So how DO we fix the offense? |

So how DO we fix the offense?


Living Legend
Aug 15, 2011
Had to take a few days off after the uconn loss on Monday [1] because I loathe that fanbase / team most of all, and [2] because the board overreaction gets hard to deal with after losses. I doubt that anybody envisioned that we'd be in this position a mere 7 games into the season--I didn't expect to get three losses until February--but despite the poor start, the team needs to find a way to regroup and build rather than get stuck at this incredibly poor and disjointed level of offensive play.

Here are some suggestions for how to fix the anemic offense:

Change the lineup -- the first corrective action has already been made by the SU coaching staff. Tyus Battle is in the starting lineup, and a non-productive player has been moved out. Tyus hasn't hit his stride yet this season, and isn't accomplishing a ton out there right now. But his presence in the lineup is important because:
  1. His ability to drive / dish diversifies the offense
  2. His versatility partially offsets how one-dimensional our starting lineup's offensive capabilities were
  3. He is a much better supplemental ball handler than Andrew White is
  4. He offers much higher potential as a perimeter defender than White does
  5. Two other players [White and Lydon] that were hurting us with their limitations have now shifted to positions where they are more natural fits
Make no mistake, Battle needs to step it up. His offensive capabilities could be the difference between this being an average team with middling NCAA potential versus the team rounding into form as a formidable group that nobody wants to play in March.

Also, Battle has proven to be a more adept three point shooter than expected, but it seems that he settles for that shot a lot while eschewing driving, which was the alleged strength of his game. I would love to see more drives and more mid range pull ups, which would be deadly from a player his size at the collegiate level.

Find the Shooters -- our last four games have shown what this team is and what it is not. Namely, we're a team that relies heavily upon the jump shooting capabilities of two players, who both cannot create shots for themselves off of the bounce. What we are not is a dribble drive team that can rely upon one-on-one play to initiate offense.

With that said, we need to start executing in a way that is going to get the ball into the hands of our two primary scorers / shooters [Lydon and White] where they can be most effective, and stop relying upon them to manufacture something out of nothing. There are numerous ways that we can adjust to make this happen:
  1. More purposeful screening to free up the shooters
  2. Having them spot up while the point guards / Battle drive for kick-outs
  3. Work inside-out, getting the ball into the post, so that the pivot can pass out to the wing for open shots when the defenses collapses inside [Rak developed into a pretty good post passer; not sure that Coleman is]
  4. Finding White / Lydon trailing on the secondary break
All of this is going to require more purposeful movement from the team. No more standing around waiting to see if the ball comes your way. If the play isn't there, pass it. If you aren't a guy who drives effectively, don't try. If I were Boeheim, I would pull Lydon every time he fakes a shot, only to allow the defender to close before trying to make a tightly contested drive. That's just not his game. Stick to doing what you do best.

Solidify the rotation at Center and use the pivot-- our first few games were a hodge podge of substitutions, especially at center. First, Boeheim wanted to force feed Chukwu minutes to accelerate his developmental curve. then he experimented a bit with Tauren Thompson. All the while, eschewing playing Lydon in the middle. And lo and behold, forgotten man Dejuan Coleman has emerged as a consistent, dependable scorer with a nice mid-range jump shot. I expected Coleman to post Craig Forth-esque numbers again, but now it appears that he might be more of a 7 ppg guy. The team should find a way to utilize him early in halves to maximize his contributions [much like how the team used to use AO], and squeeze whatever blood they can get from that stone.

From there, JB needs to figure out what the consistent plan is at the 5. Chukwu seems to be out of the picture. Does Thompson figure in here, or only at 4? Is the play to slide Lydon over to get Roberson back onto the court? Whatever the big picture strategy is, figure it out and let the 5's settle into their roles.

Solve the Point Guard quandary -- this is going to be a really unpopular suggestion, and it is one that I don't make likely, because Frank Howard is my favorite player on the team. But the more I watch him play, the less convinced I am that he will get the job done this year as a lead guard.

Now what do I mean by that? I'm sure that people are scratching their heads, thinking that he is a solid ball handler and he makes occasionally dazzling passes. True--but he struggles when the game slows down, and the team is forced to run it's half court offense. That's when true lead guards can make things happen when the offense bogs down, and when you'd expect a point guard to make their teammates better. Right now, Howard is doing neither. And it has been readily exposed against the three better teams we've faced recently, all losses where Howard struggled immensely.

