Stealth No More: ACC Out of the Closet... | Page 5 |

Stealth No More: ACC Out of the Closet...

More or less, yep, that would do it. Miami and Florida State, and I would about put Clemson there based on the way they can recruit, one or two of those three should be in the playoff hunt most years. And in years when they aren't, that's when someone out of that second pack has to be up in the top 10 challenging. Virginia Tech, North Carolina, Louisville and Virginia all probably have the tools to hit the top ten regularly.

It's not just winning national titles. Go back for decades and the number of ACC schools (when they are in the ACC) finishing in the top ten is disturbingly low. It's not just a bad cycle, it's not just FSU being down, it's not just the BCS era. I think people really don't realize that it's been systemic going back in the 1970s. Some good background there from Resonator. There is no historical "up" cycle for the ACC compared to other conferences. When I was spurring FSU-Big 12 talk, I actually went back to the AP to 1970. Taking out FSU's string of top 4 finishes, which can never be duplicated, the ACC had something ludicrous, like eleven top 10 finishes in forty years. I don't remember the exact numbers, but it was disgusting, and put the lie to the idea it was just a down slump for a few years.

I don't say that to crap on the ACC football. I say that because if you are going to address the problem, you have to understand the problem to come up with any satisfactory approaches. It's not what FSU has done the last 10 years, it's not Miami probation, it's not Clemson doing nothing in the 1990s, it's not taking BC instead of WVU. It's not any one thing, it's some kind of systemic approach to football. I don't have all the answers, but I think a lot of it has to do with coaching, specifically having a lower threshold of expectations from it's coaches, both head coaches and staff. Something that FSU absolutely faced as well.

The bottom line is that this conference recruits better than anyone but the SEC, and has for some time. They send more kids to the NFL than anyone but the SEC. They sit in the sweetest hotbed of talent of any conference but the SEC. There's no reason this conference has to be any worse than second to the SEC.

You can make the case that the B1G, PAC and B12 all have obstacles to excellence on the field that are far more difficult to surmount than the obstacles facing the ACC. Quite literally, there is nothing stopping the ACC than just to do it.
i think the ACC's problem WAS that they didnt see football being the absolutely HUGE $$ maker that it is today. now im not saying the SEC saw it, clearly they didnt for they are not smart enough, and im not sure anyone other than the NFL brains of the 60s and 70s did.

football was/is an expensive sport. the stadiums are these huge things that sit empty 358x a year and the equipment needs to be upgraded every 4 years or so. a total waste of space and a pain in the arse.

hoop, now hoop is easy. build a gym, fill it 20x a year and use it daily for everybody else. there is no equipment other than a ball. and if you dont want to buy one, send every fraternities pledges to dook and let em steal theirs.

the ACC bean counters were happy with the beans they were getting from both sports. but primarily because they could make $$ with football without really having to spend it. this ties in to your coaches speach. they would have good ones but not great. and schools just counted bowl appearances and not bowl wins. that all starting changing with tv and cable. it just took a while for them to understand that. and once they saw all the $$ out there, they have now come to appreciate it.

i would expect east coast football and primarily ACC absolutely EXPLODE in the next 20 years. because quite frankly, the talent is here, we are smarter than everyone else and most importantly RICHER than everyone else.

by 2020, the pendulum should be in full ACC swing.

Game the F on.

i think the ACC's problem WAS that they didnt see football being the absolutely HUGE $$ maker that it is today. now im not saying the SEC saw it, clearly they didnt for they are not smart enough, and im not sure anyone other than the NFL brains of the 60s and 70s did.

football was/is an expensive sport. the stadiums are these huge things that sit empty 358x a year and the equipment needs to be upgraded every 4 years or so. a total waste of space and a pain in the arse.

hoop, now hoop is easy. build a gym, fill it 20x a year and use it daily for everybody else. there is no equipment other than a ball. and if you dont want to buy one, send every fraternities pledges to dook and let em steal theirs.

the ACC bean counters were happy with the beans they were getting from both sports. but primarily because they could make $$ with football without really having to spend it. this ties in to your coaches speach. they would have good ones but not great. and schools just counted bowl appearances and not bowl wins. that all starting changing with tv and cable. it just took a while for them to understand that. and once they saw all the $$ out there, they have now come to appreciate it.

i would expect east coast football and primarily ACC absolutely EXPLODE in the next 20 years. because quite frankly, the talent is here, we are smarter than everybody else and most importantly RICHER than everyone else.

by 2020, the pendulum should be in full ACC swing.

