Shafer Dismissed per SI | Page 11 |

Shafer Dismissed per SI

I think he'll be considered but I'm not sure he'll be considered for the HC job. Think associate HC/DC alongside Frost.
Frost with Orgeron as associate HC/DC would be absolutely amazing. I'd be in shock if that happened.

We'd have a brilliant offensive mind alongside a good DC who is one of the best recruiters in the country.
I really wanted shafer to be the man longterm since he checked off the field every area you want a had coach to but it was apparent to me that there wasnt enough improvement on the field to justify an extention so coyle wo7ld have no choice but tp make changes.i will be at the game saturday and will give him a proper sendoff hopefully following a win
Sad day but an inevitable one. I've already made all the arguments in favor of keeping Shafer and I still believe in them but the losses just kept piling up and it was like rooting for the Titanic to stay afloat. I could look up how many coaches have lost 17 of 21 games and retained their job but I don't think I have to. The situation was clearly unraveling with Shafer making weird decisions, having inadequate and contradictory explanations for those decisions and blowing up on the sideline while his players were getting ejected. I'm sure Coyle wanted his own man in one of the two major jobs and this was his chance to do that.

I continue to doubt that we'll get the "flash hire" some people were looking for. (Please stop with the Lane Kiffin talk.) Of the listed candidates, I'm most intrigued by Dave Warner:
He's an alum and an offensive guy who has coached at a successful power 5 conference. And he's been with the Spartans, my second favorite college football team. He could be the coach to be named later in the Duffy Daugherty trade.

Whoever it is, I'm glad that all of us who have been arguing about this can now be united in support for the new coach. I'll continue to insist that we need to give him some time to succeed in a job that isn't easy: a private school in a lousy high school football state in an glamorous location trying to compete with southern schools in a loaded division of a power 5 conference. That's a bumpy ride for anyone and we cannot keep changing coaches like underwear and build anything here.
great post. thanks.
I'm really hoping for Frost, but all this excitement reminds me of the old Buffalo Bills coaching searches...

"Who of these three hot coaching names do you think we'll get?!"

"The Buffalo Bills have officially hired Chan Gailey."

Agree - but how does that work? Do they know each other? Wouldn't Frost want to hire his own guys?

agreed. no staff or titles is going to be forced on a new coach. that's silly talk.
Like many here I am saddened that it has come to this. I had great hopes that Shafer was the "chosen one" and would be the successful lifer coach we were all hoping for. Up until NCS I was still on the fence but this last game put me over the edge.

I will trust Coyle to make the right decision but my deepest fear is that one more bad hire might set our program so far back that we may never recover.

Saturday I will be watching and rooting for Shafer & Co and our boys to finish the season on a positive note and fight the good fight. Personally I will not be happy to see him leave but will be hopeful that we land our next savior before long.
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Les Miles gone by end of day per Joe Schad.

Sorry, don't know how to post ESPN twitter feed.

LSU could buy out Les Miles' contract

A buyout of LSU coach Les Miles' contract is "a very good possibility," a high-ranking source involved in the decision told ESPN's Joe Schad. "In Louisiana, we expect national championships and we're not in it," the source said. Boosters have already agreed to pay the $15-20M needed to buy out Miles and his staff, the source said.

IMHO it would behoove any verbal recruit to wait and see. Knee-jerk reactions are usually poor decisions. The incoming staff will likely be able to coach'em up to a higher level than the outgoing. I have faith in Coyle.

Makes sense, but easier said than done. These kids are gonna have other coaches in their ears who they already have relationships with who are gonna be urging them to jump ship. Easier for a kid to do that than to stick around and see what happens here. And I'm sure all the dirty recruiting games will come into play as well, with coaches telling them they need to make a decision ASAP or the offer won't be there. Tough spot for these kids for sure.
Miles gone at LSU. Looks better for a Frost/ED O combo
Les Miles gone by end of day per Joe Schad.

Sorry, don't know how to post ESPN twitter feed.

LSU could buy out Les Miles' contract

A buyout of LSU coach Les Miles' contract is "a very good possibility," a high-ranking source involved in the decision told ESPN's Joe Schad. "In Louisiana, we expect national championships and we're not in it," the source said. Boosters have already agreed to pay the $15-20M needed to buy out Miles and his staff, the source said.


It's coming together.
I am very impressed that Coyle met both with the entire team and the entire staff. He's clearly a professional, and that will no doubt pay off in his search for a new head coach.

Nice to have an adult running the AD again.
shandeezy7 said:
Makes sense, but easier said than done. These kids are gonna have other coaches in their ears who they already have relationships with who are gonna be urging them to jump ship. Easier for a kid to do that than to stick around and see what happens here. And I'm sure all the dirty recruiting games will come into play as well, with coaches telling them they need to make a decision ASAP or the offer won't be there. Tough spot for these kids for sure.

Exactly why Coyle seems to want to get this done ASAP to help lessen the damages.
CuseLegacy said:
But it goes both ways. A new coaching staff may not honor a kids commitment.

Always possible.
Not much to add here. So sad to see Shafe go, but it had to be done, and precisely this week. Good move by Coyle, as are the two meetings he called. Scott will get a nice send off. He will be OK, and he continues to show class. The "win the day, beat BC" tweet is #hardnosed. Sucks for the rest of the staff who won't be retained, but that's part of their profession. All the best to Shafe and everyone else affected, and thank you!
GoSU96 said:
Threw that combo out a couple of weeks ago, would be huge.

As soon as soocher mentioned the Orgeron convo I said it may not be as HC but as AHC/DC. But I personally don't think anything comes of it, but we can hope.

Also kudos to soocher. Don't know who we'll hire but he had most of the names being discussed. His posts a couple weeks ago about the list of about 10 didn't get a lot of play but he might be right. I think his top tier that was on the list, if I remember right, were Frost, Sandord and Wells with Frost being #1.
I am very impressed that Coyle met both with the entire team and the entire staff. He's clearly a professional, and that will no doubt pay off in his search for a new head coach.

Nice to have an adult running the AD again.
Of course getting fired is worse, but that had to be really difficult to do. Quality cajones.
As soon as soocher mentioned the Orgeron convo I said it may not be as HC but as AHC/DC. But I personally don't think anything comes of it, but we can hope.

Also kudos to soocher. Don't know who we'll hire but he had most of the names being discussed. His posts a couple weeks ago about the list of about 10 didn't get a lot of play but he might be right. I think his top tier that was on the list, if I remember right, were Frost, Sandord and Wells with Frost being #1.
Have we ever seen Soocher and Coyle in the same room together?

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