I'm starting to believe that he's better suited for an off the ball role, or a combo-guard role [a little like Triche] -- where his ability to handle / pass will be complimentary instead of primary. Given his size and improved shooting, maybe he's better suited for the 2 [which is where I saw him next year, had Quade Green opted to wear Orange].

So where does that leave us? The controversial aspect here is that I actually think that we might be better off putting the ball in John Gillon's diminutive hands. Please note--Gillon was AWFUL against South Carolina. He looked tentative and afraid to do anything with the ball. And he didn't set the world ablaze against uconn, either, with those four misses. The difference is, the offense seems to flow better when Gillon is in the game. He's a better ball handler, he's faster, he has the potential to drive more effectively, and he has good vision. Gillon also has massive flaws in how he's playing right now--he leaves his feet, he picks up his dribble, he looks extremely tentative -- that !#$ needs to change, or he won't deserve additional playing time. But if we want to fix the offensive production, I'd start getting Gillon more comfortable and start giving him a heavier dose of minutes so that he overcomes the confidence issues plaguing him early on. Play like a fifth year senior and do his thing. Get his head ut of his butt offensively and start scoring like he was brought in to do. And use his quickness to make things happen instead of driving into traffic and then flailing around with no plan.

And despite him being 5-9, he isn't that much worse defensively than Frank, who is frequently out of position despite being 8 inches taller. So I don't view it as the big liability that will have some wringing their hands.

One more thing about Frank--please stop with the floaters. JB pulled you last year for taking those shots, and against uconn he took several more that missed badly. Enough with that shot.

BOTH of these guys need to stop pounding the rock for 15-20 seconds before initiating the offense. Push the pace in transition to capitalize on this team's athleticism in the open floor. Get the ball out of your hands quickly, be the floor general and MAKE your teammates run the plays / move off of the ball swiftly, and when all else fails at the tail end of the shot clock, make something happen off of the bounce.
I know that last suggestion is going to anger some of my fellow members from Camp Howard. My dream is for BOTH of the point guards to improve to the point where they are both contributing at a much higher level. We need them to be better than what we've shown.

Hope to see a lot of the above coming to fruition over the next stretch of games. Would love to hear reactions / other posters thoughts to these observations.
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Good post, skimmed most of it due to time but will comment later with my thoughts as well
JB already has said the offensive fix is 17 shots a game for Lydon. But so far TL isn't ready, willing or able to take on being the big dog. The fix is if he leads, everyone else will follow and the pieces will fit nicely. If not, forget it, no matter what the lineup.
So, your suggestions are (in brief):
Insert Battle into the starting line-up (Done)
Let Coleman settle into C for the majority of time (Done), with some Lydon as back-up there (JB seems to agree)
Get Lydon to shoot more (on JB's list)
White -- the team looks for him as the prime shooter (but need to get him going in the second halves of games)
In transition look for Lydon & White
More Gillon (doubtful).
Try Howard at 2 (JB has been doing this)
JB already has said the offensive fix is 17 shots a game for Lydon. But so far TL isn't ready, willing or able to take on being the big dog. The fix is if he leads, everyone else will follow and the pieces will fit nicely. If not, forget it, no matter what the lineup.
Okay, then it is incumbent upon the team to get Lydon the ball often, in spots where he can be effective.

Right now, we're not doing that. Needs to change.
I like dajuan a lot, but I can't see him as a heavy minute answer at the 5 in the ACC. maybe 20 minutes. you've said before (and I agree) that lydon is not equipped to play 3 for now. that leaves the 4 and 5 and I think we are back to lydon playing a bunch of center, regardless of what it means defensively and I think he is mostly fine defensively anyway compared to DC. lydon needs to play and lydon needs to shoot. we have to find a way to play white and Roberson at the same time, and that means lydon at 5. I think they have given up on white at the 2, and the 3 guard rotation is howard, battle, and gillon for better or worse. that means white plays the 3 only, unfortunately he has to play because he is the only guy sort of making shots, I just think our zone will get destroyed by acc teams with him at 3. lydon is only a mismatch at the 4/5 for now. the hope was that he would be able to back down 3's but that isn't happening for now. the wildcard is TT because he can score and play the 5, but he is lost on defense.
More penetration by our guards, less pounding the ball around the perimeter and trapping White, ourselves, in the corner where he's forced to take three dribbles and then take a shot.

