Some hard decisions have to be made with this program |

Some hard decisions have to be made with this program


Living Legend
Aug 17, 2011
like Tom and others have said, crossroads time.

Gross will come up with somebody decent because just like there are only 32 NFL jobs, there are only 67 (at the moment) major D-1 jobs.

But things between Doug and the school really had to go south for him to be looking to leave this soon. He wasn't BS when he was hired, so just think about what that means for a second.

The next guy isn't going to have all the emotional baggage and expectations that Marrone brought with him that contributed to his unhappiness with the job, but that's only part of it. There were real, tangible resources that haven't been committed/provided that he was expecting to get. Those are the issues that have to be dealt with.

SU is at the next stage of the rebuild. It doesn't require an emotionally invested advocate selling the idea of Syracuse, but it is going to require that resources be committed to allow the next guy to move forward on improving the program.
I hope everyone is ready for another 5 year plan. It gets old after a while.
I just wish SU would name Hackett (my preference) or Shafer the HC if Doug doesn't come back. It doesn't have to be a long term solution, but would go a long way toward showing some stability. Give him a four year deal with a low buyout so we can part ways early on if its clear it won't work out.

Alot of the consternation would disappear if we knew which of two people would be the coach next year.
It comes down to this. If the staff can be retained...and either Schafer or Hackett promoted...then we should emerge from this relatively unscathed.

Even if there a coach needs to step in and retool, this isn't a 5 year plan anymore. Marrone has left the team in relatively good form in terms of players in uniform and the recruiting pipeline.
Yesterday, you did a nice post on Doug staying and him being bypassed.

Now he's gone. Again.
If TGD hasn't begun the process already, I think it'd be prudent for him to put together a list of potential replacements for Marrone.

It seems that Marrone has a new dream job (or four). Let him move on and chase his new "dream"
It's always a five year plan. Every new coach gets to get "his players" in place before you can judge him. If he wants to run a different system, then the current players may not work for him. It is what it is. Do you think SU would remove someone if he comes in and goes in the tank in year 1? I doubt it. They wouldn't get rid of GROB until they only had one year to buy him out and he was a train wreck from day 1.
End game, it doesn't really matter who the head coach is. What matters is that the school is committed to the program and the program is in a position to succeed regardless of who is hired/fired. Otherwise, SU will continue to be a "building" program and a stepping stone to bigger jobs.
I hope everyone is ready for another 5 year plan. It gets old after a while.
I think another 5-year plan would be unacceptable to most supporters. That is why I hope they hire (if necessary) from within. I could see a young, energetic guy like Hack becoming the face of SU football.

When you don't have all the bells and whistles that many of our recruiting competitors have a dynamic personality at the top is a must. Plus, Hack can continue to build on the principles that DM implemented.

Hopefully, DM comes back for a year or two and all of this conjecture can be put to rest.
End game, it doesn't really matter who the head coach is. What matters is that the school is committed to the program and the program is in a position to succeed regardless of who is hired/fired. Otherwise, SU will continue to be a "building" program and a stepping stone to bigger jobs.

this is what i am talking about
I just wish SU would name Hackett (my preference) or Shafer the HC if Doug doesn't come back. It doesn't have to be a long term solution, but would go a long way toward showing some stability. Give him a four year deal with a low buyout so we can part ways early on if its clear it won't work out.

Alot of the consternation would disappear if we knew which of two people would be the coach next year.

Give the job to Shafer. Kids love him, defense is solid although they're good for at least one stinker a year. Hackett is high risk, high reward. Stability is more important now. If Hackett leaves, bring in someone like Jagodzinski for the offense. Daoust likely takes over on defense.

