Some hard decisions have to be made with this program | Page 2 |

Some hard decisions have to be made with this program

You wouldn't know a good AD if he hit you over the head with a 2x4.

I would ask the multitudes of people who have left the Syr. AD over the past several years what they think of TGD. Obviously turnover is expected (especially compared to how it was like to work under Jake) but I don't think it's a bad thing to question TGD here.

He also doesn't get enough of the blame for the fundraising issues here -- it's a big part of his job and it's quite obvious we've failed in this regard. And before you point to the basketball improvements, Boeheim is responsible for that fundraising (or at least outraising TGD 20-1)...
I hope so.

I certainly feel blindsided by this.

I never expected this.

And I'm PO'd.

Sorry, but I feel like I was BS'd and I don't like it a bit.

The reality is, right or wrong, regardless of what's happened in the years since he took the job and what he was promised or not promised, most people will feel blindsided or PO'ed for him leaving after he made such a big deal for it being his dream job. A very small percentage of the fans will have the perspective necessary to understand it.
I don't take it personally or feel like some B.S.'d me if Marrone ends up leaving. I was a car salesman for 8 years so maybe that's why it doesn't bother me :D

I think for mulitple reasons it's imperative to try to keep the entire staff intact and promote within then fill the gaps that remain. Make the current players feel a lot better, won't impact recruiting (most likely), and keeps us headed on the right track. I don't think Shafer is a NFL coach, that doesn't mean Marrone thinks he is. Hackett though, is NFL material and I think he is the most important staff member that we need to hold on to. All of the players he's in charge of recruiting have loved him, seemingly.
You and I agree on this thought.

I would have no problem with either Shafer or Hackett.

Hackett in particular intrigues me - a young guy who apparently relates well to kids and who has a great football pedigree.

I guess we will know soon.
Do you really think that Hack has the chops to be a HC? Lets get serious he just started to call good games the second half of this year. My pick is Shafer as he has a much better track record and is really respected. Give Hack a big raise and try and keep Ans for another year or two to keep the down state MO going.
Do you really think that Hack has the chops to be a HC? Lets get serious he just started to call good games the second half of this year. My pick is Shafer as he has a much better track record and is really respected. Give Hack a big raise and try and keep Ans for another year or two to keep the down state MO going.


Here we go - play calling.

I don't think we know how or why plays are called in a given situation and I certainly did not see a real change in how plays were called this season.

What I saw was an OL that became more effective and allowed the team to run the ball more often.

I have been impressed with how Nassib has developed and how the offense has evolved and much of that is Hackett.

Here we go - play calling.

I don't think we know how or why plays are called in a given situation and I certainly did not see a real change in how plays were called this season.

What I saw was an OL that became more effective and allowed the team to run the ball more often.

I have been impressed with how Nassib has developed and how the offense has evolved and much of that is Hackett.
good points OPA lets give him credit as a solid and rising OC Star. Does he have the overall ability to run the program that is my only question. I just want one of them at the helm
I think another 5-year plan would be unacceptable to most supporters. That is why I hope they hire (if necessary) from within. I could see a young, energetic guy like Hack becoming the face of SU football.

When you don't have all the bells and whistles that many of our recruiting competitors have a dynamic personality at the top is a must. Plus, Hack can continue to build on the principles that DM implemented.

Hopefully, DM comes back for a year or two and all of this conjecture can be put to rest.
Did i miss something??? Yall r talkin like marrone is gone
I hope so.

I certainly feel blindsided by this.

I never expected this.

And I'm PO'd.

Sorry, but I feel like I was BS'd and I don't like it a bit.

I think Marrone has the exact same feelings.
I think Marrone has the exact same feelings.
That's what I wonder. What was he promised? Did they deliver? Whose fault is all this? I never felt he lied to us or the University. I feel like he did what he said he would do and if he is actively looking to leave, what are the reasons? Was he always willing to go to the NFL if they called? I never got that impression but like the answers to the other questions, I have no idea. I think it's ridiculous the way some carry on like they really know. They best of them "know somebody that knows somebody, or heard something that somebody else said to somebody's brother-in-law". That stuff means nothing at all. I admit to not liking the uncertainty but that is how things work in the real world.
like Tom and others have said, crossroads time.

Gross will come up with somebody decent because just like there are only 32 NFL jobs, there are only 67 (at the moment) major D-1 jobs.

But things between Doug and the school really had to go south for him to be looking to leave this soon. He wasn't BS when he was hired, so just think about what that means for a second.

The next guy isn't going to have all the emotional baggage and expectations that Marrone brought with him that contributed to his unhappiness with the job, but that's only part of it. There were real, tangible resources that haven't been committed/provided that he was expecting to get. Those are the issues that have to be dealt with.

SU is at the next stage of the rebuild. It doesn't require an emotionally invested advocate selling the idea of Syracuse, but it is going to require that resources be committed to allow the next guy to move forward on improving the program.