Game the F on.


I think and hope there's a lot of truth in what you said. It's important to look at the little things, and if you do, I think there are more positives than negatives that indicate they get it now. They are late, no question...some of this stuff was very apparent years before the ACC started acting like it. Remember, and I know this may or may not be a sore spot on this board, but the ACC tried to do the 2005 expansion without VT. That's just unthinkable for a conference even remotely thinking football. The SEC would have snapped them up in a second, and everything would have been that much worse. They were saved from their own mess with that one.

That said, a few indications that the thought process is turning a bit...

1) Recent comments from the UNC AD about wanting to increase revenue 40%. That's the way to be thinking. One, because UNC has the alumni resources to do so, so they should be, and that kind of attitude finally alligns them with schools that NEED increased revenue to compete at the level they are trying to compete at. If UNC is NOT focused on increasing revenue, that puts them directly at odds with schools like FSU, Clemson and VT. Second, because you don't increase revenue without improving football. You either increase the revenue, and that money partially goes into football (let's face it, how much better can UNC's other sports get?). Or you increase revenue by putting a better football product on the field. I mean, how much more money can UNC basketball generate? No matter what, that's a football comment, even if not explicitly

2) Duke facility improvements. Quarter billion on improvements for arguably the worst BCS football program? Yes please.

3) Tom O'Brien fired. You could make a very strong argument that going to a bowl game every single year is NC St's ceiling. While NC St. has in my mind actually fired mediocre-but-not-terrible coaches before, and seems to want football success more than some other schools, Tom O'Brien's performance is the kind that has traditionally kept a guy employed in the ACC for some time. More importantly, you can make the case that O'Brien was fired at the right time, instead of a season or two late. It's not that the ACC NEVER fires it's coaches, it's that it allows too much damage to be done before it does. That extra year as a lame duck is devastating and leaves the cupboard bare.

The SEC errors on the other side of this, and while I think it's actually a bad thing in the wide world, purely on the football field, it pays dividends. The SEC generally fires guys too soon, as soon as things look slightly bad. Nobody has "earned" that extra year, even with a national championship. It's important, because their replacements come in with talent still in place, and before a culture of losing is ingrained.

I'll be watching Mike London hard on this front. Not saying it's right, but Mike London would have been fired after LAST season if he was in the SEC. If Virginia doesn't make a bowl for the second consecutive year, does he keep his job? The old ACC says yes, because he's a likeable guy, seems to run a good program, recruits well, and doesn't embarass the university. The new attitude would send him packing, while he's got a stacked roster that would attract a great candidate. I don't want to root against Mike London at all, so I'm hoping they do well this year. Which actually relates to...

4) Smarter OOC scheduling creeping in. Look at Duke's schedule. For the first time in a while, they haven't scheduled themselves as a sacrificial lamb to Alabama or Stanford or the like. They have scheduled all winnable games. NC State has a very good schedule for a rebuilding team. While there are still some bad exceptions, the ACC OOC schedule is getting just slightly smarter.

You're Duke, you have nothing to prove by getting pole-axed by a power program that isn't better proven by playing in a bowl game. The ACC schedules way, way harder OOC than any other conference.

Wait, you say, they have to because in conference is so weak. That MIGHT hold a little water for schools that are literally competing for a playoff spot and might see strength of schedule come into play. That means nothing to schools like UVA, NC State, UNC, GT etc who aren't going to be competing for a national championship, but are scheduling themselves out of 10 win seasons into 8 win seasons. NOBODY looks and says "but it's a STRONG 8 wins."

