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Rumor mill

Just a note: I did hear that a local company that deals with very large construction was working with the engineers on how to do this. Not sure if this is out to bid or not but they might be further down the process then what we know.
Sounds like part of a feasibility discussion. If your report has a local firm saying they can do it (and it might cost this much and take this long) that makes that a more feasible option (or eliminates it depending on what they say).
The question is where the snow goes... if it slides off the ends does it fall 4o ft and crush scurrying freshmen that haven't learned where not to walk? Do we need a heat traced melt system? Could the current heating system be used in the same manner it is now?
This is why I have my doubts about tying to Archbold. That roof was not designed to take the additional load of snow dumped from the Dome's roof. Even if just a wall put next to the building, a snow drift represents a considerable additional snow load. I am sure it has been mentioned, but I doubt it will come to pass very easily.
I don't know for a fact but it seems to me that you could easily place the basketball court on the Archbold side of the field.
Locker rooms and bus/truck access are all at the west end, not to mention EMS and TV access.
and when did a bathroom become an en suite? What is an en suite? Unless is its got a bidet or something - it's a bathroom.
The most surprising thing I've learned since joining this group is the amount of members who are construction experts, or architects.

My guess is that there are people involved who know what they're doing. We're not dealing with some jamoke who is building his own shed in the backyard.
The most surprising thing I've learned since joining this group is the amount of members who are construction experts, or architects.

My guess is that there are people involved who know what they're doing. We're not dealing with some jamoke who is building his own shed in the backyard.

It's a fair guess, but there are some architects and construction experts on this board. SU has one of the best architecture programs in the country.
the bleacher only rolls out of the one end.. but i have said all along then should be rethinking the bleachers and how they could improve on that. thats lost revenue

The tools and techniques to reconfigure on the fly is much different take it down to the studs and really remodel
The most surprising thing I've learned since joining this group is the amount of members who are construction experts, or architects.

My guess is that there are people involved who know what they're doing. We're not dealing with some jamoke who is building his own shed in the backyard.

But it's got a pitched roof...

The most surprising thing I've learned since joining this group is the amount of members who are construction experts, or architects.

My guess is that there are people involved who know what they're doing. We're not dealing with some jamoke who is building his own shed in the backyard.
Agree. While there are experts in their field on this board, there are also experts on EVERYTHING as well. Got it all covered
NJCuse97 said:
It's a fair guess, but there are some architects and construction experts on this board. SU has one of the best architecture programs in the country.

Just to be clear, I was being VERY sarcastic.
i see nothing wrong with the Syracuse hoop team running through a tunnel of fans screaming encouragement.

and the opponent running through a tunnel of fans screaming profanities.

to get to the new court on the other side.
They could ride skywalkers, they're all the rage with the younger generation
The question is where the snow goes... if it slides off the ends does it fall 4o ft and crush scurrying freshmen that haven't learned where not to walk? Do we need a heat traced melt system? Could the current heating system be used in the same manner it is now?

I am sure that the engineers that have been tasked with the design of this project haven't thought of this.
Why would they NOT build drainage into the dome, with all those shots our basketball players RAIN down !!!?!!!

A retractable roof makes no sense. The Dome floor has no drainage. At the slightest drizzle, you'll have puddles.

They'd never finish construction in only 5 months. They can replace the Teflon in 4 months, but not a completely new roof. Which means the basketball team would have to be relocated for at least 1 season.

I can't see JB playing one of his last two seasons on the road, and I can't see Hop being forced to play one of his first two seasons without a home court advantage.

Maybe we'll get a permanent hardshell roof, but it would have to be YEARS away.

Just file this away with all the other rumors for now.
On a vaguely related note - I'll never understand why melting icicles don't routinely take out pedestrians in Manhattan.
Pedestrians get hit by falling ice nearly every winter in Manhattan.

Yup however it's greatly reduced by the roofs draining inward to roof drains not pitching off the side towards areas below, which is generally standard practice in most high rise design. Sometimes overflow drains are allowed to scupper off the side but usually not towards the street. It still does happen sometimes, usually when workers foolishly shovel snow and ice off the roof over the parapet and down on to the street.

It is also it's not as consistently cold down there which means less snow less week to week accumulation and fewer large icicles. When I lived there I was surprised how much of a difference the ocean, harbor, and urban heat island effect has in the winter.
Actually, it's mega-agribusiness that uses the lion's share of the water in California. But we all must have our almonds.
You outta see the valley. It's dead. They killed it. CA never dammed the northern rivers, never created a reliable north-south delivery system, never explored desalinization and relied solely on the Colorado River to bail them out. Now they've resorted to floating black plastic balls on top of reservoirs to keep the evaporation down. But the legislature still gets its raises and the never-to-be-built high speed rail between LA and SFO still sucks up money.
and when did a bathroom become an en suite? What is an en suite? Unless is its got a bidet or something - it's a bathroom.
Dude. Outside of Syracuse, no one has ever heard of salt potatoes. En suite is international. Do you know that upscale housing in other parts of the country sometimes has the toilet in another room... all by itself.
Dude. Outside of Syracuse, no one has ever heard of salt potatoes. En suite is international. Do you know that upscale housing in other parts of the country sometimes has the toilet in another room... all by itself.
As well it should.
They could ride skywalkers, they're all the rage with the younger generation
Hamill and fisher are getting up there in age. Not sure they resonate with the iPhone kids.

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