On the ground in LA ... | Syracusefan.com

On the ground in LA ...


2nd String
Aug 26, 2011
A good and uneventful flight in from Cleveland, save for the DirecTV on Continental not working on the flight out. Settled into the hotel with Mrs. CC and our boys just after lunchtime. (So much for perfect attendance ... isn't it always better to spend a September Friday 2,500 miles from home and school?)

Headed over to Westwood to check out UCLA and got In-N-Out for the first time. It was OK, but not all its hyped up to be. Probably won't be back. The Nunes Magician blog is the best, as we decided to spend the afternoon and evening in Santa Monica, thanks to the info on the blog this week. Kids got to dip their feet in the Pacific, then we spent time at the terminus of Route 66 on Santa Monica Pier being tourists and riding some of the carnival rides. Dinner on Third Street Prominade at a nice Italian place.

Saw several Syracuse shirts while out. A few from Texas as well, but I thought there would be more burnt orange around. The family turned into the hotel room around 8:30. With two elementary school boys on east coast time, they were ready to call it a night. But it was a successful evening in that we stretched them out through what should be the end of the game tomorrow night.

Decided last minute to take the SoCal Alumni bus to The Coliseum tomorrow. Traffic, as expected, is a mess. Wish I had purchased tickets for the official SU tailgate, but we'll figure something out. (If anyone has four extras -- unlikely I know -- please PM me.)

Looking forward to all the games tomorrow, starting early local time, and leading up to our game. It's been disected as naseum here this week, but the defense needs to keep the Song Girl Barkley (hats off OttoinGrotto!) in check and we've got to find a way to move the chains consistently and put points on the board. (How's that for oversimplification?)

No matter what, it will be a great college football experience. I attended the first ND road game, but couldn't go the second time. Here's hoping tomorrow is more like the second version. Or Michigan (was there too). Regardless of the outcome tomorrow, the Orange stock is rising. Caught the last part of the UConn game tonight. Wouldn't want to trade places for a moment.

War Damn Otto! Let's bring home a win!
Did they get a new Ferris Wheel for the Pier over there? I have trouble dipping my feet in the pacific, it's too dang cold !!!

Check out Venice Beach, but don't bring the kids unless you have armed security... LOL

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