We need penetration.

Have truer words ever been spoken?
If we want a better offense, we need better players. Our forwards can't create anything off the dribble. Neither one of them can go left. They are easy to guard. Our guards can't finish in the lane. They also can't go strong to their left. We need to play more inside out and stop the three point madness. I think this team should play motion offense and less pick and roll. If teams are going to overplay us, we need to start our offense out of a double stack down low. We need more box to box screening for out bigs. This would also help Lydon get some offense inside. This team can run when they create turnovers and rebound. These are two areas that we are not performing very well. We don't turn teams over and we can't defensive rebound. On paper we look better than we really are. JB will need to prove he can coach if he can turn this team around.
I still think Howard needs to be the PG. I know people disagree, but I haven't seen anything out of Gillon to suggest otherwise IMO. He needs to be decisive, finish better and get more penetration.

Lydon needs to take the shots available to him. He's turned down lots of open shots this year. He needs to play with confidence and swagger. He is a talent and he showed it as a freshman. He also needs to rebound better and play better defense. He is blocking less shots than last year and I wonder if that is a product of his added weight.

Battle needs to be more aggressive. I know a lot of knowledgeable fans had him pegged for the NBA immediately, but he hasn't had the impact Mal or Lydon had last year. He needs to be aggressive as a scorer. He has been just a jump shooter so far.

If we get those three along with White and D.C. Playing well we will have a good team. Roberson and Gillon need to be productive when they are in the game. They are capable of helping us, even if they don't start.. I still think Tauren is a year away.

Again this is just my opinion, but I am trying to think how JB would.
I like dajuan a lot, but I can't see him as a heavy minute answer at the 5 in the ACC. maybe 20 minutes. you've said before (and I agree) that lydon is not equipped to play 3 for now. that leaves the 4 and 5 and I think we are back to lydon playing a bunch of center, regardless of what it means defensively and I think he is mostly fine defensively anyway compared to DC. lydon needs to play and lydon needs to shoot. we have to find a way to play white and Roberson at the same time, and that means lydon at 5. I think they have given up on white at the 2, and the 3 guard rotation is howard, battle, and gillon for better or worse. that means white plays the 3 only, unfortunately he has to play because he is the only guy sort of making shots, I just think our zone will get destroyed by acc teams with him at 3. lydon is only a mismatch at the 4/5 for now. the hope was that he would be able to back down 3's but that isn't happening for now. the wildcard is TT because he can score and play the 5, but he is lost on defense.
I have that same fear about Coleman playing too "much" -- does the offensive benefit we gain get offset by the lack of rim protection that gets exposed having him out there too long?
I like dajuan a lot, but I can't see him as a heavy minute answer at the 5 in the ACC. maybe 20 minutes. you've said before (and I agree) that lydon is not equipped to play 3 for now. that leaves the 4 and 5 and I think we are back to lydon playing a bunch of center, regardless of what it means defensively and I think he is mostly fine defensively anyway compared to DC. lydon needs to play and lydon needs to shoot. we have to find a way to play white and Roberson at the same time, and that means lydon at 5. I think they have given up on white at the 2, and the 3 guard rotation is howard, battle, and gillon for better or worse. that means white plays the 3 only, unfortunately he has to play because he is the only guy sort of making shots, I just think our zone will get destroyed by acc teams with him at 3. lydon is only a mismatch at the 4/5 for now. the hope was that he would be able to back down 3's but that isn't happening for now. the wildcard is TT because he can score and play the 5, but he is lost on defense.

I'm honestly curious what the reasoning was for starting White at the 2 and Lydon at the 3. Based on the White reports, I think most of us had concerns about his ability at the two. He sounded similar to guys like Shumpert and Nichols, not any Syracuse 2 guards. Pretty much all of us had concerns about Lydon at the 3, based on everything we saw last year.

The coaches obviously know more than us. So honestly curious about the reasoning for even bothering with White at 2 and Lydon 3. I think we all suspected we would end up where we are anyway lineup wise, with White being the 3 and Lydon being a 4/5.
Had to take a few days off after the uconn loss on Monday [1] because I loathe that fanbase / team most of all, and [2] because the board overreaction gets hard to deal with after losses. I doubt that anybody envisioned that we'd be in this position a mere 7 games into the season--I didn't expect to get three losses until February--but despite the poor start, the team needs to find a way to regroup and build rather than get stuck at this incredibly poor and disjointed level of offensive play.