A big reason why the ACC conference slate is so week for SOS is that just about everyone comes into the conference season with two losses and unranked. Playing a 6-0 #23 ranked Pitt is always going to be better than an unranked 4-2 Pitt with two blowout losses.

UVA is the worst at this. They open with Oregon and BYU this year. Last year that had Penn State and TCU. Are you freaking kidding me? They are scheduling to get London fired. And those games mean nothing, other than maybe the PSU game. UVA isn't picking up pacific northwest recruits. Makes no sense when you're trying to build a program, and it doesn't follow the path of any program that has built a winning program out of nothing (at least since Bowden built FSU with a anyone/anywhere philosophy that simply doesn't work in a totally different world today). KSU, Wisconson, South Carolina, Oregon, any formerly awful program that turned themselves around, NONE of them built it by getting their brains bashed in over an over again by teams they couldn't compete with. Bite off what you can chew, and build on it over time, taking smart baby steps.

If you're going to take risks, you take them for games that will matter, like Clemson-GA or UNC-So. Car.

5) Conference scheduling. The last two conference schedules have been much, much smarter. A few years ago, the ACC scheduled FSU-Clemson, the premier ACC game of the year, one week after Clemson played Auburn and FSU played Oklahoma. Are you kidding me? Who is that good for? The ACC has been notorious for sending it's better football programs out to something like BC for a Thursday night game in November off a short week. The ACC has literally scheduled for mediocrity in the past.

The last couple schedules have been MUCH improved. Another example...finally this year FSU was able to schedule a patsy game before the FSU-UF game, like UF has been doing for years. FSU has always had a ACC game, sometimes a critical road game at that with the conference on the line, the week before a huge SEC-ACC showcase, while the Gators basically had two weeks off and a scrimmage to get ready. This year we were able to get Idaho before the Gators. Clemson gets The Citadel before USC. That's huge, and not just for FSU and Clemson. It's a huge win for the ACC for FSU to win that game.

These are kind of small things by themselves, but I'm constantly on the lookout for every factor, and whether it indicates the ACC "gets it" as far as how big time football is played, or whether it is still clinging to old, out-dated philosophies. So far, I see a lot of small positives across the league.
I think and hope there's a lot of truth in what you said. It's important to look at the little things, and if you do, I think there are more positives than negatives that indicate they get it now. They are late, no question...some of this stuff was very apparent years before the ACC started acting like it. Remember, and I know this may or may not be a sore spot on this board, but the ACC tried to do the 2005 expansion without VT. That's just unthinkable for a conference even remotely thinking football. The SEC would have snapped them up in a second, and everything would have been that much worse. They were saved from their own mess with that one.

That said, a few indications that the thought process is turning a bit...

1) Recent comments from the UNC AD about wanting to increase revenue 40%. That's the way to be thinking. One, because UNC has the alumni resources to do so, so they should be, and that kind of attitude finally alligns them with schools that NEED increased revenue to compete at the level they are trying to compete at. If UNC is NOT focused on increasing revenue, that puts them directly at odds with schools like FSU, Clemson and VT. Second, because you don't increase revenue without improving football. You either increase the revenue, and that money partially goes into football (let's face it, how much better can UNC's other sports get?). Or you increase revenue by putting a better football product on the field. I mean, how much more money can UNC basketball generate? No matter what, that's a football comment, even if not explicitly

2) Duke facility improvements. Quarter billion on improvements for arguably the worst BCS football program? Yes please.

3) Tom O'Brien fired. You could make a very strong argument that going to a bowl game every single year is NC St's ceiling. While NC St. has in my mind actually fired mediocre-but-not-terrible coaches before, and seems to want football success more than some other schools, Tom O'Brien's performance is the kind that has traditionally kept a guy employed in the ACC for some time. More importantly, you can make the case that O'Brien was fired at the right time, instead of a season or two late. It's not that the ACC NEVER fires it's coaches, it's that it allows too much damage to be done before it does. That extra year as a lame duck is devastating and leaves the cupboard bare.