The other "maintain stability" option is to give the job to Anselmo, who's the former head coach on the staff. He also preserves the NYC pipeline. You might risk losing both Hackett and Shafer in that situation but Anselmo also allows you to boost the coordinators' pay. It's not quite a Bill Stewart situation since Anselmo has been a successful HC before and would appear to be a mentor on that front to Marrone as well.
Well we know that SU needs a new Chancellor so if the total poop hits the fan I go:

That guy from Arizona St for to replace Nancy
Monk (got a man crush on the dude) for AD
Hackett or Shafer for football HC
Anselmo is intriguing insofar as he'd be the figurehead of the team. Shafer and Hackett MUST be retained if this were to happen though...

I see a substantial raise in their futures.
Give the job to Shafer. Kids love him, defense is solid although they're good for at least one stinker a year. Hackett is high risk, high reward. Stability is more important now. If Hackett leaves, bring in someone like Jagodzinski for the offense. Daoust likely takes over on defense.

The other "maintain stability" option is to give the job to Anselmo, who's the former head coach on the staff. He also preserves the NYC pipeline. You might risk losing both Hackett and Shafer in that situation but Anselmo also allows you to boost the coordinators' pay. It's not quite a Bill Stewart situation since Anselmo has been a successful HC before and would appear to be a mentor on that front to Marrone as well.
Good suggestions...but I thought that Anselmo was looking to retire?
I hope everyone is ready for another 5 year plan. It gets old after a while.

Why in the world would you say that?

The program is in it's best condition since '98. The roster is immensely improved. There is depth at most positions. The coaching job is much more attractive than it was four years ago. The school is headed to the ACC.

Would Marrone leaving be disruptive, no doubt, but it's not derailing. Gross gets paid big bucks to manage this kind of thing. Lord knows he has a lot on his plate at the moment, but if he's been doing his job he's known that this was a potential at least a month ago, and he's been working the contingency plans.

Unlike other transitions at other programs Gross has not been blindsided by this and has had plenty of time, and with this process, has more time, to work it.
I dont know why Al Golden's name keeps being mentioned but if we got him or promoted Hackett or Shafer, I think we will be ok.
I just wish SU would name Hackett (my preference) or Shafer the HC if Doug doesn't come back. It doesn't have to be a long term solution, but would go a long way toward showing some stability. Give him a four year deal with a low buyout so we can part ways early on if its clear it won't work out.

Alot of the consternation would disappear if we knew which of two people would be the coach next year.

You and I agree on this thought.

I would have no problem with either Shafer or Hackett.

Hackett in particular intrigues me - a young guy who apparently relates well to kids and who has a great football pedigree.

I guess we will know soon.
End game, it doesn't really matter who the head coach is. What matters is that the school is committed to the program and the program is in a position to succeed regardless of who is hired/fired. Otherwise, SU will continue to be a "building" program and a stepping stone to bigger jobs.

Good point.

The foundation of the program must be enhanced regardless of Marrone's status.
Yesterday, you did a nice post on Doug staying and him being bypassed.

Now he's gone. Again.

Here's how I started that post, "If this news is true about Marrone staying"
Good point.

The foundation of the program must be enhanced regardless of Marrone's status.

That's been the most discouraging thing, for me as a fan, about losing our head coach. Not that it may happen this one time, but moreso that it will continue to happen repeatedly unless the programs infrastructure is improved.
The administration in the sports department sucks. Look at how poorly SU athletics web site is run. It starts at the top and I but th full onus on the incompetent DG
Agree completely
Why in the world would you say that?

The program is in it's best condition since '98. The roster is immensely improved. There is depth at most positions. The coaching job is much more attractive than it was four years ago. The school is headed to the ACC.

Would Marrone leaving be disruptive, no doubt, but it's not derailing. Gross gets paid big bucks to manage this kind of thing. Lord knows he has a lot on his plate at the moment, but if he's been doing his job he's known that this was a potential at least a month ago, and he's been working the contingency plans.

Unlike other transitions at other programs Gross has not been blindsided by this and has had plenty of time, and with this process, has more time, to work it.

I hope so.

I certainly feel blindsided by this.

I never expected this.

And I'm PO'd.

Sorry, but I feel like I was BS'd and I don't like it a bit.

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