Here are some suggestions for how to fix the anemic offense:

Change the lineup -- the first corrective action has already been made by the SU coaching staff. Tyus Battle is in the starting lineup, and a non-productive player has been moved out. Tyus hasn't hit his stride yet this season, and isn't accomplishing a ton out there right now. But his presence in the lineup is important because:
  1. His ability to drive / dish diversifies the offense
  2. His versatility partially offsets how one-dimensional our starting lineup's offensive capabilities were
  3. He is a much better supplemental ball handler than Andrew White is
  4. He offers much higher potential as a perimeter defender than White does
  5. Two other players [White and Lydon] that were hurting us with their limitations have now shifted to positions where they are more natural fits
Make no mistake, Battle needs to step it up. His offensive capabilities could be the difference between this being an average team with middling NCAA potential versus the team rounding into form as a formidable group that nobody wants to play in March.

Also, Battle has proven to be a more adept three point shooter than expected, but it seems that he settles for that shot a lot while eschewing driving, which was the alleged strength of his game. I would love to see more drives and more mid range pull ups, which would be deadly from a player his size at the collegiate level.

Find the Shooters -- our last four games have shown what this team is and what it is not. Namely, we're a team that relies heavily upon the jump shooting capabilities of two players, who both cannot create shots for themselves off of the bounce. What we are not is a dribble drive team that can rely upon one-on-one play to initiate offense.

With that said, we need to start executing in a way that is going to get the ball into the hands of our two primary scorers / shooters [Lydon and White] where they can be most effective, and stop relying upon them to manufacture something out of nothing. There are numerous ways that we can adjust to make this happen:
  1. More purposeful screening to free up the shooters
  2. Having them spot up while the point guards / Battle drive for kick-outs
  3. Work inside-out, getting the ball into the post, so that the pivot can pass out to the wing for open shots when the defenses collapses inside [Rak developed into a pretty good post passer; not sure that Coleman is]
  4. Finding White / Lydon trailing on the secondary break
All of this is going to require more purposeful movement from the team. No more standing around waiting to see if the ball comes your way. If the play isn't there, pass it. If you aren't a guy who drives effectively, don't try. If I were Boeheim, I would pull Lydon every time he fakes a shot, only to allow the defender to close before trying to make a tightly contested drive. That's just not his game. Stick to doing what you do best.

Solidify the rotation at Center and use the pivot-- our first few games were a hodge podge of substitutions, especially at center. First, Boeheim wanted to force feed Chukwu minutes to accelerate his developmental curve. then he experimented a bit with Tauren Thompson. All the while, eschewing playing Lydon in the middle. And lo and behold, forgotten man Dejuan Coleman has emerged as a consistent, dependable scorer with a nice mid-range jump shot. I expected Coleman to post Craig Forth-esque numbers again, but now it appears that he might be more of a 7 ppg guy. The team should find a way to utilize him early in halves to maximize his contributions [much like how the team used to use AO], and squeeze whatever blood they can get from that stone.

From there, JB needs to figure out what the consistent plan is at the 5. Chukwu seems to be out of the picture. Does Thompson figure in here, or only at 4? Is the play to slide Lydon over to get Roberson back onto the court? Whatever the big picture strategy is, figure it out and let the 5's settle into their roles.

Solve the Point Guard quandary -- this is going to be a really unpopular suggestion, and it is one that I don't make likely, because Frank Howard is my favorite player on the team. But the more I watch him play, the less convinced I am that he will get the job done this year as a lead guard.

Now what do I mean by that? I'm sure that people are scratching their heads, thinking that he is a solid ball handler and he makes occasionally dazzling passes. True--but he struggles when the game slows down, and the team is forced to run it's half court offense. That's when true lead guards can make things happen when the offense bogs down, and when you'd expect a point guard to make their teammates better. Right now, Howard is doing neither. And it has been readily exposed against the three better teams we've faced recently, all losses where Howard struggled immensely.

I'm starting to believe that he's better suited for an off the ball role, or a combo-guard role [a little like Triche] -- where his ability to handle / pass will be complimentary instead of primary. Given his size and improved shooting, maybe he's better suited for the 2 [which is where I saw him next year, had Quade Green opted to wear Orange].