The SEC errors on the other side of this, and while I think it's actually a bad thing in the wide world, purely on the football field, it pays dividends. The SEC generally fires guys too soon, as soon as things look slightly bad. Nobody has "earned" that extra year, even with a national championship. It's important, because their replacements come in with talent still in place, and before a culture of losing is ingrained.

I'll be watching Mike London hard on this front. Not saying it's right, but Mike London would have been fired after LAST season if he was in the SEC. If Virginia doesn't make a bowl for the second consecutive year, does he keep his job? The old ACC says yes, because he's a likeable guy, seems to run a good program, recruits well, and doesn't embarass the university. The new attitude would send him packing, while he's got a stacked roster that would attract a great candidate. I don't want to root against Mike London at all, so I'm hoping they do well this year. Which actually relates to...

4) Smarter OOC scheduling creeping in. Look at Duke's schedule. For the first time in a while, they haven't scheduled themselves as a sacrificial lamb to Alabama or Stanford or the like. They have scheduled all winnable games. NC State has a very good schedule for a rebuilding team. While there are still some bad exceptions, the ACC OOC schedule is getting just slightly smarter.

You're Duke, you have nothing to prove by getting pole-axed by a power program that isn't better proven by playing in a bowl game. The ACC schedules way, way harder OOC than any other conference.

Wait, you say, they have to because in conference is so weak. That MIGHT hold a little water for schools that are literally competing for a playoff spot and might see strength of schedule come into play. That means nothing to schools like UVA, NC State, UNC, GT etc who aren't going to be competing for a national championship, but are scheduling themselves out of 10 win seasons into 8 win seasons. NOBODY looks and says "but it's a STRONG 8 wins."

A big reason why the ACC conference slate is so week for SOS is that just about everyone comes into the conference season with two losses and unranked. Playing a 6-0 #23 ranked Pitt is always going to be better than an unranked 4-2 Pitt with two blowout losses.

UVA is the worst at this. They open with Oregon and BYU this year. Last year that had Penn State and TCU. Are you freaking kidding me? They are scheduling to get London fired. And those games mean nothing, other than maybe the PSU game. UVA isn't picking up pacific northwest recruits. Makes no sense when you're trying to build a program, and it doesn't follow the path of any program that has built a winning program out of nothing (at least since Bowden built FSU with a anyone/anywhere philosophy that simply doesn't work in a totally different world today). KSU, Wisconson, South Carolina, Oregon, any formerly awful program that turned themselves around, NONE of them built it by getting their brains bashed in over an over again by teams they couldn't compete with. Bite off what you can chew, and build on it over time, taking smart baby steps.

If you're going to take risks, you take them for games that will matter, like Clemson-GA or UNC-So. Car.

5) Conference scheduling. The last two conference schedules have been much, much smarter. A few years ago, the ACC scheduled FSU-Clemson, the premier ACC game of the year, one week after Clemson played Auburn and FSU played Oklahoma. Are you kidding me? Who is that good for? The ACC has been notorious for sending it's better football programs out to something like BC for a Thursday night game in November off a short week. The ACC has literally scheduled for mediocrity in the past.

The last couple schedules have been MUCH improved. Another example...finally this year FSU was able to schedule a patsy game before the FSU-UF game, like UF has been doing for years. FSU has always had a ACC game, sometimes a critical road game at that with the conference on the line, the week before a huge SEC-ACC showcase, while the Gators basically had two weeks off and a scrimmage to get ready. This year we were able to get Idaho before the Gators. Clemson gets The Citadel before USC. That's huge, and not just for FSU and Clemson. It's a huge win for the ACC for FSU to win that game.

