Official 1000-win t-shirt thread --preliminary | Page 2 |

Official 1000-win t-shirt thread --preliminary

This is probably a dumb idea, but a recent Nunes article got me thinking about Boeheim's wins so I decided to screw around on Teespring and just see what happens. Created a shirt. Might suck, might not. Figure I could donate part of any profit (idk, like 75%) to the Jim and Juli Boeheim Foundation. I'm no lawyer, but I think I've steered clear of any trademark/copyright infringement.

linky: Let's Go Orange!

I love the front of it... .but don't like the back. That phrase is frequently used to honor people who are dead (e.g. 9/11 victims and first responders).
I love the front of it... .but don't like the back. That phrase is frequently used to honor people who are dead (e.g. 9/11 victims and first responders).

Agreed. The back could use some work
How about "Who's Counting??!!" on the back...

Another good suggestion! There have been a few good suggestions so far. I think I'll let this thread run another day or two to gather some more and then make a thread with a poll if we drum up enough interest.
Cool man - I like the spirit. Hopefully someone will pick this up.

One thing I'd suggest is to determine very clearly, whether this will be a t-shirt the quality of ones given out at games for free or something someone would like to have for a while. If charging 20 bucks or so (for a t-shirt) regardless where the proceeds go, you probably need to be focused on the latter. At any rate, I like the idea!

Teespring offers 3 levels of t-shirts, a simple Hane's shirt, a 'premium' shirt, and an American Apparel shirt. I assume the 'premium' shirt is probably of comparable quality to the typical special event shirts we see at Manny's and elsewhere. Depending on the design, the rough cost per 'premium' shirt is in the $10-$12 range. The basic Hane's shirt is about $2 cheaper than that and the American Apparel shirt is about $2 more.
Some more suggestions:

On the front or back:
- "1,000 and counting" (gives the shirt some wearing potential beyond just one game)
- "1,000+"

What are some thoughts on the use of censored swear words? We had a good suggestion earlier playing off of Jim's "Not 10 F-ing games" quote, and I kind of like the idea of using the asterisks somewhere to take a small shot at the NCAA. For me, "I've got your asterisk right ****ing here!" would be funny to put on the back, as well as "not one ****ing asterisk", but I'd like the shirts to appeal to a wide audience to increase the chance of selling enough of them. If a fully censored swear word would be too vulgar for kids, it might not be worth it. I'd probably let a 10+ year old wear it, but I could see myself not being in the majority with that opinion.
Some sort of picture of JB on a shirt with the following saying... :)


...A Picture Paints 1000 Words!
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I like the simple "1000" on the front ... and maybe "... and counting" on the back. The school cannot do anything with this so I suspect nothing will show up in the SU bookstore. We need a guerrilla effort to produce shirts.

PS.. the better the quality, the better. I have ordered several shirts from Teespring (they are very reliable), but their lesser quality shirts are ... pretty bad quality.
How about 1,000 on the front and on the back "Is the new 899". It was 101 we vacated, correct? Or another suggestion for the back I'll throw out there is simply saying thank you with the words "We love you Jimmy B."
Some sort of picture of JB on a shirt with the following saying... :)


...A Picture Paints 1000 Words!

This is an intriguing option! I just want to make sure we avoid any potential legal issues. If we have a board lawyer willing to give his/her opinion on using a photo, I'd like to hear it.
I like the simple "1000" on the front ... and maybe "... and counting" on the back. The school cannot do anything with this so I suspect nothing will show up in the SU bookstore. We need a guerrilla effort to produce shirts.

PS.. the better the quality, the better. I have ordered several shirts from Teespring (they are very reliable), but their lesser quality shirts are ... pretty bad quality.

Love this idea. As a general rule of thumb, cto is never wrong.


The cost for the Premium Tee in this design would be $12.75. The American Apparel option doesn't come in orange, which is a travesty.
How about 1,000 on the front and on the back "Is the new 899". It was 101 we vacated, correct? Or another suggestion for the back I'll throw out there is simply saying thank you with the words "We love you Jimmy B."

I really like this idea. could even be 899=1000 or something along those lines.

I also like the asterisk ideas.
This is an intriguing option! I just want to make sure we avoid any potential legal issues. If we have a board lawyer willing to give his/her opinion on using a photo, I'd like to hear it.

I'll give my opinion. I don't know about legal issues, but esthetically speaking it's a trainwreck. Keep the JB faces on the big heads and keep the T-shirt minimalistic.

On the front:


On the back:

A big middle finger
with "NCAA" below it
Love this idea. As a general rule of thumb, cto is never wrong.


The cost for the Premium Tee in this design would be $12.75. The American Apparel option doesn't come in orange, which is a travesty.
Looks great. Here is my 2 cents, what about 1000* (with the asterisk) and on the back ...and counting.
I have looked at all the great suggestions here, but I still feel strongly as to what I like the best.

Let's do "1000" on the front ... and "... and counting' on the back.

And let's do it soon ... because there will be a lead time before anyone actually receives a shirt.
1,000 on the front

... and NOTHING on the back. Just orange.

<mic drop>

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