So where does that leave us? The controversial aspect here is that I actually think that we might be better off putting the ball in John Gillon's diminutive hands. Please note--Gillon was AWFUL against South Carolina. He looked tentative and afraid to do anything with the ball. And he didn't set the world ablaze against uconn, either, with those four misses. The difference is, the offense seems to flow better when Gillon is in the game. He's a better ball handler, he's faster, he has the potential to drive more effectively, and he has good vision. Gillon also has massive flaws in how he's playing right now--he leaves his feet, he picks up his dribble, he looks extremely tentative -- that !#$ needs to change, or he won't deserve additional playing time. But if we want to fix the offensive production, I'd start getting Gillon more comfortable and start giving him a heavier dose of minutes so that he overcomes the confidence issues plaguing him early on. Play like a fifth year senior and do his thing. Get his head ut of his butt offensively and start scoring like he was brought in to do. And use his quickness to make things happen instead of driving into traffic and then flailing around with no plan.

And despite him being 5-9, he isn't that much worse defensively than Frank, who is frequently out of position despite being 8 inches taller. So I don't view it as the big liability that will have some wringing their hands.

One more thing about Frank--please stop with the floaters. JB pulled you last year for taking those shots, and against uconn he took several more that missed badly. Enough with that shot.

BOTH of these guys need to stop pounding the rock for 15-20 seconds before initiating the offense. Push the pace in transition to capitalize on this team's athleticism in the open floor. Get the ball out of your hands quickly, be the floor general and MAKE your teammates run the plays / move off of the ball swiftly, and when all else fails at the tail end of the shot clock, make something happen off of the bounce.
I know that last suggestion is going to anger some of my fellow members from Camp Howard. My dream is for BOTH of the point guards to improve to the point where they are both contributing at a much higher level. We need them to be better than what we've shown.

Hope to see a lot of the above coming to fruition over the next stretch of games. Would love to hear reactions / other posters thoughts to these observations.
Great post! Point guard quandry is a good way to put it and your idea is certainly valid. I love Howard but I agree with your assessment of his game thus far and I would love to see the day where both he and Johnny are adept at running the show.

I would add that everything the we want Frankie and Johnny to do in terms of penetration, running plays, setting up bigs, etc., we should also expect from Battle and White to some degree. Kris Joseph fed Rick Jackson just as much as Scoop for example. They can do this while keeping the d honest with shooting and driving ability. Granted, we don't have a Rick or Otis or Arinze but we have to get something going around the basket. I for one don't want to watch Lydon try to dribble around a smaller quicker defender from 18ft anymore.
Last season we had 2 guys who could create shots off the bounce...Malachi and G. This year's team has none. It's a team of all catch and shoot guys. The key has to be Battle because I see him as the only player with the skill set to drive and create a shot for himself or to set up a teammate. The staff has to encourage him to be more aggressive. Many people are very down on Roberson. But his skill set is what it is. It's not going to change. He has not really declined. It's just he fit well on last year's team...because he was on the floor with 4 shooters including 2 guys who could create shots off the bounce. This year the offense is so much worse that having a non scorer like Roberson on the floor is just more noticeable.
If we want a better offense, we need better players. Our forwards can't create anything off the dribble. Neither one of them can go left. They are easy to guard. Our guards can't finish in the lane. They also can't go strong to their left. We need to play more inside out and stop the three point madness. I think this team should play motion offense and less pick and roll. If teams are going to overplay us, we need to start our offense out of a double stack down low. We need more box to box screening for out bigs. This would also help Lydon get some offense inside. This team can run when they create turnovers and rebound. These are two areas that we are not performing very well. We don't turn teams over and we can't defensive rebound. On paper we look better than we really are. JB will need to prove he can coach if he can turn this team around.
Hope you're the only person on this forum with this opinion. Could not be further from the truth
Great post RF. I would be completely on board with Gillon trying to get more minutes as the lead PG. I still think he was playing more 'downhill' than Frank during the cupcake run.