These are kind of small things by themselves, but I'm constantly on the lookout for every factor, and whether it indicates the ACC "gets it" as far as how big time football is played, or whether it is still clinging to old, out-dated philosophies. So far, I see a lot of small positives across the league.
I wish you would stop making sense. If you keep making sense, we won't be able to make fun of you. And if we can't make fun of you, who will we make fun of (to replace making fun of UConn)?

Oh, what am I talking about? We'll still make fun of UConn.
I agree 1000% with everything you've said. It seems unthinkable - but in a way I've always shied away from watching the SEC because it seems so regional. It's hard to be a part of LSU vs Florida up here. It's good football - but this air of superiority from a regional southern conference has always bugged me. That's why I've watched Rutgers vs Pitt more than random SEC teams...

The ACC has an opportunity to bridge the gap. I'll be watching FSU vs Clemson - because with our addition, not only is there a direct effect on Syracuse - but I feel like its not a regional game but an eastern football game.

It's hard to articulate - but if the SEC has an archilles heal, it's that they are a smaller, more insular region. Large in population and tradition and reputation but exclusive and remote to the northeast and other regions.

The cross regional makeup and culture of the ACC is what makes it attractive in my opinion. The SEC is southern. The Big Ten is midwestern. I don't think Maryland and Rutgers will change that much. The ACC is bridging the North and South cultures of the Atlantic Coast, which I think has really broad appeal. With Notre Dame in the mix it adds national appeal. Being in the ACC offers access to the hotbed of football recruiting in the South and basketball recruiting in the East.
UVA is the worst at this. They open with Oregon and BYU this year. Last year that had Penn State and TCU. Are you freaking kidding me? They are scheduling to get London fired. And those games mean nothing, other than maybe the PSU game. UVA isn't picking up pacific northwest recruits. Makes no sense when you're trying to build a program, and it doesn't follow the path of any program that has built a winning program out of nothing (at least since Bowden built FSU with a anyone/anywhere philosophy that simply doesn't work in a totally different world today). KSU, Wisconson, South Carolina, Oregon, any formerly awful program that turned themselves around, NONE of them built it by getting their brains bashed in over an over again by teams they couldn't compete with. Bite off what you can chew, and build on it over time, taking smart baby steps.

If you're going to take risks, you take them for games that will matter, like Clemson-GA or UNC-So. Car.

As UVA fans we're scratching our heads regarding all the West Coast scheduling. We're not going to win a lot of recruiting battles in California. It's Jon Oliver, the Assistant AD, doing this. He came from Washington State, and he keeps bringing in these western teams on our schedule. The BYU series is a four game one. After this year, we're looking at UCLA, Boise State, and Stanford with 2 game series. We'll have another Oregon game too. We just lost 2 to USC. It was close in Los Angeles. We got killed at home with Mark Sanchez setting some record.

I feel sorry for Mike London trying to build a program with these schedules. At the same time, he got whipped twice by Southern Mississippi and lost to Lousiana Tech. He shouldn't be losing those games because the reason for each was coaching. North Carolina hired the Southern Mississippi coach since. Now he's lost to the same guy at UNC. But in his favor he's beaten Penn State once and Indiana twice. The Big Ten sucks.

London's changed all his assistants out with experienced coaches this season, so we'll see how they do. I agree with you in that he needs to make bowl games and the schedule is not set up really to do it easily.
i hope all the kids on here who get all excited when some dork comes on the board and goes 'i just wanted to wish you great luck and much success in the ACC!! im a (wake, dook, unc insert whatever) fan and i cant wait till we play you!!'

and i tell them to go F themselves....that you now understand.

if you have been reading Lou_C, do you get it now??? he can stay as long as he wants. this is who we should be cordial too.

the rest, yes...can go F themselves.

this is just another example of why you should leave the talent evaluating to the talent evaluators.

as you were.

