Some hard decisions have to be made with this program | Page 3 |

Some hard decisions have to be made with this program

This was the first year that I believe the O was Hackett's to run. I think he's done we'll, and I really want to keep him on the staff if HCDM leaves. That said, I think if Schafer were named HC, and Hacket was to continue as OC (possibly with some additional title...Assistant HC or something) I think he would stay. That gives us Hacket AND Schafer. Of course any of this presumes one or both of them aren't going to the NFL too.
Enough of the BS. HCDM is friggin killing the momentum of the program.

If I were TGD I would do this (not necessarily in this exact order):

Tell Doug he has until Monday morning at 0830 to "shitt or get off the pot" with the NFL as I have set up a presser. You will have until 0830 to formally resign...then I will hold a presser to announce that HCDM has either resigned, been fired or will be retained. I will offer HCDM $2M a year and 50% raises for the staff.

Pull in Shafer and Hackett this weekend and tell them I will hire one of you as HC if Doug doesn't stay. I hope the one who doesn't get hired will stay on staff but will understand if not.

I will call The Wee One and tell her: We need a commitment from the University for a practice facility and more $$$ for coaches. If she balks I will resign at the end of the school year. I will tell TWE that fundraising for the new facility is My #1 priority...and give her milestones. I will build in incentives to meet goals.

At my 0830 presser I will announce the status of HCDM and the announcement of the new practice facility and an increase of the coaches pay scale to remain competitive. I'd fully expect only 50% or so of the coaches will stay if I hire a new coach...that is okay. If HCDM is gone..I will tell the community that a short search will be held for a replacement for HCDM.

I agree with you on all points here Mark. We need an answer from DM one way or another. This dude isn't testing the waters anymore...and this isn't a powerplay against the university. DM is looking to leave. Plain and simple.
he sounds like a good candidate if dm leaves but i dont want to lose a bunch of recruits so that would have to factor into the discussion of promoting from a little more leanient than mark id give until the middle of next week
Is Oregon panicking?

They're already planning on their OC to take over when Kelly leaves.
Mark, how do you know that TGD hasn't asked for those things already from the University and they're still dragging their feet - which has prevented him from being able to use that as leverage with Marrone?

* I shouldn't say "still dragging their feet" because I don't know if that is even factual in the first place. But based on what you've posted how do we know that angle hasn't or isn't already in the works?

Oh I think it is all about $$$ for him and his staff along with facilities getting upgraded. If TGD can't get a commitment I would start looking for a job myself and give my resignation effective for the end of the school year.
Their years pre-Spaziani in the ACC --

2005 Atlantic Coast Conference 9–3 5–3
2006 Atlantic Coast Conference 10–3 5–3
2007 Atlantic Coast Conference 11–3 6–2 #
2008 Atlantic Coast Conference 9–5 5–3 #

If you are contending that their move to the ACC hurt them, I strongly disagree. They've been better in the ACC than they ever were in the Big East. The outlier seems to be the last 2 years which was as a result of a terrible hire, which we know all about. That has nothing to do with the move to the ACC.

And to get back to your original post, I know that you're one of the nostalgic fans pining for 1985 Big East, but would you truly be making a move to the ACC or be in Uconn's spot? This was a no-brainer move.

They have 18 wins in four years. If the money was making them a power in a northeast region filled with have-nots (uconn, cuse, ru, pitt) then it sure doesn't look like it. Yes, you're right, bad hires are bad hires. But the point is the conference move hasn't made them anything other than what they were.

You're right, I do pine in some ways for 1985 BE, but I liked the conference as it was. The ridiculous hybrid setup didn't bother me in the least and I still think it was -- by a truly ridiculous margin -- the best and most entertaining hoops conference in the country, even in the last decade. I loved the tourney in MSG. I loved going to the G'town game and Nova games each year. Now my only shot is Charlottesville? Seriously? That sucks.
Enough of the BS. HCDM is friggin killing the momentum of the program.

If I were TGD I would do this (not necessarily in this exact order):

Tell Doug he has until Monday morning at 0830 to "shitt or get off the pot" with the NFL as I have set up a presser. You will have until 0830 to formally resign...then I will hold a presser to announce that HCDM has either resigned, been fired or will be retained. I will offer HCDM $2M a year and 50% raises for the staff.

Pull in Shafer and Hackett this weekend and tell them I will hire one of you as HC if Doug doesn't stay. I hope the one who doesn't get hired will stay on staff but will understand if not.

I will call The Wee One and tell her: We need a commitment from the University for a practice facility and more $$$ for coaches. If she balks I will resign at the end of the school year. I will tell TWE that fundraising for the new facility is My #1 priority...and give her milestones. I will build in incentives to meet goals.

At my 0830 presser I will announce the status of HCDM and the announcement of the new practice facility and an increase of the coaches pay scale to remain competitive. I'd fully expect only 50% or so of the coaches will stay if I hire a new coach...that is okay. If HCDM is gone..I will tell the community that a short search will be held for a replacement for HCDM.

What's the hurry? Other than the gun to the head deadline, he should be doing all that other stuff regardless, why tie it to an artificial deadline.

Nothing is gettting killed. If he comes back, everybody is recalibrated, deal with it, if he's goes, it doesn't really matter if it's Monday or next Friday.
I would like to get off of the roller coaster please.

I still don't think he's getting an NFL HC gig so if he leaves at this stage, it's for a coordinator job and that means he just wants out.

