’t the only thought be “don’t use the gun against others, and as long as that doesn’t happen, we’re good”.

Everything else is just statist control.

The school I work at, probably 10 years ago a rule was made you couldn’t park at the school with any type of weapons in the vehicle. Like your hunting rifle in the back window. Parents went ballistic.

I’m not turning this into a race thing but it’s hard not to see the contradiction.
* And before anyone says in the back window isn’t hidden, which I understand, it was really just an example. Sometimes they were under the seat, etc. Even not being allowed to bring knives in to school was seen as an attack on their rights.

If these parents were reading about a different scenario/location/group of kids these parents would say, “if you break the law you should go to prison. If you don’t want to get in trouble just follow the rules”.
Nunn is very lucky. The gun wasn't in the car for Sh and giggles. It was there for a purpose. Lets assume the best and call it protection. Next from what? If he gets a second chance and i hope he does. He needs to make the most of it. Get out of the Florida scene, work your tail off in school and practice and make the most of your opportunities. If im a parent of a kid in a tough environment im sending them out of state and out of driving distance from their gang. You cant get out unless you get away.
Yeah, I don’t get the “shouldn’t have been driving around with a gun”. Why?

Shouldn’t the only thought be “don’t use the gun against others, and as long as that doesn’t happen, we’re good”.

Everything else is just statist cont
Nunn is very lucky. The gun wasn't in the car for Sh and giggles. It was there for a purpose. Lets assume the best and call it protection. Next from what? If he gets a second chance and i hope he does. He needs to make the most of it. Get out of the Florida scene, work your tail off in school and practice and make the most of your opportunities. If im a parent of a kid in a tough environment im sending them out of state and out of driving distance from their gang. You cant get out unless you get away.
Best post of the day. Some people want to say, “It isn’t that big of a deal”, until someone they know is seriously injured or killed by young people shooting at each other. If you don’t, then you really don’t know... I don’t care what color your skin is. It isn’t like he is a thirteen year old child, he is a college student. That makes it even a dumber decision. Besides, if he “gets probation”, that would mean he pleads guilty or is found guilty. I would hope they would plead it down to a misdemeanor considering he has no record and is a college student (athlete). Stop blaming the police for doing their job. You sound really dumb doings so.
Nunn is very lucky. The gun wasn't in the car for Sh and giggles. It was there for a purpose. Lets assume the best and call it protection. Next from what? If he gets a second chance and i hope he does. He needs to make the most of it. Get out of the Florida scene, work your tail off in school and practice and make the most of your opportunities. If im a parent of a kid in a tough environment im sending them out of state and out of driving distance from their gang. You cant get out unless you get away.
My uncle used to carry. Fayetteville, NY. Why? Well, stopped one evening to help a damsel in distress. It was a set up. He was jumped and attacked. Having his pistol on him saved his life.
Some folks might even say he needs it to protect himself from the police.

Plus, it’s a freaking constitutional right.
Best post of the day. Some people want to say, “It isn’t that big of a deal”, until someone they know is seriously injured or killed by young people shooting at each other. If you don’t, then you really don’t know... I don’t care what color your skin is. It isn’t like he is a thirteen year old child, he is a college student. That makes it even a dumber decision. Besides, if he “gets probation”, that would mean he pleads guilty or is found guilty. I would hope they would plead it down to a misdemeanor considering he has no record and is a college student (athlete). Stop blaming the police for doing their job. You sound really dumb doings so.
I never blamed the police. However, the search seems illegal. If it is, then that’s not the police doing their job, btw.
My point was, this should not even be a law, and having a gun is far, far different from using a gun, or having any intent to use a gun.
The mere possession of a gun should not be a crime.
I never blamed the police. However, the search seems illegal. If it is, then that’s not the police doing their job, btw.
My point was, this should not even be a law, and having a gun is far, far different from using a gun, or having any intent to use a gun.
The mere possession of a gun should not be a crime.
My post about blaming the police was not aimed at you. How does the search seem illegal? He ran. They found the gun. He admitted to handling it. I am glad you are not his attorney. You would lose his case.
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My uncle used to carry. Fayetteville, NY. Why? Well, stopped one evening to help a damsel in distress. It was a set up. He was jumped and attacked. Having his pistol on him saved his life.
Some folks might even say he needs it to protect himself from the police.

Plus, it’s a freaking constitutional right.
yeah.. but it isnt a right as much as people keep trying to say it is..

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