So in your fantasy world the Dome is ONLY used for SU football and hoops? Hmm, news to every high school event and every other event that uses the building. Bottom line is it's a 35 year old stadium next year and won't make it to 60 years old like you somehow think it will. That is your logic, wait till the thing is 60 years old then start thinking about replacing it. The Dome is good enough today but won't be in 10 years or so let alone 25 years from now when its a 60 year old building. Stadiums don't get built overnight. Takes lots of money and planning. Can't get caught where other schools pass us by with vastly better stadiums and SU is looking minor league and looking around the landscape saying , hey wait...the Dome is an issue we gotta do something! The Dome is an issue now, not a huge issue but an issue and it will be a very big issue a decade from now. So, start the planning and process of replacing the building or doing a major face-lift to have it be a viable stadium NOW...not 5 years from now, not 10 years from now, and SURE AS HELL not 25 years from now like you want to. Start the process NOW and don't put it off.