Shafer Dismissed per SI | Page 5 |

Shafer Dismissed per SI

I think he and Frost are two of the most likely candidates to get the job.

Almost sure Mark Coyle is going to hire someone with a reputation as an offensive guru. Almost sure that this person is going to be young and full of energy.

The problem is, the coaches that fill this bill are almost all from the Midwest or Far West.

The challenge will be getting a staff put together that can recruit the traditional areas SU recruits well right from the start. The new coach needs to have a plan for recruiting the Northeast, the Mid Atlantic area and the Georgia/Florida areas without it taking years to build ties to the high school coaches in these areas.

IMHO, the candidate with the best plan to do this is probably going to get the job.

Ruffin McNeill?
Been a fan since the first interview on OAA.

Was key part of saving this program and he should be honored and respected for that.

This is as much a good time for Coyle to get his own guy as anything else and the record the last two years doesn't really allow for a counter.

This team will be good to very good next year, depending on the health of the QB, there is a lot of young talented athletes that need to be coached up and a change allows for a clean break and a new approach.

Coyle isn't going to get crazy resources here, but if they give him a mid P-5 budget this program should be fine.
yep, it's important that he get credit for 2010. that was almost all defense. his defense brought us back from the abyss and gave us a bowl game again.
We (as fans) and they (as administrators) can talk all they want about what's "really important" in college athletics, such as building young men and women, learning team work, earning degrees, etc., but it really is just about money and fans feeling good about themselves because their team beat someone else's team. Shame on all of us.
It's the business they are in. Wins matter. It's not all that matters but it is #1 on the list. No one here wants us to cheat to win or to bring in criminals to win.
Pretty much every hire Coyle has made since coming to Syracuse has had ties to Boise. I don't think anything changes here. Coyle is taking the approach that if he is going to go down on this job he is going down with his guys and his team. I fully expect Sanford or someone else with ties to Boise to get this job. We will see though

I would think Sanford or Frost (who interviewed with Boise) will be the choice.
There has been so much to like about Scott Shafer. I loved the stories of his time working in inner cities and on reservations. It revealed him to be a thoughtful, curious, empathetic person. He truly cares deeply about his players, staff, program, school and community. He seemed to have a great mix of both substance and sizzle. From a personality standpoint he's exactly the kind of guy you want leading your favorite team.

But college football is, first and foremost, a business. A huge business. And none of what I mentioned above matters if a coach doesn't win. Honestly, I'm not sure that's entirely healthy. I worry about the priorities of the P5 schools and their fans who funnel hundreds of millions of dollars into facilities to pamper boosters and attract 18 year olds to play a game. I worry about administrators and coaches who pay lip service to "student athletes" and "building the character of young men" but then race to the next higher-paying job with callous disregard of those very same people who they begged to come play for them.

But whether I like that or not, it certainly is reality.

It's a disappointing day. I really wish things worked out with Shafer. But it hasn't, and although there are lots of events beyond his control that adversely impacted his team's performance, there were also lots of things within his control that just weren't done well enough. It happens.

I have no doubt Shafer will end up in a DC job at a P5 school in short order. He's a very good coach and he'll have well-paying options. The disruption for his family sucks, but that is the life he has chosen, and 7 years in one place is a good run in his line of work.

So I'll say thanks to Scott Shafer. You may not have had the success you, or we, wanted, but it certainly wasn't due to a lack of effort, or a lack of caring. It just didn't work out.

I hope the team is able to send him off with a win on Saturday. And I look forward to the next chapter of SU football. I hope better times are ahead.

If there is a high flying offense that wants a guy that can design pressures and get the two or three stops that will win shootouts, he's the guy.

Wow, that takes balls. Call the whole staff in at once and tell them? Usually, it's just the head coach and then you have the head coach spread the word.
I am gonna miss this staff. I like Scott and wish him all the success. It just didnt work out. They needed more time. I think they could have got the program where they wanted but this is a business. Coyle had to make this move. Shafer is really a loyal guy. He gave me access to their team and I promised not to share things and I didnt because he trusted me and really cared about local H.S. coaches and players.
If there is a high flying offense that wants a guy that can design pressures and get the two or three stops that will win shootouts, he's the guy.
the hardnosed stuff works for a team that is inherently going to be less hardnosed by virtue of practicing against an air raid, those are the teams that need that stuff.
Coyle's job is tied to this hire. Truly, every other sport is basically locked and loaded at the moment. He simply needs to focus on football. I'll miss Shaf, good man. Gamedays were getting a little Gerg like though, and that spelled the end.
Let's just take Kiffin off the board. No way he wants here and no way we should want him.

Yeah, that list has to be bunk. I would lose all respect for Coyle if Kiffin was actually on a short list here, let alone if he ever got hired.

He's a non-starter.
Lane Kiffens wife does look good in Orange
Sorry this had to happen. It just wasn't trending right for Shafer and something had to give. It would have been nice to see him succeed, but, as many have said, it's a business.

I felt horrible when P when was dismissed because I had developed a casual friendship with him. I don't know Shafer, but I have that same empty feeling.

I wish him the best.
Definitely isn't the excitement I felt after we fired Robinson. Not much to say that hasn't been said. I wish Shafer and his coaches all the luck in the future, I know Shafer will find a position somewhere very easily. Life as a coach is not easy though.

I know Coyle will make a hire that makes sense. Nobody knows if it will work no matter who it is but at least the decision will make sense.

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