Oh Lord
i hope all the kids on here who get all excited when some dork comes on the board and goes 'i just wanted to wish you great luck and much success in the ACC!! im a (wake, dook, unc insert whatever) fan and i cant wait till we play you!!'

and i tell them to go F themselves....that you now understand.

if you have been reading Lou_C, do you get it now??? he can stay as long as he wants. this is who we should be cordial too.

the rest, yes...can go F themselves.

this is just another example of why you should leave the talent evaluating to the talent evaluators.

as you were.

Oh Lord

How about we're cordial until they show otherwise? Who is the next Lou_C?
As UVA fans we're scratching our heads regarding all the West Coast scheduling. We're not going to win a lot of recruiting battles in California. It's Jon Oliver, the Assistant AD, doing this. He came from Washington State, and he keeps bringing in these western teams on our schedule. The BYU series is a four game one. After this year, we're looking at UCLA, Boise State, and Stanford with 2 game series. We'll have another Oregon game too. We just lost 2 to USC. It was close in Los Angeles. We got killed at home with Mark Sanchez setting some record.

I feel sorry for Mike London trying to build a program with these schedules. At the same time, he got whipped twice by Southern Mississippi and lost to Lousiana Tech. He shouldn't be losing those games because the reason for each was coaching. North Carolina hired the Southern Mississippi coach since. Now he's lost to the same guy at UNC. But in his favor he's beaten Penn State once and Indiana twice. The Big Ten sucks.

London's changed all his assistants out with experienced coaches this season, so we'll see how they do. I agree with you in that he needs to make bowl games and the schedule is not set up really to do it easily.

I am not 100 percent convinced that Mike London will be the long term answer at UVA. He was only a HC at the FCS level for two seasons (Richmond) before coming to Charlottesville. He seems to be a good recruiter, but, thats only part of it.
Easy now. This is just the Kaiser's way of saying "Howdy, ya'll".
the entire depth of the post went right over his head and below his feet.

so ill give him the cliff notes...

people who show up, add something and jump right into intelligent discussion = good.

people who show up, add nothing, say hello and drink the free coffee = bad

its all in the talent evaluating, leave it to the pros, both players and posters.

Oh Lord
the entire depth of the post went right over his head and below his feet.

so ill give him the cliff notes...

people who show up, add something and jump right into intelligent discussion = good.

people who show up, add nothing, say hello and drink the free coffee = bad

its all in the talent evaluating, leave it to the pros, both players and posters.

Oh Lord

I defer to you, I guess.

I understood, BTW. I just don't see how we lose anything but "free coffee." Now the random Rutgers/Uconn fan who saunters in here and starts spewing crap? Feed them to the wolves.
the entire depth of the post went right over his head and below his feet.

so ill give him the cliff notes...

people who show up, add something and jump right into intelligent discussion = good.

people who show up, add nothing, say hello and drink the free coffee = bad

its all in the talent evaluating, leave it to the pros, both players and posters.

Oh Lord

I'm also assuming the "free coffee" is paid for with eyeballs on the ads on the site, no? Maybe they pay for themselves?
I'm also assuming the "free coffee" is paid for with eyeballs on the ads on the site, no? Maybe they pay for themselves?
good question. dont know how the eyeballs are tracked.

if i should be closing down the window everytime i leave here and then opening a new one when i come back, because it counts as 2x etc, then i will.

lil help...

good question. dont know how the eyeballs are tracked.

if i should be closing down the window everytime i leave here and then opening a new one when i come back, because it counts as 2x etc, then i will.

lil help...

