That sounds like a bad judgement call. Not fair to generalize all kids from NY. All the great players from NY that I know and have worked with eat, sleep, and breath football all year round. Multiple camps, 7 on 7 and training. I've coached football and basketball for years. Regardless of the location, it's still up to the individual. Talent is internal and not based on your geographic location. That's a myth. I could say that NY turns out much better basketball player than the south for the same reason you stated, but tha would be unfair!Its more about who the sport is treated in the south for example the high school down the street from me started their pre-season camp before SU did ... they eat sleep and breath it down here ... camps and all that other stuff run rampant. I see kids from the local high schools in my gym banging weights all summer getting ready for the season. The regional thing is about level of commitment even the NE kids like those in Ohio eat sleep and breath ball which is why you get some great players from that state .. PA is the same way. Kids in NY aren't like that and not raised in a household that eats, sleeps and breaths football.