However, I'm sort of in the camp with hoopsupstate. I think it is a personnel and scheme issue. We don't have enough creators and ballhandlers (a constant problem here since 2012) to run Boeheim's freewheeling/ISO offense, imo. Nor do we have enough ballhandlers to try to spread everyone out and play dribble-drive offense like Nova and UK sometimes. If we had a beast down low like Rak a few years ago who would often command a double-team then I think the rest of these current pieces would thrive. We have shooters this year. I truly don't mean to be a debbie-downer but I just do not have faith in JB and the staff to draw up offense to outscheme good opponents which is something I think needs to happen with this roster. We haven't had lottery type talent or All-Conference players here (guards especially) who can collapse a defense and make plays for themselves or others in awhile. Those are players who thrive in JB's system. Minimal scheme and just make a play or two. I think many of the current problems of the anemic offense are directly a result of players having very little offensive structure/limited fundamentals/no plan B or C when good teams take away our basic simplistic tendencies. I've been watching Baylor a few times lately. They are getting their guys great looks constantly and scoring a bunch. Guess what? They play 2-3 zone. Xavier is a VERY good defensive team. The type who would easily hold us to 50-55 points and they throttled them. I know we are integrating some new pieces but the offense has been anemic for years now. Boston U looks to be decent. If we struggle to get to 60 or so with them then I think it is fair to ponder whether or not the system is broken.
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Im not sure we can fix our offensive woes - I'm not sure what Battle is capable of - obviously we need someone that can get to the rim - maybe he can - might as well take inactive - Howard needs to force things - attempt to drive - Lydon needs to shoot every time he has an open look - we need to be realisticac - we probably are an NIT team
I'm honestly curious what the reasoning was for starting White at the 2 and Lydon at the 3. Based on the White reports, I think most of us had concerns about his ability at the two. ...

The coaches obviously know more than us. So honestly curious about the reasoning for even bothering with White at 2 and Lydon 3. I think we all suspected we would end up where we are anyway lineup wise, with White being the 3 and Lydon being a 4/5.

Work in progress. The original starting lineup gave the two seniors (Coleman & Roberson) an opportunity to earn their spots, or not; provided more size and the advantage of what Roberson can do on the boards; and gave Lydon a chance to be a perimeter player and use his shooting skill. I am not sure Battle was ready from day 1 -- he did not look that comfortable in half court offense in some of the November games.

So, Roberson played his way out of the starting unit, and Lydon was a lot less effective on the perimeter, when guarded by smaller players. The switches look obvious now, but it might be a matter of Roberson & Lydon playing themselves out of those roles; and Battle earning his starts after a month of practices and playing in rotation.
Im not sure we can fix our offensive woes - I'm not sure what Battle is capable of - obviously we need someone that can get to the rim - maybe he can - might as well take inactive - Howard needs to force things - attempt to drive - Lydon needs to shoot every time he has an open look - we need to be realisticac - we probably are an NIT team

If you had to make a call today, you are probably right. Good teams have better guard play than we have at the moment, and also better inside scoring and better inside defense.

The hope is this. Our 8 man rotation includes 4 young players -- they can get better. Our starting guards are a sophomore who was lightly used in 2015-16 and a true frosh in Battle who has a lot of upside. They have size and athletic ability, but both are learning their roles, and learning to work together.

Can make similar comments about Lydon & Thompson. Lydon might figure out how to be more effective from the high post once he settles into that role. Thompson - well, it is difficult to project his improvement curve.
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Hope you're the only person on this forum with this opinion. Could not be further from the truth

Unless you (not talking to "you" specifically; but in general) are at practice, I am not sure how close to the "truth" anyone on this board can come. Having said that, there are several on this board with a deep understanding of the Xs and Os and/or a long coaching history. I can tell you for a fact, hoopsupstate is one of those guys on both counts.

I am not necessarily suggesting that he is right (or wrong) in this case, I'm only saying that he knows the game.
One of the drawbacks of the offense is little or no low post game. Coleman is playing much better but still needs to improve in this aspect. Seems the guards confidence in Coleman is lagging his better play, and they are not feeding him much in the low post. We could really use this to open up the offense more. Too much passing back and forth around the perimeter. Also seems like the guards are somewhat fearful of driving inside and either finishing or dishing to an open player. These are 2 things I have observed in last couple games. SU can't just jack 3s all the time. This can make rebounding more difficult on missed 3s as balls bounce off almost anywhere. Again, more aggressive rebounding (on both sides of ball) obviously is needed too.
Had to take a few days off after the uconn loss on Monday [1] because I loathe that fanbase / team most of all, and [2] because the board overreaction gets hard to deal with after losses. I doubt that anybody envisioned that we'd be in this position a mere 7 games into the season--I didn't expect to get three losses until February--but despite the poor start, the team needs to find a way to regroup and build rather than get stuck at this incredibly poor and disjointed level of offensive play.