If for some reason he does decide to stay, there is some serious damage control that needs to be done.
Cantor may not have the ability to get money, but she does have the ability to make things public if things are being tied up and hindering the program since what leverage do they have over her?
Is Oregon panicking?

They're already planning on their OC to take over when Kelly leaves.
There is absolutely no way to compare us to Oregon. They're getting to the point where quality coaches will line-up to interview for their HC job. Phil Knight has guaranteed that.
There is absolutely no way to compare us to Oregon. They're getting to the point where quality coaches will line-up to interview for their HC job. Phil Knight has guaranteed that.
Absolutely right.

They've lost 7 games the last 4 seasons.

We lost 7 games a season ago.
What's the hurry? Other than the gun to the head deadline, he should be doing all that other stuff regardless, why tie it to an artificial deadline.

Nothing is gettting killed. If he comes back, everybody is recalibrated, deal with it, if he's goes, it doesn't really matter if it's Monday or next Friday.
When should the clock run out? DM has it both ways; he can interview for every NFL opportunity, extend the timeline through the playoffs to account for playoff team assts, and still come back if nothing works out. In the meantime open season on SU recruits.
There is absolutely no way to compare us to Oregon. They're getting to the point where quality coaches will line-up to interview for their HC job. Phil Knight has guaranteed that.

They aren't interviewing anyone. The OC was already lined up as HCIW.
I am over this. I just don't care anymore. IMO screw Doug. If he wanted to stay and be apart of SU then he would have made that clear from the beginning. As it appears right now we are Doug's fall back choice. If he doesn't get anything better then he will come back here to coach. That is no good for anyone. That doesn't look good to recruits. This will be used against us for as long as Doug stays. I thank Doug for what he has done but I do not want this school to be anyone's second choice. If you want back into the NFL so bad then leave for good and don't let the door hit you on the way out...
When should the clock run out? DM has it both ways; he can interview for every NFL opportunity, extend the timeline through the playoffs to account for playoff team assts, and still come back if nothing works out. In the meantime open season on SU recruits.

Assistants from teams playing this weekend can interview next week, assistants on the teams with byes were available this week. Everybody who could be in the pool, including Saban and BKelly would be available starting Monday.

This is not lasting weeks, it's a couple more days.
There is absolutely no way to compare us to Oregon. They're getting to the point where quality coaches will line-up to interview for their HC job. Phil Knight has guaranteed that.

But Oregon isn't lining up anyone to interview for HC. They've already got their guy in Mark Helfrich.

And the players and recruits already know this. There will be continuity of the staff.

But if SU follows the same succession plan by promoting an assistant coach ... it's called a panic move.

I don't know about you, but if we're still looking for a HC two weeks from now ... it'll be too late to panic. And it may be too late to salvage this recruiting class if the kids get antsy.
Assistants from teams playing this weekend can interview next week, assistants on the teams with byes were available this week. Everybody who could be in the pool, including Saban and BKelly would be available starting Monday.

This is not lasting weeks, it's a couple more days.
Sure about that? I read that only assts with bye teams could interview and only because they had no game this weekend. In any event why are we hostage to DM's timeline (and sorry I don't buy he's "earned" it).
But if SU follows the same succession plan by promoting an assistant coach ... it's called a panic move.
Because (wait for it) doing the same thing isn't the same as having the same plan.

Obviously you plan all along to have the very young assistant ready to step in at a moment's notice for the head coach leaving you that came to you saying he was living his dream. Oh Lord

Thus, panic move.

Sweet Sir Mawn Wilson people, think about this for one second. You're talking about promoting coaches to maintain continuity.

Because more than anything you have to preserve continuity on 25 and 25.


This ain't Boeheim to Hopkins people.
Oh I think it is all about $$$ for him and his staff along with facilities getting upgraded. If TGD can't get a commitment I would start looking for a job myself and give my resignation effective for the end of the school year.

I completely agree. I was just pointing out that these things may have already happened. What we don't know right now, is SU doing anything behind the scenes to attempt to keep him and if so what specifically. At that point is it enough or has he decided to move on because of the lack of commitment.
Sure about that? I read that only assts with bye teams could interview and only because they had no game this weekend. In any event why are we hostage to DM's timeline (and sorry I don't buy he's "earned" it).

Thems the rules.
So, between Zack Allen, Gus, Hodge, Johnson, Brown, Smith, or any of the other unsigned recruits that may walk when the staff changes ... which one will come back to bite us in the ass like Ray Rice.

And how do you know that Hackett and or Shafer wasn't being groomed for this very possibility all season long?
So, between Zack Allen, Gus, Hodge, Johnson, Brown, Smith, or any of the other unsigned recruits that may walk when the staff changes ... which one will come back to bite us in the ass like Ray Rice.

And how do you know that Hackett and or Shafer wasn't being groomed for this very possibility all season long?
Uhm, yeah, I hate to break this to you, but the R board has our class ranked 71, tied with famous football powerhouse Southern Miss for that #71 spot by the way, and the ex-gf board ranks our class #72.

If we're sunk as a program because we lose that class we should fold up the football program and start up men's ice hockey. But go ahead, by all means keep chanting that star rankings don't matter.

As for your other question - I'm sorry, I just can't even take it seriously.
Dead, absolutely dead, wrong on this being about more money for DM.
I don't want to see you leave the PS, but I do look forward to the day you can elaborate on many things (if that ever happens)

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