Well, as far as I'm concerned they already missed crossroads time. That would have been something they should have thought of before joining the ACC. I mean, seriously, if we weren't committing wholeheartedly to football then why join the ACC? Seriously, if they weren't doing it, then the focus should've been on hoops, which certainly wouldn't have meant joining a conference where you spend your whole year playing in backwoods southern locales and not coming remotely close to philly/nyc/dc/baltimore. Nice.

And while we're on the topic, by the way, is anyone going to give me a bit of credit for saying BC was a huge cautionary example of the uncertainty of switching conferences for money? I mean, listen, maybe this whole thing works out, but that *awesome* move to the ACC has put us ahead of basically one program (UConn) and it wouldn't be a shock if they end up in the same spot sooner than later. Meanwhile we may have no f'ball coach, awful facilities, are looking up at RU from a TV revenue standpoint and our new conference has already been raided. Oh, and we're not playing in the best hoops conference ever created anymore or anywhere within 3.5 hours of my house. Sweet. My only point was that those dollars are nice, but it guarantees us nothing.

Just feels shortsighted and misguided to hitch our star to a football program that, let's face it, no one outside of a handful of upstate new york natives and a bunch of alums give two s--ts about.
And while we're on the topic, by the way, is anyone going to give me a bit of credit for saying BC was a huge cautionary example of the uncertainty of switching conferences for money?

Lot of revisionist history going on about BC's success in the Big East. They were a non-factor football-wise, and had much more success in the ACC then they ever did in the Big East. They are coming off a bad hire, when they chased away Jagodzinski, so they've had 2 down years. But overall, the ACC has been a net positive for BC football.

For bball, they were a non-entity in the Big East and remain so in the ACC.
Well, as far as I'm concerned they already missed crossroads time. That would have been something they should have thought of before joining the ACC. I mean, seriously, if we weren't committing wholeheartedly to football then why join the ACC? Seriously, if they weren't doing it, then the focus should've been on hoops, which certainly wouldn't have meant joining a conference where you spend your whole year playing in backwoods southern locales and not coming remotely close to philly/nyc/dc/baltimore. Nice.

And while we're on the topic, by the way, is anyone going to give me a bit of credit for saying BC was a huge cautionary example of the uncertainty of switching conferences for money? I mean, listen, maybe this whole thing works out, but that *awesome* move to the ACC has put us ahead of basically one program (UConn) and it wouldn't be a shock if they end up in the same spot sooner than later. Meanwhile we may have no f'ball coach, awful facilities, are looking up at RU from a TV revenue standpoint and our new conference has already been raided. Oh, and we're not playing in the best hoops conference ever created anymore or anywhere within 3.5 hours of my house. Sweet. My only point was that those dollars are nice, but it guarantees us nothing.

Just feels shortsighted and misguided to hitch our star to a football program that, let's face it, no one outside of a handful of upstate new york natives and a bunch of alums give two s--ts about.
Thanks, you really lifted my spirits! :eek:
good points OPA lets give him credit as a solid and rising OC Star. Does he have the overall ability to run the program that is my only question. I just want one of them at the helm

I don't know the answer.

I hope so, but I don't know.
If we do end up getting an IPF, and it isn't due to a big donor, I request we name it the Jim Brown Center. I think it's a travesty that people are shocked when I tell them the best player in the history of the NFL went to Syracuse.
I don't know the answer.

I hope so, but I don't know.
None of us know that is what is so scary about him in my mind. He is so young and inspite of a good second half of the year he is still really green and unproven. To a certain extent the fact that the opposing DC didnt have a book on him made it easier on us. Next year will be different as there is a body of work on film that they can study. Shafer is a very good coach and he has about 20 years more experiance and connections than Hack. We all have our own opinions but based on experiance i would take Shafer ten days to sundown.
Lot of revisionist history going on about BC's success in the Big East. They were a non-factor football-wise, and had much more success in the ACC then they ever did in the Big East. They are coming off a bad hire, when they chased away Jagodzinski, so they've had 2 down years. But overall, the ACC has been a net positive for BC football.

For bball, they were a non-entity in the Big East and remain so in the ACC.

I'm revising history? BC football is 18-29 in their past four seasons. I mean, I get that a bad hire can do that to anyone, but it's not like they got some influx of cash and zoomed past SU in terms of relevancy. If they are the same old BC, that would basically be a compliment. In hoops, meanwhile, they won 20+ 6 of 7 years at one point under skinner and made back-to-back sweet 16s. Now they dream of reaching the tournament.

