Shafer Dismissed per SI | Page 9 |

Shafer Dismissed per SI

I said sanford about 4 weeks ago and none of you took notice.

Its my time to shine

He's been OC for two one year stints at two different schools. He needs more seasoning.

Nate Hackett is more qualified.
FootballScoop Staff ‏@FootballScoop 2m2 minutes ago
Syracuse has BC this weekend. Senior Day. What good does firing Shafer do now vs after the game?

FootballScoop Staff ‏@FootballScoop 3m3 minutes ago
No reason AD couldn’t have already begun “the search” without firing him today. Don’t get it.
The community really wanted him to succeed. The BC game is a way of having a "going away party." An opportunity to say good-bye to someone who really gave everything he had.
"The Peter Principle"Scott was and still could be an excellent defensive coordinator for some team and will be hired quickly by a good football program as its DC. In the mean time Mark Coyle must find a replacement to save as many recruits as possible. Name recognition might be critical in retain some of these kids.We will have a coach before Christmas I would think.Even that might be not soon enough. If it takes that long it will tell me a lot about Mark Coyle in preparing for the inevitable.Shafer knew what was coming. He reads the paper and maybe even a few of the sites on the internet. How could he not?
At a team meeting two weeks ago, Shafer told his players that he was most concerned for his assistant coaches and their family members.

"He wasn't concerned about himself," the player said. "He said, 'They pay me way too much to be the coach here.'"

The player said Shafer lived up to his two favorite mantras even behind closed doors, "control the controllables" and "bring effort, attitude and enthusiasm every day." Shafer cared about his players and helped many of them with personal adversity away from football.

"The way he cares us personally and our well being and all that, I think that speaks more than anything about him," the player said. "Really, it shows you that there's a lot more to the game."

And that right there sums up what I'll miss most about Scott Shafer.
He's been OC for two one year stints at two different schools. He needs more seasoning.

Nate Hackett is more qualified.

I agree he isn't my favorite choice. There are other directions I would rather go.
Sam Blum ‏@SamBlum3
Spoke with Ashton Broyld for the first time since he was kicked off the SU football team. About to tweet some of what he said.

Broyld said that he is a huge Scott Shafer fan and will miss him. “That’s my dawg. I wish that wouldn’t happen to him.”

Broyld said he was kicked out of Syracuse University and Shafer was forced to kick him off team. Contradicts what Shafer previously said.

Broyld said he put himself in his situation. He said he had several chances to fix things, but didn’t take advantage. Only blames himself.

If Ashton takes this lesson forward then all that drama might be worth it.
First and foremost, I'm very disappointed for this staff. I know first hand how hard they work at what they do. I'm sincerely upset that they weren't able to accomplish what they've tried to accomplish here.

I've been in film sessions with them, clinics and conferences. They allowed me to come and observe whatever practices I ever asked to come to. They've been extremely cordial and helped teach me many things that I didn't know beforehand. They always had an open door policy if you called or emailed. They are guys that if you were having a barbecue, could sit down and talk with all your guests as if they'd known them for the past decade. When I accepted a college coaching offer, some of them were the first ones to congratulate me. It's disappointing. The thing most people will not think about is the fact that their lives are going to be completely up-rooted. The response will be, well they were paid a hefty sum. So what, it doesn't change the fact that you have to move your whole family. That's hard for anyone regardless of money.

I'll root for them wherever they go. They were the first staff that ever offered me the opportunities they did because they wanted to help teach a young coach looking to develop. They're far better men than most here will ever realize.

This, regardless of the situation, is going to be very interesting for the next few months. I hope that Mr. Coyle knows what he wants and already is confident that he'll get it.

Such a good post dude and I know that this is extremely heartfelt. Well done, buddy.
I think he'll be considered but I'm not sure he'll be considered for the HC job. Think associate HC/DC alongside Frost.

Threw that combo out a couple of weeks ago, would be huge.
GoSU96 said:
Threw that combo out a couple of weeks ago, would be huge.

Agree - but how does that work? Do they know each other? Wouldn't Frost want to hire his own guys?

Syracuse, N.Y. — Syracuse athletic director Mark Coyle informed players and coaches of Scott Shafer's firing at separate meetings on Monday morning.

One SU player who was granted anonymity said the team received a text message from operations and recruiting assistant Dylan Saccone around 9:30 a.m. that a meeting with Coyle was called for 10 a.m.

The players convened at Manley Field House before Coyle walked in and spoke with them for about 15 minutes.

"He was frank," the player said. "He said, 'Day 1, I told you guys I'd never lie to you. I'll always tell the truth.'"

Coyle asked the players if he'd stayed true to that promise. The players nodded and responded positively.

"This morning, I dismissed Scott Shafer as the head football coach of this team," Coyle said.

Coyle said that Shafer and the staff would stay on for the team's final game against Boston College on Saturday. He provided a brief explanation of his reasoning, thanked the players for their time and contributions and offered to take questions, the player said. Nothing significant was asked.

"It was the elephant in the room for a lot of players," the player said.

Shafer sent a group text to the team later in the morning, which read:

"Fight the Good Fight! I love you guys. Let's beat BC and finish this thing with integrity. Coach Shafe"
Coyle met separately with the coaching staff in his office, wide receivers coach Bobby Acosta said.

"It's sad," Acosta said, tears welling in his eye. "You get so close to the players. You fall in love with them."

Acosta was asked how Coyle justified the decision to the coaching staff.

"He's a business man and I think he's going to do great things here," Acosta responded before driving off.

The SU players trickled out of the building shortly after 10 a.m.

Monday's news didn't come as a complete surprise to the player. It was clear to those who knew Shafer well that he was feeling the pressure of his uncertain future, the player said.

At a team meeting two weeks ago, Shafer told his players that he was most concerned for his assistant coaches and their family members.

"He wasn't concerned about himself," the player said. "He said, 'They pay me way too much to be the coach here.'"

The player said Shafer lived up to his two favorite mantras even behind closed doors, "control the controllables" and "bring effort, attitude and enthusiasm every day." Shafer cared about his players and helped many of them with personal adversity away from football.

"The way he cares us personally and our well being and all that, I think that speaks more than anything about him," the player said. "Really, it shows you that there's a lot more to the game."

If that doesn't echo the utter heartbreak that has just happened, not sure what will. Many people have been affected by this, not just the players and coaches.
The seniors who publicly supported him actually tanked to season to get him fired.


I'm glad you believe everything you see on social media and the news. Do us all a favor and don't vote next year. You obviously don't care to know facts.
Frost with O would be dynamite. If there is the slightest possibility of this happening and it does then we struck gold. Coach O is a Shafer type, the players love him. You add an electric recruiter with Frost's offense and we have something brewing in Central, NY that isn't craft beer.

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