Lou_C has nailed the ACC exactly in this thread. FSU fans were pissed last year because even though they only had 1 loss most of the season they were stuck behind multiple loss SEC teams because the SEC computer rankings put them ahead of FSU even though they only lost by 1 point to NC State. If the ACC gets better winning percentages it will help the computer numbers.
The ACC needs Miami, Florida State, Clemson, Virginia Tech to lead the Football movement
North Carolina, Georgia Tech, Pitt, Louisville, NC State, Syracuse, Boston College, Virginia, Wake Forest, Duke need to provide a stronger underbelly.
Ideally two of the first four are top 10-20 from FSU, Miami, Clemson, VPI. and two of the other ten are top 25 teams and get 10/14 bowl eligible.
The ACC just need to be good enough for where a 1 loss team can make the playoffs unless there are four other undefeated teams. The ACC just needs its underbelly good enough to get the good schools into the playoffs when they are good enough.
Lou_C has nailed the ACC exactly in this thread. FSU fans were pissed last year because even though they only had 1 loss most of the season they were stuck behind multiple loss SEC teams because the SEC computer rankings put them ahead of FSU even though they only lost by 1 point to NC State. If the ACC gets better winning percentages it will help the computer numbers.
The ACC needs Miami, Florida State, Clemson, Virginia Tech to lead the Football movement
North Carolina, Georgia Tech, Pitt, Louisville, NC State, Syracuse, Boston College, Virginia, Wake Forest, Duke need to provide a stronger underbelly.
Ideally two of the first four are top 10-20 from FSU, Miami, Clemson, VPI. and two of the other ten are top 25 teams and get 10/14 bowl eligible.
The ACC just need to be good enough for where a 1 loss team can make the playoffs unless there are four other undefeated teams. The ACC just needs its underbelly good enough to get the good schools into the playoffs when they are good enough.
First of all, thank goodness this thread on the football board has morphed into a dicussion of football. Secondly, agreed. FSU's problem last year which ahs really been an ACC and BE problem the past few years has been neither conference was strong enough that a team just could not afford a slip up of any kind. If FSU had gone undefeated last year they'd have been in the title game I believe. Everything you said about the schools and their roles is true. I look forward to average years of 8 wins and every few years a 10 win season and we're competing for the conference title. We're really not that far away on the field from the top ACC teams right now. I beleive that FSU, Miami and Clemson have greater potential for more frequent success so yes more should be expected of them. I won't put Va Tech in their category just because I don't want to.
Virginia Tech is an odd case. They've probably seen their best under Beamer, though I hope I'm wrong. They just do not recruit well enough. They'll top the FSU and Miamis of the world when those programs are in shambles, and their recruiting wasn't much of a detriment when Clemson, UNC, UVA, etc weren't recruiting any better.

But with FSU getting their house in order, Miami possibly doing so soon, Clemson recruiting like the SEC-type school it is, UNC and UVA getting recruiting ramped up, and schools like NCSU, Pitt, BC, SU actually out-recruiting VT, I think the writing is on the wall.

But they are a great program, with a good history, and in a talent rich area, and with an instate rival who hasn't been all that serious about football. The guy that follows Beamer has every opportunity to come in there and and start knocking off top 10 or top 15 recruiting classes, IF they get a guy that understands the recruiting game and buys in. With the foundation they have, VT could really take off to the next level then. Or the Beamer show could just continue and wind down over a decade like the Bobby Bowden show did and burn a lot of that foundation.

It will be interesting. I don't think Beamer has become a bad coach by any means. I just don't think you are going to dominate the ACC with #50 recruiting classes any more.
VATech has never completed anything. Beamer racks up wins but does not win big games. Not sure why everyone thinks that VATech can really carry the ACC. I know they went to BCS games but they usually flopped. Historically, they are a good team, especially under Beamer. They just never put together a team that wins the big games.

Beamers teams without a Vick at Qb are not generally offensive juggernauts.
Again using my tier system I would ranked the ACC like this
Tier 1 consistent top 10 and multiple high level bowl wins, elite recruiting
Florida State

Tier 2 consistent top 15-25, good recruiting, multiple high level bowls
Miami(moved down from Tier 1 because of recent performance),
Virginia Tech,

Tier 3 consistent top 25-40 status, make bowls, recruit well
Georgia Tech

Tier 4 good history, make bowls, but not as consistent as Tier 3, recruit really well as well
North Carolina(I think they are ready to boil into Tier 3 status real soon)