BC can win in the ACC, my only point is that the move, despite the cash, made next to no positive impact on either major program. That's troubling.
Thanks, you really lifted my spirits! :eek:

Ha! well, if it makes you feel better I don't actually view DM's pending departure as that big of a deal. I think he's replaceable. And I suppose it's fine that we're in the ACC. I just miss BE hoops and the BE tournament. I just don't quite get why the program everyone knows you for is the one that is just along for the ride -- I mean I get why we're supposed to think that way (TV $$$), I'm just not sure I go along with that thinking.
I'm revising history? BC football is 18-29 in their past four seasons. I mean, I get that a bad hire can do that to anyone, but it's not like they got some influx of cash and zoomed past SU in terms of relevancy. If they are the same old BC, that would basically be a compliment. In hoops, meanwhile, they won 20+ 6 of 7 years at one point under skinner and made back-to-back sweet 16s. Now they dream of reaching the tournament.

BC can win in the ACC, my only point is that the move, despite the cash, made next to no positive impact on either major program. That's troubling.

Their years pre-Spaziani in the ACC --

2005 Atlantic Coast Conference 9–3 5–3
2006 Atlantic Coast Conference 10–3 5–3
2007 Atlantic Coast Conference 11–3 6–2 #
2008 Atlantic Coast Conference 9–5 5–3 #

If you are contending that their move to the ACC hurt them, I strongly disagree. They've been better in the ACC than they ever were in the Big East. The outlier seems to be the last 2 years which was as a result of a terrible hire, which we know all about. That has nothing to do with the move to the ACC.

And to get back to your original post, I know that you're one of the nostalgic fans pining for 1985 Big East, but would you truly be making a move to the ACC or be in Uconn's spot? This was a no-brainer move.
Give the job to Shafer. Kids love him, defense is solid although they're good for at least one stinker a year. Hackett is high risk, high reward. Stability is more important now. If Hackett leaves, bring in someone like Jagodzinski for the offense. Daoust likely takes over on defense.

The other "maintain stability" option is to give the job to Anselmo, who's the former head coach on the staff. He also preserves the NYC pipeline. You might risk losing both Hackett and Shafer in that situation but Anselmo also allows you to boost the coordinators' pay. It's not quite a Bill Stewart situation since Anselmo has been a successful HC before and would appear to be a mentor on that front to Marrone as well.

I'd pull for schaf as hc. Morrison or douast to dc.
Enough of the BS. HCDM is friggin killing the momentum of the program.

If I were TGD I would do this (not necessarily in this exact order):

Tell Doug he has until Monday morning at 0830 to "shitt or get off the pot" with the NFL as I have set up a presser. You will have until 0830 to formally resign...then I will hold a presser to announce that HCDM has either resigned, been fired or will be retained. I will offer HCDM $2M a year and 50% raises for the staff.

Pull in Shafer and Hackett this weekend and tell them I will hire one of you as HC if Doug doesn't stay. I hope the one who doesn't get hired will stay on staff but will understand if not.

I will call The Wee One and tell her: We need a commitment from the University for a practice facility and more $$$ for coaches. If she balks I will resign at the end of the school year. I will tell TWE that fundraising for the new facility is My #1 priority...and give her milestones. I will build in incentives to meet goals.

At my 0830 presser I will announce the status of HCDM and the announcement of the new practice facility and an increase of the coaches pay scale to remain competitive. I'd fully expect only 50% or so of the coaches will stay if I hire a new coach...that is okay. If HCDM is gone..I will tell the community that a short search will be held for a replacement for HCDM.
Mark, how do you know that TGD hasn't asked for those things already from the University and they're still dragging their feet - which has prevented him from being able to use that as leverage with Marrone?

* I shouldn't say "still dragging their feet" because I don't know if that is even factual in the first place. But based on what you've posted how do we know that angle hasn't or isn't already in the works?
I doubt Cantor has the leverage needed to pry anymore $$$ from the coffers, especially since she's short a short-timer.
Hack's a lot more interesting now than he was even two months ago and I have a mini-man crush on Shafer, but HOLY DAR DAR UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WOULD EITHER BE THE BEST MAN FOR THE JOB AND IF YOU REALLY THINK THAT PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR OTTO COSTUME AND BREATHE.

Promoting Shafer or Hack would be an absolute panic move. We're better than that. And if we're not, then Marrone failed as coach because if a panic move is our best move he hasn't raised our profile one bit when coupled with going to the ACC, and losing him amounts to nothing.

The smart move here, if we have to find a new coach, is to go out and find the best college head coach we can. That likely means someone that has experience. That likely means someone that has had some success. That likely means someone that brings a little something extra to the table to energize fans. That likely means someone that has experience working in less than ideal circumstances, and succeeding in spite of them. That likely means somebody that has connections to the areas we recruit.

I'd bet on the farm on Bobby Wilder at Old Dominion.


He built a program from nothing and has gone 38 and 10 as head coach. I'm not exaggerating on "building from nothing" - Old Dominion didn't have a football program. He recruits the Atlantic area. His QB threw for 5000 yards this past season.

Someone else mentioned him earlier this week. I'm sold.

Take a walk on the Wilder side, my friends.

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