I thought I would throw my 2 cents in. First as to the OP, there should be some crow eaten. Scoop had a great game. You want to post something like this be prepared to take the heat if you are speaking prematurely.
I don't mind having the opinion placed out there but it is a lightning rod for anti-Scoop, anti-JB bashing as people pile on. Predictably, the why can't he play MCW will come into play.
Can we as a fanbase acknowledge as a default that MCW will not be playing? Kind of like JB will play zone this tourney. We don't know all JBs reasons but we can agree it looks like he has made the decision not to play him this tourney based on his info.
In defense of JBs decision. First, this is not the time for development for future years. So if right now JB does not consider him in his top 3 there is no reason for SU to put out the 4th guard.
I keep hearing MCW couldn't be any worse. First off, yes he could, what you are saying is you don't think he would be worse. Second, what if it takes Scoop time to size up the competition, to understand what works against the player defending him. If you take Scoop out couldn't you be delaying the time it takes Scoop to figure it out?
Looks like JB is playing the experienced guards, so please think twice about posting "why doesn't he put MCW in, just for a few minutes".
As for the chat room, I didn't think it was bad. IMO, this is just where this OP should have aired. Jake wouldn't have had to eat nearly as much crow, nor see the error of his ways quoted a day later.