Tier 5- have history, and make bowls but have a flaw recruiting, history, recent performance
Boston College
NC State
Wake Forest
Again using my tier system I would ranked the ACC like this
Tier 1 consistent top 10 and multiple high level bowl wins, elite recruiting
Florida State

Tier 2 consistent top 15-25, good recruiting, multiple high level bowls
Miami(moved down from Tier 1 because of recent performance),
Virginia Tech,

Tier 3 consistent top 25-40 status, make bowls, recruit well
Georgia Tech

Tier 4 good history, make bowls, but not as consistent as Tier 3, recruit really well as well
North Carolina(I think they are ready to boil into Tier 3 status real soon)

Tier 5- have history, and make bowls but have a flaw recruiting, history, recent performance
Boston College
NC State
Wake Forest

Is that how they rank now, or where we want them to be/think they should be?

It's pretty accurate for recent history, maybe even generous to FSU. But that's DEFINITELY not going to cut it going forward. Three top 25 teams a year, only one competing in the top ten is not going to cut it.

What I want to see, and I think is realistic, is:

Group 1:
North Carolina

This group needs to produce one team in the national championship hunt late in the year, and a second team in the Top 10, and 1-2 in the top 25 every single year.

Group 2:
NC State
Georgia Tech

Three of these six teams have to be in the Top 25 at any given time. None of them have to do it every year, but three of these group have got to be in at any given time.

Group 3:

These teams should shoot for bowl wins, and can certainly get ranked. But their responsibility is to not just thoroughly stink, and should not win less than 3-4 games in any given year.

That simply seems realistic. Can we do even better, sure. But if we can follow this pattern, that's two Top 10 teams and 5-6 Top 25 teams total every single year. That's a massive improvement and competetive with every single conference not called the SEC. And if you look at it, that plan doesn't put any one team on the spot. Realistically, is FSU expected to make more playoff appearances than UNC? Of course. But UNC should be able to put up a Top 10 finish a couple times a decade, and make for the fact FSU will fall out of the Top 10 a few times a decade no matter what.

This should be doable right now with current facilities, resources, and recruiting levels. We can certainly build on that success and get even better as winning pays benefits, but this is within our grasp right now, if schools demand these results from their coaches, and schedule appropriately to these goals.
The only issue I have with Lou C is that his posts always underestimate Orange tradition and Orange potential but he is no different than any other FSU fan I suppose :noidea:
north carolina most certainly needs to get their act together and be group 1.

thats a program that really should be much much better than it is.

sadly they tryed with davis, but he was too corrupt. but its that kind of hire they need.
north carolina most certainly needs to get their act together and be group 1.

thats a program that really should be much much better than it is.

sadly they tryed with davis, but he was too corrupt. but its that kind of hire they need.

I think NC State has more upside, actually. Better fan base for football, plus with the tightening if their academic standards, the heels aren't going to able to take some of the players they have been getting.
The only issue I have with Lou C is that his posts always underestimate Orange tradition and Orange potential but he is no different than any other FSU fan I suppose :noidea:

LOL. I'm not quite every other FSU fan when it comes to Syracuse. I grew up in Buffalo, and my entire mother's side of the family are in the Finger Lakes area and were hardcore Syracuse fans. I've been to football and basketball games in the Dome.

Trust me when I say I do NOT underestimate Orange tradition.

Am I underestimating Orange potential? Quite possibly. I hope so. I thought putting Syracuse as a half-the-time top 25 was pretty generous, and in the same group as Louisville, UVA and GT.

Maybe as much as the time as I spent in Western/Central NY gives me a positive view of Orange tradition, perhaps the time I've spent in the South around those big-time programs gives me an overly pessimistic view of Orange potential (again, unintentionally, I thought that was a positive outlook). You've definitely got some obstacles to deal with.

Hope you crush it. As hopefully is clear, I'm all for anything that makes the ACC stronger, other than anyone beating FSU.

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