I'm as player friendly as they come. I love guys like Devo, etc. Can't think of a football player with that type of attitude off the top of my head, but we all know that receivers are usually the divas of the team, or however you wanna put it. Which is fine by me. I'll take a cocky, arrogant, confident, loud-mouthed star over a timid, and/or lazy one all day. Though, I'd prefer someone like Queeley, who deserves more, but that's another story.
The thing is, Taj isn't nearly as good as he thinks, and nowhere near a star. Plus, he's as lazy as they come from what I can see on the field. There's no place for a player like that on any team, let alone one trying to build the foundation for a fast, high powered offense. Which of course relies heavily on wide outs making plays, so recruiting is paramount at the position, and he's not helping at all in that department.
He is pretty good with the ball in his hands, but getting it in his hands is a whole different story. And not because of the QB play. The kid never seems to take accountability for his actions, so at the very least, he needs to be planted firmly on the bench, in my opinion. Until he displays that he can act somewhat like an adult, and show an iota of respect for the team over just himself.
But, I'd honestly rather he be shown the door, and that's rare from me, as I know how immature I was at that age. Hell, still am, but you don't show up your own team, just because you can't show up the guys you're actually upset with, the defenders, and yourself. If not now, then after the season is fine by me, unless he makes some changes. I think that will be his decision regardless anyway, since he probably believes he belongs in the league already.
I'm not saying that he's a terrible person, with no redeemable qualities, and just a lost cause. But, he is a Junior, and it's getting to the point where the positives he brings to the team aren't on the same level as the negatives, in my eyes, and that's putting it mildly. I do have a good amount of faith in Dino though, when it comes to this aspect of the team. JW, as well, so I'd expect they aren't too far off from being on the same page as most of us, and about done with him.