Here are some suggestions for how to fix the anemic offense:

Change the lineup -- the first corrective action has already been made by the SU coaching staff. Tyus Battle is in the starting lineup, and a non-productive player has been moved out. Tyus hasn't hit his stride yet this season, and isn't accomplishing a ton out there right now. But his presence in the lineup is important because:
  1. His ability to drive / dish diversifies the offense
  2. His versatility partially offsets how one-dimensional our starting lineup's offensive capabilities were
  3. He is a much better supplemental ball handler than Andrew White is
  4. He offers much higher potential as a perimeter defender than White does
  5. Two other players [White and Lydon] that were hurting us with their limitations have now shifted to positions where they are more natural fits
Make no mistake, Battle needs to step it up. His offensive capabilities could be the difference between this being an average team with middling NCAA potential versus the team rounding into form as a formidable group that nobody wants to play in March.

Also, Battle has proven to be a more adept three point shooter than expected, but it seems that he settles for that shot a lot while eschewing driving, which was the alleged strength of his game. I would love to see more drives and more mid range pull ups, which would be deadly from a player his size at the collegiate level.

Find the Shooters -- our last four games have shown what this team is and what it is not. Namely, we're a team that relies heavily upon the jump shooting capabilities of two players, who both cannot create shots for themselves off of the bounce. What we are not is a dribble drive team that can rely upon one-on-one play to initiate offense.

With that said, we need to start executing in a way that is going to get the ball into the hands of our two primary scorers / shooters [Lydon and White] where they can be most effective, and stop relying upon them to manufacture something out of nothing. There are numerous ways that we can adjust to make this happen:
  1. More purposeful screening to free up the shooters
  2. Having them spot up while the point guards / Battle drive for kick-outs
  3. Work inside-out, getting the ball into the post, so that the pivot can pass out to the wing for open shots when the defenses collapses inside [Rak developed into a pretty good post passer; not sure that Coleman is]
  4. Finding White / Lydon trailing on the secondary break
All of this is going to require more purposeful movement from the team. No more standing around waiting to see if the ball comes your way. If the play isn't there, pass it. If you aren't a guy who drives effectively, don't try. If I were Boeheim, I would pull Lydon every time he fakes a shot, only to allow the defender to close before trying to make a tightly contested drive. That's just not his game. Stick to doing what you do best.

Solidify the rotation at Center and use the pivot-- our first few games were a hodge podge of substitutions, especially at center. First, Boeheim wanted to force feed Chukwu minutes to accelerate his developmental curve. then he experimented a bit with Tauren Thompson. All the while, eschewing playing Lydon in the middle. And lo and behold, forgotten man Dejuan Coleman has emerged as a consistent, dependable scorer with a nice mid-range jump shot. I expected Coleman to post Craig Forth-esque numbers again, but now it appears that he might be more of a 7 ppg guy. The team should find a way to utilize him early in halves to maximize his contributions [much like how the team used to use AO], and squeeze whatever blood they can get from that stone.

From there, JB needs to figure out what the consistent plan is at the 5. Chukwu seems to be out of the picture. Does Thompson figure in here, or only at 4? Is the play to slide Lydon over to get Roberson back onto the court? Whatever the big picture strategy is, figure it out and let the 5's settle into their roles.

Solve the Point Guard quandary -- this is going to be a really unpopular suggestion, and it is one that I don't make likely, because Frank Howard is my favorite player on the team. But the more I watch him play, the less convinced I am that he will get the job done this year as a lead guard.

Now what do I mean by that? I'm sure that people are scratching their heads, thinking that he is a solid ball handler and he makes occasionally dazzling passes. True--but he struggles when the game slows down, and the team is forced to run it's half court offense. That's when true lead guards can make things happen when the offense bogs down, and when you'd expect a point guard to make their teammates better. Right now, Howard is doing neither. And it has been readily exposed against the three better teams we've faced recently, all losses where Howard struggled immensely.

I'm starting to believe that he's better suited for an off the ball role, or a combo-guard role [a little like Triche] -- where his ability to handle / pass will be complimentary instead of primary. Given his size and improved shooting, maybe he's better suited for the 2 [which is where I saw him next year, had Quade Green opted to wear Orange].

So where does that leave us? The controversial aspect here is that I actually think that we might be better off putting the ball in John Gillon's diminutive hands. Please note--Gillon was AWFUL against South Carolina. He looked tentative and afraid to do anything with the ball. And he didn't set the world ablaze against uconn, either, with those four misses. The difference is, the offense seems to flow better when Gillon is in the game. He's a better ball handler, he's faster, he has the potential to drive more effectively, and he has good vision. Gillon also has massive flaws in how he's playing right now--he leaves his feet, he picks up his dribble, he looks extremely tentative -- that !#$ needs to change, or he won't deserve additional playing time. But if we want to fix the offensive production, I'd start getting Gillon more comfortable and start giving him a heavier dose of minutes so that he overcomes the confidence issues plaguing him early on. Play like a fifth year senior and do his thing. Get his head ut of his butt offensively and start scoring like he was brought in to do. And use his quickness to make things happen instead of driving into traffic and then flailing around with no plan.

And despite him being 5-9, he isn't that much worse defensively than Frank, who is frequently out of position despite being 8 inches taller. So I don't view it as the big liability that will have some wringing their hands.

One more thing about Frank--please stop with the floaters. JB pulled you last year for taking those shots, and against uconn he took several more that missed badly. Enough with that shot.

BOTH of these guys need to stop pounding the rock for 15-20 seconds before initiating the offense. Push the pace in transition to capitalize on this team's athleticism in the open floor. Get the ball out of your hands quickly, be the floor general and MAKE your teammates run the plays / move off of the ball swiftly, and when all else fails at the tail end of the shot clock, make something happen off of the bounce.
I know that last suggestion is going to anger some of my fellow members from Camp Howard. My dream is for BOTH of the point guards to improve to the point where they are both contributing at a much higher level. We need them to be better than what we've shown.

Hope to see a lot of the above coming to fruition over the next stretch of games. Would love to hear reactions / other posters thoughts to these observations.

Lots of great observations and thoughts in there, per usual RF2044

I think (hope) we have enough offensive talent, even though some of it is one dimensional, to be much more productive than we have been.

In general, I don't think this team will do well with an on-ball screening (pick/roll), iso type of offense. And water is wet, I know. JB has to find a way to get more scoring in the paint, because this is a fatal flaw. Which is too bad because we have enough spot up, high percentage shooters this year to make teams pay.

We have to continue to try to penetrate the lane and spread the floor, IMO. Lane penetration does not have to be to the rim (Battle and Gillion are the only ones with this skill set; Howard struggles to finish).

We NEED to get in the paint and pull up, or find a way to collapse the D. I trust that JB can make this work with what he has. Look for the rotation to tighten up more.
Great post RF. I would be completely on board with Gillon trying to get more minutes as the lead PG. I still think he was playing more 'downhill' than Frank during the cupcake run.

However, I'm sort of in the camp with hoopsupstate. I think it is a personnel and scheme issue. We don't have enough creators and ballhandlers (a constant problem here since 2012) to run Boeheim's freewheeling/ISO offense, imo. Nor do we have enough ballhandlers to try to spread everyone out and play dribble-drive offense like Nova and UK sometimes. If we had a beast down low like Rak a few years ago who would often command a double-team then I think the rest of these current pieces would thrive. We have shooters this year. I truly don't mean to be a debbie-downer but I just do not have faith in JB and the staff to draw up offense to outscheme good opponents which is something I think needs to happen with this roster. We haven't had lottery type talent or All-Conference players here (guards especially) who can collapse a defense and make plays for themselves or others in awhile. Those are players who thrive in JB's system. Minimal scheme and just make a play or two. I think many of the current problems of the anemic offense are directly a result of players having very little offensive structure/limited fundamentals/no plan B or C when good teams take away our basic simplistic tendencies. I've been watching Baylor a few times lately. They are getting their guys great looks constantly and scoring a bunch. Guess what? They play 2-3 zone. Xavier is a VERY good defensive team. The type who would easily hold us to 50-55 points and they throttled them. I know we are integrating some new pieces but the offense has been anemic for years now. Boston U looks to be decent. If we struggle to get to 60 or so with them then I think it is fair to ponder whether or not the system is broken.

Great post, SoBeCuse
would love to be proven wrong about Gillon, but based on what he has (and hasn't) demonstrated I just don't see him capable of providing more than the sporadic infusion of energy off the bench - he has looked mostly shaky and for a 5th yr player that's bad

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